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Lettuce+Rogue Bunny=Teaser
Re: Count his blessings
I dunno, I think two Shizurus and possibly two Natsukis having a ... freindly meeting, and ... continuing a vigorous discussion ... with me in the morning would indeed be a blessing.
But then, I'm an unabashed hentai, as I've mentioned before.
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
But if it had to perish twice?
I've always thought Mai's MIP went from Takumi, to Tate (once Takumi bit it), to Mikoto (once Tate bit it), and back to Tate (once he revived). It seemed to fit the feel I got from the series for her to still have someone important on the line, even as she lost the previous MIP.
Sounds about right, although from Natsuki's example we know that it's the intensity of the feeling that does the trick, so an MIP doesn't neccessarily have to be alive to count...

Karadajuu anata de mitasareta toki ni

I thought Mai was dead. What else could I think? The monster had caught her squarely with one of its primary tentacles, and she'd gone plummeting off into the forest - then not returned.
At the time, I was upset, sure, and I take a little comfort in the fact that it wasn't 'cause of how having her gone would screw up every plan I'd tried to make to get through that whole mess... but not much.
Chiisana hoshi orita no

I've never thought of myself as a very fond person, but... it rather disturbs me to remember that, despite the apparent loss of someone who I knew, respected, liked, even had more than a bit of a crush on - despite the fact that a real, living, breathing, feeling person had been - apparently - snuffed out...
And all I could feel was the kind of hurt outrage that you get when your favorite TV show's writers kill off a character.
I hate what that says about me.
Watashi no ude no naka he...

Natsuki was a lot more upset about it than I was - she was too far away for me to really hear or see, but I really can't think of any other explanation for the fact that I haven't seen Duran fire as fast before or since. The aerosquid didn't take that too well, of course, and swooped down and began to lash out at him... Which of course put his mistress in danger, and Shizuru wasn't about to tolerate that.
The anime is wrong, by the way - Kiyohime has seven heads. The one tentacle that left free should have been easy enough to avoid, save for the fact that each pair of tentacles was backed, just like the squid it resembled, by an array of octopus-like arms. I could hear Nao cursing as she pelted around the nearer side of the main classroom building and twisted to look back over her shoulder at the action. "C'mon!" she snapped at Julia, "They need help!"
Doko ni aru no?
Shinjitsu wo sagashite iru

The Child paused a moment to let her mistress swing onto her back before she bounded away, but even if she hadn't I think she still would have been too late. Kiyohime had dragged the Orphan to ground, and though she might have been able to ignore the way it was flailing its wings and free tentacle at her back, she couldn't do the same for the arms it wrapped around her necks and used to rip her free of its body. Three tentacles came away in her teeth, but aside from letting out a howl loud enough to make me flinch even from the other end of campus that didn't slow the monster down much.
Fukai yoru
Kodoku na sora samayou

It hoisted Kiyohime off the ground and twisted furiously - you don't know what pain sounds like until you've heard a scream from a single being with that many throats - and batted aside Duran's attempt to distract it almost contemptuously.
Anata ni deaemasu you ni

That was fun. I'm pretty much resigned to mangling Nao and pretty much everybody else, but I'm having fun writing this. Is that an excuse? Not really. Good enough for me, though.
It's not as though either of these yarns makes any pretension of being anything more than shameless self-indulgence anyway, after all. ^_^ But yeah, I'm enjoying it, too.
I dunno, I think two Shizurus and possibly two Natsukis having a ... freindly meeting, and ... continuing a vigorous discussion ... with me in the morning would indeed be a blessing.
*starry eyed* Mmm...
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
I think I know enough of hate,
Sounds about right, although from Natsuki's example we know that it's the intensity of the feeling that does the trick, so an MIP doesn't neccessarily have to be alive to count...
Or it could go that way, yeah. It's pretty much just guidelines, anyway. A few neat 'what if?' stories could result from the exploration of this particular avenue.
*starry eyed* Mmm...
*snickersnort* would two Shizurus count as a perpetuum mobile? They just keep going and going and going ...

