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plotbunny at crunchtime
Quick question.
When would you have him learn it? Did he just bug Kakashi insistently enough that, for some reason, he had it taught to him before the Chuunin exam? Or did he only do that after Mina beat him in the prelims. I mean, the original reason because of which Kakashi taught him the Chidori was that he was facing Gaara and needed some sort of trump card.
Mhm. Speaking of whom, is gourd-boy still going to do his hospital visitation?
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Chidori
Kakashi teaches it to him with the intent of showing Sasuke that he can still become strong, despite the curse seal - it just means he'll have a to work at it more.
Why would Gaara not still do the hiospital visit? It was Lee he was after that time, not Sasuke... the fact that Naruto did a variation of the speech that canon-Naruto gave to Neji over Hinata to Gaara over Lee would, if anything, only encourage it. He wouldn't track down Kakashi and Sasuke's training spot, though - and at least this time, after the Sakura/Tenten thing, he'd be good enoguh to explain why he was focussing on the Uchiha brat rather than fobbing them off with a wink and a wave, and would spend time working with Sakura and Tenten himself (since they're, you know, ACTUALLY IN THE FINALS and all) before finding them teachers with more compatible styles so he can run off with Wonder Boy. See, he CAN learn... somewhat.... even if he is still mostly clueless about teaching someone who isn't "the same type as me."
I can actually understand how confused and frustrating he'd find that, a person who immediately understood the things he's having to go over again and again, trying to break down concepts that he sees as wholes into smaller chunks for students that don't and can't think the same way. Great combatant, not bad as a leader, sucky teacher - that's PrOnb0i all over.
- CD
ETA: For thatt matter, Sasuke will ask why kakashi isn't with the girls (granted, in a "woe is me, I have to lose my dream or lose my mind, aren't I pitiable" kind of way.) Being told that they're with teachers more suited to their styles will be enough for hium, though - very much "the same type."That which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
order of battle
As in, who vs who in the prelims.
Sasuke vs Mina
Lee vs Gaara
Rikou vs Hinata
Tenten vs ?
Sakura vs (Random Nin beaten by canon-Sasuke in the prelims)?
Shino vs ?
Temari vs (Ino)?
Naruto vs ?
Usagi vs (Chouji)?
Kankuro vs ?
Humm ... Naruto vs Mako? Katons vs Raitons? Gouken Taijutsu vs Mako and her Yari? Mako puts up a decent fight, but loses because she just doesn't have the Chakra pool that Naru-kun does and because, damnit, the guy's more stubborn than Mina about not staying _down_, and *ouch* those Kagebushin pack more of a punch than Mizubushin would. Iteeeee.
Or are we going the Naruto vs Shino path?
If not, then we could do Shino vs Ami and have Shino matched up with Kankuro in the finals like in canon. Since Ami's more about stealth and speed than anything else, and Shino's bugs pretty much negate the first ...
Just sprouting off suggestions.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: order of battle
Kabuto's team is eliminated in the second test, because his team mates meet up with Gaara after he leaves them to go back and check on Team 7. Otherwise, it's canon teams plus the new genin, so the participant list is:
Sound: Dosu, Kin, Zaku
Sand: Gaara, Temari, Kankuro
Mist: Mina, Ami, Mako
#4 Usagi, Neji, Rei
#6 Naruto, Rikou, Lee
#7 Tenten, Sasuke, Sakura
#8 Shino, Hinata, Kiba
#9 Shikamaru, Ino, Choji
Preliminary Matches that matter to the plot:
Rikou d. Hinata (alfficted with clingy-genjutsu)
Naruto d. ?? - Shino by giving his bugs a chakra stomach-ache would be funny, granted
Neji d. ??
Gaara d. Lee
Usagi d. ??
Mina d. Sasuke
Tenten d. ??
Shikamaru d. ??
Temari d. ??
?? d. ??
?? d. ??
?? d. ??
remaining: Kankuro, Choji, Ami, Rei, Dosu, Kiba, Sakura (but unless Ino gets sucked in during the Team 7 arc, she'll fight Ino and win), Ino, Kin, Mako, Zaku

Finals that matter:
Tenten d. Neji (Rikou would actually be better from a closeing-the-love-polygon aspect, but I don't see it - say what you will about the attitude, he really is that good unless someone can specifically negate his advantages)
Shikamaru d. Temari (or someone else who knows the meaning of strategy)
(one more fight? A non-Leaf victory would be kinda nice in a denial-of-plot-immunity way, as long as its a reasonably even match. Someone who'll be used later would be best.)
Naruto vs. Gaara (interrupted)
Usagi's fight is not reached

Greiver - chances of the Mizukage offering your team's services to the Leaf post-invasion, supposedly as a gesture of good will, actually to have local assets who can see just how much damge was done, and noncoincidentally keep you out of the way?
- CD
ETA: Nathan: I'm guessing that Neshan could probably put a stronger conterseal than Kakashi's in canon on the Curse mark, and if not Jiraya likely can, but as the one with the seal master avatar just how good is probably more up your alley to determine. Opinions?That which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: order of battle
(one more fight? A non-Leaf victory would be kinda nice in a denial-of-plot-immunity way, as long as its a reasonably even match. Someone who'll be used later would be best.)
