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Crossovers That Should Be: Legends Dabon
"When I was young, I inherited the leadership of the family business and carried on in my father's footsteps, arming my nation's military forces with the fruits of my genius.  Until I saw firsthand the devastation wrought by the tools I had created, used in the hands of those who cared only for power and nothing for responsibility.  And, seeing this war looming on the horizon, I made what I thought was the only moral choice -- I abandoned the vocation of armaments and devoted myself to building technologies of peace, in the hopes my absence from the military sciences would reduce the brutality of the conflict I saw coming."

"Instead, I learned that the weapons are not the problem -- the people misusing them are.  And that, absent my own genius for the creation of ever-more-powerful weapons, those people made up the difference in sheer ruthlessness... volume... and a breadth of bloody-minded improvisational brilliance that left even me shocked."

"Now, this war has taken on a life of its own.  The voices of peace have been drowned in an ocean of blood, and every work of my hands wrought for the sake of life and prosperity has been destroyed, or repurposed, in the name of this conflict.  This conflict that, I am now convinced, will only end with the extinction of every nation and culture involved.  Or with the intervention of a higher power."

"I have taken it upon myself to be that higher power.  I have always been accused of arrogance, and I do not deny it.  But not even my greatest detractors can deny that I have always created the power to justify that arrogance... if perhaps not the judgement."

"Be that as it may, I believe that even this arrogant, self-righteous choice, and acting on it, will be less evil than simply doing nothing, as I chose before.  That to arrogate myself the role of peacemaker will take fewer lives than the alternative.  That destroying the means to continue this war is more just than to let it continue.  No matter how much blood ends up on my hands."

"My name is Tony Stark.  And I am Gundaman."

Wow, that was a long way to go for a punchline, but once Tony started monologuing in my head, I couldn't get him to shut up.  Imagine Eolia Schenberg, from Gundam 00, except taking on the roll of both ironmonger and warrior.  And a war that's more like Original Gundam, or Gundam Seed, in its scope of impending mutual genocide.
Now imagine Tony Stark, driven (or dragged) to the point where he honestly believes that nothing less than taking the gloves completely off, and forcing peace by any means available, is by far the least evil of the options available to him.  Frankly, I'm just a little bit scared.
Hmm, don't remember the issue number, but that was basically the plot of "What If? Iron Man Sold Out" back mid 90s ish. This was where the Overload armor, about the size of a Sentinel but with Juggernaut's build and the largest Iron Man as far as I know, showed up.

My question is, do we get to see a Gundanium Man/Crimson Comet throwdown?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
ClassicDrogn Wrote:My question is, do we get to see a Gundanium Man/Crimson Comet throwdown?
Cheer for the guy in red.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

Somewhat related to #187 this thread, I was researching for C&Cing a Fate, and I noticed that Plutarch had done biographies of Alexander and Heracles, among many others. I figured that it might be neat if he could, as a servant, bring in all the guys he wrote about.


1. The classes might not be set in stone. There may be other options suitable for that.

2. Think about the personality a fighter may have. A deep friendship may also contain a shared awareness of being willing to fight each other to death, if it came down to it. That said, bonds and goals shared in life might easily be greater than the goals and emotional bonds gained after being summoned. On the other hand, maybe in life they really wanted to hash everything out, and fight to the death.

3. Reasons a Servant might fight include emotional bonds with the master, command runes, and the desire for a wish. Servants generally must have a wish that they strongly desire to have granted to agree to be summoned. If the Servants are seven friends, and they have incompatible wishes, this may cause them to fight to the death. Conversely, if they have the same wish, and it isn't 'fight my friends to the death', they may well collude against their masters to get it done.
...really wonder about how my brain works, sometimes.

Somewhere in my hindbrain, apparently, various memories of the TV series "Junkyard Wars/Scrapheap Shuffle" somehow happened to simultaneously cross paths with "Robot Wars," the FIRST championships, "Iron Chef," Reality TV, "MacGuyver," and "The A-Team." Oh, and anime in general, of course.

The first result was "Junkyard Wars" in the Gundam universe. But the next result was:

"All right, contestants! We've dropped you into a universe under simultaneous attacks by the Achuultani, Daleks, and the Cthulhutech version of the Yuugoth. Your task is to cobble together effective defenses and SAVE THE UNIVERSE, using whatever you can find! As always, you will be scored by our panel of judges on technical brilliance, impressive improvisation, style, and straight-up kill count on the enemy. And now, the moment you've been waiting for (or dreading)! Drumroll, please!"