Well, that had been ... awkward. To say the least. Good practice at sprouting impromptu bullshit, though. Very Johny Bravo-esque, the whole thing. You can interpret that how you please.
"Ick! Oh I did so not need that image in my head," Juliet shuddered. Then sent a glare my way. "Don't say it."
"Say what?" butter wouldn't melt. Butter wouldn't melt.
"Hmm? Oh, you mean," I dodged an elbow and pitched my voice higher. "What are the odds of someone from Garderobe coming here?"
Well, apparently the odds had either been quite good, or Chance really was playing with loaded dice. In our slight over reaction to the shriek - I blame my hectic day. What Juliet's excuse is, I have neither idea nor the inclination to ask - we stumbled on a pair of teenagers on a date, one of whom had gotten a little too frisky for the other's liking.
That the other, in this case, had been one of Juliet's Pearl classmates? Best in her year, in fact.
Alone, that would have been a tangled enough situation.
But no, apparently, the dice were really loaded this evening.
Exactly how the girl, Akane Soir, had managed to leap to ...
Alright! Alright, already! Yes, I have some slight resemblance to Nagi dai Artai, maybe ...
... koff koff ...
... but it doesn't mean that whoever'd seen the guy instantly says 'Oh, he must be from Artai' when they see me, and ...
... okay, so there may be some slight justification, but the leap from that to, oh, what had Soir said?
Ah, yes.
"Nao-chan, you didn't tell anyone you had a boyfriend back home. Or that he'd be visiting."
Alright, so it wasn't that big a mental leap to conclusions, considering the circumstances and the girl's badly hidden disquiet about something. Possibly her overamorous paramour.
The part about this that's most irritating?
That particular fiction was a better excuse for being where we were than anything else, so we just ... err ... sort of went with it for the fifteen minutes it took to get the whole mess straightened out and turn around to almost-but-not-quite-run-out-of-sight of the lovebirds.
Juliet was unamused, moreso than I, to be honest. At least to start with. I became more unamused when it became apparent that she'd play that mask to the hilt in front of Soir, which meant walking away with a pretty girl hanging off my arm.
Not an unpleasant scenario, you say?
I now sported five trendy punctures in my right arm, jacket _and_ skin. However sharp Juliet's elbows may be, her fingernails are sharper. And more painful.
"That," she said, still glaring, "did not just happen. We will never mention this again. Got it?"
"Right, right. No power on earth, and all that," I raised my hands in surrender. "But ... just how likely do you think it is that this won't eventually come up? Considering the way our luck is going lately?"
Yes. She knew it just as well as I did. There was simply no way that this wouldn't come back and bite us in the ass. And not in the smexxy kind of way.

I'd meant to keep the tone of this vaguely serious. As you can see, I didn't manage.
Eh. I'm not beating myself up over that, though. There's enough serious stuff still coming that a few comedy of errors moments are needed.
*evil laugh* Just how irritated will Juliet be when Akane comes to her for advice about her love life, do you think?
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
"That," she said, still glaring, "did not just happen. We will never mention this again. Got it?"
but what about the others....?
rumor spreads faster than Kudzu and just about as hard to kill.
BTW, just how old does Katz look like anyway....about the same age as Sergei?..I can't see him looking like a 14-15 year old Kaoru. I mean, Nao isn't a shota-con. ^^
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Bwahahah!....
rumor spreads faster than Kudzu and just about as hard to kill.
I don't think either Akane or Kazu would be really comfortable mentioning that particular evening or anything related to it, so no ...
I'm pretty sure it will come up, though. Just ... eventually.
BTW, just how old does Katz look like anyway....about the same age as Sergei?..I can't see him looking like a 14-15 year old Kaoru. I mean, Nao isn't a shota-con. ^^
Nope. He got past looking like a 14-15 year old Kaoru when he was doing the Foundation thing. Nate was right, it's annoying being a runt, so he's been trying to at least get back to his/my old height of around six two (which he hasn't managed), even if he's pretty much resigned to never being able to drop being a beanstalk. Depending on clothes and attitude, he could pass for late teens or early to mid twenties. IIRC, Sergei's thirty-something.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Bwahahah!....
Depending on clothes and attitude, he could pass for late teens or early to mid twenties.
Just the right age for a putative boyfriend of Nao's.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
To know that for destruction ice
*snickersnort* would two Shizurus count as a perpetuum mobile? They just keep going and going and going ...
oh dear god.

