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Untitled Story Chapter 7-8 by Murmur
Untitled Story Chapter 7-8 by Murmur

Usagi woke with a start, Pluto's last words reverberating in her ears. Adrenaline
surged through her as Pluto's urgency, coming so soon after the enforced lassitude of her dreams, drove her to her feet and into a whirlwind of activity
that unfortunately did very little. Packing and then unpacking then repacking a single satchel of clothing, Usagi dithered as to what to do. Seeking to calm
herself, she wrote down a quick note to her parents.

"To their Divine Majesties, Serenity and Endymion, celestial rulers of the Holy
Empire of Humanity, lords of all creation, beloved of heaven, et cetera, greetings," it began, "I have been sent on a singular mission of universal
importance by the unseen, silent one, the daughter of Chronos, Dis Mater. Unfortunately I have been informed by her that neither of your Majesties nor the
guardian deities should assist me. Further, the importance of this mission was such that I have only time enough to write this brief missive. Please accept my
apologies. I am now on my way to Nemesis, that planet which once made blasphemous war against your rightful supreme dominion. Where I am to go from there is
unknown, as is my time of return.

"It is my fondest wish that I shall be able to return to your empyrean realm

"From her highness, Serenity, Crown Princess of the Holy Empire of Humanity, Heir
to the Iron Throne of Crystal Tokyo, Princess of the Moon, Duchess of Asia and Marchioness of the Asteroid Belt of the Solar System.

"Post-Script: Please keep Mamoru out of my room as he is horrible."

Enclosing the letter in an envelope and sealing it, she left it on her table above her
unfinished papers and stopped. What to do next, what to do next. Suddenly, inspiration struck, followed by a knuckle to her skull. Idiot that she was, she had
forgotten two of the most important things she would need. Usagi closed her eyes and searched her soul. Light flowed between her hands and her chest, forming a
ball of light that condensed quickly into a golden brooch inscribed with a crescent moon within a heart. This was the fetish of her identity, the outward and
physical manifestation of the sacrifice of self to self that empowered her and recast her into her war aspect. If she were to look within, she would find it
empty except for a silver glow that shifted into a rose red, pregnant with promise.

Nodding with satisfaction, glad that she hadn't forgotten how to do that, Usagi
hooked her brooch onto her shirt. She then called up the second thing she had thought of. "Luna-P, come!"

From the depths of her closet there was a terrible crash, as something barreled its way
out from behind piles of dresses, shoes and boxes of forgotten knick-knacks. A black blur zoomed towards Usagi and then suddenly stopped, hovering inches away
from her face. It was a black sphere, about the size of a basketball and shaped like a cat's head, complete with triangle ears on top and a golden crescent
moon on its forehead. This was Luna-P, a device capable of transforming into nearly anything, from an umbrella that could rewrite memories to a house and
anything in between. She had had it with her on previous adventures, particularly when she was very young, but for the last few years had kept it inside her
closet. A rush of fondness and nostalgia filled Usagi as she looked at her old friend.

"Luna-P, follow," she commanded, even as she made her way out of her room,
Luna-P trailing behind her, hovering silently. Taking a quick peak into the hallway, Usagi found it empty. Quietly walking on her tip-toes, she walked down the
hall and up three flights of stairs. Stopping and massaging her feet, Usagi decided that going en pointe all that way was a really bad idea. Walking, or rather
hobbling, up more stairs, she finally made it to the royal transport terminal.

The terminal was quite small, as it was purely for the personal use of the royal family.
Only about a square mile, it held the many vehicles that they used on a daily basis. Replicas of ancient vehicles, chariots, helicopters, things of that
nature, stood next to more modern means of transport. As speed was the essence, she decided to take the fastest space-capable ship there was in the hangar: a
Swan. It took only a minute or so for the terminal director to bring the Swan over to her, driven by one of the orange-clad servants that worked to maintain
the vehicles.

The Swan was one of the newest model space vehicles, made just in the last year. Shaped
similarly to its avian namesake, if stylized, the Swan was an iridescent pearl white, reflecting even the slightest bit of light with a cocky glint. Its long,
red-tipped wings were kept folded in the atmosphere but came free in the vacuum of space. There was room for only three people, if that, in the Swan. Its small
interior space meant that, despite the speeds it could attain it was pushing it to go interplanetary, let alone interstellar as there was little room for
provender. As the bubble shimmered into place, sealing her in, Usagi settled for a moment, twiddling with the controls and settings until she had it to her
satisfaction. Submitting a flight plan and a request for a launch window, both of which were approved summarily, Usagi launched out of the Crystal Palace with
a jaunty wave to the terminal director.

The Swan was new, it was fast, it was magic, but that didn't mean that it was
perfect. It handled like an iron brick in the atmosphere, despite the only demands put on it were to go near-on straight up. The wind outside swirled and
screamed at her, and the pressure of her speed was painful. Yet the Swan soon adjusted, especially once they left behind the gravity well of the planet. Its
wings unfurled, spreading wide. Usagi wasn't sure what the wings actually did but they sure looked nice. Switching over to autopilot, she settled back into
her seat. It would take a few hours to get to Nemesis, which was time enough to take a much needed, uneventful nap.

Changing the interiors so that the seats reconfigured into a bed, Usagi lay against the
newly produced pillow and closed her eyes. This time she dreamt of nothing in particular.


Hours later, Usagi woke to the sound of beeping; someone from Nemesis was calling her.
Rubbing her face and looking in a mirror with distaste, she woke herself up as properly as she could and readjusted her bed back into seats before

"H-hello?" she said, trying to talk through a very dry throat and acidic

"This is Nemesis Orbital Traffic to incoming Swan, please identify," said a
melodious voice that still managed to sound officious.

"Ah, this is Vehicle Registry . . . ." And here Usagi glanced quickly at the
dash of the Swan, looking for its ID. "Delta nine one seven three nine one three mu; request permission for landing as soon as possible."

"Okay, Delta nine one seven three nine one three mu," said the same voice.
"I see you're registered under the Royal family. Do you request honors?"

"No, no, goodness no," said Usagi hastily. It was her right, and occasional
burden, to have parades and fanfare and local leaders come give her honors whenever she left Earth. People seemed to genuinely enjoy it, if only because it
made for a good excuse for a street party, but having to spend hours with a smile plastered on her face and her neck aching from all the regally superior nods
that she had to give were almost enough to make her regret her status. It would be doubly disastrous here, as she needed to move with speed and freedom on
Nemesis, not be hampered by diplomacy and fanfare.

"Very well, Delta Nine One." The melodious voice paused for a moment, and then
said, "I have a descent window opening up in five minutes over Mohs City."

"Thank you, Nemesis Orbital," said Usagi, seeing the specific data come up on
her dashboard.

"Good day, Delta Nine One."

As she approached Nemesis, she appreciated it anew. The picture that Pluto had shown was
accurate, in its way. It was indeed an irregular rock, much like an asteroid. Yet its size was greater than that of any other object outside of Neptune's
orbit. Its own orbit took it from into the range of Pluto and then deep into the Oort cloud. Long before, when it had been used as the planet of exile, it had
been nearly impossible to track save for set times when its orbit took it closer, relatively, to Earth. Then, with the rise of the Black Moon Clan, it had
disappeared completely, under the dark power of the malevolent being that lived deep within it and permeated it. Now, with the defeat of the Wiseman, it was
possible to find it much like any other planet. The electric lines of its cities glowed like cold fire across the face of the planet, making it magical and
mysterious as well as welcoming.

As Usagi took her Swan closer, the details of Mohs City,
the capital of Nemesis, became clearer. The architecture of Mohs was very traditional Nemesis, given over to smooth skyscrapers that would have seemed almost
organic if not for their cruciform shapes. When not jutting into the air, the buildings were low and fluting. It all made it seem as if the entire city had
been made from one giant piece of blown glass and then lit by fireflies, laid out on grids of similarly glowing giant panes of glass. However, breaking this
were grasslands and forests, vibrant and living even in the night light, that were spreading outward from the city's center. Instead of marveling at this,
however, Usagi drafted a message to an old friend and sent it, before taking manual control of her ship and bringing it safely down to cruising

The first step of her quest had begun.
a couple of nitpicks
Sailor Moon isn't my favorite show so no comment in that direction, but I've got a nitpick or two for your story.

First I'll quote a line.

"The wind outside swirled and screamed at her, and the pressure of her speed was painful."

Personally I'd shoot the designer of this craft. If her Ship's speed through the atmosphere causes a noticable increase in internal cabin pressure then
something is fundamentally wrong with the design.

I think you were thinking of acceleration and the "gee" forces it is often measured in instead of the wind pressure you get from an open cockpit at a
high airspeed.

This leads to your second possible problem or nitpick, DISTANCE and travel time.

Nemesis is a hypothetical planet out beyond pluto so you must be talking about orbits that can be measured in light hours.

This literally means that it takes sunlight just over 6.83 hours to reach pluto's orbit and starting from Earth's orbit which only takes 93,000,000
miles off the trip. That by the way only knocks just under 500 seconds off those nearly 7 hours of travel time for the light beam.

I've read advice from fantasy writers that says the first thing you need to do when setting up a fantasy story is to create a very good map for your
fantasy world.

The same goes for a story that includes space travel you need to define your method of travel very carefully or it will come back to bite you badly creating
plot holes and often either forbidding you from using certain plot devices or forcing "stupidities" on your characters, societies and civilizations
to fit the plot and story line you have created.

Make sure you test your method of space travel with the main plots and major or critical episodes other wise you can end up essentially crippling entire
chapters or plots and subplots of your story with a poorly choosen travel methods.

Take the new Battlestar Galactica for example the writer who re-imaged it made a very poor choice in picking a no limits Jump drive concept, especially for the
types of plots and episodes that he has written. The jump drive with it's demonstrated abilities makes the Baltar and number six programming backdoor
plot meaningless and laughably stupid. The FTL jump capabilities and mass produced throw away nature of a cylon fighter craft makes it the ultimate guided
missile able to literally jump inside a starship or planetary crust allowing the detonation of a ship or city killer that will bypass all armour and defenses.

Personally I'd recommend you use some form or low energy non-inertial interplanetary near light speed drives for your
"swan", Something that keeps Usagi from feeling any form of acceleration and doesn't actually "push" the ship to actual high inertial
speeds, just makes it appear to travel at high inertial speeds.

Remember inertial or real world speed can be said to be the ultimate weapon and if your ship's drive keeps inertia in the loop then you must remember that
her ship will become a potential weapon that will dwarf the largest fusion bombs and even dinosaur killer asteroids. It will also mean what ever her ship
strikes, even a invisibly small grain of dust will be creating forces beyond the levels of most atomic weapons.

There are solutions and designs of FTL that side step the issues with a "handwave" and these work even more so for a "magic" universe like
Sailor Moon.

Take for instance the jump drive mentioned above for nBSG had the writer simply made it impossible for the show's jump
drive to jump within a set distance of a magnetic field above a certain intensity then he wouldn't have had the "Stupidities" and plot holes that
started to shine forth in the first 30 minutes of the series. Gravity or curvature of space is another possible limiting device, but it has less flexable than
using the idea of magnetic fields.(Cutting or disrupting the gravity of a planet would be a even more powerful weapon, why bother with jumping fire crackers
into the planet when all you have to do is point a gravity nullifier at the world and watch it shed continents into deep space.)

As I said just a couple of nitpicks, I'm still reading this which is saying something for a pure Sailor Moon fanfic, I really don't like sailor moon.

Anyway I hope I helped and didn't hinder

howard melton

God bless
Response to response
Hmelton wrote:

I've got a nitpick or two for your story.


I think you were thinking of acceleration and the "gee" forces it is often measured in instead of the wind pressure you get from
an open cockpit at a high airspeed.

I write:

Oh yes, thrust from whatever is taking her craft past escape velocity is giving her accerleration very much past 1 gravity. Hmm, how to make this clearer in
the text without going into f=ma . . . . Still your point is well taken.

Hmelton wrote:

This leads to your second possible problem or nitpick, DISTANCE and travel time.

Nemesis is a hypothetical planet out beyond pluto so you must be talking about orbits that can be measured in light hours.

This literally means that it takes sunlight just over 6.83 hours to reach pluto's orbit and starting from Earth's orbit which only takes 93,000,000
miles off the trip. That by the way only knocks just under 500 seconds off those nearly 7 hours of travel time for the light beam.

I write:

The hypothetical Nemesis (as opposed to the asteroid) is, at least according to wikipedia, a companion brown dwarf star found somewhere in the oort cloud.
Sailor Moon's Nemesis is not a star but rather a huge rock in space that does resemble a rather smoothened asteroid. However it is consistently mentioned
being a planet, despite being the home of the Black Moon Clan as well as not being rounded by its own gravity, a criterion for planet status. So for my story
anyway it's a planet which holds its idiosyncratic shape due to the once-presence of . . . i dunno, black magic, or the black crystal, or the death phantom
or whatever. You'll note that while I mention the planet Pluto, I don't mention Eris.

As for the travel time etc., the fact that it only takes her a few hours to get to transneptunian space does make it seem that the Swan is either just slightly
faster than light or at least not that slower than light without having to go through all that hyperspace, subspace, jump, fold, etc. How that happens? I
dunno . . . . magical alcubierre drive? At this point in the plot it doesn't really matter. When it does make a difference, I'll probably come up
with something. Nothing really prevents me from having Usagi's "takes a few hours to get to transneptunian space" AND "teleports across
galaxies instantly" tech/magic.

It's something to keep in mind, though.

Thanks for the comments.


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