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Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
Because it has no real relevance to what Nathan or Greiver are writing, though I mentioned it in that thread by way of where my own Otome-SI-musings had gone...
Hey, Drogn? The way you're talking, those nanite packets have more powers than just healing... I'm curious to know what they are. ^_^
To really explain, I have to give ashort design lineage on what's now known a Guardian 215 in my Bubblegum Disaster setting - beginning with the other things its drawn from.
the Venom symbiote - an alien entity capable of changing its shape and coloring to make the user appear to be wearing any outfit, and (as a logical extension I don't rmmeber seeing) form disguises to look like any humanoid of approximately similar build
the Guyver symbiote - able to form or stow a hard armor shell in some sort of extradimensioanl pocket and equipped with various energy wepaons, and the ability to manipulate gravity for flight, it's actually rather similar in concept to Venom depending on how you look at it
Iron Man/War Machine - pretty much the ne plus ultra in technological battle suits, skin tight or nearly so but able to perform in the same league as beings like The Silver Surfer, who draw on fuyndamental universal forces. Only lacks the cnocealability of the previous two
Nightwatch - a less-well-known Marvel character, whose suit bares a suspiscious resemblence to Spawn's though without the chains. This one is explicitly a swarm of nanies pretending to be fabric, and by the end of the mini-series was spontaneously forming weaponry larger than the wearer on command.
Steel Raine - a one-shot 2099 Unlimited character, she replaced her total blood volume with her breed of nannies which then acted for her rather the way Caqrnage's Venom-derived symbiote does for him... only possibly more deadly, what with being able to form tacyon-based weapons able to penetrate adamantium. Fortunately, she's far less insane.
Third Imperium gravatic weapons, from Mutineer's Moon - you know, those little sidearms that an unenhamced human had to have refited for use with two hands, that shred anything in the line of fire to paste.
I don't recall where the medical applications of it came from, but that's probably either more of Weber's writing or Popular Science, and the desire to duplicate the effects of Omega-2

Anyway, throw all that in a blender, set it on puree, and pour out the Ubermunchkin result...
First iteration: Quicksilver - little different from a technological Venom/Carnage, and from Steel Raine mainly in that it doens't need to be 'grown' and then imported to the body - the silverseed mentioned in the other thread, looking like a chrome-plated heart about an inch in diameter and maybe 3/16ths of an inch thick will suffice, placed under the tongue where it quickly puts a minor nerve block in place, cuts open the blood vessels, and enters, then closes the wound and releases the block. Enough control and data storage is in this initial package to take contorl of any nannie the host might already have and put them to work in whatever capacity they may be able for (in Arika's case, coordinated medical treatment for a not-quite-immediately-fatal stab wound, when counterattacking the gang proved to be a less than stellar idea), but anything particularly spectacular has to wait on forming control crystals for the kind of core tap 215 runs on - which in crossover is the difference between various Otome gems - they all act as control, but the higher grade gems have more power generation capacity. As an aside, the problem with certain bodily fluids that the Otome nannies have will shortly cease to be a problem after Silverseed infection.
Once the neural interface is in place and any bodily injuries or problems are at least stabilized and preferably corrected, the suit proper begins to be gorwn over the skin, starting from the hands and eyes as the most vulnerable points, then other soft tissue, then total coverage. At this stage, the neuroprocesor will have told the user what materials are needed, and if they're uncomfortable with using reinforced teeth and jaws to directly eat them, just sticking chucks next to their skin or in the worst case spending lots of time lying in a field while little mobile slime-mold-like scavenger colonies pull it out of the ground will suffice. A duplicate Silverseed can be formed within a few hours back under the tongue, if neccessary, or from the outer suit material once it forms. Yes, giving one to Erstine for that little acid burn is overkill, but Ari8ka's thoguht patterns are like "AAAH! SOMEONE ATTACKED ME!! AAAAAAAHH! ERSTINE GOT HURT SAVING ME!!! GOTTA HELP GOTTA HELP HOW HOW HOW!?" and she rolls with the option as soon as the neuroproc offers it. Forming it under her tongue, of course, and delivering via mouth-to-mouth, because I'm an unabashed hentai who enjoys the notion of lesbian schoolgirls.
Complete, the medical functions are fully on line, ridiculously enhanced strength and toughness likewise. Endurance remains limited all along by the need to actually move as the suit moves, but with it taking on almost all of the effort that's still impressive. Disguise abilities are also in full effect, with the suit forming a layer btween 1/16 to 1/4 inch thick over the entire body. The Quicksilver can also make a nanoweave fabric fast enoguh to pull off imitating Spiderman's web lines, or make the silvery, shimmering stuff in bolts as wide as the longest reasonably stright line that can be formed along the user's body - though you need either a high-energy laser or more nanites to actually cut the stuff into patterns let alone tailor it. An outer layer of this can be formed when the user expects to go into combat, leading to the name, and a layer is normally kep as a substrate over the users vitals. I believe MDC was around 150 for the main body, this having been during my unfortunate Rifts addiction, legs having 75%, arms 50% and head 25% per standard.

