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[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
Posted in chunks, because my PDA browser is teh suXXor.

My first time posting a lemon, please be gentle but firm!



LEMONY GOODNESS WARNING: This story contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature, which at later stages will involve persons that have reached their majority
in their own culture, but not neccesarily in yours or mine. This is in no way intended to advocate underage sex. I am quite willing to advocate polyamorous
relationships and multiple and/or same-sex partners however, so if you find such things offensive it is strongly suggested that you immediately close this file
and read a different story.

REPEAT: Explicit material and 'non-standard' relationships follow. If you are below the age of consent in your region, please close the file now, or at
least take the heat gracefully when your mom catches you reading it. You have been warned, on your own head be it.

















2008-11-03 - file created to hold notes for an F.Kyuubi bunny

2008-11-04 - knocked out a few scenes

2008-11-05 - realised I'm at a good chapter break, moved outline notes to a new file, edited, and tagged on the usual end comments

A few notes before I begin - though framed as such, this isn't really a self insertion per se... that's just an excuse to have the changed character
acting so differently. The insert character has some of my skills but his mindset is composed of the attitudes I needed for the story rather than a precise
match for my own, and obviously if I thought magic worked like this in our own world I'd have tried it by now... without making the basic mistake of the
insert character in the story. A Mary Sue, that I'll cop to though I don't think it's too extreme, but not an actual SI. This is why the character
in question doesn't use my name, even before the transfer - it's not me. Heck, even when I did a really-truly SI for Fenspace I didn't use my real
name, and changed some attitudes to suit the story.

Also, I am a guy, and have written the female point of view with the help of considerable research and reference to things (coughporncough) written by females
(yes, it does exist - try literotica dot com, unless its vanished) ... or by people who claimed to be female on the internet, at least. If you are an actual
female and spot something that really needs to be changed in that regard, let me know. I promise, I'll do my best to oblige within the limits of the plot -
and those are wide limits, the actual PLOT has only a passing relationship with the creamy lemon filling. Sigh... everyone says "write what you know"
but what I don't know is so much more interesting.

YES DAMMIT, THERE IS A PLOT! I won't pretend to originality, but there's a plot and character development and everything. And only the unworthy get
mocked, like Cockaroachimaru, Uchiha Marinara, and Butt-pein. The sad thing is that Roachie is the most interesting of the bunch, and he was the first one to
get killed off... Maybe I'll bring in Killa B from the recent manga. He's awesome, or at least funny.

Finally, I will be insulting American beer, specifically Schlitz. I am an American and I will state for the record that the only thing close to the badness of
our beer is our tea - the latter is platable through the addition of unhealthy amounts of sugar, the former should be assayed only as a matter of
self-inflicted punishment. Espescially Schlitz. If you walk into a party and announce "I got a case of the Schlitz!" don't be surprized if people
treat you as if you'd left out the C and the L - the ones who aren't That Drunk (Yet) will hopefully know better than to try some, the ones who are
won't realise you didn't.

Right, shutting up now. WOOP WOOP WOOP, WE'VE GOT FANFIC SIGN!

--==(OOO (O) OOO)==--


He couldn't help it. A boring, average life in a boring, average world... and he was about to escape! He knew he was giggling like a loon, but he just
couldn't help it.

"Everything set up? Philosopher's Stone, check, voodoo charms, check, plastic flamingo in a little upright bathtub, check!"

The Stone had been the hard part - looking up the pattern had been as simple as an internet search at the library, actually drawing it only mildly difficult
with proper drafting tools, but getting the needed metals and minerals was a bitch in the regulated modern world, espescially mercury. But for transmutation it
was one of the most powerful symbols in magic; sheer name recognition granted it belief energy even from people who didn't "believe in magic" or
who thought it was some kind of alchemical object instead of a magic circle design. To transmute himself to energy without losing control of it, mind, body,
and soul, and funnel it into the transmission array, the Stone was the only choice. All that was left now was the symbol of the destination, and he'd
replace the most powerful being in his new world, an exciting world of action, adventure, and really wild things! Even if he ended up in *her* instead of one
of the males, it wouldn't be too bad... half the world managed to survive being female every day, didn't they? And according to the literature, there
were good points as well...