Mina vs. Sakura?
Greiver - chances of the Mizukage offering your team's services to the Leaf post-invasion, supposedly as a gesture of good will, actually to have local assets who can see just how much damge was done, and noncoincidentally keep you out of the way?
Yeah. That'd work. The Mizukage would know he could subtly jerk his chain with the fact that Mizuno-sempai is still back in the Hidden Mist.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: order of battle
Rikou d. Hinata (alfficted with clingy-genjutsu)
Naruto d. Rei - aka, how many things can we set on fire by accident?
Neji d. Chouji - The Meat Tank combines a heavy-duty offense with a defense nearly as good as the Kaiten, so this should be interesting.
Gaara d. Lee
Usagi d. Zaku - entertaining for the same reason that watching Usagi win always is.
Mina d. Sasuke
Tenten d. Kiba - She's getting Naruto's fights, right?
Shikamaru d. Ami - If you can crowd him and keep him running rather than thinking, Shika's not all that dangerous. Unfortunately, Ami's just as much of a thinker as he is.
Temari d. Dosu - Because he deserves to get creamed, and the only better choice is already fighting Lee.
Shino d. Kankuro - because, out of the matchups that aren't otherwise spoken for, it likely does the best job of showing just how much of a steamroller Shino is.
Mako d. Ino - Unlikely to involve the amusing image of what happens when someone tries to put a Hoshigake in a headlock, but workable nontheless.
Sakura d. Kin - The way I understand Kin's technique suggests that it'd be of extremely limited use vs someone who's always in motion anyway. Plus, Sakura-chan's gonna be real used to dodging thrown weapons by now.
ETA: Nathan: I'm guessing that Neshan could probably put a stronger conterseal than Kakashi's in canon on the Curse mark, and if not Jiraya likely can, but as the one with the seal master avatar just how good is probably more up your alley to determine. Opinions?
Certainly he can - he's a friend of Anko's, remember, and beating that Curse Seal is therefor one of his long-term projects. Kakashi's no slouch himself, so the one used in canon was likely the best 'canned' seal for the job, but he'd be able to put together a custom seal during the following month - how well that would work would depend on the needs of the plot, but could even go as far as full removal, since Anko's would've had a great deal longer to entrench itself.
Oh, and I think that a lot of Kakashi's problems teaching likely have to do not with the difference in learning curves, but with the fact that being a ninja is literally all he knows - I mean, I'm six years younger and I can barely remember being twelve, let alone less than five. I'd be shocked if he had any real appreciation for, any clue what the 'civilian' viewpoints that his students can't help but have actually entail.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: order of battle
Naruto d. Rei - aka, how many things can we set on fire by accident?
Also, her family's spiritualist techniques would be able to mess with his chakra in similar ways (if not as completely) as Orochimaru's Five Elements seal would have, so he can't steamroll her.
Otherwise, the fights sound reasonable, and I'm not going to just draw lots for REAL.
RE Sasuke and the curse seal - removed is good, but I'm thinking perhaps it should be a matter of putting something on that requires time, and not using the instant-boost. It's a really powerful technique they're trying to break, after all, and from a storytelling persepective it makes for some Man vs. Self conflict, restraining his urge to go for the power to win the immediate battle instantly in favor of long-term benefit, which is something Sasuke sorely needs to learn. Plus, his fellow genin beat Snakey's other Curse Sealed minions, with a more powerful stage of the seal yet, fighting only two on one, so what good would it really do him in his goal of surpassing Itchy-kun?
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: order of battle
Oh, and I think that a lot of Kakashi's problems teaching likely have to do not with the difference in learning curves, but with the fact that being a ninja is literally all he knows - I mean, I'm six years younger and I can barely remember being twelve, let alone less than five. I'd be shocked if he had any real appreciation for, any clue what the 'civilian' viewpoints that his students can't help but have actually entail.
Good point, that.
... I only just thought of it, but do you think that could be bent just enough for him to have a second hobby besides H-manga? Namely, playing the bongos... because the image of him plopped down with one of his eye-smiles, drumming away while Sakura practises her combat dance style is just too funny.
- CD
ETA: scenelet, so I won't forget
Naruto had regained consciousness at some point during the battle, but between the injuries he'd taken and chakra exhaustion preventing them from healing as they normally would, it had been all he could do to roll onto one side, watching the shadowy swirls of his two defenders and their opponent through the mist, twitching slightly whenever one of them took a hit and weakly cursing his inablility to get back up and help. Eventually, though, the mist cleared, revealing Hinata - battered but unbroken - over the beastial, armored, dead form of Kimimaro, and an equally roughed up Rikou who staggered over to her rival and gave her a hug somewhere between congratulatory and consoling... unless the rumor mill had missed something major, the soft-spoken girl had just become the first of her year to directly take a life.
