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My previous post has been updated. A tiebreaker vote (and revisions to the suggested plans, should their creators feel it useful) would be appreciated.
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I'm switching back to my original, too.
Rob Kelk
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Okay, posting a revised version of my plan.
EDIT: because I forgot to hit that stupid 'Preview' checkbox....
First, add some breathable, Earth-at-sea-level atmosphere. Then see if you can make yourself a corporeal body to inhabit. And then, a Latrine. Stat. And a mess while we're at it. And if we're going the whole Rocketeer route, another Quonset for storage and maintenance of Jetpacks
might not be a bad idea. (You cannot tell me that if they had an
entire corps of these guys that they did not simplify the jetpacks to
the point where they could be 'field stripped' like a rifle.)
Honestly, I would have thought that 'breathable atmosphere' would have been psychosomatic* enough to have carried over... After all, we agonized over all the other details... and not once touched on 'scents'?
* I know that's not really the right word, but it's the closes thing I could think of.
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With two votes, Rob's original plan passes.
(BA, this is my mistake. I didn't give you all the details I should've on the concepts you've been making. With Tooltips on, you should've been told this stuff already, and I apologize for not doing so sooner.
Everything in ALITD has a type, and types interact in specific, defined ways. Everything you've created so far (with the exception of the pot roast) is classified as an Artifact- to be more precise, the hut is an Artifact(Building), and the uniforms it came with are Artifact(Equipment). Artifacts normally have to be equipped to something, in order to be used; in the case of Buildings, this means land.)
I'll do some revisions of my current posts over the next few days, and give you guys the info you should already have. For now, though, I'm working on the effects of the plan passing, and my next TNW post.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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Plan BlackAeronaut: Create a body, a latrine, a mess, and a maintenance shop.
Plan Rob (original): Create ground beneath the hut, create air to breathe and water to drink, and then implement Plan BA.As you float idly around the outside of your barracks, you find yourself thinking.
Making that barracks wasn't hard at all. Why, I could've done that a dozen times over, no problem.
Now that I think of it, Camp Hughes weren't more than twenty huts like that.
The idea comes to you in a flash. Why not? Not like it costs me anything to try it- just a bit of time. If you had a face, you'd be grinning.
First things first. Gotta plan this out. What all do I need?
Ground, first of all. You think back over your memories of Camp Hughes, the Rocketeer training facility the Air Corps knocked together up in the north of California. Flat plain for the base... lots of open space around it for maneuvers... that river off to the north... all those hills off to the east ... got it. The area is as familiar to you- if not more so- than your barracks. Lord knows you spent more time out there than in the sack!
[Muninn- Target: 10(+30)= 40Roll: 58FAILURE]
Problem is, you just can't conceptualize all of that. It doesn't all fit in your mind's eye. Okay, maybe that's a bit much to start with. Don't need the hills yet. Yeah, that should be easier.
[Muninn- Target: 10(+30)= 40Roll: 39SUCCESS]
This time, you feel your mental image of the place sharpen up, fill in, and become real.
[Concept {Camp Hughes} Developed!](Land, Legendary)
Silver Will explodes from your form, forming into the shape within your mind.
[Huginn Roll: AUTO-SUCCESS]
This time, though, you notice something different. As your Will shifts from silver light to physical dirt, you can feel some of it change- not from light to matter, but into a different form of light. You reach your senses out into your new land, idly settling your barracks down right where it once was, and feel the light there.
The first thing you notice as you touch it, oddly enough, is that it's brown. The new light is darker than the silver, and tastes of solidity. Smells of earth. You know, just from the intensity of it, that it's not as strong as silver... but it feels a lot less focused, and a lot less limited. Even as you listen to it, you see it grow within the soil, as if the ground were creating more of this brown power.
You reach out with your mind, draw up some of the brown light, and it listens. Obeys. It's rigid- less fluid than silver light, but at the same time, requires less focus to work with.
[You discovered the Brown Light!](Brown light is the power of elemental earth. It tends toward a state of stability, and exemplifies physical existence. It comes from the ground- dirt, rock, and unworked metal.)
Creating the land has wiped you out for the time being, so you take some time to rest before continuing to work.
(More later today.)
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While resting, turn our focus on examining our own metaphysical structure. (i.e. meditate on ourself.)
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Plan Jorlem
Rob Kelk
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them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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(Sure, I can bang that out.)