(He wasn't quite clear on which character it would be, but one of the villains obviously... not that he'd be acting the part, popping up now and then
to give the good guys a hint or a hand and kicking back at the victory party sounded like a much better plan than inevitably half-assed "eee-vil.")

"Ow... Nihihihihi!" Momentary pain as he nicked a finger and smeared blood across his choice couldn't stop the bubbling elation, and then
everything was set. He spoke the words and tossed smouldering herbs over his head... he was already gone when they landed, and in the destination circle a
bloodstained copy of Naruto Volume 1 briefly glowed with power before crumbling into dust.

The trouble with magic is that it's fueled by belief, shaped by intent, and difficult to precisely predict... and none of the characters he'd thought
to replace actually appeared in Volume One. The most powerful regular who did, well...

The fox was frozen in place, a combination of shock and terror as a mere human summoned the God of Death himself to face her. Somehow, Shinigami's arm
reached into the blond insect's back and came out the belly of the human-larva he was carrying in a sling. Seeing the claw reach for her broke the
paralysis and she was about to flee, when everything seemed to flicker and spin, she was tripping, he was falling, something had caught him by, ow, an ear? A
pulling sensation, similar to when he'd cast the spell yet not, he was being dragged backards and the body was so strange he couldn't fight it -
something red was billowing all over the place and everything was spinning and fading whatinthewor...

A ragged cheer went up from the surviving defenders of Konoha as the massive demon fox was sucked into the jutsu Yondaime had used, at least until he toppled
over on Gamabunta's head a few seconds later.

Open Mouth, Insert... Tails?

a work of Naruto fanfiction



Original setting and characters property of Masahi Kishimoto and Shonen Jump

"... oog ... Damn, I feel like I got run over by a semi full of cheap American beer... Schlitz or something ..." His brain ached, and his body felt
like an alien thing. Thoughts of his bladder didn't report a need for relief, but given the dampness of his surroundings that was it's own kind of
worry. He'd never been THAT drunk before... did the spell fail, and he'd tried to drown his dissappointment?

Hang on a sec, there was something distinctly wrong about what he was feeling from the plumbing. Eyes still gummed shut, he flopped onto his side and tried to
check the package... his body still felt like an alien thing, and didn't want to respond, but whatever had been hurting near his ass stopped as he rolled
off of it. He flailed ineffectually for a second or two before relaxing and concentrating on having arms and legs in the proper places, and shuddered as a
strange tingle ran through him and the warm water on the floor increased from a thin damp layer to a few inches deep, curling and jerking his head out of it
with a sputter.

It was still dark as he forced his eyes open blearily, but at least his hands responded this time when he went to check the short arm.

"Huh?" No one was in front of him, he wasn't feeling up some random girl he'd woken up with... he groped again, and it wasn't just his
hand reporting contact.

*SHE* screamed in shock, flailing and splashing around until a facefull of water cut *HER* off, pushing *HER*self into a sitting position to cough it out, a
bouncing feeling from the chest just confirming what touch and slowly clearing sight had told *HER.*

"Okay... okay, I knew this could happen... it's not so bad, right? Half the human race is female every day, I can take it..."

*SHE* wrung the water out of her longish hair, then wiped it off *HER* shoulders and... boobs...

"That's right, a rack of my own... pretty good too... It won't be so bad, I can do this..."

A shudder ran through *HER* frame, setting *HER* newest frontal feature jiggling.


Another flailing, panicky freak-outus interruptus, this time as SHE flopped backward and whatever was jabbing HER ass really hurt BADLY. sitting back up
shakily, she flipped wet hair out of her eyes again and reached back to rub the pain away, discovering half a dozen or so lumps ... big lumps... tails?

At the thought, a bunch of long, soggy tails curled forward around her knees from either side. Eyes adjusted to the darkness now saw they were deep red-brown,
with brighter tips.