"Yatta!" Before either of them could consider this too deeply (or remember that they were supposed to be rivals) they were distracted by Naruto's somewhat shaky cheer, and rushed over to his side, helping the foxy boy to get up and then seat him against a tree, themselves following suit to either side as the reaction to the battle set in. "Heheh... I guess you saved me this time, ne Rikou?" he said, looking over his shoulder to give her a tired smile. The blond faltered a moment, then shook his head clear and turned to the Hyuuga heiress. "Hinata-chan... sugoiyo! Never knew... you were so... strong..." Adrenaline wearing off, the boy's voice trailed away as his body gave in to its wounds, slumping back against the tree as awareness slipped away again. Realising that more enemies could still be around, Rikou cast a minor concealment genjutsu to cover their location with the image of a large branch knocked down in the summon battle. Warmed by the words of praise, both girls snuggled into his shoulders a bit more, and concentrated on trying to keep an eye out for any more enemies while they recovered.
(Yes, Hinata really does get the first kill here, even though the rest of the Sound Five buy it shortly thereafter. Up to now, enemies either died from accumulated wounds, their own mistakes, or were finished by the jounin sensei.)
ETA2: Also, while some are recogniseably close to standard hand seals or the half-seals used by some other familiy hijutsu, as you get further into the series of the 108 Stars, they become more intricate, larger, and gestural, until at 108 the user must hold the right finger positions, wave their arms just so and piroutte, then come to a stop with just the right timing and position. And that means you. That which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Neshan vs. Kabuto - inconclusive
Kabuto definitely needs to escape, because ahe's going to be taking the place of the Four, accosting Sasuke after the Uchiha gets out of hospital from the beating Kimimaro gave him before going on to lose to Rikou and Hinata - Kabuto's goal is to form take Orochimaru's place as head of Sound and take revenge on Konoha for killing the snake before Kabuto was finished learning everything he wanted from him. His offer is the same old L2 curse seal power up and more training to face Itchy-kun, claiming that the Sound Five's L2 forms were weak because they were, but that Sasuke could rival one of the great youkai with one. (And for the record, I don't care what Kishimoto says on this, no he damn well can't!)
Later that night, Sasuke is frustrated because of his indescision and slams the shoji as he leaves to wander around and talk - his team photo slips off the shelf and falls to the floor. He wanders around thinking in circles and finds himself in front of Tenten's house, cue scene mentioned before, after talking for a bit he heads back to his house, still undecided, notices the picture on the floor... dammit, he hates that picture. The photographer snapped it just as he was sneaking a look at the slightly older kunoichi, and it makes him look like a shy little boy with a crush instead of a strong shinobi, no better than one of his annoying fangirls... He grimaces, then plops it back down.... on the shelf... and grumbles in annoyance as he gets the stand on the back to hold the damn thing up instead of falling down again... stupid photo. Then he flops down on his tatmi with a maximum of teeage angst and sighs dramatically about how long Neshan's damn purification seal is taking to get rid of the curse so he can train for real again, to push the upper limit of his ability without false boosts.
Of course, beetle-boy won't stop at that, but time enough for that later.
And has anyone else noticed the similarities between Kabuto's design and Lord Ilpallazo? I'm fighting a losing battle against myself, resisting the idea of making his new elites a kunoichi team...
- CD
ETA: Also, it seems Aoi defected to Hidden Rain, not Mist - so his part in the Wave mission, at least, is not grounds for the Mist to be irked with Konoha.
ETA2: When the invasion hits, Zabusa is still without his sword (Kubikiri Honchou, IIRC) so he uses Suiton: Mizu no Zantetsuken no Jutsu. (zantetsuken - (n) sword that cuts iron)That which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
dawning thoughts
... yet another impromptu snippety snappety snippet ...

It wasn't home, but it felt oddly familiar. True, the trees were more gnarled, the leaves more vibrantly green, and there was actually some underbrush rather than the pathetic bits of shrubbery that made up the forest floor in and around the Hidden Mist.
The sunlight filtering through said leaves and treebranches was definitely more intense, and Katsu didn't really know whether to like it or not.
"I still can't see why we can't wear something stylish," he heard for the umpteenth time during this trip. "This is all so drab and impersonal! Not fashionable at all. Senseiiiiiiii!"
He silently thanked the Gods and whatever other forces were listening -getting a quiet chuckle from a deeply buried corner of his soul in return, which he replied to with a mental growl- that even with his team being an all kunoichi one, only one of those kunoichi was typically going on about that sort of stuff.
Still ...
Whatever possessed him to plead, intimidate, bribe and annoy the right people to get put up as their Jounin sensei two years ago, he didn't quite know.
He gave a quiet sigh.
Alright, so maybe he did know. And he was also pretty sure that there were people besides the voice in his head - and how weird was it to actually not feel all, well, _weird_ about _that_ bit? - who also knew.
One of whom, he was certain, had taken great pains to coach Mina in the art of seeming unthreatening despite everything else ... and while Katsu was grateful, for that and for a few other things Michiru-kun had done ever since that day in the Stone Country when they were both still genin and running for their lives, he was pretty sure the Kaiou heir was laughing her ass off at his expense.
