I honestly couldn't think of anyplace else to put this one. It's one of those well-written stories that just leaves you sitting there, jaw on desk, afterwards with nothing in your brain but a busy signal.
"Cheaper by the Dozen." www.fanfiction.net/s/1077049/1/
It's short. It's good. It's... well, you pretty much had to be there.
It came up recently on rec.arts.sf.written, after a conversation about a SFnally-plausible way of achieving the same effect. And I'm not saying anymore -- I can't w/o spoiling.
"Cheaper by the Dozen." www.fanfiction.net/s/1077049/1/
It's short. It's good. It's... well, you pretty much had to be there.
It came up recently on rec.arts.sf.written, after a conversation about a SFnally-plausible way of achieving the same effect. And I'm not saying anymore -- I can't w/o spoiling.