While you rest, you turn your attention inward. You're familiar with your own basic structure- you watched it build itself, after all!- but now you have the time to devote to a more detailed examination.
At the moment, your 'body' is essentially your mind. In form, it is a sphere, segmented into a number of layers.
The core of the sphere is empty; it is here where the light of your Will gathers. Around it is the true center of your being- the idea of Existence. It manifests as a framework- one piece, unlike the more composite structures of the upper levels- wrapped around the empty space of your core.
[Huginn- Target: 10(+20)= 30Roll: 90FAILURE]
[Huginn- Target: 10(+20)= 30Roll: 27SUCCESS]
Just looking at it, you can see... weaknesses. Structural flaws. It does the job, but it could be stronger than it is.
[Integrity stat unlocked!]
[Your Integrity has been increased to 1!]
is the durability of your current existence. If it reaches 0, you are
destabilized. In this state, you are vulnerable!)
Surrounding- built upon- the idea of your Existence is a network of... the best description you can come up with is 'fragments'. Bits of structure, linked together in a chaotic mess. The fragments are constantly shifting, breaking apart and welding together into new shapes all the time. It doesn't take you much effort- just touching a few fragments, and seeing what they are- to figure out that each individual piece is a thought.
The final layer of your thought-body is filled with the same sort of metaphysical fragments as the one inside of it. Here, though, they've been assembled into something resembling a coherent, architecturally sound structure. These fragments, now a whole, rarely move at all. Again, discerning the purpose of this layer is simple. One touch to a particularly sturdy-looking beam, and you find yourself reliving the day your gal kissed you for the first time. Given that, you decide it's a safe bet that they're memories.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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While still meditating, create an apple, so we can see what happens when we use our power. Pay attention in particular to those structural weaknesses, to check if any of them are needed to channel our Will.
Edit:Also, I think armoring our outer layer should be a high priority, once we are fully recharged. I don't want to loose memories every time we take a hit in combat.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Well, we're still waiting to recover enough to finish making the base, but one apple's worth of delay in exchange for a better understanding of how our abilities work seems like a reasonable trade. Let us continue with Jorlem's plan.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Agreed -- Jorlem's plan.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Plan Jorlem
Ponderings (to which I don't expect answers from Bluemage until we try doing something related to them): - We've discovered the Brown Light - elemental earth. I'm guessing there are a few more elements to discover, but are they Greek or Chinese? We're already planning to create some water and air; should we try for fire, or metal and wood, or both? Something for after we've created the air and water.
- That pot roast is probably vacuum-dessicated by now. We can still use it as something to move around, though.
- Once we've created a body, will we be able to live in it? If yes, will we be able to live out of it again? Might be better to stay in "god mode."
Rob Kelk
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them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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(Rob, I think you'll find the answer to your first musing when I get done writing the next part. Suffice it to say you're already on the right track to get the full set of elements, and neither of those sets is it.I think I mentioned that about the roast earlier. Don't worry- you have the concept for it!As for the body, I'll spoil this now. Yes, you can create a body, inhabit it, and leave it as you will. Your true form is what you are now- whatever you choose to inhabit might be alive (if you figure out how to create life) and part of you (while you occupy it, at least), but it's not your actual body. Being physical makes you both more and less vulnerable, and makes you both more and less capable.)
You split off some of your attention, and skim through your memories. For your next trick, you'll need something small, fairly simple... ah! An apple. That'll do.
[Muninn- Target: 10(+30)= 40Roll: 8SUCCESS]
[Concept {Apple} Developed!]
It takes you barely any effort to conceptualize an apple, and a bare minimum of your nearly-recovered Will- and, more importantly, your attention- to bring it into existence. The rest of your attention is focused inwards, to see how your self and your power interact.
[Huginn- Target: 10(+20)= 30Roll: 14SUCCESS]
The first thing you notice is that 'concepts' are the same sort of fragments that make up your thoughts and memories, only... more so. Perfected, in form and function. They are forged in the core of your mind, in the shape of the inspiration you provide, from... wherever the silver light comes from. You tried to peer through the tiny, tiny hole in- well, everything- that it all came from, but what you saw made no sense at all. If you had eyes, they'd be crossed. If you had a head, it'd be splitting.
Then you watch, as a small measure of silver light streams out of your core. It threads its way around everything, from the framework that is/supports your Existence, to the thoughts and memories built on it. It passes through your outer bubble, the edge of your mind/reality, without even a ripple, and changes from light to Red Delicious without a hitch.