Oh well, wouldn't be the first time. Or the last time.
He alighted atop the thick branch of a tree sitting right on the crest of the hill, the three genin kunoichi picking their own perches for what looked to be a momentary pause in their travel.
"Sugoiii," Mina was the first to break the silence. A few miles ahead, down the slight slope and through a thicket of woods that were far more cluttered than the giant forest back 'home', sat the merging of urbania and rusticims that was Konohagakure. "That's one _big_ wall."
Katsu had to agree. The Hidden Mist had no such barrier between them and the 'outside' world, and while this was in part due to the fact that most of that Hidden Village hung in the air, suspended between giant trees or carved into them, there was also the fact that most of Kirigakure's protections were split. The oldest and most established Clans and Houses maintained their own barriers and guards, and there was no real unified force that would defend the Village as a whole. The Mist Jounin blamed it on the place's backstabbing politics.
For a moment, though, there was on real consideration of things other than the now, and in that *now* the image of Konohagakure bathed in the pinkish light of a dawning sun ...
"Wow," Mako breathed from where she stood.
"Impressive," Ami concurred, her voice quietly intense.
"Just don't let the pretty picture overshadow the underneath," he told them after five or so minutes.
"If it's so important for a shinobi to do that, sensei," Mina groused ... somehow, she managed to pull off doing it cutely, which had Katsu's eyebrow twitch. "Why do we even need to bother with these?"
'These' were the plain grey travelling cloak and wide brimmed straw hat that he'd added to their gear and told them to wear as part of their travel kit before they'd left the Mist.
"Because some people won't bother with second glances," Katsu shrugged. He gave Mina a level look. "Also, I'm a 'cruel and vindicative ogre who doles out cruel and unusual punishment to the unsuspecting and undeserving'. And on that note, you weren't exactly quiet with your grumbling last night."
Mina had the grace to look embarassed and weakly laugh.
"But some people do bother to look," Mako interrupted. Her look was perhaps the most changed, owing the fact to the bandages that she'd wrapped around her limbs and head, even beneath the usual bodyglove. "And they will find out, sooner or later." The Hoshigaki girl looked faintly uncomfortable with that.
"Take whatever advantage you can," Ami and Katsu said, the kunoichi in perfect synch with her teacher. he gave her a look.
"What? You end up telling us that so often it's hardly a surprise," the blue-haired genin and medic-nin in training noted.
Katsu shook his head in faint bemusement, then shrugged.
"Well, that's enough wool-gathering," he spoke a moment later. "Ready to see where this takes us?"
"Hai, sensei!"
The four were off, grey shadows flitting between the trees in the light of morning, on a road towards the unexpected.

I'm a big Ninja Scroll fan ... hence the straw hats. What, did the Akatsuki have a monopoly on looking cool in those things? Besides, they're damn practical.
I hope I didn't mangle things too horribly.
Aaaaanyways, never let it be said that shinobi don't stop to take in the finer things in life at one time or another.
Edit: Can't help but be amused by the parallels between Sasuke and Mako, and wonder whether or not they'll become aware of those. Ought to be interesting, since Mako's philosophy on the matter is that 'gang-up on the Kisame!' is a perfectly valid tactic of dealing with _her_ brother.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: dawning thoughts
Well, I made them somewhat similar intentionally - but was also careful to not just make her a copy, hence the whole thing where while she'd have no qualms with seeing the person who was once her brother well underground, her ultimate goal as a ninja is to be so good at it that everyone forgets him. And, though it hardly needs saying, another good segment there and useful besides, as a "chuunin exams draw nigh" scene break.
Nathan - on geography, I seem to recall you saying there was a polity like Imperial China to the south of the Shinobi Nations - is Snow Country then south of that, or really hella far north across the equator? South beyond it is my guess, something like the tip of South America, because getting far enough north that the snow stays on the ground even in the warm part of the year from the southern hemisphere is a long, long way to go just to make a movie.
Also, reference pics of generic snow-nin from the movie, one using his bat-grapple
1 2
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: dawning thoughts
Nathan - on geography, I seem to recall you saying there was a polity like Imperial China to the south of the Shinobi Nations - is Snow Country then south of that, or really hella far north across the equator? South beyond it is my guess, something like the tip of South America, because getting far enough north that the snow stays on the ground even in the warm part of the year from the southern hemisphere is a long, long way to go just to make a movie.
I had indeed, but that was from an earlier draft, where, among other things, Konoha was still in the northern hemisphere.
The latest version...
[Image: map.jpg]
Yes, it's remarkably ugly. I've never gotten the hang of drawing with a mouse. The 'big five' should be recognizable in placement and outline. The Jade Empire (kipped from the superb Bioware RPG of the same name) could still be around, just smaller than before, either south or west of Wind. River is between Fire and Wind, with Grass bordering it, both of those, and Stone also - right in the center of things. The map I remember seeing in the manga put Rain on the peninsula between Fire and Water, but IIRC that's the only place Tea Country could be and still fit what we know about it, so I'd have to put Rain where the name would make most sense climatalogically - NE of Grass.
