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Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Re: A star trek fanfic
Some would call it an alternate universe Star Trek story, but really it might just be a difference in your "Points of View".
Big difference. I got about a chapter and a half into this and realized that it just wasn't grabbing me at all.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: A star trek fanfic
Yeah, I could see how it could be good but it just wasn't working with me.
Characters didn't feel right I think was my main problem.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Mmm. Dresden Files. I read three or so books of that series so far. Now, I'll have to catch up and read the rest. [Image: wink.gif]
Liked the fic. Thanks for the rec! --

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]
Re: A star trek fanfic
Yeah, I could see how it could be good but it just wasn't working with me.
Characters didn't feel right I think was my main problem.
I agree the characters didn't feel right.
I think the writer should have used another Federation starship with a crew based loosely on the enterprise's crew.
The Enterprise has a far to well defined set of characters or crew. Instead the writer should have used another Federation starship possibly one mentioned in passing by the crew or shown for a few seconds in a episode.
I can live with the writers shoehorning of the well known characters to fit a darker interpretation of the communistic Federation, but I wish this writer hadn't made the mistake.
"Star Trek the Next Generation" after all only lets us see things from the point of view of the Enterprise and it's Crew.
The Enterprise is the flagship of the entire Federation and it's Starfleet. It can be argued very easily that it isn't the best example to study to find out what Starfleet and the Federation are really like.
The basic fanfic idea is very good and something I felt like kicking myself for not thinking of, especially when I know the history of nations that have changed to communistic or socialistic systems.
If the writer had used another Federation starship with an original crew it would have been one of those fanfic stories that sends a chill down your spine and makes you take a second look at a series.
You would go back to the original show to refute the fanfics different and much darker point of view of the communistic Federation and it Starfleet and yet would be left with a vague feeling of unease that just maybe the Utopian communistic society Picard and his crew have talked about representing isn't quite the near Utopia they claim or even possibly think it is.
howard melton
God bless
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
A neglected Harry gets his tiny little hands on a particular *ancient* silver coin.
I've never read/seen any "Dresden Files" material, but this fic is now on my "check regularly" bookmark list.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Dresden Files info for those who apparently missed it.

Harry Dresden is the only Wizard in the chicago yellow pages.
He doesn't do birthday parties or love potions.

Sort of like film-noir meets supernatural the tv series.
Wizards have a secret society, except its a lot more "old world" than the potterverse. Demons and Fae are running around, and neither are a laughing matter.
The High Councilact a lot more like the Jedi Council and less like ministry/government officials. There are the laws of magic.
(Killing with magic is bad, drawing power from death/darkness is bad, using magic against a human is bad)
Oh, and if you're bad? You get a nice shiny trial right before they chop your head off.

First Dresden book starts off with Harry trying to make a living and get along without triggering the hair trigger of an executioner.
You see, he killed his first teacher with black magic, you see. Hes only walking around because there was the extenuating circumstance that said teacher was trying to devour his immortal soul at the time.
So, he get a begrudged second change. They held off on executing him. But they let him now that any more screwups and he was a dead man.

Anyways: parts relevant to the particular potter crossover:
The Denarians are 30 Fallen angels, imprisoned in ancient silver coins. Anyone who bears one of those coins gets an instant magical and mental connection directly with said angel. Sometimes the angel subsumes the soul of the bearer, sometimes not.
Nicodemus is a long-time bearer who intends to bring about the apocalypse as soon as possible, not all the Denarians agree, but enough do that he is not to be trifled with.

The Order have a number of swords blessed with angelic might, and are the closest things to mortals that can actually stand up to them. Michael Carpenter is one of them. It has been revealed in some of the Dresden books that most of the other swords the order uses have been reforged at least once, except his.
Despite that, the order did lose track of it for some time in the dark ages, in England. His sword might very well be Excalibur.
The Dresden Files are excellant mind candy, not great literature, but always a good read.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
As an Addenium, the thirty coins are the blood money the Jewish authorities paid Judas for turning over Jesus.--
La Krueze: I just want everyone in the universe to suffer. Is that so wrong?
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Avaryan has an Angelic Layer/Rozen Maiden fic up called Apotheosis.
I've never watched RM, but I always love to see more AL fic! Just intro chapters atm -- it'll be interesting to see where this goes. --

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Academy Blues :
It's a very good pre-StrikerS Nanoha continuation fic. It is, however, the sequel to the not quite as good fic Path of Vengance,
Personally, I think that Academy Blues is worth slugging through Path of Vengeance.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Personally, I think that Academy Blues is worth slugging through Path of Vengeance.
I agree.
Fortunately, it's not really necessary. The only thing I've found myself even momentarily confused about is 'Where did Hayate end up with a completely different magic system?', and that eventually does get explained satisfactorily.
I'm expecting Laura's device to end up being a shotgun or Garand or something, though. I mean, c'mon. American. Velka cartridges. It's frikkin' obligatory. And a rifle with a bayonet is a surprisingly badass melee weapon, so it's not even like she'd be breaking precedent. ^_^
Ja, -n

