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A Plot Bunny
04-23-2006, 09:54 PM
I was struck by a bit of a plot bunny earlier, and am trying to write it out. Here's some of what I have so far; don't worry if you don't understand some of the references -- I don't expect you to, and knowing most of the series involved won't be important to following the story, as I fully plan to have Harry try to explain his new "family" once he gets to Hogwarts.
Harry Potter and the Screwed-Up Life
Prologue One
"What the $@%# is going on?"
I looked around in shock; the last minute, I had been trying to work out the details of a psychology internship, and the next, I found myself in the middle of what appeared to be London. Don't get me wrong; I like traveling, but this was ridiculous. Considering my state, the baby that fell from the sky and proceeded to bounce off the ground and into my arms just drove me further into shock. Looking around and spotting a police officer, I tried to explain myself, only to be laughed off. While I considered approaching one of the idiots dancing around in a dress, none of them looked like they'd know anything, either, so I just continued looking for some sort of an explanation while trying to calm the baby, who looked like he had some sort of nasty, half-healed cut on his forehead.
Two hours later, I was short twenty dollars, but the baby's head had been bandaged and I had calmed down enough to look more closely at him. At a closer look, "baby" wasn't entirely accurate; I guessed him to be around a year old, although someone had wrapped him like an infant. What really got me was the note that was tucked under his arm. Stopping to read it, I paused in shock.
"You've got to be kidding me."
In comparison to that note, the fact that I suddenly found myself in Tokyo, Harry Potter in tow, wasn't much of a surprise. The fact that a swirling purple vortex suddenly dropped an infant at my feet was only a minor surprise at that point, but I was too deeply in shock to really care about the fact that I recognized the kid beyond the fact that it was yet another instance of some god deciding to screw with my life. Turning towards the Heavens, I decided to vent a little.
"What's next? Uzumaki Naruto? Ueki Kousuke? Ikari Shinji? Maybe Kuchiki Byakuya?"
Another swirling vortex promptly discharged four more infants, each wearing clothes that conveniently included name tags.
"That's not exactly a whole lot better, you know!"
I sighed, paused and decided to make another appeal to the Heavens.
"What the Hell am I supposed to do with them, anyway?"
Considering that I promptly found myself in front of a house bearing the sign "Okashii Orphanage for Extraordinary Children", I think that my reaction was justified.
"Okay, I get the hint already!"
I sighed and started on the task of trying to raise Harry Potter, Rekka Hanabishi, Robert Haydn, Gaara of the Desert, Rei Ayanami and Toushirou Hitsugaya.
Two months later, things had settled down somewhat. My impromptu orphanage was, judging by where the front door lead, apparently in a Japanese town named "Nekomi", less than a block from a Buddhist temple. The "orphanage" apparently had all of the appropriate papers filed and a reasonably large bank account, I was apparently registered as a citizen of Japan, my parents apparently didn't exist, Gaara and Toushirou apparently disappeared for several hours each day, my Japanese was a lot better than it should have been, there were doors in the orphanage apparently leading to various places throughout the world, and my eye still twitched whenever I thought about the fact that my orphanage's sponsor was apparently the "Ueki Haruko Memorial Fund", but I got along reasonably well and the kids had started to grow on me. The fact that the house had a decent computer and internet access didn't hurt, either, but the six of them had started to grow on me. In fact, I would have suspected that divine forces were trying to make things easier on me had I not known better. As I did know better, I didn't have any suspicions of the sort; the name of the fund providing for the orphanage was more than enough of a hint for things to go well beyond mere suspicion.
I had tried to get help or to find a way back to my life several times, but I couldn't just abandon the children, and that limited my options. More, I had discovered, shortly after the one-year anniversary of my "acquisition" of the six children, that Gaara and Toushirou were "disappearing" back to Sunagakure and Rukongai, respectively. I had hired help, but there was no way that I would trust my assistant, an Atsuko Natsume, although she insisted I call her "Nuku-Nuku", alone with kids for very long and no one else was responding to my ads. Every now and then, Harry would do something weird, like turning Nuku-Nuku's hair green or covering my skin in green polka dots, but overall, he was a pleasant and helpful child.