North-east again - due north of fire and due east of Stone - is Waterfall, then the peninsula to its east is Volcano. Rice Country - where Hidden Sound is - is either the next east or the one after (wikipedia and my memory of the show are in conflict), with Sky Country after that on the isthimus to Thunder.
Snow is off this map entirely, on a seperate landmass well to the south.
Sound good, since I know it can't look it?
Re: Yuki chic - that's notably similar to the way Sound-nin dress. Not, you know, enough so to be causal or anything, but interesting - like the resemblance between Konoha's flak jackets and Suna's cuirasses, when all the other shinobi we've seen wear no armor at all.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: dawning thoughts
Re: Yuki chic - that's notably similar to the way Sound-nin dress. Not, you know, enough so to be causal or anything, but interesting - like the resemblance between Konoha's flak jackets and Suna's cuirasses, when all the other shinobi we've seen wear no armor at all.
Well, they're Naruto villians - and generic popcorn minions at that. Who's going to waste time drawing an overly intricate outfit, or color-checking one? ANyway, I figure that the ribbed black stuff seen on the arms is a full-body suit, a thick, porous, heat-holding knit made with wool yarn or something similar, while the blue-trimmed grey jumpsuit that goes over it is to help fae into the snow and is water and wind resistant, since that's the biggest problem with loose knits. My Snow nuke-nin have foregone the woolies but kept the jumpsuits since they're also good at preventing abrasions, resistant to cutting like a good denim, and have the typical hidden pockets of outer-layer ninjawear for tools and weapons.
As for the armors.... I'm thinking I'll steal the kunoichi's wingsuit and the fat guy's ball-and-chain-claw suit (and have Gomaru complain about the fit of the latter) when it comes time for them to break it out, so Aoi gets the last suit, that the Snow guy who was Kakshi's special freind in the movie was using. See, those guys don't need them any more, because whoever Dodon or whatever the usuper-guy's name was has working on improved armors figured something out a little early, and all of them are going to have the new model when it comes time to send a team on that mission - though I don't remember who I had slated for it without going back a couple pages in the thread to check.
As for where exactly Rain Country is... close to the peninsula is better, but when it's a contract from Gatou, who cares? he's the only real competitor for the Haruno or Aburame depending on universe, and either way is sure to have contacts wiht most if not all countries and ninja villiages.
The Jade Empire... I suppose it oculd be either south or west of Sand (and could extend further west than your picture, if you want) if you still want to use it, but having never heard of the game let alone played it until you mentioned it, I couldn't give much in the way of advice otherwise.
Everything you have laid out sinds fine to me so far. How big a landmass are you figuring on, here? It would have to be pretty big just to have that much climatological variation, so I'd kind of assumed a roughly similar size vertically to the continental US, but environmental science is not one of my stronger subjects.
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: dawning thoughts
As for where exactly Rain Country is... close to the peninsula is better, but when it's a contract from Gatou, who cares? he's the only real competitor for the Haruno or Aburame depending on universe, and either way is sure to have contacts wiht most if not all countries and ninja villiages.
All right - Rain on that little peninsula, split the country south of Wind and make Tea its easternmost third or so? The Empire - if we keep it - would be to the west, then. NinjaLand's size I'd place as being somewhere a little smaller than Australia - maybe as big as the US east of the Mississippi?
BioWare, of course, are the people responsible for Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and Knights of the Old Republic - unfortunately, they're owned by Micro$oft and there's been no sign of a PC release, so JE is only out on Xbox. Playing it... is sort of like being part of the best damn kung-fu flick you ever saw. I rented it - complete with console, since I didn't have one, at that point - right after it came out, and counted it well worth the money. Especially the credits. *snicker*
More information is at the official site, my usual source for tips, and Gamespot's review.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: dawning thoughts
All right - Rain on that little peninsula, split the country south of Wind and make Tea its easternmost third or so?
Sounds good! It's Wave Country I meant, not the ... Tatsumaki, was it? Still can't remember w/o looking ... Penninsula but it amounts to almost the same thing.
The Empire - if we keep it - would be to the west, then.
Keep it if you want it, I don't need it per se.
NinjaLand's size I'd place as being somewhere a little smaller than Australia - maybe as big as the US east of the Mississippi?
That's about what I was figuring, but wanted to see what you thought about it.
Jade Empire the game, well, the day I buy an Xbox is the day after I sell my soul, so I kind of think I'll give it a miss.
I've been rereading the manga, and there is definitely an un-built-up area on one side of the arena - Kabuto was shown sitting on a tree branch there after he killed an ANBU to get his uniform to enter the stands, and it's on the far side of the ring from them to boot. I found the picture of the dog-size frog with a katana, too, and several other useful reference pictures - I'll stick them on my web page when I've gotten through the rest of the exam and war stuff.
- CD
ETA: What if you put the Jade Empire a short way across the sea, either north just far enough to be above the equator, or to the east of Mist where there's more landmass running off the map? If to the east, it might explain why Mist is so cutthroat - having a somewhat expansionist neighbor is enough to make anyone antsy, even if they have been thrown back several times, and even if the rest of your enemies usually make a temporary alliance to keep them at bay.