Hajimete no namida totemo atsui

I don't know where Midori gets her lung power - please, none of the obvious dirty jokes - because it certainly doesn't suit her lifestyle, but even during all the racket from Kiyohime's struggle with the monster I could still hear her quite clearly. "Go! GAKUTENOU!"
Smart monsters are dangerous, and this one proved it a second time by breaking three of Kiyohime's necks then tossing her away before it threw itself at Gakutenou and interrupted his transformation with a savage swing of one of its remaining primary tentacles.
Koware souna hodo setsunakute

Midori managed to hop into the air, just barely high enough that I could see her over the school building, and neatly sever the arm it reached out for her, but the next one caught her a glancing blow and sent her tumbling to the ground. Then it raised one arm high...
Sukitooru hitomi wa inochi no kagayaki
Sotto daite iru kara

...and got it shot off. Not by Duran, though, as surprising as that might be - the angle was all wrong, from up on the hill rather than on the far side of the library. The tiny, brilliant sphere of flaming orange burned straight through the column of suckered muscle and kept going, powering far out over the ocean that was never far from any point on Fuuka Island and detonating against its surface... My angle was all wrong to see it directly, of course, but the way the explosion lit up the sky and horizon was pretty danged clear.
Samishikunai yo
Hokorashiku hohoemu tsuki wo mitsumeteru

I looked to my left, and yeah, he was about as unmistakable as you'd expect - white and black and huge, with wings of literal flame. Kagutsuchi.
I paid more attention to the tiny spark hovering beside his head. "Yes!" I hissed past my grin, then breathed a sigh of relief.
Shinpi no chikara de
Ima, watashi wo mezame sasete...

After that, well, it was over fairly quickly. I'm not certain if it would have been if the Orphan had stayed grounded in the center of campus - depending on how much control Mai really had over his decision-making, and likely inverse to the amount of damage done to the campus.
But, well, for once the thing missed a trick and launched itself cleanly into the air to meet the flying Child's challenge. The only affect the decision really had on its chances was to minimize the degree to which he had to limit himself against causing collateral damage.
And even at that, the entire campus was pretty much blanketed in well-done monster bits - one of which about hit me in the face. I'm sure you can imagine how thrilled I was about that, but at least it got me shocked out of 'observation mode' and into motion to check on the girls.

Sergei looks thirteen-to-sixteen in the flashbacks to before Rena's death, which, with Nina and Arika's being fifteen or so, would make him pinned as close to thirty as our source data allows.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
is also great
oh dear god.
That sort of situation also begets the question: 'How many licks?'

Oooh. BBQ! 'This will be good training, should I ever be faced with squid' seems to apply here. ^_^