"For this contest, your "secret ingredient" will be... GUNDANIUM! And your surprise scrapheap will be... WASHUU HAKUBI'S JUNK DRAWER!!!!!!!"
Some six years ago, Skyefire (oh, good heavens, I'm posting right below him) started a thread about passing items, talismans of a sort, from heroes of some
universes to heroes of another.  All the
stories I saw involved the delivery of the talisman.  But the thought that came to my mind, that I
could never write up properly, was of the inter-universal messenger acquiring
the object that will provide inspiration to someone who really needs it. 

He shows up at the deathbed of an
elderly duke, stopping time around the two of them, and explains to the old man
that in another universe, somewhere, there’s a young man who’s just joined an
under-funded, ill-equipped police force in a large and very corrupt city.  This young fellow might benefit from having
a token, a touchstone, that once belonged to someone in similar circumstances,
that’ll remind him and help him remain a clean copper in the midst of all the
foulness.  He might benefit from being
given Badge 177.

Quote:The Duke raised his hand
shakily.  The simple copper disc was in
it, of course; he’d made a point of getting hold of it when he realized these
were his last hours.  He’d meant to pass
it to Young Sam one day … but his son had a badge of his own, after all.  

The man in midnight blue leaned over the bed
and cupped his hand under the Duke’s. 
The Duke peered up at him, noticing for the first time an odd glitter to
the man’s eyes.  Then a bit of the
glitter fell free and splashed on the coverlet.  The Duke sighed.  The
elderly hand turned over slowly, and the badge fell onto the other man’s

The stranger straightened up,
reverently tucking the copper badge into an inside pocket.  He came to rigid attention and snapped a
parade-ground salute.  The Duke snorted
gently, and nodded in response.  He
hadn’t the strength left in his arm to return the salute properly.

Dropping his salute, the visitor
whispered, “Thank you, Commander.” 
Taking a single backward step, he turned on his heel and strode away,
exchanging solemn nods with the black-clad figure who’d just come through the
door.  Without opening it.

The door swung open quickly, passing
right through the man in blue, as did the Duke’s son and, a moment later,
daughter-in-law.  Time had begun moving
again.  Before Young Sam could say
anything, the Duke asked, “Have you caught him?”  A copper to the last, he told himself wryly.

Who does it get delivered to?  Well, I was thinking Leon McNichol — who
isn’t given any explanation as to why someone would want to give him an old
copper disc with the number 177 barely readable on its face.  He nearly tosses it aside when he’s about to
go out for his second or third day with the AD Police … but then, for some
reason, he puts it into his pocket instead.

Harry Callahan might be another
possible recipient, and there’d be an appropriateness there … but….
Edit:  Caught a punctuation error.  Those things drive me mad.... 
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
They're so close, it's almost not a crossover....

Rin Tohsaka summons her Archer Servant for the 5th Grail War: Shiki Tohno.  Imagine the Eyes of Death Perception, usable at range.  Shiki followed a path to the Seat of Heroes similar to Shirou!Archer, but his wish is to save Arcueid and the other people close to him from a various deaths or abuse they'd suffered.
SkyeFire Wrote:Mystic Eyes of Death Perception turns out that, if you look at a person at *just* the right angle, the lines spell out a name.  Good thing Shiki found this creepy-looking notebook to write all those names down in...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
 Macross 7/Ar Tonelico series.
 Somehow, Basara Nekki manages to crashland on Ar Ciel (the world where the games take place) Stand back and let the chaos fly.
 Ar Tonelico info is here.
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles
Nasu Lore Troll Powers Activate:

I'm pretty sure Shiki Tohno's MEoDP do not work that way, and the servant and class system of standard Fate would not somehow allow them to work that way. Shiki Ryougi's MEoDP, from what I've heard, do work that way, a little. I dunno if it would let her qualify for Archer. (Plus, apparently if Shiki Tohno survives Tsukihime, he develops in a way that I dunno if a CG deal would actually do anything for him.) That said, the Sastujinki, Tohno's older form, should be summonable under some circumstances.

(Authorial fiat, the vagueness of Nasu, and all that.)

Anyway, Shiki Ryougi showed up in Fate/Extra as Servant Monster. I'd think her eyes would more powerful than Tohno's versus servants. (Apparently she doesn't have Tohno's control issues, she can hit concepts better, and Servant Ryougi should have at least as easy a time seeing lines on a Servant as Servant Tohno would have.)

I'm currently doing a very rough, early outline of a Fate/Otokojuku cross, where Edajima Heihachi, Principal of Otokojuku, summons Shiki Ryougi as Monster during the Fourth War.

Thinking about it just now, I'm pretty sure it would have to be a comedy.