Huh. It doesn't seem to interact with the structure of your mind at all. Guess you just need the concept so that you can tell it exactly what to do.
(The structural weaknesses just mean that you can currently see ways to bolster your Integrity. Actually, all your stats can be raised, in a number of different ways, many of which I've hinted at already. If you try to do this, you have to explain how it is to be done, both in terms of what stats you use to do it, and in terms of the conceptual basis for making yourself work better.
The next bit of Creation will come after I finish TNM for the day.)
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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Okay, I think I'm ready for the next step. You float over to the empty riverbed, navigating by the faint silver glow of the bubble around the land.
[Muninn- Target: 10(+30)= 40Roll: 90FAILURE]
[Muninn- Target: 10(+30)= 40Roll: 48FAILURE]
[Muninn- Target: 10(+30)= 40Roll: 21SUCCESS]
[Concept {Water} Developed!]
It takes you some time to get the totality of the concept down- three tries, actually. Your first try focuses too much on the freshness of the water. Your second is closer, but you fail to grasp the fullness of what you're trying to do.
On your third try, though, you manage it, and immediately exhaust the Will you've built up on creating water. First, the small pond at the end of the stream. Then, the stream itself- or at least the part of it you actually created. Water pours off the edge of your world for a few seconds after you finish, but you don't care. You're too busy examining the liquid you're creating, watching the silver light change, in the same curious way it did when you created the land.
This time, the new light looks blue to your senses. It smells of water- fitting, considering where it came from. You call some of the blue light to you; oddly enough, you get the sense that the light considers your command- thinks it over- before deciding to come to you. It's not aware, you can tell that much, but it is adaptable... and thought is a part of its nature. It is fluid, in more than one sense of the term.
[You discovered the Blue Light!](Blue light is the power of elemental water. It tends toward a state of fluidity (both adaptiveness and literal liquid), and exemplifies the mental aspects of existence . It comes from natural liquids, most notably any sufficiently large quantity of water.)
Once that's done, the rest of the water goes up and out, falling back down into the earth you'd created before. It seemed rather dry, before- you're hoping that this will clear that up. A trickle of Will remains; you spend it filling the tank back at the camp with fresh, clear drinking water.
By the time you finish, the ground is bone-dry again. A cloud of gas is floating over it- interestingly, when you touch it with your senses, it feels just like the missing water.
Looks like water acts mighty strange without air around. Guess I'll just make more of it later- that is, if it doesn't start behavin' once I've got some air in place.
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Bluemage Wrote:The first thing you notice is that 'concepts' are the same sort of fragments that make up your thoughts and memories, only... more so. Perfected, in form and function. A Platonic ideal of ideas? Nifty.
Bluemage Wrote:[You discovered the Blue Light!]
We've still got some commands in the queue - no need to add any more just yet.
Rob Kelk
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Well, our Will is tapped for the moment again. Might as well meditate some more while waiting for it to recharge.
While waiting for our reservoir of Will to refill, we resume meditating. This time, we focus our attention on the interplay between our thoughts and our memories. Focusing on a single memory, watch to see how that alters the flow of our thoughts as they move about the central layer. The goal here is to see if we can determine a pattern in our thought flow, as a first step towards figuring out a way to organize our thoughts.
That completed, we move on to free association, watching to see how related memories are connected, and the time it takes for our thoughts to travel between them. Are they efficiently clustered, or scattered about the memory shell? If the latter, perhaps we could improve our memory by organizing it in a more efficient way? Basically, run the disc defragmenter analyzer on our memory shell.
Finally, watch to see if we can see a memory of the observations we just made join the memory shell, or if we can find it if it is already there. That way, we can determine if our memory shell is just the memories from our previous life, or if new memories will be added to it as well.
If you haven't already guessed, I'm looking for ways with which we might be able to boost our Huginn and Muninn stats, that is, our thoughts and memories. These stats respectively control our ability to comprehend what we see, and to Create things, so I'd like to prioritize boosting those. Integrity is also very important, but we already have a clue how to boost that, so I think figuring out how to level these up as well would be a good next step.
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"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Oh! (slaps forehead)
Bluemage Wrote:(Brown light is the power of elemental earth. It tends toward a state of stability, and exemplifies physical existence. It comes from the ground- dirt, rock, and unworked metal.) Bluemage Wrote:(Blue light is the power of elemental water. It tends toward a state of fluidity (both adaptiveness and literal liquid), and exemplifies the mental aspects of existence. It comes from natural liquids, most notably any sufficiently large quantity of water.)
