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Bad fanon that trumps the canon for the far to long
Bad fanon that trumps the canon for the far to long
Okay, some people wondered what I was talking about in the current updates thread, when I said this:

Okay if you want to spout garbage and fanon make a thread for it and people with actual experience with the canon can smack you down properly for
blithering on about how bad an one dimension berserker Akane was in some nth derivitive fanfiction you read somewhere. That your telling us about sweet,
innocent, perfert Shampoo only makes you dig the bad fanon hole your digging deeper. Seriously, its like listening to fangirls babble on about Sepheroth.

At the very least include an update in your posting to the update thread.

What I was refering to was the branching blather that had started in pages 30 and 31 of the update thread. What these posts went on about how Ranma's
theretical betroved (it is rather disputed as a status for the lot of them, at least they think so) where all sadistic psycho.... and babbled about such things
as Shampoo being the exception and Akane the rule. This is patently false, at least as far as the canon (manga/anime) is concerned.

I'm not going recap the canon for you, but I will backup this up with evidence. First Kodachi is a loony with sadistic tendancies, that she beats people
up before a competition and than laugh at the hilarity of such an event to their face is proof enough. I don't think anyone will really argue against this
particular point, why she is that way is a different and minor to this discusion point. Not to mention she isn't even a serious contender and literally
bribed herself into the position later, she literally tries to buy Ranma as a breeding slave. Ukyo is not sadist so much as she is unstable and unconiously
smashes things/people/people disgusised as things as a rebutal... at her worse she is vengeful and homocidal (manga wedding arc). However she isn't
actually causing others pain for the joy of it, personally I blaim her father. I'll get to Genma and Ukyo's father later.

Shampoo is a sadist, at least part time. If you don't beleive me ask a certain pair of herbalists that live near her village in the manga. She enjoys
tormenting them and only one of them did something to her... the other cured her and got mauled for it. This goes on at random intervals for around a decade.
Shampoo is a petty cruel child that its not exactly a stretch to think she left a trail of small dead animals as kid. Not that there is direct evidence of
that actually happening in the canon. She of the four, treats him most as a toy and her personal property. though far less frequent than in the fanon,
Shampoo does randomly try mind control vegitation on on Ranma, hypno mushrooms and the imprinting eggs from the Saffrom arc in the manga.... She is enslaved by
the eggs and is primarily concerned with enslaving Ranma with them as a way to have him as her own... its a primal urge for her.

Akane of the canon, manga notablly, is a sweet girl really. By this I mean she is the kind of kid that took home injured animals to heal... and actually
looked for books and advise on how to actually do is properly, at like 7. When she was kidnapped by Mr. Panyhose she patched him up and tryed to talk him
through his problems. She does this kind of thing routinely. Her cooking is burnt or bad, minus curry, but it never is lethal or prone to animating and
attacking someone. Yes, she does hit him, but he deserves it (like those reading or watch want to hurt him for that kind of deserves it)... and its once.
Also Ranma doesn't often (if ever) take place in a Team rocket style distance punt. She also walks away from situations where she knows she'll be
tempted to get excessively violent. She mostly hits him barehanded, not with the only mallet in the series, but rather with with her fist, random objects and
the like. However, this is normal female behavior (if not as hard normally) in Ranma 1/2. If you don't beleive me look for the early episode where Ranma
and Ryoga are attempting to get the vase key to the Japanese spring of the drowned man from under the girls locker rooms. Girls pull out mallets, brooms, and
nagitas to chase them. At one point in the series Kasumi hands Nabiki a mallet and she knocks out Kuno with a temple strike.

As long as I'm mentioning Nabiki, I'll tell you about the charicter defining moment of hers I remember most from the manga. Nabiki and Ranma are the
only ones home and Nabiki entertains herself by ripping her close and using a camera, tape recorder, ripping her own clothes, and acting to amuse herself
trying to get 'evidence' that Ranma was actively trying to rape her. She isn't making money for the family and is evil. Kasumi hands out mallets
at least one point and everytime people are listening to Ranma and Akane at the doors and such she is right their in the stack with them. Soun's tears are
an act that can start or stop on a dime... they are used to control his kids through embarassment. He can start or stop them on a dime. Considering that he
gets job offers as a ghost buster/monster dispoal expert for the dojo, I think he was actively doing this kind of thing preseries and hands it off to the
younger generation.