Of course, few things last long, and the same went for my comfortable ideas as to just who had been playing around with my life. Shortly after Harry's fourth birthday, I was approached by another potential assistant, a woman who introduced herself as Athena Kohasei. Given her first name, I probably should have realized who and what she was, but I was both desperate and stressed. To make a rather long story short, the conversation proceeded until I mentioned that I was afraid that my "children" -- I truly had taken them as my own by this point -- all had long and difficult roads to walk, would probably face obstacles that I couldn't even begin to help them with, and that I wished that I had the power to stand by their sides and lend them assistance when they faced their destinies without becoming a burden.
As her face began to glow and a beam of light shot through the ceiling, I just sighed, palmed my face, and once again turned towards the heavens.
"Why me?" I asked, palming my face before turning to Athena. "You know," I stated flatly, "I'd have said something else if I'd known you were here to grant me a wish."
Edit: The idea, BTW, is to follow Harry as he goes to Hogwarts, not the "family", although other stories, following the others, might be an idea.
Edit2: Replaced the above text with a more proofread version.
Edit3: Replaced the above with the full first prologue.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Re: A Plot Bunny
04-25-2006, 07:37 PM
Gaara and Rei will end up more normal... which means that Gaara won't get to kill people at first. I mean his demon powers kind of require human sacrifice to operate properly... its part of the contract. This means he'll be fairly normal for ninja stock until he starts offing people. Which means until that point he can get some real sleep. Sleeping while the demon powers are active is going to destroy his mind. That is why he got saner after Naruto beat him and his demon down. He got a nights sleep... real sleep for the first time in years. Maybe several while the demon was too weak to chew on his personality. This means he'll get more screwed up as a teenager, because hell start offing dark wizards. Since he'll have something to fall back on structure wise. A good home life. Power for sanity is a bad deal for the others in the area.
Rekka Hanabishi, Flame of Recca... don't really know this one, but pyrokinetic ninja guy. Cant handle this part.
Toushirou Hitsugaya, Bleach... kinda useless. His powers took forever to gain. Cryokinetic powers in his soul. However he does provide access to Soul Slayer tech. So another ninja with a summonable sword.
Robert Haydn, I'm guessing he is the celestial with gravity powers? From Law of Ueki? He won't have the gravity powers... I mean losing abilities everytime he strikes someone? Ick.
Rei is the real winner here. Rei will be a real girl, without the whole conspiracy mind set of 'I'm expendable'. Which means she'll be a girl with a forcefield and astral projection. With access to soul slayer tech. Which means shell get to access this kind thing as one that can freely ditch her body. If she randomly visits Harry shell be invisible. And able to track spirits which along with freaking the ghosts out (a reaper is wandering around that sends ghosts to the afterlife) shell get to see the great topee Voldymort. So she can club Wuss Man, might be clubbed with the ghost banishing hilt meaning a horecrux at random may be dragged off to hell. Explaining the missing horecrux later or maybe Wuss man gets dragged off to hell.. She'll also probably wear silver chains... as those are supposed to provide a guideline to her to get back while projecting.
So ninja kids a plenty. Only Harry really can get into Hogwarts. Gaara is possessed, so half demon effectively to the wizards world. Rei and Robert arent even full blood humans. so know official dice. Bleach boy may qualify though. And Rei can attend invisible.
First, manuals.... lots of manuals. Which means the unnamed guy is going to be training a lot. The neighbors will complain of explosions. Or get drunk and watch. Drunk people cheering on ninja kids amuses me.
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Re: A Plot Bunny
04-26-2006, 12:01 AM
Quote: Gaara and Rei will end up more normal... which means that Gaara won't get to kill people at first. I mean his demon powers kind of require human sacrifice to operate properly... its part of the contract. This means he'll be fairly normal for ninja stock until he starts offing people. Which means until that point he can get some real sleep. Sleeping while the demon powers are active is going to destroy his mind. That is why he got saner after Naruto beat him and his demon down. He got a nights sleep... real sleep for the first time in years. Maybe several while the demon was too weak to chew on his personality. This means he'll get more screwed up as a teenager, because hell start offing dark wizards. Since he'll have something to fall back on structure wise. A good home life. Power for sanity is a bad deal for the others in the area.