That's kind of a half-step to the second iteration, with adds a subspace pocket to store a few hard armor plates and heavy weapons, for when thigs get serious. This includes bracers (with no visible muzzle) with the gravity guns built into them, bracers (with three visible ports, ala the Akagiyama-23) that fire unending volleys of mini-missiles from storage, and which are actually less absolutely dangerous than the gravity beams, and the ability to make any edge on the hard armor or any weapon-shaped chunk as might be desired and popped out of storage into a vibroblade at will. These gravity weapons are about equivalent to the bad guy handgun from Grenadier that blows neat holes through castles, by the bye.
A slim backpack holds suplemental power generation and gravatic flight equipment, no more than an inch and a half or so thick - easily hidden under loose clothing, or the diguise of same. This was called Armored Quicksilver, and is roughly in line with the Iron Man/War Machine look. The armor plates doubled MDC.

Going overboard with this (in the original concept this was an anti-fleet developement) plates everything over with bands of semi-hard armor, ala Colossus's traditional look before the "second astage mutations" thing hit the X-books, more coverage of the chunky heavy armor, a bigger backpack for the uprated power supply to drive a couple of War Machine-style shoulder mounts, equipped with vastly uprated versions of the gravity gun (Star Wars capital ship grade) The bracer volume thus freed up is devoted to generation equipment for force field based melee weepons, able to be formed blunt or with an edge fine enough to slice atomic nucleii, and of any length from the microscopic to several miles - and as energy constructs, even the ones miles long have so little inertia that they can be easily swung, either relying on their sharpness to cut through or the user's strength to do blunt damage - obviously limited to the blunt dmaamge the user can do, but with strength to pick up and toss one of those capital ships that's not such a problem. This is Silverbullet, with 500 MB MDC