From the 2 1/2 to 3 seasons I've seen of the anime the largest difference with Akane anime and Akane manga is that Akane anime actually bothers to try and
participate in all the nonbrawl challenges and contests... with leave her more frustrated.

To me Genma is one of the more intresting charicters. Not that he is close to perfect, but he did accomplish his 2 goals with Ranma, trained him as a master
martial artist and he does qualify as a man amonst men, if not the gigaloo his mom apperently wants. One of the things that he gets the most flack for is his
engagement spree. The Tendo engagement is old fashion, but normalish. On its own wouldn't be that much strange thing in a series. Shampoo is only
Genma's fault as far as the Kiss of Death is concerned. The Kiss of Marrage is part bad luck, part left field law, and part chaos. So Genma got his
offspring an assassin not a self declared wife there. The Take-out girl is more Genma doing the correct thing. What I mean by that is that the guy has a
starving/hungry man and his baby son come up to him at a fire and ask for a bit of aid, a bit of food and a shared fire. One parable in polytheism in the West
and East covers this kind of situation... the one where say a crone asks for these simple boon of a meal and a nights rest. Turns out the crone is a god(dess)
is disguise and the ones with the supplies/fire/home either rewards or punishs the group/man dependant on his generocity. All Genma did was follow the
fable... unfact he rented his son to the guy for an evening... the guy wanted to take a man's firstborn for a simple meal... worse should have befallen the
creep, at least his gear should have been swiped.

Now when we get to Ukyo's dad it gets odd. Ukyo's father tries to make an engagement between Ukyo and Ranma and Genma flatout refuses... then shortly
afterwards he takes the offer with gusto and ditches the girl. The rather abrupt and spontanious change of attitudes is jolting to me. I've always
wornders if Ukyo's father drugged/cursed Genma here. Up to this point in his life Genma is more or less decent if arrogant man, after that point he does
things like train Ranma in the Nekoken (I still can't remember if he says the last pages where stuck together or that was fanfiction).and eat the Amazon
tournoment prize feast... or go to ancient training grounds on advise of a pamplet in another language. I think there is evidence that something major changed
at that point.

I make this specific post as a gateway into this kind of subject... there is a clear intrest in it, even if a large part is spreading bad fanon. I'm
hardly against altering facets of the canon for a story, but abrupt stupid ill explained changes bother me. As I've stated before Its not changes or
alternate universes or the like that get me, and I think romance is a part of a story... if its the main feature it just manages to be bad, more often than
not. I'm more interested in how someone ends up with someone than that they are with that person. (Besides not being something I particularly want to
read, my main issue with yaoi is that it smothers the plots outside them making out, etc... Which is often true of any fanfiction that lists the romantic
couple(s) in the preview blurb.
...Necratoid? This is the first time I've ever agreed with you on anything. It's kind of scary. o.O;

What really gets my goat is when writers treat Akane's slapstick violence as real... and ONLY Akane's.


"The world is a dark and lonely place. AND YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE MADE ME UNHAPPY!"
Quote:That your telling us about sweet, innocent, perfert Shampoo only makes you dig the bad fanon hole your digging deeper.

I still don't see where you got this from.

Research done on first impressions (in a job interview) is that you need 10 good impressions to get over 1 bad first impression.

Sure Akane can be kind and helpfull. She generally is kind to Ryoga. Aswell as p-chan and other animals. Sure Ranma accidentally gets in situations where he looks like he is a pervert.
pervert -> violance in ranma 1/2.
First impression: see walks in the bath of ranma, thinking she/he is a girl, walks out, when ranma tries to explain, table to the head.
Sadist. (at least to ranma)
Shampoo's first impression is killer/assassin.
When Ranma 'explains a bit more' she tries to marry him. Two extremes.
Where those two not twins? (pair of herbalists )

In the anima nabiki never does something like that.
"Hi, I'm Akane, wanna be friends?"
Ranma's first impression of Akane (or vice versa!) isn't the bath scene, it's that she takes the time and effort to try and reach out to the poor girl the crazy panda man and her idiot father are trying to drag along into their mess.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
First overall impression. (first episode)

While he/she is a girl.