ETA2: I've moved all but one fo the reference pics into their own directory - the TXY color image is still where it's always been under cashew/grunion/ - and added the reference images I picked out of the chuunin finals sequences. Old stuff first: Mako-chan Snow nin 1 Snow nin 2
New stuff: Shodaime/Nidaime team Sandaime/San-nin/Yondaime teams
Arena long shot Arena medium shot
Grass-nin (probably chuunin)
Super-long helicopter view of Konohagakure nedium Hokage Monument shot, vandalisedThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
This screen shot shows a little dark haired girl in black, standing right beside Anko behind Naruto (and with the way the characters are standing, they could be holding hands, at that). It's from "Narutimett Hero 3" which is apparently a promo OVA for a new video game - as usual for Naruto specials, continuity is something that happens to other people, and so far I've only seen it raw and with a wonky aspect ratio (4:3 stretched wide, which I fixed for the picture) but what the heck, I'll take any evidence I can get... even if it probably is supposed to be Hanabi, standing further back than Anko. At least, the square-faced guy behind her looks vaguely Hiashi-like, though I didn't even notice him at first. There's a sound-nin between him and the little girl, thoguh, so maybe not. If you want to check the movie out for yourself, I got it at, but be aware that they mostly carry hentai and care not for liscencing - the listing is for "Naruto video game OVA" or something similar.
- CD
ETA: Kunoichi Rei
ETA2: Nathan, you mentioned a River Country - is that where the three nin with a sort of question mark shaped insignia on their hitae-ite in ep101 came from? (The episode that was based on the 'what's under Kakshi's mask' manga filler)That which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
ETA2: Nathan, you mentioned a River Country - is that where the three nin with a sort of question mark shaped insignia on their hitae-ite in ep101 came from? (The episode that was based on the 'what's under Kakshi's mask' manga filler)
Quite possibly - the only thing I think we really know is that it's where Sasori was supposed to meet Kabuto in the latest arc.
*shrug* Sorry I can't be more help.
I'd known that Konoha was a fairly large place, well into the no-shit-that's-definitely-a-city range, but seeing that long view again makes me think I'd been underestimating it - forget thirty thousand, that could be as much as a hundred, given the densities we've seen from the in-town shots.
ETA: Oh, and by the way - if you're not interested in the JE thing, that's cool, I'm not attached to it - I had never intended for it to be anything more than an off-hand mention at most, more of a shout out than any kind of thing that actually mattered.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
Quite possibly - the only thing I think we really know is that it's where Sasori was supposed to meet Kabuto in the latest arc.
EH? I thought that was Grass? Or maybe it's River Country, home of Hidden Grass. I suppose I'll have to reread the last chaper of Gaara hunting and see.
On the size of Konoha - yeah, it's big, for sure - I think it might actually be the capital of Fire, and the Fire Daimyo's palace is a seperate compound adjacent, not seen because the civilian government just hasn't been important. The Daimyo's wife Shijimi is close enoguh by that genin keep getting sent to find her cat, after all... the ninja/ninja-support population could well be in the 30k range, with the rest being pure civilians. Even allowing for seal-tech to mimic some of the modern conveiniences, I think we're going to have to have some kind of mechanized transport simply to be able to feed that big a population... advanced mechanical design would fit in with a setting where complex-trap-loving ninja are quite active, and the ancient Greeks managed to come up with the steam turbine... we've seen the occasional powered equipment, if rare enough to justify saying it's all hand-built and hence very expensive.
The game OVA I mentioned has more evidence of the screwy tech-levels, BTW, with a big presentation-grade portable video screen set up on the balcony of the Hokage's tower... bracketed by a pair of crude batteries each as big as a man. I guess those seals take a lot of power, reverse-converted from raiton energy to chakra...
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
The numbers of ninja that we've seen graduating from the Academy and the various exams suggests that there are really surprisingly few - I'd say one or two thousand at the very greatest - and I really doubt that Konoha's ninja need thirty support personelle each. OTOH, it's quite possible for a relatively low-tech city that's central to a nation the size of Hinokuni to top one hundred thousand - IIRC, Rome had well over a million during the Empire's heyday, and the lower estimates for Tenochtitlan, which had nowhere near the same kind of resources, are around sixty thousand.
So, yeah - you'd be surprised how primitive a society can support large cities. For it to be that big, with anything like the technology I think most of the series implies, Konoha'd almost have to be the largest city in Hinokuni - 'Hidden Village' is a lie both ways. Which is another way of saying that I definitely agree about it being the capital.
Anyway, we probably shouldn't worry about it so much, as Naruto's world is most definitely Tech Level Mobius. ^_^
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
"Repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just relax.'" (grins) What annoyed me about that city shot, was I couldn't find the bloody arena in it. I seem to rmemeber trying to figure out where it was when I watched the relevant anime episodes too, and not having much luck. I'm inclined to beleive it's on the outskirts off to the left of the monument and Hokage Tower, but ... I should check the beginnin gof the invasion, when one of the Sand or SOund guys see the explosion in the Kage's box and take it for the signal to start the invasion, or possibly the bit when the three heaaded snake (Isn't there some mythological name for such a beastie?) crashes throguh the wall.