Is that bit about requiring him to off people canon? Hell, is any of that canon? AAIRC, it isn't. The first sentence, however, is debatable. In the next few paragraphs after this little bit, I establish that the orphanage's front door is next to a temple in Nekomi, Japan (the other doors lead elsewhere -- London, Konoha, Tokyo-3...) and that I hired Nuku-nuku to help me mind the kids because no one else would take the job. Oh, and Gaara and Toushirou are randomly phasing back and forth between Sunagakure and Rukongai.
Quote: Rekka Hanabishi, Flame of Recca... don't really know this one, but pyrokinetic ninja guy. Cant handle this part.
Don't forget the fact that he's also a time-traveller and that his mother's a four-to-five-hundred-year-old immortal who has access to magical weapons.
Quote: Toushirou Hitsugaya, Bleach... kinda useless. His powers took forever to gain. Cryokinetic powers in his soul. However he does provide access to Soul Slayer tech. So another ninja with a summonable sword.
See above. Also, time "apparently" passes differently between Earth and Soul Society. In my tentative plot, the story of Bleach begins somewhere around Harry's fifth year.
Quote: Robert Haydn, I'm guessing he is the celestial with gravity powers? From Law of Ueki? He won't have the gravity powers... I mean losing abilities everytime he strikes someone? Ick.
You're right about the series, but wrong about the nature of his powers. Incidentally, his powers as a tenkaijin are not dependant on his powers and a noryoukusha -- even without counting those, he can... let's see... change his arm into a canon, summon a giant, metal-backed fist, summon a giant pick, turn his arm into a really big meat-cleaver, summon a big, walking mouth (kinda like a giant, cubical pac-man), turn his feet into what amount to jet-powered roller-skates, summon giant boxes from the ground, turn his arm into a giant whip, grow wings... oh, and then there's the ten-star jingi, which he can, admittedly, only use six times in his life, but it deserves its own category when you consider that it can pretty much destroy a building the size of Hogwarts in one shot.
Fortunately, only the one-star jingi (the canon) manifests without training...
So, even if he doesn't use his power to change ideals into reality (yes, that's his power), he's... somewhat of a handful.
Quote: Rei is the real winner here. Rei will be a real girl, without the whole conspiracy mind set of 'I'm expendable'. Which means she'll be a girl with a forcefield and astral projection. With access to soul slayer tech. Which means shell get to access this kind thing as one that can freely ditch her body. If she randomly visits Harry shell be invisible. And able to track spirits which along with freaking the ghosts out (a reaper is wandering around that sends ghosts to the afterlife) shell get to see the great topee Voldymort. So she can club Wuss Man, might be clubbed with the ghost banishing hilt meaning a horecrux at random may be dragged off to hell. Explaining the missing horecrux later or maybe Wuss man gets dragged off to hell.. She'll also probably wear silver chains... as those are supposed to provide a guideline to her to get back while projecting.
Actually, as I have it planned, she only gets the AT field out of that list. Toushirou is the only one with a soul-slayer, and yes, he does freak the Hogwarts ghosts out when he eventually visits.
Quote: So ninja kids a plenty. Only Harry really can get into Hogwarts. Gaara is possessed, so half demon effectively to the wizards world. Rei and Robert arent even full blood humans. so know official dice. Bleach boy may qualify though. And Rei can attend invisible.
Harry's going. Robert isn't human at all. Rei's staying at home. Rekka is going to be attending martial arts lessons at the Tendou Dojo. Toushirou is going to be busy studying. Gaara... I have plans for.
Quote: First, manuals.... lots of manuals. Which means the unnamed guy is going to be training a lot. The neighbors will complain of explosions. Or get drunk and watch. Drunk people cheering on ninja kids amuses me.
The neighbors are a buddhist temple in Nekomi with rather famous inhabitants. They will train. Three of the smaller inhabitants will join and help them. When Harry goes to Hogwarts, he'll be bringing a ninja "rat" as a "pet".
("I've looked it up! Even if a demoness decided to turn her into a midget human ninja, Nozomi is still legally a rat!")