They spar, she gets angry, (recovers) she says (roughly) good thing youre a girl, hate to be beaten by a guy.

Which turns it around. (a feeling of betrayal on both sides i think)

When she sees him as he really is.
That's part of it. There's also the "seeing each other naked" part. At this point Akane doesn't KNOW that it's Ranma - she still thinks he's the redheaded girl, and this strange guy is a perverted prowler who gets his jollies by sneaking into other peoples' houses and using their bathrooms.

At this point in time, Akane is very much trying (and failing, I'll admit, but she's /trying/) to emulate Kasumi - she just doesn't have the temperament for it. But she knows what the proprieties are and what should and shouldn't be going on between a boy and a girl... and there he is, a guy - and a perverted weirdo, at that - catching her unawares and naked in the bath.

Once she calms down and understands what happened, she's better about it, though. She's still somewhat posessive of him, but not to anywhere near the extent fanon tends to go (yelling at him for perving at her sister for just having a friendly, totally innocent chat with Kasumi? Never happened in the manga. Happens all the time in fanfic. Especially if written by Skysaber.)

She rarely does more than slap him (as opposed to Ukyou, for example, who in her first appearance forces Ranma to fight her on top of a giant searing-hot griddle, for example...)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
First off, yesilmavi, I gave my source for my complaint... if you can't find it, your not reading what I posted, more skimming and retorting to random
points, in a void. Which is supported by your later points. For a quick hint, look for the section that categorise Akane with Kodachi as sadists and Shampoo
with Ukyo as not sadists.

The 'kind to Ryoga and small animals and mean nasty malignant sadist to the rest, expesially Ranma!!!' comment is one of those things that things that
makes me put you in the 'Shampoo fanboy/Anyone, but Akane box. Please cite specific examples to back up you claim. Note I already posted how Akane
threats someone who uses her as a hostage, as a counter example.

Other people have dealt with your point in a void about the bath, so I'll skip that one.

Concidering Ranma dodged everything she had earilier in the day, as basically a nonthreat, and that Ranma and Akane are practitioners of Anything Goes... I
think Ranma was more mad at himself for failing to dodge the blow than the pain. He did flatout deserve to be smited for his preceeding comments. That she
pulled it off, with a suprise use of table, ranckles him. Mostly as he totally didn't expect that to happen... and he thinks he should have. It was one,
quick, precise blow that fully accomplished its objects, against a superior opponent. If anything it was far closer to mercifual than sadistic in Ranma's
mind. If she mauled his uncontious self afterwards, that would have been sadistic. The reason why Ranma get table twacked isn't the naked thing
anyway.... its because he added on that if he wanted to see a naked girl all he needs is a mirror... and then adds on that he is better built as a she anyway.
That comment is what gets him smited.

I stated the twins are in the manga, specifically, the arc with the poison jungle that pops up inside his high school fence. While Nabiki may not do that
specific thing in the anime, it is in charicter and she doesn't do anything that indicates she wouldn't do so that I've seen. Which is a far cry
from her actions as an almost martyr-like saint in many, many, many bad fanon fanfics.

For your next post... Any questions about Akane's anti-boy comments and additude are answered, blantently and loudly, when Ranma sees what she has to deal
with everyday while trying to get to class on time. The series makes it rather clear that Akane is straight, she like Tofu, its males of her own age catagory
that need to be smited. I could go into deeper detail about each charicter and such... but that isn't the point of this thread... so much as Bad fanon
that Trumps the canon.

One of the things that makes Akane an excellent charicter for this kind of thing is the long history of bashing. I started reading Fanfiction with Ranma 1/2
somewhere in 1998-1999 right at the tail end of the fiance wars. One fic that introduced me to such things was a bizzarre piece that involved around 5-10k of
text cronicalling the war between the factions... midevil military style. Mallets weilders attacked Spatula wielders attacked sword/big headed mace
wielders... its was strange and somewhat amusing... so I wondered what this was? Then I heard tales of websights hacked by the legendary and corrupt
K(nights)O(f the)T(rue)F(iance). Which was the only group I can remember the name of as the KoTF stories and membership accusations have outlasted the group
by almost a decade. Eventually I payed out a small fortune for the first two seasons on a family trip... and was baffled on what I saw when I watched it. So
I looked up the Ranmascan project... and got more confused as to where the hell much of the fanfiction came from. The charicters were disturbingly different.
Thus I was introded to fanon derivatives.