There was one more developement, that actually scaled back the power in favor of stealth and using lots of little remote units, but I never finished that part of the story before realising how truly bad it was, and never got around to seriouslky trying to revise it before the cheap, overloaded, fiuberboard computer table collapsed and caused a head crash on that hard drive. The replacement computer had this wierd noisy thing called a modem, and then I discovered that there was all kinds of net fiction, and my own writing volume has never really recovered, even if the quality seriously improved. Taking them out of the Palladium gaming system, and compared to Otome, (partularly the Meister-level Otome with their ability to leave big blast craters as collateral damage when facing each other) they're not as overpowered as all that save in being exoatmospherc capable, and not needing a second person to set them loose.
Combining the two, though... I dunno, they'd probably overlap more than synergize. It would be a way for Arika to make her resolution not to use the Otome powers any more stick, at least, and serves the purpose of not quite killing Erstin, who's too much a sweetie to sacrifice, and getting rid of that STUPID looking costume design for the Sapphire Robe. Gvien that the overplot is more about who they are or what they know than what powers the girls happen to be using, I don't think it would really change enoguh to be worth writing for real.
Erstine trying to use a Slave gem with a fully online and developed Silverbullet doesn't work because the system notes the corruptive effect of the intruding energy and juettisons that hand before it can contaminate her, then reforms a field expedient replacement and armors up since she's initiating combat, at which point things proceed much as in canon except that her backup, silcon-based brain survives the encounter and the following explosion as Arika loses it, ala Guyver cntrol medallion, and a body is reformed for her capable of moving and masquerading as her usual self by the time Mashiro leaves with the refugees, though not actually containing much biological material at that point. Actual restoration is ongoing as she eats, at that point, though having mostly clear memories of not quite being unconscious as she was blown to pieces by the overhead explosion between Sapphire Robe and Black Diamond Robe energy even as she travels with a bunch of refugees, apparently hale and hearty (and unuually able to resist hunger pangs, thoguh she's aware of a desire to eat) makes for one confused girl, even before the substance of what was said and done otherwise in that meeting.

I had pictures of all of these, but can't find them now - though if I turn up the one for the female/Armored QS I'll post a scan - it was actually not bad, due to having taken a tracing for a base and having the armor added over it, kind of a dragonhide-theme with Cobra Commander mirrored face plate.
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
Well, I'll admit that there's nothing in my mental arsenal of a comperable 'Wow that's scary' level, but I do have a design for a veritech based off of the F-16's form factor... which I believe may be a first, since every other type I know of was double-engined.
The nose is the core of the design - shoulder blocks attach to it in what's a sort of Y-pattern in fighter mode, then swing down a hundred and eighty degrees to arrive in Battloid position. Except for the strakes on either side of the nose, the arms form the entire wing root - all the way back to the tail, whose horizontal surfaces turn into sort of target-type forearm shields, and of course the actual wings articulate back off of the shoulder blocks in a way that I haven't quite bothered to work out yet.
The central fuselage seems wider than the classic F-16 type, and is a little flatter since it splits into dorsal and ventral plates. The dorsal plate may or may not simply slide down over the cockpit - I'm sort of debating that, with the other option being for it to split in half and brace to either side of the cockpit, sort of like suspenders or something... only not as dorky.
The ventral plate levers a goodly distance away from where the main fuselage seemed to be, so that the engine block can slide all the way back up right against the main intake before the entire assembly rotates around to snug down against the 'back' of the machine, so that it looks sort of like somebody put a jet engine on a hiking pack's frame. The tail, BTW, is sort of diamond-shaped rather than raked back like the classic Viper, and slides 'up' or 'forward' a little, to keep it out of the soldier mode's way.
In fighter mode the legs look like a pair of large drop tanks, placed a la the X-15, which slide back to the rear of the ventral plate early on and so get swung right up to the hip joints on the sides of the nose when that stage goes off.
Overall the impression is a sort of sleek and spindly looking robot wearing a big fricking turbine on its back.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
enjoys the notion of lesbian schoolgirls.
...who doesn't?Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
Those of us who prefer to hedge our bets by enjoying bisexual schoolgirls? Smile
"Egad! Too much anatomy!"
Re: Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
Those of us who prefer to hedge our bets by enjoying bisexual schoolgirls? Smile
Amen. ^_^