Are you starting to see why my tentative title for this is "Harry Potter and the Screwed Up Life"?-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
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Re: A Plot Bunny
04-26-2006, 02:23 AM
Quote: kinda like a giant, cubical pac-man
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
A kung-fu nun in a leather thong was no less extreme than anything else he had seen that day. - Rev. Dark's IST: Holy Sea World
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Re: A Plot Bunny
04-26-2006, 03:45 AM
Nope. Cubical. Bigger mouth. Masshu is also big enough to "swallow" a person whole, although it does damage by catching them on its teeth.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Fun with stinking badgers
04-26-2006, 05:47 AM
Not being human at all is the same thing to the wizards... human wizards are the bestest thing EVER... everyone else sucks.
What is the point of including one the Rei collective again? I mean Tokyo 3 isn't interesting until 4th ear anyway. Unless she goes to make cameo visits with her sister self. Rei having the odd quirk of an imaginary ninja sister... or something. What does she do?
Yes... Badger eats your mind as you sleep and takes over. That is why Gaara is so crazy pre-Naruto battle, he literally avoid sleep to keep saner. That is pure canon. The badger is a very, very bad thing to have in your head. The Badger likes to kill people. It fun and funny.
The human sacrifice thing is an over simplification. The Badger likes to kill things. A lot. The host is snubbed and feared so the host talks to the only one that will talk to him/her from a young age. The murderous loony badger demon in their head. It doesn't help that Gaara had to kill his favorite relative at like 5 and that only two people in his village deal with him on any substantial level. Naruto is a prison that can get chakra as rent. Gaara is a properly bonded host.
The sand powers come from their link with the badger. The gourd like the kanji on his head represent the protection of his mother. The gourd contains sand soaked with both his chakra for better control and the blood of his victims. The more you kill the happier the demon. The less you kill the more the demon whittles away at your mind in boredom. Sleep makes this far easier. The reason for this mind whittling is to lower their mental resistance till the summon him. Then its personal killing spree time. WWWHHEEE!!! Good times for giant badgers.
While it doesn't eat souls or the like it does demand entertainment... read people dying. If its not entertained it whittles away at your mind faster. Human sacrifices for sanity a bit longer. The badger is not your friend.
Like the once rat ninja. She'll appreciate being considered a rat.
Potter, try harder even your familiar is better at potions than you are.
Watch how much you use the portals... I mean if they all come out barely changed it damages the credibility of the story. Soul Society won't enough a student that commutes either. If the land of SS move at uber speeds compared to Earth... have him attend classes when Harry goes to Hogwarts. He goes to Earth for breathers.
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
04-26-2006, 12:42 PM
Quote: Not being human at all is the same thing to the wizards... human wizards are the bestest thing EVER... everyone else sucks.
That's part of why this Harry doesn't like the wizarding world very much.
Quote: What is the point of including one the Rei collective again? I mean Tokyo 3 isn't interesting until 4th ear anyway. Unless she goes to make cameo visits with her sister self. Rei having the odd quirk of an imaginary ninja sister... or something. What does she do?
There can only be one active Rei at a time. You're right about Tokyo-3, however -- the only reason it's really important before Harry's fifth year (different ages) is as yet another reason why Harry's adoptive father keeps banging his head against the table.
Quote: Yes... Badger eats your mind as you sleep and takes over. That is why Gaara is so crazy pre-Naruto battle, he literally avoid sleep to keep saner. That is pure canon. The badger is a very, very bad thing to have in your head. The Badger likes to kill people. It fun and funny.
This much is correct. Solving the sleep problem quickly becomes a top-level priority.
Quote: The human sacrifice thing is an over simplification. The Badger likes to kill things. A lot. The host is snubbed and feared so the host talks to the only one that will talk to him/her from a young age. The murderous loony badger demon in their head. It doesn't help that Gaara had to kill his favorite relative at like 5 and that only two people in his village deal with him on any substantial level. Naruto is a prison that can get chakra as rent. Gaara is a properly bonded host.
I don't remember any of this as canon beyond the bit about Yashamaru.
