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Fate/Stay night plot bunny
Fate/Stay night plot bunny
This idea has been floating in my head since episode 12 of Fate/Stay Night.
If Saber is the source of the King Arthur myth and she does go back to her time at the end of the series to live out her life in the past, suppose Shiro decided later to go back in time to find her and live with her?
After all, if there is King Arthur, how far would Merlin be?
Based on what Ived read, the era in which Saber would had lived would had been a tumultuous one, with the break up of the old Roman system, civil war and barbarian invasions occurring in Britain during that time. So you know youre going to have intrigues and plots all over the place.
So..if Shiro made that decision to go back in timehell have to have some serious training both as a mage and quite possibly as a warrior to survive in that era before going back. Or does he go in cold and wing it?
And theres no guarantee that Saber would remember him as Shiro if he does make it.
Not to mention the stories of how Merlin ended does not bode well for Shiro.
Theres a couple of angles that would be interestinga modern day Japanese magician in King Arthurs court and the romance angle also would be interesting.
Also theres the time paradox.any changes that Shiro makes in the past could conceivably end up making changes in the future that could erase him too.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Fate/Stay night plot bunny
After all, if there is King Arthur, how far would Merlin be?
Oooooh. Shiny bunny!
Of course, it'd have to be from somebody other than me, since the whole Arthurian mythos really has no draw on my aside from watash'tachi no kawaii Seibaa-chan... Not saying that that's not enough, mind, just that I haven't got any of the needed background to do it right.
As for what happens to Shiro - the first possibility is that he just triggers a timeline branch. The second is, well, how old is Archer, anyway?
But yes. This would be immensely cool to see, on many levels.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Fate/Stay night plot bunny
... well, now I can go and finally read those spoilers. Heh. *reads*
My vote's for timeline branch. After all, *yes, I finally broke down and read the spoilers* Saber did want to wish to go back and be able to fulfill her duty as she saw it.
Besides, we've already had enough stories dealing with sacrifice and tragic endings.
Now, I'm not saying that I have the needed background in the Arthurian mythos ... other than a ridiculous number of re-reads of the 'Mists of Avalon' ... but the question we should be asking outselves, in all honesty, should be - will Shiro end up with just Arthuria, or with both her and her sister?
Y'know? Morgan leFey?
*evil crackle fading into the night*
In Robert de Boron's old French verse Merlin, he "plays a redemptive role as mediator between earthy chivalry and the heavenly plan of salvation: he oversees the conception of Arthur, creates the symbolism of the Round Table, and prepares Perceval for the Grail quest
Dunno about 'overseeing the conception of Arthur', but the rest could be bent in really interesting directions.
Shiro, now in the wake of the Grail War, wants to destroy the source of suffering that is the Grail and the struggle for it, hence Percy and the quest.
'Heavenly plan of salvation'? Introducing semi-modern socio/political models? Guiding the 'king' away from known past pitfalls (if she truly remembers only flashes and moments, Saber being buried in the subconscious mind)?
*more evil crackling*

hoisting the poly banner ever since ... well, ever since he's met Nate.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
historical setting
My vote's for timeline branch.
Hmm...either something like "Her Majesty's Wizard" by Steven Stasshef or The Belasarius series by Eric Flint and David Weber.
Either Shiro has unlimited choice of action or he has limits which he crosses at his peril.
Now, I'm not saying that I have the needed background in the Arthurian mythos ... other than a ridiculous number of re-reads of the 'Mists of Avalon' ... but the question we should be asking outselves, in all honesty, should be - will Shiro end up with just Arthuria, or with both her and her sister?
Y'know? Morgan leFey?

So no matter, when Shiro goes, he gets a harem?
'Heavenly plan of salvation'? Introducing semi-modern socio/political models? Guiding the 'king' away from known past pitfalls (if she truly remembers only flashes and moments, Saber being buried in the subconscious mind)?

good question...since she is a heroic spirit while still alive...does that mean the memories of Saber is actively retained or buried in her subconscious.
I'm gonna have to play Rome Total War: Barbarian invasions to get a large scale view.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Hmm...either something like "Her Majesty's Wizard" by Steven Stasshef or The Belasarius series by Eric Flint and David Weber.
... well, that's one reason for me to finally read Belisarius, if nothing else. ^_^
So no matter, when Shiro goes, he gets a harem?
What, you mean there was another option?
Look at it this way, it's not that bad yet. I mean, if I were going to press the issue here, I'd include fair Gwenhwyfar, who was sent to Arthuria's court under the misconception that she was, as the title of King she'd taken suggested, male, in order to seal an much needed alliance of some sort.
good question...since she is a heroic spirit while still alive...does that mean the memories of Saber is actively retained or buried in her subconscious.
That's what I'd go with, at least.
As for another matter ... well, the legends said Excalibur's sheath made the bearer invincible. What if it did so even from the ravages of time itself? Heh. Then we have ... hmm ... what effect _would_ the awakening of the Heroic Spirit's awakening within Arthuria have on her? (*cue Achilles shouting* Immortality! Take it! It's yours!)
If we go even further, assume the existence of Maho (D'OH) and supernatural creatures, LeFey may stop being just a name.
Hells, we could wrap an entire plotline around dealing not only with the barbarian horde or whatnot, but also the Little People (Summer and Winter Courts) and whatever else we could throw in.
And the time-warp thing, whatever it was, made Shiro's hair live up to his name. Instant Archer lookalike, and a possible source of the rumors that Merlin was a man of advanced age. After all, his hair was white already, everything else aside.
I'm gonna have to play Rome Total War: Barbarian invasions to get a large scale view.
Good excuse. Must remember that one for the future. ^_^
is wondering what LeFey would look like, gets mental flash of a Saber with dark hair, red eyes, and pointed ears, whereupon he falls over laughing.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Hmm...either something like "Her Majesty's Wizard" by Steven Stasshef or The Belasarius series by Eric Flint and David Weber.

I think you're conflating The Belisarius Series by Eric Flint and David Drake, in which two intelligences from the far future are sent back in time to 7th century Constantinople and wage a war with the 1632 Series by Erik Flint and David Weber, in which a modern West Virginia town is dropped into Germany during the 30 Years War.

Both are excellent series, but with totally different Storylines.

Yours in insanity,
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

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