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
On a related note, I seem to remember a low budget TV show with cg effects of a man who gets implanted with a experimental organ that produced a special coating of quicksilver on demand, through his sweat glands, which granted him the power of invisibility. added benefits is that because he was coated in the quicksilver he didn't fall prey to the usual method of catching invisible people. Thermal imaging :S
it was some kind of government spook agent thing from a while back, I remember it because the cool thing about it was that when the character stopped using the quicksilver it crystalised and basically shattered off into nothingness around him [Image: happy.gif]
what i'm basically saying is that if you are following the quicksilver theme you could add this option as an ideal stealth mode [Image: happy.gif]
"We few, we happy few. We band of buggered"
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: Quicksilver
nah, the stealth version from the end of the series was called Silvermist, and had a cloud of nannies around it all the time, which would redirect light/radar/etc. around it on command to become invisible, and the volume dedicated to heavy power generation in a Silverbullet replaced by systems to make it invisible on mass and subspace-based sensors as well. Imaging and whatnot was a computer generated composite from a half dozen or more flying, mouse-sized remotes (up to hundreds at a time) that ended up working a lot like Diana's spores in HiME (which proabbly explains why Diana was my favorite Child, come to think of it) and offense was generally handled by fat-hamster-sized remotes with one of the bracer-style weapon systems. Given that it still had the subspace pocket storage there's no real reason you COULDN'T take on a fleet of Super Star Destroyers as handily in a Silvermist as a Silverbullet, but you'd have to drop the stealth effect to do it and bring out a supplementary power supply.
(And, grantered, the main reason either one of them could do the job is because there's nothing big enoguh to take them out that can be aimed at a human sized target on an SSD, and the forceblades would be able to slice up the engine rooms where even capship-grade weapons would take hours of solid firing to do noticeable structural damage)
RE F-16 transformer - That sounds basically like a samller, single-engine version of the YF-21/VF-22, I think. Pity one of the HiME isn't a military brat, or her Child could possess a Mitsu F-2 ala Artemis and use that on camera [Image: smile.gif] Eh, maybe one of the Orphans, since the JSDF has stepped in and gotten in Nagi's way. Or you could hold out on us, for some more in-genre story... but really, what's more in genre for a sentai team than having and/or facing a transforming robot?
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Quicksilver
Pity one of the HiME isn't a military brat, or her Child could possess a Mitsu F-2 ala Artemis and use that on camera
...Hm. I'll think about it.
And as for Calling Upon The Power Of the Giant Robot, well, that's Gakutenou's schtick.
And no, the Viper isn't really that similar to the VF-22 at all, in transformation, role, or abilities. If anything, it's competing with the StarMirage... As I've gotten more in-depth with my designing, the overall plane is working out somewhere between the F-16 and the F-5 in size, which makes it about, what, only a little over half the size of the VF I'd say it resembles most, the SV-51... and it is half the weight of 'most every other late-Macross fighter.
Anyway, the VF-24 Viper's virtues are apeshit agility, low cost, and a plentitude of hardpoints - in that order.
Disturbingly, I find myself most of the way through a UN Spacy-style writeup for roleplaying purposes... and supressing a strange desire to acquire a physical model of a F-16 that I can mutilate for my unnatural purposes.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Quicksilver
Disturbingly, I find myself most of the way through a UN Spacy-style writeup for roleplaying purposes... and supressing a strange desire to acquire a physical model of a F-16 that I can mutilate for my unnatural purposes.
And this is a bad thing? Either one? I'd say that from my experiences, you're beter off starting form the other end, that is, an armature that transforms the way you want, and then hang F-16 bits off of it, than starting from an accurate model and trying to fit ro-bits inside.
I'd rather like to see what you've come up with on this, though - maybe you could try a 3d model, even just using primitive blocks to give a general outline?
ETA: I thoguht I rmembered a lame fan-composite based mecha with a similar concept, and I was right. In the name of putting a flag on the landmine, I present the VF/A-24 {c}Raptor II
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Quicksilver
I'd rather like to see what you've come up with on this, though - maybe you could try a 3d model, even just using primitive blocks to give a general outline?
Well, see, I might, except that my modeling skills outside of the paint-glue-plastic arena are notable mostly in their nonexistence - which was why I was contemplating the physical toy in the first place.
Anyway, remember - you asked for it.