Quote: The sand powers come from their link with the badger. The gourd like the kanji on his head represent the protection of his mother. The gourd contains sand soaked with both his chakra for better control and the blood of his victims. The more you kill the happier the demon. The less you kill the more the demon whittles away at your mind in boredom. Sleep makes this far easier. The reason for this mind whittling is to lower their mental resistance till the summon him. Then its personal killing spree time. WWWHHEEE!!! Good times for giant badgers.
Is any of this canon? I remember that his gourd contains refined sand that's more useful than the normal type, but the rest?
While it doesn't eat souls or the like it does demand entertainment... read people dying. If its not entertained it whittles away at your mind faster. Human sacrifices for sanity a bit longer. The badger is not your friend.
Quote: Like the once rat ninja. She'll appreciate being considered a rat.
She won't care. You do realize who she is, right?
Quote: Potter, try harder even your familiar is better at potions than you are.
*Snicker* Not going to happen; I have... plans for the pet rule. The objection isn't going to work, so my plan is for other options will be taken -- repeatedly. Let's see... tenkaijuu... Nuku-Nuku...
Quote: Watch how much you use the portals... I mean if they all come out barely changed it damages the credibility of the story. Soul Society won't enough a student that commutes either. If the land of SS move at uber speeds compared to Earth... have him attend classes when Harry goes to Hogwarts. He goes to Earth for breathers.
Toushirou is the only one who comes out pretty much unchanged. In part, this is because he's returning from Earth at the exact same time he leaves.
Edit: Minor qualifying statement which I had forgotten to readd after accidentally deleting it readded.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Re: Fun with stinking badgers
04-26-2006, 04:44 PM
The badger spends its time between being stuck in a kettle and a host. Note that Gaara is calm, but hunting before fighting Naruto... with fits of slaughter. The badger almost comes out and thrashes Angst boy when he actually wounds Gaara. That badger lives for the killing times.
So, yes, what I have said is canon. It doesn't help that the sand armor won't let you feel much or get hurt. That leaves the host disconnected with things. Note younger Gaara tried to stab himself, but the sand wouldn't let him. The badger is not your friend.
The rat ninja is a rat turned into a mini-ninja, because Mara wanted a clan of assassins. Minions like her pet imp that she made. The clan leaves as one once it realizes that their is no honor conflict if all of them leave Mara's service. Only one of them leaves that is a bad thing for honor. I also remember her angsting with a former mouse about the good old pre-ninja days.
With Rei... only one could be active because they were prevented from getting mental stimulation and all live in the LCD tanks. They basically share a undevoloped mind. Only one Rei is allowed active at a time. Since the Rei in question is was taken so young it won't matter here. The next Rei just gets the other Rei's memories jammed into its skull. The memory back ups are the reason for tests and what not in the Reiquarium room.
Note Rei 3 doesn't remember her last battle... she remembers things before that only. Rei 3 goes through a period of searching through her not her memories. The dummy plugs work as an operators soul just fine. It takes the soul of the pilot, working with the Evas soul, to make the Eva fight. The dummy plugs system works by using the Rei clones to trick the Eva into thinking it has a pilot.
So the Reis must have souls or the dummy plug system won't work at all. Thus it is minds they lack not souls. One Rei at a time is a policy, not a technical requirement. I see no conflict with a random Rei raised elsewhere being her own person.
Rei 1 acted like she have someone elves memories. Yui Ikari's. Hence the whole taunting Ritsuko's mother into strangling her and jumping to her doom. She stole Yui's husband after all. It is clear Rei 2 didn't have these memories. The Rei clones are an attempt to get back Gendo's wife. Finding out your dead and the one in charge of the experiment that killed you is sleeping with your husband is not conducive to mental health.
Taking away Nerv's test pilot would make things rather bad for NERV. They need a Rei to function. The point is to anny and confuse people and be strange not genicide a planet as a gag.
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
04-27-2006, 01:36 AM
Quote: The badger spends its time between being stuck in a kettle and a host. Note that Gaara is calm, but hunting before fighting Naruto... with fits of slaughter. The badger almost comes out and thrashes Angst boy when he actually wounds Gaara. That badger lives for the killing times.
Yes, the badger does. I was referring to the parts about the host needing to kill.