If nothing else, the night air is a good pacifier of hair trigger tempers. It seemed to work on Juliet, or so it had seemed, since we'd gone our own ways once dusk had settled comfortably into starry blackness.
Embarassing events aside, we'd managed to exchange a few interesting tidbits of information.
For example, and this was something I though Fujino-san would be interested in knowing about, the flip side of Chance had seen fit to make one of Juliet-ane-san's underlings be in the right place, at the right time. To do what? Well, let's just say that he saw something he hadn't been supposed to see, and we were now that much closer to narrowing down the details of how and via whom Schwarz delivered their Slave contract crystals.
The fact that we had a rough idea to whom they delivered helped a lot.
From my side? A few more headaches all 'round, I'm sure. I was tactful enough not to share my little paranoid suspicion, but Juliet was sharp. She didn't need me to spell this much out for her.
When compared to Aries, Windbloom, and even a few of the border kingdoms, Florence didn't have a large Black presence, and since the main analysts sat in Aries and Windbloom there was a slight lag in how quickly some knowledge spread. It was still faster than anything short of burst transmissions ...
... and we - we being myself, Yamada, and Miyu - were starting to consider risking it and using some gravtech from the Foundation to place a few satelites in orbit ...
... so when the Otome of de Florence himself called in her resignation because of marriage and being in the family way, that particular bit came and bounced from Aries over to Windbloom right quick.
The heads-up on that was currently in Headmistress Kruger's maildrop, nicely pre-empting the courier from Florence, who was going to be here sometime tomorrow, if estimates were to be believed. They usually were.
Akane Soir was currently the top of the Pearl class, which was about as close to making Meister as you got without actually being thus. She was also being sponsored by a Florence stipend.
Florence was edgy about not having a full complement of Otome on call, most likely because Cardair was being ... increasingly militant, it looked like. Or at least it was gearing up almost as badly as Artai, only with a bit more subtlety.
Now, see if you can follow me here. Kazuya Krau-xeku, son of one of the people who ran things in Cardair under Argoss' watchful eye. Akane Soir, slated to become the next Otome of de Florence.
How very Romeo and Juliet ... err ... I may want to keep that analogy to myself, for fear of retribution.
Soir was currently the most qualified to take the Meister spot, and was also being courted by a boy who was son of somebody who didn't wish her country well at all.
Considering the limitations of the Otome nanomachines, and I say this with an incredulous stare at whoever designed the things because ... really, how crude can you get? Almost makes you think the 'get laid and lose your powers' bit is a little too contrived, as if it had been intentional ...
Also brings to mind an amusing but upon further thought telling tidbit about Earl and the swiss cheese that was technology and invention there, which I'd come across only lately - birth control implants they had, maybe not universally, but cheap where available. Condoms, not so much.
Think about it.
No, in terms besides 'Man, what are you, a complete tool? Do you have any idea how much money you could make if you patented the idea?', I mean.
As I was saying before having gone off on a tangent again, I found it hard to believe that 'Kazu-kun' was acting without the knowledge of his father, and by extension his country.
Was he or wasn't he genuine? Did he do what he was doing because he'd been told to do so, or because it was really how he felt? It didn't really matter, as such. One way or the other, be it 'True Love' or a simple machination, Florence would be an talented and loyal Otome short if he managed to sway the No.1 Pearl from her current path.
Opening up the way for Cardair ...
... because de Florence, for all his faults, wasn't blind or deaf either, and would know where to place the blame. After all, it was something all politicians know how to do on instinct, or so I'm told ...
... to offer recompense for the oh so thoughtless actions of one of theirs.
That there was an Pearl from Cardair among the top of that class fit a bit too well into that scenario.
Argos was not stupid. Arrogant? Certainly. Ambitious? Of course. But also well practiced in the political arena. There was no way that Kazuya Krau-xeku did not have his 'blessing'. If he didn't, if his actions would truly impair Cardair's standing in any way, shape, or form, Argos would have had the boy's father ... take steps ... to prevent events from transpiring.
I was positive Juliet knew this as well as I did, and had put two and two together.
Whether or not that would result in her doing anything about it, well ... that remained to be seen.
Gods, but I was starting to hate politics and the mess of relations that went with it by the time I got back to the office.
Fortunately, there were no further surprises lying in wait for me, good or bad. I dropped off the acquired information down in analysis before going up to my office-slash-living space and cleaning out my brain via a few hours of sleep.

Next? They just keep going and going and going and going ...
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
And would suffice
That sort of situation also begets the question: 'How many licks?'
*eyes glaze over, nose starts bleeding*
Okay, as I think I've said before, I've actually got three arcs in mind for this whole tale, and the first one? It's just about over. The next scene after this one will be the start of a new OAV...

"You look terrified," Mai told me a couple days later, with no small amusement.
"I am," I shot back. "This is about the third date I've been on in my life."
She blinked and shook her head, then reached down and started fishing around for something set by her room's entryway's shoerack. "Aren't you supposed to be older than me?"
"A little younger than Mido-er, Sugiura-sensei," I corrected myself.
"You can call her Midori-san, you know - we Japanese aren't that polite." She left off her fishing and started glancing around.
Ouch. She certainly had me pegged. "But on the other hand, I doubt it would have gone over well if I'd gone with the manners I was raised with, with your personal names from day one. If I have to make a mistake, 'courtesy' is the side I'd pick... What are you looking for?"
"My purse... I could have sworn I..."
"I hid it," Mikoto said, coming out of the bathroom. "I won't let him take you away, Mai!"
"You..." I shook my head, then told Mai, "I thought I saw something hanging under your balcony as I was walking up."
"Thanks!" she said, and left me with Mikoto.
I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms, just for something to do with them. "Ne, Mikoto-san, you spend a lot of time with the local cats, right?"
"...Yeah." She didn't stop glaring.
"Do any of them have to worry about the others stealing you?"
"Oh," she blinked, and went blank for the moment or so it took Mai to come back with the purse slung over her shoulder. I shot her a glance and a nod, then went back to watching Mikoto. Eventually, the shorter girl nodded fiercely, and grinned at us. "Okay! Have fun on your 'deeto', Mai!"
When we had gotten to street level and left the sword-wielding cat-monster behind, she sort of smiled and asked me amusedly, "What was that all about?"
Which, y'know, was sort of a hot-potato question for me, because it required delving into territory in which my attitudes were, frankly, more than a little wierd. "Oh boy. Er, okaayy..."
She laughed and danced around in front of me with a miscievious look that went very well indeed with her high-necked white top and off-the-shoulder overshirt. "Something embarrassing, then? You found something to bribe her with?"
"No, no, not that bad, just... I wasn't brought up in what anybody would call the 'standard way', and it's given me some pretty strange attitudes about certain things. The fact that I've had to, to rationalize them, to examine them and how they differ from the usual assumptions, has made it a bit easier for me to explain things to Mikoto, when she, um, misses the implied message."
She giggled, and swung back beside me again as we walked. "That's one way to put it. So what did you say?"
"Well... basically, I made the point that there was nothing stopping you from caring about more than one person at a time. Granted that I've never thought of 'romantic love' as anything but friendship with a dose of physical attraction added, but even if I'm wrong I've seen the principle applied there, too..."
That rocked her back a bit, naturally enough, and eventually she asked, "You're not very romantic, are you? Not believing in true love or anything like that..."
I stopped, and turned to look at her squarely. "You don't believe in best friends? 'Love' as friendship with lust in, friendship as family without blood... Marriage as fitting two stones together by sanding away the parts that don't fit each other, bit by bit... That seems far warmer, happier, saner than denying any caring for a person because they aren't 'the One', your one chance at happieness out of all the billions of people in the world..." Abruptly I realized that I had started ranting. "...and I'll just shut up now before I embarrass myself even more."
Mai laughed.