Anyway, I just went through the last few manga chapter, and the only time it's mentioned where the Heaven and Earth Bridge is, it's said to be near the Villiage of Hidden Grass - at least, in the Shannaro! scanslations. Where did you get River country from? Not that I'm saying it's wrong, I just didn't see any mention of what the country was called, and of the known villiages, only Waterfall and Snow (both from specials with somehwat questionable continuity to the series proper - Sakura has post-chuunin exam hair, but Sasukr has no sign of the curse seal, and in the movie he not only possesses Chidori but can do one in each hand at the same time, while in the Waterfall special, he is totally out of character) share the name of their country... well, if the filler can be believed, and Sound is in Rice Country. It st least has slightly more claim to canonicity than the Jump Festa, and to continuity than the movie.
- CD
ETA: Just a note, I'm rejoicing because I fnally got somewhere on that TXY scene that's been killing me (well, actually, I tossed it, and then jackhammered through the next) so hopeflly I can bust some of that stuff out again before running into another jam.
Also, from just after the Chuunin Exams and jsut before a certain other fragment:

"Sorry glowbug, Mommy's gotta do some missions out of the villiage for a while, as well as the followup on the whole invasion mess." The woman knelt and took her daughter in a hug, telling the small girl, "Hey, don't look so down! I'll get some genin in here to keep you company and help with your Academy work when I'm not around."
The girl put on an uncertain smile, that gained sunstance as her mother scruffled her dark, shoulder-length hair. "Can I make the request myself, mama?"
"'Course you can, glowbug!" the woman laughed, happily.

---=- + -=---

With Sandaime-sama... (he had to pause to maintain his compsure, just thinking about it) ... with the Hokage dead, and the Council in an unending wrangle of meetings trying to work out an acceptable successor, the assignment of missions had ended up falling almost entirely on Iruka and Asuma the following day - and the teacher strongly suspected that the jounin had only volunteered to assist because it was the least strenous assignment available at the moment. Still, it was hard to begrudge the man a little light duty with his father not yet in the ground, and some of the more status-conscious jounin might have been troublesome taking missions from a chuunin, espescially when he'd been forced to break up practiuacally every team into smaller groups from the most seasoned right down to genin who'd graduated only a week before, in order to have a chance at filling all the mission requests. On top of the damage that had to be repaired, many lower-ranked ninja had been injured or killed in the fighting, and while the assault had broken off when Orochimaru was killed the walls still had to be manned in case fighting resumed... Frankly, he was feeling a bit out of his depth, and grateful for even the most lackadaisical backup.
Unfortunately, explaining all of this to his current headache-inducer had not helped, and not due to the difference in their ranks. "But Iruka-senseeeei!" the fox-whiskered gennin whined, arms crossed obstinately as he stood in front of the assignment desk. "With this kind of trouble, a great ninja like me should be out doing a solo mission for the Leaf with youth and spirit, dattebayo!"
Iruka's teeth ground, and a vein pulsed on his forehead heavily enoguh to be visible through the cloth of his hitae-ite. "Na-ru-TOOOO!" he growled, "Genin do not go on solo missions. In times of war, even chuunin do not go on solo missions, and even if you made it to the finals, you haven't been made a chuunin. Right now, the mission requests are too much to even keep normal three-man genin teams together, so to protect the leaf I need you to take this D-Rank mission with Hino-san so more qualified ninja can get on with harder requests, and I NEED YOU TO DO IT NOW AND GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!"
(Rei is ticked because Naurto is being even more annoying than Usagi, Asuma gets everyone to calm down. Iruka explains that the misison is to watch Mitarashi Hotaru for the weekend while her mother is on missions, to help her with academy work and the minor repairs needed in the wake of the invasion. The name seems familiar to the genin, but neither can place it at the moment. The next bit should be obvious, while the rest of this admittedly filler sequence would be Rei helping both Hotaru and Naruto with something he slept through the first time around.)That which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Next morning, Harry found himself butt-naked in the other side of town, mouth tasting of lima beans. - from Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
More psudo-canonical support for the senshi DC characters - that purple-haired ANBU woman who finds Hayate after Baki kills him just before the Finals - Rei was purple highlights in her hair, and there's a bunch of crows flying around there - not unsuprising with a corpse in the vicinity, but who's to say one (or two) of them didn't tell her about it, and that's why her squad is first on the scene? She'd probably be an older sister or aunt, I'm thinking.
- CD
ETA: In ep55, Neji collapses from chakra exhaustion after using one too many kaiten while training with Tenten, so lots of support there.