Quote: So, yes, what I have said is canon. It doesn't help that the sand armor won't let you feel much or get hurt. That leaves the host disconnected with things. Note younger Gaara tried to stab himself, but the sand wouldn't let him. The badger is not your friend.
More like the sand protected him regardless of his feelings. As a side note, I'm planning a... solution... to the tanuki problem.
"Well, Dad's tried a few things for calming down Gaara's sand, although I really don't quite understand them... his first attempt had something to do with the 'astral plane' and a 'mesoridazine enema', but he stopped that after Gaara's sand started getting all twitchy... so he decided to introduce it to something he calls the 'joys of tetrahydrocannabinol'... it's been a lot calmer since then."
Yes, that means what you're probably thinking of.
Edit: As a side note, the other major change to Gaara's life is that he's going to grow up as a Naruto anime/manga otaku. Of course, the people in Sunagakure aren't going to know the real meaning of the tattoo on his forehead...
Quote: The rat ninja is a rat turned into a mini-ninja, because Mara wanted a clan of assassins. Minions like her pet imp that she made. The clan leaves as one once it realizes that their is no honor conflict if all of them leave Mara's service. Only one of them leaves that is a bad thing for honor. I also remember her angsting with a former mouse about the good old pre-ninja days.
Quote: With Rei... only one could be active because they were prevented from getting mental stimulation and all live in the LCD tanks. They basically share a undevoloped mind. Only one Rei is allowed active at a time. Since the Rei in question is was taken so young it won't matter here. The next Rei just gets the other Rei's memories jammed into its skull. The memory back ups are the reason for tests and what not in the Reiquarium room.
One soul between them is the explanation I remember.
Quote: Note Rei 3 doesn't remember her last battle... she remembers things before that only. Rei 3 goes through a period of searching through her not her memories. The dummy plugs work as an operators soul just fine. It takes the soul of the pilot, working with the Evas soul, to make the Eva fight. The dummy plugs system works by using the Rei clones to trick the Eva into thinking it has a pilot.
Pretty much, yeah.
Quote: So the Reis must have souls or the dummy plug system won't work at all. Thus it is minds they lack not souls. One Rei at a time is a policy, not a technical requirement. I see no conflict with a random Rei raised elsewhere being her own person.
Or they are able to fake having one well enough to work the evas.
Quote: Rei 1 acted like she have someone elves memories. Yui Ikari's. Hence the whole taunting Ritsuko's mother into strangling her and jumping to her doom. She stole Yui's husband after all. It is clear Rei 2 didn't have these memories. The Rei clones are an attempt to get back Gendo's wife. Finding out your dead and the one in charge of the experiment that killed you is sleeping with your husband is not conducive to mental health.
*Shrug* Not sure about that.
Quote: Taking away Nerv's test pilot would make things rather bad for NERV. They need a Rei to function. The point is to anny and confuse people and be strange not genicide a planet as a gag.
Who said I'm planning on genociding the planet? The Human Instrumentality Project is going to fail without Rei, of course, but they're not going to be stuck without Rei forever.
Of course, this is going on behind-the-scenes in the story...-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Re: Fun with stinking badgers
04-29-2006, 11:13 AM
Quote: One soul between them is the explanation I remember.
Perhaps... but they method I've described works. However the Eva could clearly move as early as episode 1 without a pilot. This makes me wonder if the soul thing was techno babble. The Reiquarium was fulll of clones that move somewhat and could react to simulus.... which means they can operate contiously at some level without a 'soul'. As Gendo describes it.
So I guess it is a matter of what Gendo calls a soul, for me it looked like memory and functionality, rather than say the life force inhabiting the body. This means the Reis used in the dummy plugs are loaded with enough mental ability to function as pilots. The specifics are not really clarified in the series. For example, we never see what a Rei does inside the plug. Perhaps it is constantly controling ulta-violent video games within the plug. They just get a new scenario once they are in use.
Quote: I was referring to the parts about the host needing to kill.
That is a bit more open to interpretation... depends on your definition of 'need' in this case. There is a lot of predisposition towards killing... a voice telling you to and giving positive reenforcement when you do so, past presidence, constant attacks at an earily age that make you lose attachment to people. If you don't there will be a ranting psychopath in your head, combined with the endlessness of the droning.