The Boyd-Benson VF-24 Viper is a relatively new design intended to replace Shinsei Industries' StarMirage. Compared to its primary competitor, the VF-5000G, it is lighter, more agile, and has greater endurance and a higher maximum payload, but is slightly more expensive and noticably more fragile. While its transformation sequence is incompatible with existing FAST units, Boyd-Benson has indicated that it will be able to provide suitable new designs within one year of any customer's order, and the Viper's existing hardpoint-carry ability already exceeds that of any other Variable Fighter in existence save the VA-3 Invader.
The Viper is unconventional in that it is built around the premise that reduced cost can be achieved by mounting only a single, highly capable engine, rather than the dual scaled-down types present in the StarMirage series. In addition to its main engine, it posesses four small maneuvering engines which more than make up for any agility lost by fixing the primary thrusting axis relative to the fighter's center of mass.

MDC by Location
Head 75
Arms (2) 110 each
Main Body 275
Legs (2) 120 each
Main Engine 225
Main Wings (2) 110 each
Tail 75
Arm Shields/Horizontal Stabalizers (2) 150 each
Reinforced Pilot Compartment 150
Statistical Data:
Soldier Configuration
Height: 15.0 m
Width: 6.0 m at shoulders
Length: 6.3 m
Fighter Configuration
Height: 4.2 m
Wingspan: 8.9 m
Length: 14.1 m
Weight: 4,120 kg empty; 19,330 kg max takeoff load
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 50
Cargo: small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings
Power Plant: One Shinnakasu-Daimler FH-3190 fusion turbine rated to 25,800 kg of thrust
Compatible FAST Packs: None at this time
Weapon Systems:
Fixed Anti-Aircraft Lasers: These small laser mounts are the Viper's only integral weapons, and are built into the long axis of its forearms. In fighter mode they can be fired only due forward or aft (each laser has two exit ports), but in Soldier configuration they may be aimed by moving the arms.
# PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-aircraft
# RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
# DAMAGE: 1D6 M.D. per laser.
# RATE OF FIRE: The laser can be fired as a continuous beam, or in rapid pulses up to 4 blasts per round. A rapid fire blast counts as a burst of up to 4 shots.
# PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.

All-Environment Mini-Missile Clusters: The VF-24 is equipped with two eighteen-tube mini-missile VLS racks along its upper fuselage behind the cockpit. These systems have been specifically designed to be capable of accepting the new Bofors-type High-maneuverability Mini-Missiles, but those weapons are only rarely mounted.
# MISSILE TYPES: Any type of standard UN Spacy Mini-Missile, or the new Bifors high-maneuverability mini-missiles.
# RANGE: 1 mile (1.6 km).
# DAMAGE: Varies by Missile type
# RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1-18 missiles per launcher, per round. One volley counts as one attack. If necessary, all 36 missiles can be fired in a single round by expending two attacks.
# PAYLOAD: 18 missiles per launcher; 36 total.

GU-17 35mm Tri-Barrel Gun Pod: The standard issue armament for the Viper is a 35mm gun pod based off of the venerable GU-11's predecessor design, the GU-9. While less destructive than other, more modern gun pods, it is far lighter and easier to maintain.
# RANGE: 4000 ft (1200 m)
# DAMAGE: 2D6 M.D. per short burst, 4D6 M.D. per long burst, or 1D4x10 M.D. for a full melee burst
# RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
# PAYLOAD: 825 rounds per clip equals 84 short bursts, 42 long bursts, or 21 full melee bursts. The GU-17 carries its ammuniton in helical magazines stored under the main barrel cluster. Typically, a VF-24 will carry a single gun pod on one of its two leg hardpoints and two spare magazines on the other, but some pilots choose to carry two seperate guns.