My next post will start off with the maligned archtype that Akane is the first female lead/love interest.
Okay i think i understand. Youre putting words in my mouth.
"mean nasty malignant sadist"

sa·dism /'se?d?z?m, 'sæd?z-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sey-diz-uhm, sad-iz-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. Psychiatry. sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others. Compare masochism.
2. any enjoyment in being cruel.
3. extreme cruelty.

I'm saying she does 2. I'm not saying she does not have reasons for doing it.
the table example.
In the ranma animal/man movie, where the females get kidnapped on the island.
On the beach, ranma is running away. Gets in a situation where he looks like a pervert.
Gets hit.
Casual Warning From the Guy What Owns These Boards
Keep this civil, okay, folks? If this thread goes nuclear, I'll lock and delete it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
yesilmavi, I'm not quite sure how you get the assumption that Akane is a) being cruel, or b) taking pleasure in it. Do you have any evidence of this?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
B) facial expression. Body language.

Okay this is very up to interpretation.

(both for feelings and the reason for those feelings)

Main Entry:

cru·el Listen to the pronunciation of cruel





Inflected Form(s):

cru·el·er or cru·el·ler; cru·el·est or cru·el·lest


Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin crudelis, from crudus


14th century

1: disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings 2 a: causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain b: unrelieved by leniency

A) 2a Akana's Cooking.

Okay i understand that its a show gimmick, hopelessly exaggerated even in the anime.

But one can interpret it as cruel, that you won't taste it yourself and get mad if someone does not like it.
Shampoo tried to rape Ranma at Jusendo

Ukyo is violent and no saint like so many fics portray her

Kodachi tried to feed her brother to her pet aligator

Akane does not trust Ranma at all. Despite time after time of what he says is proven to be the truth, she still thinks the absoulte worst of him and
furthermore everyone else agrees with Akane's interpertation of situations.

Ranma's a jerk, yes, but the vileness of the people around him is just too much. Ranma is an obnoxious, loudmouth, arrogant jerk and he's one of the
sanest person in the series.

Ryoga applies a double standard to Ranma. If Ranma tries to kiss Akane: How dare you kiss Akane. If Ranma talks to another girl: How dare you betray Akane.
Ryoga wants Ranma to have duties to Akane(like a slave) and remain unhappy.

As I started tearing aprt the various characters, the best parent was Genma.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Another fanon-Akane character trait that bugs me: she's supposedly incapable of moving beyond first impressions.

This is demonstrably untrue. Her first impression of Ryoga was of a borderline psychotic with rage issues who came within inches of accidentally killing her.
Now she thinks he's a nice guy with a few problems.


"Zettai kekkonshiki, mokushiroku."
Seriously, let the freaking bath misunderstanding GO, people. There were bloody 37 volumes of manga AFTER that. They moved on, why can't you?
About Ranma deserving it when Akane hits him...

Quote:its because he added on that if he wanted to see a naked girl all he needs is a mirror... and then adds on that he is better built as a she anyway.

Given that this is *literal truth*, why is this grounds for smiting?

You do raise a good point though. I think part of the problem sometimes is that at the beginning of the series, Akane is under a lot of stress, and even though a large part of the cause (the daily attacks) goes away, it's just replaced by more stuff.

Now, Shampoo... she's a weird case. It seems like about half the time she's one of the nastiest people around, and the other half she's one of the sweetest. I can find quite a range of behavior reasonable for her depending on what else is going on.

Quote:Which is often true of any fanfiction that lists the romantic couple(s) in the preview blurb.

I wouldn't rely on this as an indicator very much. It seems that a large segment of fanfic readers these days insist on having them (and sometimes become quite annoying if they don't get them), so more people are probably putting them in these days just to avoid getting hassled.

Quote: Morganni wrote:

Given that this is *literal truth*, why is this grounds for smiting?
The problem isn't that Ranma "deserves" or "doesn't deserve" it. The problem is scale.