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
I'm expecting Laura's device to end up being a shotgun or Garand or something, though. I mean, c'mon. American. Velka cartridges. It's frikkin' obligatory. And a rifle with a bayonet is a surprisingly badass melee weapon, so it's not even like she'd be breaking precedent. ^_^
Until recently, I would have said that I expected it to be a spear-like weapon, but Noriko's device is odd enough to show that the author is not afraid to go for the unusual.
The only thing I've found myself even momentarily confused about is 'Where did Hayate end up with a completely different magic system?'
I'm pretty sure that, not having met him much before, you don't get the same "holy fuck" reaction that I got when Akira was left alone with the students. I know he can't hurt them, but Vita will go ballistic if she hears about it and, although not as bad, the other adults will really not be happy about it if they learn of it.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Vita as a history teacher?
It's fun. I read all of PoV and I'm up to chapter 13 of Academy Blues. I read it when I really should be working on this paper. *********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Indeed, was a fun read and I'm eagerly awaiting more.
Even if the author is a subscriber to the Scrya Romance Heresy. [Image: smile.gif] --
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
I finished Academy Blues (stupid paper...) and I'm impressed with it. Noriko's device was certainly unique. I'm looking forward to seeing what shape Laura's device takes. Knowing her it's probably going to be crazy. [Image: happy.gif] *********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
I finished Academy Blues (stupid paper...) and I'm impressed with it. Noriko's device was certainly unique. I'm looking forward to seeing what shape Laura's device takes. Knowing her it's probably going to be crazy.
I'm extremely interested in how you expect her to top fan-chucks.
Or would that be tessenchaku? Eh. Whatever. ^_^
Oh, and, since I think I forgot to say so earlier: I loathe.
IMHO, the Furies books are better than the Dresden ones, but I think that a large part of that is that their younger, less world-weary protagonist tends to give them a slightly brighter feel, which appeals to me when I'm in one of my (far too many) depressive episodes.
Ja, -n

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Well that's going on the favorites list, although I must say, I don't quite get why the author felt it nessecary to give Hayate another form of magic. Doesn't really seem to add anything to the story that couldn't have been done with the two canon types.
On the other hand, Yay Fan-Chucks!--
La Krueze: I just want everyone in the universe to suffer. Is that so wrong?
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Akane with a death wish. it sholdn't be funny but it is.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Ranma always has fiane troubles, even if the fiance in question is... ranma.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: A Not So Simple Wish
Ranma always has fiane troubles, even if the fiance in question is... ranma.
This is a damned fine story -- but it's also incomplete. And it cuts off at a point where you just want to reach out, grab the author by the throat and demand he write more.
I've tried that. He's not going to any time soon.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Hp/Dresden Files
Akane with a death wish. it sholdn't be funny but it is.
Yikes. You're right. It shouldn't be funny, but oh man is it! Especially the way it's twisting around the patterns of the original.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Another Potter xover
Sadly, this is just a drabble and unlikely to be finished, but still, an interesting cross.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Re: Another Potter xover
A Drabble is a literary exercise which tells a story in exactly one hundred words, no more, no less.
The term you are seeking is "shortfic" or "spamfic".
Thank you.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Another Potter xover
Foxboy wrote:
Sadly, this is just a drabble and unlikely to be finished, but still, an interesting cross.
I dunno... it seems like Jeconais is slowly writing that shortfic in fits and bursts as the mood strikes him.. in between waiting for his other projects to clear the betas [Image: smile.gif]
We might see it completed yet [Image: smile.gif] just you know... not anytime soon... :S_______________________________
We're definitely playing this game wrong. I thought Vampire was supposed to be a game of personal horror, not about ninja airstrikes
at night.
- A friend after playing a session of Dark Ages Vampire.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. THERE IS ONLY WAR!
-Same friend.
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: Another Potter xover
A Drabble is a literary exercise which tells a story in exactly one hundred words, no more, no less.
You're being kinda harsh on Foxboy. For one thing, if there's a mistake in terminology, it isn't his - please note that Jeconais labeled this piece a drabble on his website.
Second, a Drabble is indeed a short piece of writing exactly one hundred words long. But like any term, it's used somewhat inaccurately in colloquial speech. Some folks use it for stories with a maximum of a hundred words. Some apply it to stories that go over that limit. Whether you accept that as reasonable language drift is up to you.
Also, the concept is reputedly a product of science fiction fandom - so calling it a "literary" term is rather debatable as well. =)
-- Acyl
Re: Another Potter xover
These are both valid definitions of drabble:
1) a single scenewritten without the frame of a story
2) A fan fiction that is self contained and is no more than 100 hundred words.

I, and most people I know, use the first definition.
Jeconais can't write drabbles. He writes shortfics.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"

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