Wing Hard Points: In addition to the gun-pod mounts, one fixed hard points is mounted on each leg of the VF-24, with an additional one on each wing-tip and a further two beneath each wing, for a total of eight. The hard points' locations do NOT require the jettisoning of munitions before transformation.
o Primary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
o Secondary Purpose: Surgical Strikes
o Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.
o Rate of Fire: One per hardpoint.
o Range: 80 miles.
o Payload: One per hardpoint; 8 maximum.
o Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
o Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
o Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Long Range Missile can be used.
o Range: Varies with missile type.
o Damage: Varies with missile type.
o Rate of Fire: One or two.
o Payload: One per hardpoint; 8 maximum.
o Primary Purpose: Assault
o Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
o Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Medium Range Missile can be used.
o Range: Varies with missile type.
o Damage: Varies with missile type.
o Rate of Fire: 1-3 missiles per hardpoint.
o Payload: Three per hardpoint; up to 24 maximum.
o Primary Purpose: Assault
o Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
o Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Short Range Missile can be used.
o Range: Varies with missile type.
o Damage: Varies with missile type.
o Rate of Fire: 1-5 missiles per hardpoint.
o Payload: Five per hardpoint; up to 40 maximum.
o Primary Purpose: Ground Assault
o Secondary Purpose: Anti-Fortification
o Missile Type: Standard UN Spacy bombs, usually high explosive or fragmentation.
o Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 M.D.
o Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 to 10 missiles per attack.
o Payload: 6 per hardpoint; up to 48 maximum.
o Note: Bombs can be laser-guided or unguided. Unguided bombs are -4 to strike a stationary ground target, -6 to strike a moving target(s), and -10 to hit a small moving target like a mecha or vehicle. Guided bombs do not have these penalties, but require a spotter to illuminate the target with a laser designator. If the designator looses sight of the target the previous penalties immediately apply.
Typical Combat Loadout - 2 Medium Range High Manueverability Missiles on wingtip slots, 2 Long Range Missiles on leg hardpoints, 6 Medium Range Missiles on wing racks.
# Hand to Hand Combat: If necessary, the pilot of the VF-24 can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The Variable Fighter is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.
* Restrained Punch: 1D4 M.D.
* Full Strength Punch: 2D6 M.D.
* "Booster" Punch: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
* Tear or Pry with Hands: 1D6 M.D.
* Kick: 1D6 M.D.
* Leap Kick: 2D6 M.D.
* Body Flip/Throw: 1D4 M.D.
* Body Block/Tackle: 1D6 M.D.
* Stomp: 1D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects)
Standard Equipment
{{All the usual bells and whistles go here}}

* Basic training for non-pilot military personnel.
* 2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
* Add one additional action/attack at levels three, nine, and fifteen.
* +1 on intiative
* +1 to strike.
* +2 to parry
* +3 to dodge in soldier mode and +5 in jet mode.
* +3 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
* Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
* Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
* Advanced training for military pilots and mecha specialists.
* 4 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
* Add one additional action/attack at levels three, six, eleven, and fifteen.
* +2 on initiative.
* +2 to strike
* +4 to parry
* +5 to dodge in solder mode and +7 in jet mode.
* +4 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
* Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
* Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
NOTE: Much of the VF-24's performance relies on either aerodynamics or the ready availability of reaction mass. Halve all of the above bonuses outside of an atmosphere.