After Gaara got smacked around and passed out here... he was much better. Perhaps the badger was moping and he had time to get himself together. Perhaps it was too drained to be as much of an influence. Perhaps he just got to sleep a few months of fatigue off for a bit. Probabely a combination, of the above. A direct compulsion... not so much. The effect can be the same though... momentum builds up in actions. Depessed people tend towards staying depressed. Once your in a war the not sleeping and the jumpiness and the like stay with you unless something major happens to break the cycle... Naruto provided an intervention.
The chemical will only stone Gaara... unless its Chakra reactive drugs. In which case Gaara will be mellow and after munchies as much if not more than the badger. However, if he gets cut off from the chemical the low of the withdrawl may make him and the badger go on a homicidal rampage. The chemical is as good or better than killing... it'll need a fix.
A lot of this is grey area and wiggle room for the source works. As long as your not directly contradicting the source material and can back up your findings, most people won't care too much and will except it well enough.
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
04-29-2006, 06:08 PM
Quote: Perhaps... but they method I've described works. However the Eva could clearly move as early as episode 1 without a pilot. This makes me wonder if the soul thing was techno babble. The Reiquarium was fulll of clones that move somewhat and could react to simulus.... which means they can operate contiously at some level without a 'soul'. As Gendo describes it.
You're forgetting the Evas, at least Evas 00 - 02, have souls of their own -- Yui's, in the case of Unit 1.
Quote: The chemical will only stone Gaara... unless its Chakra reactive drugs. In which case Gaara will be mellow and after munchies as much if not more than the badger. However, if he gets cut off from the chemical the low of the withdrawl may make him and the badger go on a homicidal rampage. The chemical is as good or better than killing... it'll need a fix.
That's where the bit about the "astral plane" comes in. While Harry doesn't know this, the actual solution was basically giving him pot and offering him more in exchange for good behavior.
As for the "necessary" bit I mentioned, I was referring to this:
Quote: I mean his demon powers kind of require human sacrifice to operate properly... its part of the contract.
Note that this goes beyond the reason they're called jinchuuriki -- that's the requirement of a human life as a sacrifice for the sealing process, something completely independant of what we've been talking about.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Re: Fun with stinking badgers
04-30-2006, 09:55 PM
Quote: You're forgetting the Evas, at least Evas 00 - 02, have souls of their own
No... its just designed to be a two soul operating system.
Quote: That's where the bit about the "astral plane" comes in.
That kind of puts you in the same 'room' as a giant demonic killing machine to administer the dope doesn't it? Being a spirit will hurt like hell if it smashes you before you can get a deal. The chemical if a physical chemical will have to go there physically... meaning someone is going to have to take it there. Even if it is moved by your astral avatar.
If its a spell then you could project and smack it with the spell and bail. Risking only pain. This also means you can have Rei project and hit it when its needed. Granted this means Rei could astrally project, which you said you weren't planning on. If it is done that way it also means that Rei can 'defeat' angels by making them her cannonfodder junkies. Which is soooo not in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I still think that even if their can only be one Rei... and the Rei isn't there. The lack of soul thing. That Gendo would just make another batch. New batch, new soul. extra bodies all around.
Quote: I mean his demon powers kind of require human sacrifice to operate properly... its part of the contract.
I said 'kind of', because its clear the sand can ignore Gaara if it really wants to. At least for a few years. Its more bribes of deaths that anything else at that stage. I said 'properly', because the sand can ignore his control if it wants to. I'm pretty sure that Gaara learned his control of the sand by listening to the helpful (if pychotic) tutorial voice.
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
05-01-2006, 12:42 PM
Quote: No... its just designed to be a two soul operating system.
Don't forget Episode One -- you know, where Yui's soul moved the Eva on her own to protect Shinji.
Quote: That kind of puts you in the same 'room' as a giant demonic killing machine to administer the dope doesn't it? Being a spirit will hurt like hell if it smashes you before you can get a deal. The chemical if a physical chemical will have to go there physically... meaning someone is going to have to take it there. Even if it is moved by your astral avatar.
You're forgetting the seal.