I've played BESM and GM'ed In Nomine - I know which element's missing. I'm surprised it took me this long to notice, and I expect we'll pick it up when we get around to making some air.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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As you wait and recover, an idle thought strikes you. I was having a think earlier... but I was watchin' myself think at the same time. How's that work?
As an experiment, you think back to a morning run around the Camp. Which one, you're not sure- they tend to blend together after a while- but you don't particularly care at the moment.
You're too busy watching yourself think about it.
[Huginn- Target: 10(+20)= 30Roll: 75FAILURE]
...or, at least, trying to. You do learn that your thoughts are more complex than your memories- each train of thought more like one of those 'Erector sets' than a simple fragment- but you can't quite follow which thoughts are which, or how they fit together.
Scowling to yourself, you shelve the idea for now. Better to come back to this. If I try it now, I might drive myself nuts.
Memories, though...You turn your attention to your outer shell, and focus your thoughts...
[Muninn- Target: 10(+20)= 30Roll: 20SUCCESS]
...before running your metaphorical 'fingers' across every memory in a decently-large region of the layer, skimming the content of each of them just long enough to place them.
[Huginn- Target: 10(+40)= 50Roll: 44SUCCESS]
It doesn't take much in the way of skull-sweat for you to realize something fairly important. There's no rhyme or reason to where these things are put. No order at all. I've got the instant I woke up here, my first flight, and my sixth birthday, all jumbled up right next to each other. What's with that?(You can now choose to Organize Memories, in an effort to improve your Memory stat! Be aware, though- doing so requires an extended effort. Quitting in the middle of an attempt will erase your progress, so think before you commit!
Creating Air will be my next post, and your next action.)
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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Making a concept of Air is easy for you. You reckon you spent more of the last few years in the air than on land, after all. You know air, in a way that most people never do.
[Muninn- Target: 10(+40)= 50Roll: 6SUCCESS]
[Concept {Air} Developed!]
Making the air itself isn't all that hard, either. You've been getting a good bit of practice making things recently, and it's all the same process. Admittedly, you weren't expecting to create a giant block of ice instead of breathable air, but you know it's not something you did. You can feel it. The mountain of ice covering your lands isn't full of blue light, like the water you made before.
No, this time the light's gray, and in constant motion.
When you touch the gray light, you can't help but smile. It smells of air- clean, sweet air, without even the slightest bit of pollution.
[You discovered the Gray Light!](The gray light, as already mentioned, is elemental air. It tends towards a state of chaos or motion, is aligned with gases and vapors, and exemplifies spiritual existence. It comes from all skies, but grows stronger the higher up you go.)
The gray light listens when you tell it to go somewhere, you find from inside your giant block of atmospheric ice, but wanders off the instant it gets there. Huh. Always knew the sky didn't know when to stop. Guess it doesn't know how, either.
Any suggestions?(You are currently stuck with ice instead of water, and ice instead of air. You could try and solve that trifling issue, or try for a spot of introspection. Or something else, if you've got a better plan.)
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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If we're going to meditate, let's try to get our thoughts in order. Sort out what we know - maybe we'll find an Easter Egg or two while tidying up. Call this "Plan robkelk meditation"
If we aren't... Hmmmmm... e=mc^2. We've got the "m"; let's try for the "e" in a couple of ways. (I have a hunch trying for anything related to "c" might end the tutorial - the Book of Genesis says "Let there be light!" was what was said on the First Day, after all.) Put some air inside the barracks - see whether we can move some of what we've created already (kinetic energy); if not, create some more. Immediately following, in the barracks' stove (create one if it doesn't exist already) conjure up some wood and some flames to keep the air warm (thermal energy). We need the air to keep the fire going, and we need the fire to keep the air from freezing. Call this "Plan robkelk energy"
My vote's for Plan robkelk meditation first, then Plan robkelk energy.
Rob Kelk
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In addition to Plan robkelk meditation's attempt to give organizing our thoughts another go* , I'd like to suggest we take a good look at the reservoir of our Will, and try to think of ways that we could potentially expand it. Ideally, these would be ways that would not compromise our Integrity. Perhaps we could accomplish both at once, by expanding the Integrity framework, instead of simply reinforcing it? Once that is done, we should then see if we can Create replicas of the parts that make up our metaphysical structure. If we want to try to improve ourself, it would be better to test attempts out on parts that aren't intrinsic to our well being.