ETA: I thoguht I rmembered a lame fan-composite based mecha with a similar concept, and I was right. In the name of putting a flag on the landmine, I present the VF/A-24 {c}Raptor II
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Silver-series nanoarmors (broken out of Lettuce+Bunny)
Now hows THIS for a There Is No Coincidence moment - I post about this stuff, and Tony Stark builds a new cotume for Spidey that's bulletproof, has various vision enhancements and an air filter to get rid of toxins, and if you substitute green and black for red and gold it even looks a lot like my Silverbullet drawings, save for having dinky armpit web-wings for gliding ala Spider Woman instead of a nanocloth half-cape ala Spidey 2099.
- CD
ETA: And here is the Marvel page with a nice geamy picture of said Iron Spidey suit. It couls really have done with blue instead of gold, but eh, whatever. Not like it's likely to stay around for long anyway, any more than black-suit Spidey or Scarlet Spider or the Ben Riley Spiderman that I actually liked more than the classic verison, or any of the varius villian-specific versions like rmored Spidey or Rubber Spidey. SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Y'know, way back when I still followed Marvel titles, Spidey was among my favorites because, while he had power, he also had clear cut limits. Now they amp up his powers, give him a new suit with all sorts of nifty gadgets, and ... eh. Where the hell are the limits, I ask you?
I dunno. Would have been better if they'd gone the other way a long time ago and had him stay as the Venom suit's host.
My personal favorite among the suits would still be the Scarlet Spider one, for reasons I can't seem to be able to pin down.
speaking of Marvel related stuff, Shocker Legit ch28 is out.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Silver-series nano-armors
As Valles said,
Well, I'll admit that there's nothing in my mental arsenal of a comperable 'Wow that's scary' level
As I say, Great Dralm, and I thought I was going overboard when I created KirasFulmo (Esperanto for Armored Lightning). I even tried to tone it down! But this Quicksilver stuff! Yeef!
The main thing KF has going for it is that its power source is a miniature (and safe!) equivalent of Weber's "core tap," known as a "micro-spill." Actually, it's got two of them (there's a matter-antimatter reactor for emergency backup) -- one micro-spill for every system except the main guns, and the other devoted to those guns.
The guns are template weapons. The raw energy from the micro-spill feeds into whatever template has been selected, which shapes that energy into some more coherent form: either energy beams of various sorts or a wide variety of material objects. If you were a genius programmer and felt frivolous, you could produce a template that'd make the gun squirt high-quality champagne.
There're three guns: one on each forearm, and a grenade launcher version on the back, pointing over the shoulder wherever the wearer's eyes focus. The grenade launcher can use any template the forearm guns can, plus the grenades, which require a wider bore. Grenades include the "Ninth Plague" smoke grenade, the "Fiat Lux" dazzle grenade (dazzle, hell, it's been known to trigger convulsions), and a fragile capsule full of oxygen superheated to plasma state -- or, alternatively, liquid helium.
For heavy action, they usually go with hyper-velocity tungsten carbide needles or a charming thing I call the "blastlaser" -- a laser beam acting as conduit and propulsion for a tiny particle of antimatter, which is nano-engineered to generate its own containment field as long as the laser is there providing power. The beam shuts off the moment the particle hits the target. Boom. The explosive force is variable by using a smaller particle; at maximum, it can be equivalent to as much as the Hiroshima bomb. But they really don't want to do that -- can you imagine the paperwork afterward?
And yet, from what I gather in the Quicksilver description, they'd just about have to go to firing multi-kilotonne antimatter charges to have a chance against a couple of schoolgirls (lesbian or not). I say again: Yeef!
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Re: Silver-series nano-armors
Hmm, well since we are doing scaryy SI mussings I present to you the most overpowerd mech I desinged:
Bronz-W (aka Gundam Warlock, W-type Eva, Valkerie-W)
Take the basic frame of a Bronz-X (from gallforce) and add a coating of Gundanium, an Eva Core/Lambda Driver hybrid (going on the theory that Lambda Driver and Eva Core do tap into the same energy.). Add a basic ftl drive (which the Bronz-X arguably already has) and slightly improved AI (pretty much the only reason for a pilot is to use the Lambda Core). Upgrade from there.
End Result:
2x-Wrist Mounted: energy claws based on Gundam beam swords (think wolverine claws)