Ranma Saotome can be hit so hard his body is sent flying hard enough to dent a mountain-side. He can take strikes that pulverize rock. He can take blasts that
solid metal to pieces head on with barely a scratch.

To Ranma Saotome, hitting him with a table is the equivalent of me snapping you with a wet towel. Being punched by Akane is the equivalent of your girlfriend
kicking you in the shins, lightly.


Quote: Epsilon wrote:

Ranma Saotome can be hit so hard his body is sent flying hard enough to dent a mountain-side. He can take strikes that pulverize rock. He can take blasts

solid metal to pieces head on with barely a scratch.

To Ranma Saotome, hitting him with a table is the equivalent of me snapping you with a wet towel. Being punched by Akane is the equivalent of your girlfriend

kicking you in the shins, lightly.

In what part of the series? Remember that he trains a LOT to get up to the 'being punched into the mountainside' level. He may have just gotten back
from a 10 year training trip at the time of the table-smash, but he gets exponentially better during the course of the series. And everyone starts off
Quote: drogan niteflier wrote:

In what part of the series? Remember that he trains a LOT to get up to the 'being punched into the mountainside' level. He may have just gotten back
from a 10 year training trip at the time of the table-smash, but he gets exponentially better during the course of the series. And everyone starts off

Ranma pretty much starts out excessively superhuman. He takes punches from Ryouga with no problem, and Ryouga can pulverize rock with his bare hands from
his first appearance. Akane can punch down a concrete wall... if she's willing to hit it with all her strength and break her hand in the process.

Ranma does not actually get "exponentially" better over the course of the series. This isn't Bleach. Ranma gets a total of one major power-up
over the course of the series, when he learns the Amaguriken. Otherwise he tends to grow slowly, but everyone else seems to grow at about the same level
(including Akane, compare her performance in the Ryugenzawa story with her performance in the first Kodachi story, for example).

Quote: Epsilon wrote:

To Ranma Saotome, hitting him with a table is the equivalent of me snapping you with a wet towel.

The hell it is. You're forgetting, apparently, that the blow to the head with the table KNOCKED HIM UNCONSCIOUS. A wet towel never knocked me out. I
don't know about where you grew up, but where I'm from, even if a guest does insult you, knocking them out is NOT acceptable behavior.
(DISCLAIMER: The Internet is a medium for the exchange of ideas. Thoughts and concepts are shared there. It is possible that people who use it may begin thinking about things they never did before. If this idea disgusts, frightens, or revolts you, please refrain from using the Internet in any way, shape, or form.)
There is a significant difference between stating a fact to provide information and stating a fact to insult someone. If I were to inserted into Akane at that point in the series, I'd smack him for that crack in a heartbeat.

Overall, there's absolutely no one in the entire Ranma setting who doesn't behave abysmally most of the time. Akane's the only one I've ever heard given a motivation for it (insecurity and feelings of inferiority) that I consider remotely sympathetic.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
It's a slapstick series. Looking at it from a serious perspective means it turns into a horror show filled with psychopaths and a atrocious acceptance of
casual violence.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
I have to agree with Catty on that one. Pulling out an obvious Western example, if you ran into the Three Stooges acting like their movies in the real world,
you'd have them arrested ad committed.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Okay, I think that the fanon display from Manga Akane to Anime Akane to one dimensional, berserker, nth level derivative fanfiction Akane is fairly well
covered in this thread. That and the fact the series is slap stick is one of the first things to rot away in the telephone game of fanfiction. That is why it
makes such a great example of Fanon that Trumps the Canon. I think jpub best sums up the result of the nth level derivative effects of bad fanfiction fanon
when he wrote:

Quote: Seriously, let the freaking bath misunderstanding GO, people. There were bloody 37 volumes of manga AFTER that. They moved on, why can't you?

As I said this thread isn't exclusively about bad fanon truming Ranma 1/2 canon. So lets look at another example, Hinata X Naruto stories in Naruto
fanfiction. I know that this with knock sum people out of the discusion for lack of knowledge, but it also ties in to what I mentioned earilier in the thread.
Specifically, about when story previews have the couples as the first thing in the preview. No, I don't have a problem with the mention itself, so much
as that it is the first thing. Whether the writer knows it or not, the first thing they put in the preview is the most important thing to them or at least
what they thought of first. All too often in my experience, it leads to fanfiction that was written around the a romance with the rest of the plot badly
thrown in as filler.