*We already have a partial understanding of the organization (or lack thereof) of our memories. Perhaps we could start this attempt with some free association, and pay attention to the memories the thoughts bounce off of, and how that affects them? With any luck, this would also move us towards being able to possess two streams of thought, which would likely make interacting with our own metaphysical body far easier, along with what other benefits it could provide.
Also, an idea to keep in mind for once we've managed to organize our thoughts: accelerating our thoughts. Doing so before getting them organized would likely make doing so more difficult, but after the flows are worked out, boosting the speed we can think would be a good next step.
Edit:Also, I think pulling back the pendulum and setting everything in motion should only be done once we are ready to move on from the tutorial. I'm that setting things moving could trigger a chain of events that could start the universe. So long as there isn't any energy, nothing can happen without our Willing it to happen.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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We probably should ought to dam up the river where it reaches the end(s) of the current patch of ground, before we go trying to thaw anything, and fire will be difficult without already-gaseous air, which we'll probably need to hold in as well.
I'll agree to plan robkelk meditation while we're rebuilding Will, but rather than trying for fire right off, let's surround the whole thing with a gas bag, like a giant airship. It'll need to be rigid as well as airtight to stand up to gravity before the air-ice melts, and to contain it once it does, which could be tricky. Maybe we can just mark a boundary where we want the air to stop, without a physical structure to be subject to the forces of gravity or pressure? Try making a small balloon field about our own size and fill it with air at Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure (77° F, 1 bar) as a test.
Edit: Jorlem - it's not that there's no time, the water flowed for a bit before freezing, we just haven't added any heat to things
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote:
Edit: Jorlem - it's not that there's no time, the water flowed for a bit before freezing, we just haven't added any heat to things
I'm a bit confused here. I didn't say anything about time not existing in our little reality bubble, and I'm not sure where you are getting that.
Edit:Also, to repeat myself, we don't know quite how many mechanics are left in the tutorial, just that it will end when we've seen them all. We do know there are at least two more: Whatever color light is attached to energy, and the combat mechanic. The combat portion of the tutorial will likely start at a time we can't directly control, but we can control when we add energy to our reality. Because of this, I think we should hold off on progressing that part of the tutorial for the time being, and experiment with the mechanics we do have available, while we are still in the safety of the tutorial. Unlocking the stat boosting methods we can find is a priority, but I'd aslo like to try mixing the various colors of light we have access to.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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(Right, then. Let me go over a few things.
-The tutorial ends when all basic game mechanics are introduced. There are two more lights between you and then. The combat mechanic isn't actually part of the tutorial.-Time is progressing, even during the tutorial. Delaying tutorial completion artificially doesn't gain you much, if anything.-I will confirm that the major problem with your current world is that everything within it is now only slightly above absolute zero.)
Here are the currently proposed plans:-Rob Meditation: Sort memories, try to organize thoughts.-Jorlem Meditation: Rob Meditation, plus try to figure out Will enhancement/partial duplication/mental multitasking.-Rob Energy: Put air inside barracks, light stove.-CD Energy: Dam river, make human-size zeppelin cell, fill with air at STP.
Currently, Rob Meditation has two votes. (CD, Rob). Jorlem Meditation has one vote (Jorlem).
Rob Energy has one vote (Rob). CD Energy has one vote (CD).
Rob, the barracks has a stove. It is also full of air, as the hut was not airtight. The air has frozen, like all the other air inside your reality.CD, do you want to dam it off, continue it in such a way that you won't lose the water, or end it in something like a lake? Also, where did you want to create the gas bag? Outside of your current reality bubble?
Here is the current world map.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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For the river, I just meant temporary dams at either end to keep from losing what's in it; once there's more world it can be linked into a longer watercourse or whatever. For the gas bag, as long as it's not intersecting something solid anywhere should be fine, it's just a test before expending the effort to make one big enough for the whole thing. I still don't have a good way to put it in 1940s-IC terms, but basically what I'm after is a force field or Maxwell's Demon to keep the air from just expanding away into the nothing around us, at best something like the usual concept of a dimensional wall or a classical Crystal Sphere to be the outer edge of our new pocket universe. That would require being expandable or at least permeable to non-gasses and gas contained in something else, the permeable version would make for a rather odd sort of world if it couldn't be removed later, though. In any case, the analogy of a zeppelin cell was just approaching the idea IC.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows