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Naruto-Eva Plotbunny, Free to a good home
Naruto-Eva Plotbunny, Free to a good home
Evangelions and at least some Angels are living, biological creatures.

Therefore, they possess chakra.

The results are left as an exercise for the reader. [Image: smile.gif]


"Those who abandon their fellow Pilots are worse than trash!"
Hmmm... Naruto with an Angel sealed inside him?
This was my first thought after seeing this thread's title and letting it filter through my mental photoshop...

"EVA LAUNCH!" shouted Misato. A short ride and Evangelion Unit 01 rocketed to the surface. Round bolts the size of small cars drilled themselves into
the sides of the platform to hold mankind's only hope of surviving the angel war. The third angel Sachiel turn it bulk to face the new development on the
field of battle. The bolts locking the Evangelion to the gantry hissed and withdrew their support the Evangelion. Unit 01 slumped forwards slightly, resting
its body weight more firmly on its feet.

"Okay Shinji. just focus on taking a step." Misato encouraged. Unit 01 stood still quietly on the platform. Not a single synthetic muscle twitched.
There was a tense silence as the Third angel seemed to await the Evangelion to do something, almost as if allowing it to make the first move.

"Its alright Shinji You're doing fine so far. Just visualize the Eva lifting its foot off the.." Misato tried again. "Misato-san..."
Shinji interrupted. "Why was the Evangelion built with four legs? How the heck am I even supposed to visualize moving a huge animal!?"

*cue out-zoom from entry plug to external view of the evangelion. A humongous four legged beast in purple and green with red eyes.*

"Shinji! We'll explain later! just concentrate on fightin-" Misato tried to refocus the boy. "And what the heck am I supposed to do with the
NINE TAILS? Do anyone of you idiots who designed this thing know how strange this feels?! I have this strange floating feeling of nine furry appendages

On the Nerv command bridge Maya Ibuki turned to Akagi Ritsuko. "Sempai the graph clearly shows that Shinji is suffering mental contamination from Unit
01" Ritsuko gave Maya a glare that said "Thanks for stating the perfectly obvious." Higher up on the bridge Gendo quietly rested his face in his
gloved hands "I knew we should have used a humaniod model perhaps Yui would have made a better Evangelion, she always did have a calming influence on that

Above the Geo-front, Sachiel returned to cross-blasting his way towards Lilith dismissing the... thing the Lilim had sent up. What the hell was up with that
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
My thoughts are different.... The Children must be screwed up. Mentally. Having a demon sealed inside you leaves you screwed up, mentally. At least Eva 01
is capable of long term existence... end of the universe maybe. So, if Naruto is in some future time of the Evaverse... at least one Eva will still be there.
The Geo front is still there in some form.

So if we say use the basics of 'End of Eva', then say that Asuka had better battery life and/or got more kill shots on the production series... then
there is no massive signal booster to make Third Impact global... so the area is limited to around Japan and part of Asia. , Maybe the islands between Japan ,
India, and Australia. Thats not all that important, you could just make it in a different terrain.

Anyway, the results of the liquification and respawning of the people in the AOE results in the bloodlines (or potential for them anyway) and those little
chakra release points all over the body are tiny little S2 core equivalents that allow the chakra use and generation. Have ancestors rescently without the
little S2 organs... you get Rock Lee.

Anyway, the summons are animals and humans that respawned as animals that live in a dimensional warp or space fold similar to a certain impossiblely deep and
paper thin angel. Actually, summon space is a modified angel itself.

Now the Buji are evolutions of the Rei collective. The more Rei/16th angel spirits involved the more powerful the Buji. The 1 tail is what happened to the
spirit of Rei 1, which is why its not at all right in the head. The 9-tails is Rei 03, who is on a quest for destruction unless the Sharingan tells her to
knock it off. The Sharingan, munchkin and control freak, that can control even the 9 tails and such is Gendo. The Death God is Shinji, controler of souls and
genrally more powerful and Uber than thou, but is just kind of creepy and off in the head...

Then comes the question of what happened to Asuka. Most of the people he knew at NERV should be around in some form... which could be how you get the head
summons. Well having Shinji isn't going to want her around him, but can't actually kill her off as she'll never leave him alone then. So ditch
her on Earth as an Immortal... who has been avoiding all this stupid of Shinji's as best she can, while still stuck in the AOE. Flash forward a few

One of Asuka's close descendants has now decided to break tradition and become a ninja to chase one of those idiot Ikari possessed loons. Which she only
finds out about when she comes to visit her relatives and discovers the girl has not only broke tradition and got involved in this mess she kept them from
getting involved in. Then managed to become involved with said Ikari possessed, emo, idiot but somehow managed to get involed with someone with the really
suicidal, wondergirl fragment SEELEed in them. SEELEed being the correct term for sealing (or chakra bureaucracy) only lost in ancient translations and
corrupted from the English, via a pun and lost in translation so people think they are really sealing arts.

Anyway, Asuka catches up with Sakura while waiting for Kakashi in the classroom, which was to see Sakura but ends up bickering with the antiWondergirl
(slaughters rather than defends) in Naruto and Sakura's inner doll which is offended by something Asuka said about a comment to her own inner doll.
Naruto and Sakura look distrubed by the conversation that they can only identify 2 of the 5 voices involved in (ignoring their own commentary)... Sasuke just
looks increasingly

annoyed and disturbed that he appears to be the only one here that can't actually hear the ongoing conversation. This ends when Naruto's chalk trap
hitting Kakashi and then giving his initial view of his prospective students... then asking who Asuka is... who is herself trying to rationalized the kindof
half Gendo infection Kakashi has.

The inner dolls are the result of stupid Shinji deciding it was hillarious to SEELE her mom's mental derangement into her mind (and make it a genetic
trait... your mom's skewed view of you (what you should be) SEELEed inside their daughters), reportedly so Asuka could be whole. Really Asuka thinks it
was to annoy her.... like turning her hair pink at respawn so it was 'the color of her blood soaked innocence'.

Meanwhile the Red Clouds at Dawn are gathering the tailed beasts holders so that they can power the Eva's against the coming threat of the angels. The guy
who translated the damaged, ancient book explaining why everyone melted for a while and what the hell NERV had been doing with all that money and all those
resources... mistranslated for the tense making it a prophecy instead of a historical document and including the Dead Sea Scrolls prophecies. So the Red
Clouds are formed to do radical things to prepare for the coming (of the really long dead) angels. The Biju being the destined pilots. As a note both Shinji
and Gendo think this is hilarious.
All very interesting. But I was half asleep when I made the original post, and dropped a line:

"....Therefore, Evas can perform jutsus."

[Image: smile.gif]


"Did you just kawarimi an entire building?!"
Necratoid - That sounds absatively cracktastic. I'd love to see it in action!

EMLurker - That's a little more in line with what I had in mind; a more generic Eva-Naruto crossover.
I'm reminded of a much similar idea I had, with the Naruto world being a distant post-3I world, though I had the nine bijuu as arising from the remains of
the nine Production-series Eva, thus the limitless energy supply, giant size, and tendency to grant regenerative healing to Jinchuuriki; Akatsuki having made
the King of Hell from the giant bones of Lilith/Rei; bridge-bunny Hyuuga Makoto (the one with the glasses and the thing for Misato) as the first of the Hyuuga
clan; and Shinji, having been at the core of humanity's death and rebirth, and the brief merging of souls, possessing the Metempsychosis eye and becoming
the Sage of Six Paths.

--The Twisted One

"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Well, my scenario does contain the abilities of that of the Evas to pull off jutsu as long as the pilot can. Also, by now Asuka can pull of the tricks she
could with an AT field during the movie on her own. Partially due to the genetic component that let her pilot the Eva in the first place and partly due to
Shinji wanting her around to annoy. Sakura can't really pull off an AT field as she isn't optimised for it and will have her body fall apart if she
starts using one... which is the origin of Jutsu.... people asking what they can do with their spifft powers without melting. The vague memory of the AT
fields is where the idea of an ultimate defense comes from.

Anyway, besides the wierd half hearable conversations that Asuka, Sakura, Naruto, and their innner idiots get into not much changes at least until right after
the chunin exams... at this point Asuka actually hears about the biju collecters... at which point she realizes those morons are going to end up letting a lot
of Rei and Tabris pieces fuse back together, inside the giant storage battery statue. Which mean their will be 2 angels running out pwning the place.

Thus Asuka hires Team Kakashi to go and retrieve the Evas from their long sleep... otherwise Shinji with decide make her take them down, respawning her as
nessassary, in whatever kind of body he feels like. Which means she'll never get left alone afterwards... take down something that uber and the fanboys
and those seeking apprentisship will never actually go away.

This means the Sound Five show up and Sasuke is just gone. Asuka tips him off that they are going to pick up somethings that will let him kill Itachi it one
hit. Which is kind of what Eva verses Itachi looks like. Explaining what it is they are after on this mission, Tsunade lets them go at B-class prices. She
did pay for a year in advance.

After a few months of travel and adventures, Asuka brings them to the sealed off Geofront and uses her keycard to get inside. Follow a few months of getting
them working again and learning how to drive them, plus use their abilities through them... then its a short Eva water walk back to the Elemental countries...
at which time the Red Clouds have SEELEed away half the Biju and will be after Gaara... which means they'll soon do something really stupid and have two
nutty biju with forcefields and no clothes running around. Namely Rei 01 with three times as many of her collective marbles and a rather disgrunted Tabris
with no ral mission in life... with Adam and Lillith dead and all. So they go have a smash the most contest... or go start cults to themselves or something...
and the Red Clouds that aren't squished back at the mainbase, are feeling really, really stupid right about then.

So Team Kakashi can all pilot the eva to some extent. One is Asuka's close blood relative, one has part of a pilot SEELEed in him, and the others have
bits of Gendo in them... so if they try to pilot 01 they are going to get a headache from Shinji's bickering parents. Also, Kakashi's sink rate will
suck. Second hand and only half second hand and all.

So after the neo-angel fights... they'll probably splinter back into indivisual Rei and Tabris clones... maybe a new personality or 12 makes more lesser
biju appear. I figure 4 major personalities for the two originally (Rei 01, 02, 03, and Tabris) then the ones that are slightly evolved from the White Evas
and the Black one. Enough to make the 9 tailed beasts has controling personalities... most just evolved as minds as they went. One of the Tabris should just
give up at this point and see how long it can stay drunk continuiously before it sobers up... then work on beating said goal.

Then something involving them rounding up the random violent Rei and Tabris and ignoring the mostly docile ones. After dealing with the mini-angels, we have
the Sasuke hunts down Itachi's (keeps finding those percent of his true power clones in an Eva).... Ero-sennen writing up stories involving the hundreds of
feet tall naked people on a historically inaccurate rampage. Rei 02 coming after Tsunade for her debts, have to rebuild her trashed casinoes and all. Stupid,
violent siblings. STupid insurance companies and their stupid 'Yes, you have biju insurance... but not giant naked people made out of combined biju
essence'... and the lawsuit on the violent family members clause is still pending with a very disturb judge. Trying to understand how exactly someone has
77 identical same age sisters is giving him a migrane.

The sequel can involve what happens after they put the Eva back and the world outside that land ceded to Shinji is trying to figure out why the Eva were
activated... how they managed to activate the things in the first place (they haven't got them to move in centuries after all). Dealing with the reporters
from various worlds... they got followed from cameras in orbit and the press demands someone explains what happened... and what was with giant naked people...
the Angel Wars not exactly being rescent or even wided believed history.

Just to freak people out Shinji keeps showing up in pictures and on camera (but isn't seeable with normally eyes and he is wearing the really, really
elaborate armor (the stuff that makes his normal creepy armor look normal, with the silently, screaming, tormented faces of random nutcases swirling around
him and fading aand morphing into each other.)) Though it does explain why she kept mumbling uncomplimentary things about 'showoffs' and 'that
moron' and the like under her breath for no reaason the reporters can see at the time. At this point you can crossover with all kinds of space series.

Something could also happen to the pilot's as a result of them being soaked and breathing in Eva blood all the time... LCL is no longer available with the
death of Lilith and all. Some Scene were the curse SEELE offs its metaphysical self as in embarrassment, feelings of inadequacy, and despair... after all,
what can it offer to compete with a 900 foot tall cybernetic killing machine and all.

I'd also like to see this, but my bad case of Muse Syndrome prevents me from actually writing the story itself.
That is just... Wow. *Chuckles ruefully* Sorry, man, I don't think I could write -that- myself!
The only idea I ever saw anyone actually start writing was a 'fic where Tokyo-3 reappears out of nowhere in the Naruto'verse, as the "Village of
the Hidden Angel"... with Shinji, Asuka, and Rei as genin taking part in the Konoha Chuunin Exam, and Misato as their jounin-sensei.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote: ECSNorway wrote:

The only idea I ever saw anyone actually start writing was a 'fic where Tokyo-3 reappears out of nowhere in the Naruto'verse, as the "Village of
the Hidden Angel"... with Shinji, Asuka, and Rei as genin taking part in the Konoha Chuunin Exam, and Misato as their jounin-sensei.

It would be a strange chuunin exam. A genin team of puppeteers whose puppets are the size of a boss summons but need extension cords to plug themselves into
the power grid is a bit odd even for the Narutoverse.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
And that was part of the Anime Addventure.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Pretty sure that's Lesser Known Villages? by Eimii. Short, unfinished, and
likely to remain so, but a fun read regardless.
So it is. MY bad. Just the shortness of it made me think it was a throwaway from ADDventure, I guess
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Interesting idea... Maybe instead of long-ass cords, their puppets are Jinchuuriki? Makes the idea of one of them getting out of controll a Very Bad Thing(tm) - it also has the added advantage that it fits in with both worlds!
Expand on that as all I can think of is that Naruto is being controlled physically by Sakura using chakra strings.... Which just seems like an overkill
method of teaching him Taijutsu.
With Naruto himself, everything is overkill.

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