2x-Wrist Mounted: light pulse grazers (think pulse lasers from battlemech and up range and damage. Primary purpose in missile interception); about 1 light second range.
4x- Shoulder Mounted: Medium Anti-Matter Particle Beams (anti-matter plasma shot out at speeds near c, combined with a grazer to burn as much matter as possible out of the path of the anti-matter); about 3 light second range
6x- 4 leg mounted and 2 troso mounted: Light Missile Arrays (Macross/Robotech short range missile packs, 24 missiles per pack ussualy released in voleys of 8 per pack); Short range.
There are some weapon hardpoints depended on model where additional weapons can be mounted, such as long range missiles or anti-ship bombs.
In addition they often cary a Heavy Anti-Matter Particle Beam Cannon, or another weapon if the mission profile calls for it.
1x Antimatter Reactor
5x Solnoid Fusion Cells
In addition various subsystems have their own capacitors and some systems have their own independent fusion reactor (such as life support. Really no reason not to when you can make fusion reactors the size of AA batteries)
Solnoid Dampening; field to blunt beam and particle weapons attacks.
Gundanium-Alloy Armor; enough said.
ECM and ECCM suite; Not much to say.
PCM suite; Psychic Counter Messures, ECM agaisnt Psi.
Max Acell:
Straight ahead: 25g, Gravity compensators critical
Manuvering thrust: 8g
FTL Short hops; not much to say, speed of roughly 400c, with maximum hop length of just under 1 day, an minimum hop length of 2.5 miliseconds (Minimum jump length 1 light second, max of ~1 light year.). can do 6 hops/day, more than that risks burnout of the drive from hyper-charge buildup, needs full day of no jumps to clear each point of hop buildup. Can be sped up by maintnance machinery.
Full AI
Lambda Core
The Bronz-W is meant as a hit and run variable role fighter, with a focus on space-superiority, able to do long range missions deep behind enemy lines for extended periods of time, but it excells when supported by a carrier which stays behind in deep space while the Bronz-W jumps in and executes it's mission, since it's primary limiting factor is the relativly low amount of fuel it has when on longer missions. When Going all out the Bronz-W can go from a full tank to empty in about 10 minutes, faster if it carries anything beyond base armament (Which is why the Heavy Anti-Matter Particle Beam ussually carries it's own power source.). It doesn't follow the ussual solenoid engineering philosiphy of massive redundancy, though a lot of the systems do have redundant counterparts it is nowhere near the scale normal for solnoid engineering.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Silver-series nano-armors
DHBirr: Yes, the Silvers are scary, but not quite so bad as you make it out - with a pair of rowdy schoolgirls, you web them up like Spiderman. Against some nut in an armored car, you can either catch and invert his armored car, or slice it open with vibroblades/force blades. For bigger game, there's ranged weapons, and the miniature missiles don't have to be top-yield types. Hey, I specifically said it was ubermunchkin! The later models were designed to let a single man fight an entire space fleet!
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
A kung-fu nun in a leather thong was no less extreme than anything else he had seen that day. - Rev. Dark's IST: Holy Sea World
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Silver-series nano-armors
DHBirr: Yes, the Silvers are scary, but not quite so bad as you make it out - with a pair of rowdy schoolgirls, you web them up like Spiderman. Against some nut in an armored car, you can either catch and invert his armored car, or slice it open with vibroblades/force blades. For bigger game, there's ranged weapons, and the miniature missiles don't have to be top-yield types. Hey, I specifically said it was ubermunchkin! The later models were designed to let a single man fight an entire space fleet!
Heh. Well, since we don't seem to be restricted to (nominally) original concepts, I'll take a custom modified Imperial Terra class battle planetoid, thanks... Start with something to render it immune to those nasty disgusting time travel tricks, then... well, there's really not much you can add to a concept like that.
We are, after all, talking about a purpose-built battleship the size of a large moon, the previous, order-of-magnitude-less-powerful generation of which technology was capable of defeating armadas numbering literally in the millions...
And, of course, it either already has or can duplicate just about any widget or comfort you can name. What's not to like. Well, except for a certain lack of subtlety.
Ja, -n
(*in favor of the name Virtue of Consideration*)

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"

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