Anyway, the reason I bring up Hinata X Naruto is because its another good example of a simple fanon alteration, this one in the early stages of decay. In
Naruto they start off with one of the other male leads having hoards of fangirls after him. This is universally not return by Sasuke, who is trying to train
enough to off his Uchiacidal brother. Naruto has one of these known one sided romantic intrests with one of Sasuke's fangirls, Sakura, who is a female
lead. One of the side charicters, Hinata, also has a long term one way crush on Naruto... the only difference is she is quite and shy about it and has a bit
more tact. Also, she is basically a benign stalker, one Naruto is largely confused by.

When we get to the girl Naruto is paired off with its usually Hinata.... its sudden or talked about as if it were blantently obvious and utter canon based. In
other words the pairing is not explained and taken as normal. While I've seen good stories with this pairing, much of the time its just taken as normal
and from the middle of this ill explained ever present relationship. Yes, again, there have been good stories with the couple, however the most common
explaination is basically they are destined for each other. That Naruto basically beats the Destiny out of someone, making some bookies rich off screeen, is
ignored. Except that the person got the Destiny beaten out of them ticked off Naruto by mauling Hinata. This sounds important until you remember that it was
Neji mauling/attempting to kill/cripple for life an ally, who was also his family member, while whining about Destiny and being a psycho, emo, explitive.
Naruto would have had pretty much the same reaction to anyone in the same circmstances, it being Hinata specifically that got beat down this way isn't

A mainy reason they are so often a couple is the one way crush in the series... however if that was all it took Naruto would have Sakura to himself and Sasuke
would be with half the females in his age group exclusively... including Sakura. Which is not possible... minus cloning vats or something. Still fanon says
they are a couple. In a few years Naruto will be over and I expect that it will have its ownversion of the fiancee wars in full swing... only it will have
rather loud groups of yaoi fangirls involved. Naruto is a major contender for this decades Ranma 1/2 in the world of fanfiction.

Without going into detail I'm pretty sure that by and large the yaoi fanon genre is an example of bad fannon... and romance before plot stories.

I just ignored what I said my next post would be didn't I?

1: disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings 2 a: causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain b: unrelieved by leniency

A) 2a Akana's Cooking.
Okay i understand that its a show gimmick, hopelessly exaggerated even in the anime.

There was a grand total of one cooking competition between all four "fiancées" in the anime. Akane won. Ranma showed no signs of distress on eating her food.

Also, in the OAV with the "new" Tendo sisters, all of Akane's food was eaten, and apparently enjoyed, by the newcomers.

The people who complain about Akane's cooking are the ones who eat Kasumi's cooking. This indicates to me that Akane's cooking is "not as good as Kasumi's", not the "inedible" that fanon claims.

(Come to think of it, Akane's biggest problem is that she can't realize she's Akane, not Kasumi. Her trying to get the attention of Tofu-sensei, her desire to be graceful, her disappointment at her lack of cooking skills - they're all things that Kasumi has.)

Quote:Ranma's a jerk, yes, but the vileness of the people around him is just too much. Ranma is an obnoxious, loudmouth, arrogant jerk and he's one of the sanest person in the series.

He's also a manipulative, egotistical SOB.

Consider what happened when Shampoo wears the Reversal Jewel and declares she isn't interested in him. He'd been spending most of the series up to that point trying to get Shampoo to leave him alone; the sane response would be to say "finally!" and let her leave. But does he do that? No, he gets upset that one of the girls in his harem has blown him off, and immediately makes plans to get her back.

Despoite what fanon claims, Ranma enjoys being chased by all the girls.

Quote:You're forgetting, apparently, that the blow to the head with the table KNOCKED HIM UNCONSCIOUS.

No, it just stunned him. It's pretty easy to stun Ranma the first time anyone does something he wasn't expecting...

Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: No, it just stunned him. It's pretty easy to stun Ranma the first time anyone does something he wasn't expecting...
She knocked him out. It goes from an evening to a night scene, they move Ranma from the dining room to a futon in the room he shares with Genma,
and Kasumi says "Ah! She's awake!"

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