ETA2: Anime Konoha appears to be significantly smaller and more wooded than manga Konoha, eh? Maybe that's where you were getting the impression from, Nathan. It also lacks the fields and training grounds on the monument plateau from the look of things - which sucks, because the the Forest of Death in the upper right of the manga shot and its size given in the second exam instructions there was a concrete measurement for that version. On the plus side, you can see the distinctive ring and outbuildings of the arena on the upper left of the screen grab here.SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
ETA2: Anime Konoha appears to be significantly smaller and more wooded than manga Konoha, eh? Maybe that's where you were getting the impression from, Nathan. It also lacks the fields and training grounds on the monument plateau from the look of things - which sucks, because the the Forest of Death in the upper right of the manga shot and its size given in the second exam instructions there was a concrete measurement for that version. On the plus side, you can see the distinctive ring and outbuildings of the arena on the upper left of the screen grab here.
*nod* Yep. Working from the size of the buildings in the anime shot - which, you'll recall, we know because of scenes actually happening in the town - and making a wild-assed guess based on my knowledge of my hometown's size, density, and rough appearance from above (my house is at the edge of town, up on a mountain), I'd say that Anime!Konoha might have ~30,000 inhabitants, +/- 5,000. If building size holds true (reasonable, for a walled city), then Manga!Konoha has about four times that.
Even if we make the most generous assumptions - that Hinokuni is about the size of France, and posesses an economy comparable to a modern industrialized nation's - Anime!Konoha is far from inconsiderable, and Manga!Konoha a major city.
At the other end, where I'm inclined to put things, even the smaller of the two versions is still likely the largest city in the country.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
Taking a third look, I think it's likely that anime!konoha is the size of what's inside the first and second major street rings of manga!konoha out from the monument - my suggestion would be to have anime city and manga plateau, so there's a place for them to grow at least a portion of their own food on-site (sure looks like irrigation canals up there, going directly back from the monument) and so the monument doesn't have to suddenly mysteriously grow to ahve room for Tsunade's face. Seal tech and hand-crafted, steam-powered heavy equipment cover the things that don't otherwise fit in the corresponding RL timeframe - the engine on the ferry to Wave, the crane and massive bridge, the train and trucks from the movie - but there's no such thing as production line concepts and for the average person, actually seeing (let alone riding in/on) a machine is as rare as seeing a kinjutsu performed, if not more so.
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Pseudo-canonical evidence for Mitarashi Hotaru!
Taking a third look, I think it's likely that anime!konoha is the size of what's inside the first and second major street rings of manga!konoha out from the monument - my suggestion would be to have anime city and manga plateau, so there's a place for them to grow at least a portion of their own food on-site (sure looks like irrigation canals up there, going directly back from the monument) and so the monument doesn't have to suddenly mysteriously grow to have room for Tsunade's face. Seal tech and hand-crafted, steam-powered heavy equipment cover the things that don't otherwise fit in the corresponding RL timeframe - the engine on the ferry to Wave, the crane and massive bridge, the train and trucks from the movie - but there's no such thing as production line concepts and for the average person, actually seeing (let alone riding in/on) a machine is as rare as seeing a kinjutsu performed, if not more so.
Sounds about right. I'd be inclined to use the larger city (and I'd reached the same conclusion about their relative sizes - the nearest radial 'quarter' seems to have about the same total area as the inner core, with another full quarter to the left of that and about a half a quarter on their outskirts...), but then, my imagination has latched onto Konohagakure as being more equivalent to Rome or Paris that, say, Washington D.C. - that is, that it's not just the administrative center, it's the heart of the country.
Observing that Konohagakure is in the middle of a huge fucking forest, and that our glimpses of Sunagakure have put it in the middle of a dune-covered desert (at the bottom of a major canyon, no less), leaves me thinking that Kirigakure gets London-esque fogs for most of its year, and that Kumogakure does too, just at a (much) higher elevation, like the Smoky Mountains or something. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that Iwagakure was built inside a major cavern system...
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Anko's filler arc (anime ep169)
Well, I just grabbed the fansub, and so far it looks like no conflict with the Anko/Oro dynamic we've laid out (with the age and date fiddling already mentioned taken as a given) - though I'm sure some of it is bound to end up needing modification or being out right discarded before the filler arc is over. Still, it's nice to get some demi-official characterization on Anko, and even if it's not quite as psycho-fun-frewheeling as some fan authors portary her, so far it seems a reasonable match for what we saw of her in TGNH, or at least so it seems to me, and it fills in a little more of the map. Why the producers thoght they needed to bring in copies of Kabuto's loser team mates I simply cannot fathom, though their being explained as remnants of Hebi-yaro's visit to the region would fit well with Hotaru's origins, I guess.
If the islands they're looking at there are anything LIKE as small or as close as they appear, that's going to have to be entirely discarded - it would shrink the map to 1/3 or less what we've been figuring on, and that's just too damn small. OTOH, there's nothing to say that they haven't already crossed to closer islands before that cliffside scene, so meh.
On the foggy foggy dew... I don't think so, really, not when Team 7 makes special note of how foggy it is in Wave Country, and I don't think we've EVER seen fog in Fire Country scenes, even Kid Sasuke's early-morning katon practice by the river.
- CD seems to be building up quite the library of Naruto villian nicknamesSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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