That seems as good a place as any to end it, and I've got no idea where to take that conversation next, so...
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
... next?
That seems as good a place as any to end it, and I've got no idea where to take that conversation next, so...
Mikoto didn't seem quite ... tactile ... enough in this scene. She should have said that bit about not letting N!Tate take Mai from her while glomped onto Mai.
As for the date? Just gloss over the stuff until the traditional mid-date SNAFU happens - which it must *sage nod* it's a rule. Hell, maybe have Mikoto trail along after them, and trying to be 'covert' about it.

*timestamp - image of Pearl Akane Soir, in her Robe, dismantling a Slave in a rather straightforward, if brutal, manner*
I was nowhere near when it happened, though I'd like to think I made good time in trying to get there.
Certainly, nobody short of Tsujimoto had managed to break quite so many traffic regulations of Windbloom in one go.
Always a comfort to know that you're in good company.
What, you actually thought I'd pull the wings? Please, give me a little more credit.
As it was, I didn't even arrive on site. Not as such.
Mostly because we already had someone there. A fortunate happenstance? Maybe. Actually, she was likely there to have a look at one of the Schwarz people we had managed to pin down. Well, a plant of theirs at least.
That the guy would capitalize on the situation and call up a Slave when an Otome was crossing the courtyard of the Sand Port?
I didn't even need to ask why they did such an obviously ... foolish ... thing. Guerilla warfare against GENOM had managed to ingrain in me the ability to spot the field test of a new toy against proven adversaries a mile away.
Why sacrifice a plant, then, since it was doomed to failure? One way or another, because even if the Slave were victorious against one Otome, in Windbloom that was not nearly enough.
Simple, Schwarz had so damn many of them that the loss of one relatively inconsequential agent wasn't something to dread.
The report of the impending hostilities reached me in the middle of a mildly involved bit of paperwork, which I took as a sort of blessing in disguise.
I mean, even with Ren there to take up most of the slack, who'd have thought running an operation of this sort would be so damn tedious. And no, it wasn't something you gradually got used to. You couldn't afford to, unless you wanted to risk missing some crucial piece of information stuck between the lines.
If I ever happen upon Ian Flemming, I'll likely shoot the guy simply out of principle.
I was almost at the Port, pushing the Frame as far as I could, when I was informed of the developments and redirected.
Seems somebody, upon a rather intent Pillar of Garderobe's discovering of the Lord of that particular Slave, had deemed it neccessary to make the poor sod shuffle off the mortal coil a bit faster than he would have otherwise.
In other words, somebody had sniped the man before the Pillar present managed to get to him.
And the person reporting from on site had managed to give me a rough direction and elevation of where the shot had come from.
Have I ever mentioned that I deeply respect the quick, if more than just somewhat willful, mind of Fujino Shizuru?
At the time, it didn't really occur to me that the fact she was there meant she could have come across Shizuru Viola, who I'd heard was leaving that day to see about finding the ever elusive Mr.Smith.
Which, in fact, she did. Fujino come across Viola, I mean.
My, was that a memorable interlude. At least, to hear her tell it.

