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I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
Authors note only one of these flavours is not can actual Japanese Ice-Cream flavour. Can you guess which one? I dont really have an ending for this it is just a fragment.

Thibor could feel the wall against his back. He pressed into it, feeling every pit and imperfection in the paint. His eyes remained focused on the door.
Well Major. We always knew it could come to this eventually. Cammy said with a shaky, forced calm. I didnt think it would be under these circumstances; but if I do not get a chance to say it
Will not die. Thibor grated. Is bad situation. Is going to take every last ounce of strength. Every nerve. Every fiber. Is going to be fought with tooth, and nail and tongue; but will not die!
Speak for youself Major. Simon said, taking cover behind Cammys desk; his long legs bending almost to his chin. Im hoping for a quick and relatively painless death. I dont think Ill get one. But I can always hope.
Look chaps. Cammy said. There is an air vent over there. I deeply regret the necessity, but I am going to squeeze through the grating and leave you both to your ill-deserved fate. Cheers.
Is not happening. Thibors hand closed on Cammys wrist. She tried to pull away, but Thibors hand expanded, fur and claws ripping through the skin. His other hand grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against his chest.
Thibor! Cammy squirmed in the werewolfs powerful grip. Look this is hardly dignified.
And crawling through air vent is dignified? Thibor grinned. Besides. Is too late!
Im back! Naoko burst into Cammys office, a cooler dangling from one arm.
How was your family? Cammy asked through a banana grin as she tried to wiggle out of Thibors grasp. Everyone is well I take it?
Theyre great! Naoko said dropping the cooler on Cammys desk. Mom just got a new design contract, and Dad is standing at the crossroads of hell.
Cammy nodded. Naokos parents were lovely people. Her mother was an architect who specialized in environmentally sustainable office tower designs. Her father was an actor who was currently working on a remake of the Lone Wolf and Cub films. They were progressive, educated and wildly supportive of their daughters chosen career. In fact they were as ideal a family as could be hoped for; except for one thing; the care package that they always sent home with their daughter.
Simon! Naoko leaned over the desk. What are you doing down there.
I dropped my wallet. Simon rose, his long frame unfolding.
Has volunteered to buy us all dinner. Thibor said. Is finding fabulous Indian food place; is serving food so hot that is making whole skull into tandoori oven.
Sounds great! Naokos eyes gleamed. Maybe later. Right now it is time for ice-cream! You can start your excuses now.
I just havent been working out as much as I normally do. Cammy said, a drop of sweat on her brow. I fear I would not be able to fit into my uniform if I indulge.
I am becoming a transvestite. Simon announced. And if I eat too much ice-cream I wont be able to fit into Lieutenant Colonel Hoyles uniform.
Am not planning to become transvestite. Thibor said. Am planning to try and get into Cammys uniform; but cannot have any ice cream because am planning to lick own crotch later and is not wanting bad taste in mouth before starting.
Thibor! Cammy said. That is inappropriate.
If is volunteering alternate crotch, then compromise is certainly possible. Thibor grinned, collecting an elbow in the midriff.
Better than last time. Naoko said. Sorry Cammy, I checked, eyewitnesses spotted you in the gym this morning doing an estimate 300 sit ups. Simon, nice try; but IST uniforms are unisex and incredibly stretchy, it would still fit. Thibor Ick.. just ick!
Naoko. Cammy said reasonably. Do we really have to do this every time you go visit your parents? Why dont you just tell them that you really dont like Japanese specialty ice cream.
I cant. Naoko said, hanging her head slight. Back when I was training for the Olympics gymnastics team, Dad and Mom would always meet me after practice and wed go out for ice cream. It was their way of showing how proud they were of me. So now, because we cant get together very often, they always send it home with me. It is really important to them, so I cant just throw it out; and I cant eat it all myself. So, can you all please help me
Very well. I shall go first. Cammy disengaged from Thibor and flipped the top off the cooler. She was rewarded by a slight whoosh and tendrils of vapor, evidence of the dry ice that kept everything frozen on the long journey from Kyoto to London.
Thanks Cammy. Naoko produced a small bag of plastic spoons. What did you get?
I am uncertain. I think it might be green tea. Cammy popped the top off of the container, revealing a green, slightly granular looking ice cream. She dipped a spoon in and scooped out a sample. No. It is not green tea; and is rather horrible.
Char grilled seaweed. Naoko read off the side of the container as Cammy passed it over. She took a spoonful, winced visibly, and passed the container to Simon. Well, at least it is high in iron.
Is words describing how wrong this is. Thibor stated, emptying the container. But am not allowed to use them in polite conversation.
Ello, Ello, Ello, Wots all this them? Colonel Byrd stood in the door frame, a wide, pseudo-grin stretched across his features.