Quote: I said 'kind of', because its clear the sand can ignore Gaara if it really wants to. At least for a few years. Its more bribes of deaths that anything else at that stage. I said 'properly', because the sand can ignore his control if it wants to. I'm pretty sure that Gaara learned his control of the sand by listening to the helpful (if pychotic) tutorial voice.
The sand can move on its own to protect Gaara. That is canon. Gaara can consciously move the sand as well. Anything else of that nature is speculation, AIRC. Please point out canon evidence to support your view.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Re: Fun with stinking badgers
05-01-2006, 07:18 PM
Quote: Don't forget Episode One --
I said it was 'designed' to be a two soul operating system, not that it worked that way all the time. It was also designed not to move without power... it does both. Problem with mad science... you can only really guess the results. In Eva the evas do all kind of things they aren't suppose to. The staff comments on this.
Quote: You're forgetting the seal.
No... Naruto's seal is stapled to his soul effectively. Its a pact with the God of Death that uses a separate soul as a seal. This much is canon.
With Gaara we know it is a cerimony involving an artifact that has a demonlord inside. We know it involves a hman life being sacrificed. We know that your stating that the badger is bound to the astral plane in your story. We also know that seal is less tight as the badger can force its way to the surface, at least if Gaara is locked in a mental loop over actually taking damage.
After that it gets sketchy and becomes a grey area. The bars on the badger's cage almost have to be farther appart. Otherwise the badger couldn't even attempt to take over. That and that the sand have apparently used the badger this way before... so it probably goes back to the kettle if Gaara gets killed.
While there still is a cage effect or at least the badger is on the astral plane near Gaara... its not as restrictive as with the fox. That and with the badger able to form limbs of sand... so I'd think it'd be rather dangerous to get close enough to administer the drug anyway. Seal or no. Even the fox can reach outside a few feet.
Quote: AIRC. Please point out canon evidence to support your view.
Sorry... I don't know that acronym.
The sand ignores him by not allowing him to feel anything when he wants to. Something has to be controling it... Gaara was rather suicidal after killing his aunt. It wasn't Gaara protecting himself on a contious level, while it could be some part of his mind keeping itself alive.... I find it far more likely that its the badger controlling the sand. I have stated another case of this conflict happening above... On where Gaara has far more experience at this battle.
So either Gaara has a third personality inside his head or it was the badger protecting its link to the outside world.
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
05-02-2006, 12:03 AM
AIRC is "as I recall". Again, please point out canon evidence to support your views.
Regarding the EVAs, they were designed to be *ONE*-soul operating systems -- namely, the pilot's soul. The whole sucking-the-first-pilot-in thing was the SNAFU, as well as the cause of a great deal of the EVAs' mysterious behavior.
Finally (and first, in your response), the tanuki is bound *IN* the astral plane... and getting close to it wouldn't be as dangerous as you think anyway, given circumstances that weren't covered in the teaser above.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
Re: Fun with stinking badgers
05-02-2006, 12:24 AM
I just did point something out... the part were he tries to hurt himself and the sand actively works again his desire to do so. (He was a kid during this canon event). This working against his desires means that he was not controling the sand... so unless he has a third personality in there... the badger must be protecting him. So it can rampage when he has enough chakra and little enough control.
The only other reason the sand would do this is his mom is controlling the sand in this case... which means she wanted him to grow up in a tactile sensory deprivation chamber. In which case his mom is just messed up.
Quote: The whole sucking-the-first-pilot-in thing was the SNAFU
One they never bothered to integrate into their operating parameters. After years of it being a preexisting event. Mad Science... often rn by those with high intelligence and little wisdom.
Quote: given circumstances that weren't covered in the teaser above.
Judge me on not knowing info that is unavailable unless I hack your computer why don't you?
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
05-02-2006, 04:10 AM
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Re: Fun with stinking badgers
05-28-2006, 10:31 PM
Okay. Something happened to my previous comment; I'm not sure what, and it didn't have any HTML, so the message doesn't really make sense.
That being said, I've finished the second prologue (the bit above is the first part of the first prologue), and it should give you a bit more of an idea of where I'm going with this.
The objective from the beginning, of course, has been to see just how thoroughly I could screw up Harry's life, after all. :-)-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.