Nasu Lore Troll Rank E: At this level, the (blank) is a pedantic jerk with too much time on their hands.
Oh forgot about this, and I like it a bunch.
Re: 204 First thought, that sounds like a forum game.  Second thought, probably too difficult to turn it into an actual forum game.  Or rather, I imagine it would implode before very many episodes, because of research times.
So then I thought, it sounds neat, but how could you get rid of the research times?
My answer, Super Robot Wars, the forum game.
Continuing away from the original idea, a forum version could allow a larger cast, and a longer game.  I imagine it would be fairly collaborative.  It would also allow things like 'We are bringing in magical girls, by way of nanoha' or 'we are bringing in mons, because some mecha are kind of like mons' that couldn't be found in actual SRW.
Anyone know of any Naruto/Kuki! Walky-chan! crossovers? It seems like an obvious fit...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Full Metal Panic

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Soviet Union and Neo Soviet Union, check.

China and China, check.

United States of America and United States of North America, check.

Japan and Japan, check.

Top two somewhat aligned against the bottom two, check.

Somebody in the top two probably involved in funding international terrorism, check.

High stakes and high stakes, check.

Sousuke and Chidori would be going to Jindai, which wouldn't be made into a magical highschool. So no additional travel restrictions on their part. (There seem to have been restrictions on magicians traveling internationally put in place sometime after the last world war in Mahouka. This war, per some translations, reduced a population of nine billion to three billion. The trauma you'd expect from that explains a lot of the setting details, and the population decrease makes the green energy stuff more plausible.)

The humanoid weapons in Mahouka are probably on the right power level for high end arm slaves. The factions line up. Highschool students and highschool students. Sousuke and Tatsuya would get on together.

The source of the Whispered lines up a little with what the cognate faction in Mahouka has researched.

Making Tatsuya a Whispered is probably entirely unneeded. If things are to stay close to sane, he should only be a magician.
Instrumentality was supposed to be about uniting the power of the White Moon and the Black Moon. No one was expecting the Red Moon to interfere...

Could actually be a cross with Naruto or Nasuverse... Extra points for sheer evil if Smurfs are included as the Blue Moon as well. Anything to hose off original flavor Evangelion.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
The Red Moon?  Did it send seventeen giant Prinnies?

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Hmmm... well, there is a tendency to explode once sufficient force is applied to them...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
AtLA and... welll....

"Can you SMELL... what the TOPH... is COOKING?!?"

Heck, given Toph's former career, it's almost not a crossover -- it's nearly canonical.
SkyeFire Wrote:AtLA and... welll....
"Can you SMELL... what the TOPH... is COOKING?!?"
Heck, given Toph's former career, it's almost not a crossover -- it's nearly canonical.
And the Boulder, one of Toph's fellow competitors in the arena, was voiced by Randy "The Macho Man" Savage (Ooooooooh yeaaaaah.)
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Fate/Stay Night + The Emperor's Soul (Brandon Sanderson). Shirou would fit in very well with one of the groups in this story, and might just learn to take pride in his fakes.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SkyeFire Wrote:AtLA and... welll....

"Can you SMELL... what the TOPH... is COOKING?!?"

Heck, given Toph's former career, it's almost not a crossover -- it's nearly canonical.
Since 'The Boulder' character was basicly a Rock parody, maybe go a different way: Stone Cold Toph Bei-Fong.  Stomping a mudhole in your ass and walking it dry. 8P
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
This idea came to me at the wee hours of the morning while I couldn't sleep

Wreck it Ralph/Avengers

Ralph = The Hulk
Fix it Felix = Thor
Sgt Callaghan = Cap America.
Venelpopy = Ironman
Turbo = Loki

I really need to start taking those sleep aids again.

Quote:Venelpopy = Ironman
Do you mean Vanelope?

Don't forget QBert as Hawkeye. But I can't think of anyone for Black Widow... maybe some random chick from Game Central Station. Or perhaps take a cue from some of the graffiti in GCS and give it to Aerith Gainsborough...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Okay, this seems too obvious not to already have been attempted by someone, but just in case...

The Mask/Buffy The Vampire Slayer -- When Xander comes into possession of the mask of Loki, the forces of darkness had best look out...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Hm... Xan might make a rather low-key Loki. Smile

I could totally see him playing Tuxedo Mask to Buffy's Sailor Moon, though (especially if it gave Angel some romantic competition in her life), and keeping a (nearly) straight face over lunch while the Grrls are sighing over how sexy "Tuxedo Mask" is and wondering about his secret identity.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Okay, this seems too obvious not to already have been attempted by someone, but just in case...
The Mask/Buffy The Vampire Slayer -- When Xander comes into possession of the mask of Loki, the forces of darkness had best look out...
This particular x-over should only be in the Should Be category if you're talking about the movie version of The Mask. If you're going with the comic book version, I'm pretty sure it should be listed under Should Not Be since it'd likely get very dark. As per the wiki article: "In the original comic stories, characters who wore the Mask would become dangerous and cruel antiheroes with ultraviolent tendencies, even if this was not the wearer's original intention."

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV

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