I was shanghai-ed by Split Daybreak bunnies prodding me to do research, hence the cliffie.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
We are the hollow men
Mikoto didn't seem quite ... tactile ... enough in this scene. She should have said that bit about not letting N!Tate take Mai from her while glomped onto Mai.
Maybe when she comes in she actually latches around Mai's waist, and glares at Tate from under one of her arms?
Hmm. I'll note that on my mental list for the revision.

Despite how much of a time bomb that conversation could have been, things actually went pretty well until just before we got to the restaurant, which ironically hadn't been one of the points where I had reckoned things would have a chance to go wrong. After all, I'd made the reservation well ahead of time and run the selection past not only Akane, but Nao and Shizuru also - I figured that between the three of them they'd not only cover most of the range of possible objections (ie, if none of them had a problem with it, Mai likely wouldn't either) but also know just about every possible alternative to be found on Fuuka.
So I was as confident about the meal as I ever got about anything... but I hadn't reckoned on the Press.
Well, okay, sure, a lot of that disaster was my fault. Given how much of my borderline obsession with self-control is actually a result of how, ah, energetically I end up losing my temper and my own desire to avoid same, I might or might not've expected myself to react that way... Honestly, though, the part that bothers me isn't that I overreacted to the situation or even that I embarrassed the hell out of myself - despite that being a particular horror of mine - so much as the fact that Mai was and is quite capable of taking care of her own honor, and hardly needs me butting it and getting all puffed up on testosterone about the matter.
Acting like that never solves anything, really, at least until it gets somebody killed.
But really - if this asshole of a camera guy is going to insist on trying to make Mai into some kind of public display, the fucking least he could do is have decency to focus on her face.
Yes, I know that makes me a bit of a hypocrite. Why do you think I was so upset?

Not much today, at least partly 'cause I want to get some feedback on how Mai reacts to this development.
I was shanghai-ed by Split Daybreak bunnies prodding me to do research, hence the cliffie.
This is what they call a win-win situation, no?
And, for future reference, Griever, cliffhangers make excellent motivation.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: We are the hollow men
But really - if this asshole of a camera guy is going to insist on trying to make Mai into some kind of public display, the fucking least he could do is have decency to focus on her face.
Yes, I know that makes me a bit of a hypocrite. Why do you think I was so upset?

*SNERK* Who knew Playboy hired Paparazzi too? Then again, he probobly was a freelancer who sells what he can to who he can. Thats the way most of them work IIRC"I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: We are the hollow men
Has this thread finally died?

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: We are the hollow men
Has this thread finally died?
Nah. Griever's just taking a break to hammer out where he wants to take his plot, and I'm too lazy/distractable to keep going without him around to poke me.
It'll be back in business eventually.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: We are the hollow men
Plus, I believe he's collecting more materials for Fate/Stay night.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: We are the hollow men
Yeah, what they said. I think I'll wait until the last episode of Otome comes out and I've watched it before doing the next installment.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: We are the hollow men
Okay, fair enough.
(Makes note to tie Peggy to a chair in front of the PC to watch eps 18+ of Mai-Otome...)

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
just to point something out
Still thinking. But!
Ran across this a moment ago. Thought I should point it out. HiME Mashiro in 'kowai' mode:
I think that 'scary hot' applies here.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: just to point something out
Alas, the site demands registration.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Gomen. Forgot that bit.
Put it up on the shack.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Gah
Uwaah! Kirei!
Y'know, the styling of that weapon of hers seems awfully familiar...
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Gah
Mashiro apparently was the Mikoto of the previous festival. Didn't they say in the Hime anime that they (Mikoto and Mashiro) used the same Child (i.e. Miroku)?
Re: Gah
Mashiro apparently was the Mikoto of the previous festival. Didn't they say in the Hime anime that they (Mikoto and Mashiro) used the same Child (i.e. Miroku)?
I believe hers was Kagutsuchi, actually. Something to do with Nagi implying that his mistresses were always troublesome.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Gah
Noooooope. Katsaguri (He of tac nuke scale collateral damage) is Mai's."I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: Gah
But we're talking about the previous festival... not the current one. o.O

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