Were sampling some ice cream Colonel. Cammy said with a straight face. You are certainly welcome to join us.
Tah. Byrd snagged a spoon and container, snapping the top off with a flick of his thumb. The ice cream was a dull gray. He scooped up a mouthful and moved it from cheek to cheek, contemplating the taste and texture. Just what flavour is it then?
Charcoal. Naoko said.
Dont taste a bit like er. Byrd tossed the container to Thibor. Dyou agree there Major?
Would not know. Thibor said with a forced calm; aware of Cammys gaze falling on him. Interesting.
Interesting? Cammy tried some, her features screwing up slightly at the taste. Major, I appreciate your restraint, but I am unsure how you can label the contents of that container interesting.
Is matter of scale. Thibor said. Is land that features, blowing yourself up on TV, universal school-girl fetish, and Hello-Kitty vibrate... weddings. Is all strange. Charcoal flavoured ice cream just rates interesting. Is not truly bizarre enough to get into top ten.
Ugh! Naoko nearly spat up the mouthful she had just tried. No way! Squid guts!
Better than charcoal. Thibor tried it and passed it along. He accepted another container from Cammy. Squid ink?
Oh bloody hell! Salt flavour. Byrd reached for another container. Best have some of the curry flavor. All we need is fishnchipsGuinness flavor and it will be a lads night out.
The Guinness is over by Simon. Cammy covered her mouth as she giggled. Oh, Thibor! Do try this one. Dracula Cool Garlic Mint flavor. Oh my. This is simply horrible.
It cannot be worse that this one. Simon countered. Hot spring water, with the smell and taste of sulfur.
Miso Soup Ramen! Naoko dug out the artfully cut kamaboko and flicked it at Simon.
I can top it. Simon deftly flicked a bit of plum back at Naoko. Pickled plum and shiso flavor.
Finland ice, with extra xylitol. For the exquisite taste of visit to dentist. Cammy said.
Pit Viper. Naoko looked pained as she swallowed the mouthful. Ick. They say it is supposed to be an aphrodisiac.
Best ask Bitterbuck to confirm that. Byrd chortled.
Colonel! Naoko went red, her freckles vanishing momentarily.
Well its either ask Bitterbuck or the Hello Kitty Vibrator. Byrd shrugged. An I doubt the Vibrator says anything other than I love you, lets all be friends and go explore the cave together.
It is albatross flavor! Cammy said, providing a distracted before Naoko exploded. It is bloody sea-bird, bloody flavor!
Better than lemon collagen. Thibor managed around a particularly chewy mouthful.
Last one. Soy sauce. Simon passed on the container.
Well, this as been truly horrible, thank you Second Lieutenant Yoshida. Byrd patted Naoko on the head, causing her knees to buckle slightly. Carry on then.
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
Some of these I have heard of before. I would have to guess that the fictional flavor would be charcoal, unless you want to count the very obvious Monty Python reference.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
Some of these I have heard of before. I would have to guess that the fictional flavor would be charcoal, unless you want to count the very obvious Monty Python reference.
Charcoal is an actual Ice Cream flavor.... [Image: ohwell.gif] [Image: eyes.gif]
My Step-stepsister liked it, she was six months pregnant at the time.
[Image: wink.gif]
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
Well, activated charcoal is an old remedy for nausea. Maybe it calmed her stomach?
Still ... yick.Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
Roit. I rather susupected the Charcoal until I saw mention of the A word."I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
My bet is on Pit Viper.
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
Having a small familiarity with Japanese "aisu", I have no idea which of these is made-up...

-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: I scream, you scream, we all scream for IST cream.
This article might shed some light on the mystery.
Ice Cream
Okay - Albatross is the faux flavour; it seemed too much the red herring. Having said that, I am quite sure that there is a link forthcoming that espouses the glory of bleeding sea-bird bleeding flavour.
Re: Ice Cream
nothing can compare to the delectably greasy slide of an ice cream flavored with extract of seagull!
I haven't had albatross, though.. sounds yummy!Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Ice Cream?
I presume you are kidding. I hope you are kidding. I pray that you are kidding. Please, tell me you are kidding!
Re: Ice Cream?
Somewhat kidding. I mowed down not too terribly recently on Eskimo Ice Cream, and I figure after consuming something that has changed very little from it's removal with a knife from a whale, seabird flavored icecream ain't gonna be _that_ bad.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Ice Cream?
Indeed you have a point. Besides, do you know if these rather exotic flavours can be purchased from europe? I'm beginning to get curious...
Re: Ice Cream?
uhm. no clue. Europe is fairly far away for this poor Alaska boy...Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Ice Cream?
I've seen some exotic flavors in France. Can't remember where or what, but it's something at least.*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Great, I was planning a trip there this summer to improve my french before an exam. I'll look for it, thanks a lot.

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