And... rubbing at the base of them was definitely replacing the hurt with a different feeling. It almost felt like...

A tingle of warmth spread across *HER* face, and down to crinkle her nipples. She brought one hand around to touch them experimentally, desperate for a
distraction from the unexpected change of gender, not to mention having to think about what it meant to actually HAVE tails. She could feel her ears twitch at
the sensations as the rolled and tweaked a nipple between the fingers of her left hand, still stroking the base of her tails with the right.

"Ooo ... okay, here's where those up-sides start coming into effect... if this is going to be my body, better get used to it. Mmmmyeah..."

Her hips twitched and a pair of tails rose as her hand stroked slowly down from cupping her tit towards that tingling spot at her groin, two taking over
teasing her nipples, the others swaying aimlessly or snuggling against her legs and sides.

Questing fingers made contact, and she bit her tongue at a jolt of unfamiliar sensation, sharp incisors pressing into the sensitive muscle and making her yelp.

It was so very, very different that what *HE* had known... but there was real potential here, and from the itch and twitch from further inside, *SHE*
wasn't going to be wet just from lying in water for much longer. It was dark and quiet and she was alone, no reason not to go for it. She lay back again
more carefully this time to keep from pinching her tails, half-floating in the ankle-deep water, warmed so perfectly to body temperature that it was as if she
were melting. As both hands began to explore a pussy from this very unfamiliar perspective the prospect of melting felt both more and more likely and

She hummed and cooed, tracing the delicate inner lips and tugging gently at them, then gasped as she slipped first one then a second finger inside, muscles
cenching on the intrusion. She grimaced as long and slightly pointed fingernails caused momentary discomfort, but quickly adjusted the angles. A stroke and
tweak of the other hand at *HER* clit washed it away, and another rush of damp slickness coated the probing digits.

There were a few more false starts, but it wasn't long before she was panting and moaning, listening to the racing beat of her heart as a climax rippled
out from her core. It wasn't mind-blanking bliss, and her new parts were a little too sensitive to try again right away, but as she idly splashed the warm
water over her sweat-beaded belly she decided it wasn't a bad first try, and there'd be time to practise.

"Especially if I'm really where I think I am," she muttered, feeling her ears flick away dripping water as she pushed up into a sitting position
again to look around. The light slanted in from over one shoulder, and as she turned to see the source a set of huge prison bars and dingy, dimly lit hallways
beyond confirmed the sinking feeling in her gut.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Her center of balance was drastically different and the waving tails didn't help a bit, so it was several minutes before she could get shakily to her feet
and walk closer to the bars. They were set easily three times her shoulder width apart, but while she could reach out between them with arms, legs, or tails
and even lean out to look at the front side of the gate, an invisible barrier around where her navel should be blocked actually passing through, no matter how
she tried to twist or turn.

That was an oddity in itself - there was a slightly deeper depression on her belly where a navel should be, but no real "innie" and curling up to
look at it (and wow, was she flexible! Some definite naughty potential there next time she felt playful!) revealed that it was smooth, without the tiny puckers
and folds of scar tissue from having an umbilical cord cut off.

The only conclusions she could draw were that yes, she really had become the kyuubi no kitsune, that the mythological ability of kitsune to shapeshift appeared
to have some truth despite the lack of other evidence in the Naruto material of *his* original world, and that, apparently, demons were not born like normal
creatures, even if they did look more or less like them. The follow-up worry, about what would happen to a demon with a human soul, was unexpectedly answered
by unfamiliar but ancient memory: That souls were all alike even though chakra and bodies were different, and adding a human soul would simply mean an
infinitesimally greater power, the reason some - mainly weaker demons, for whom the difference was easy to notice - made a habit of bargaining for mortal

To a ninetails, well, she might have grown a new hair follicle... for all the good it did her, sealed into a poor kid's belly. How long had she been out,
anyway? Was Naruto still a baby, or had a long time passed? At the very least, it had to be before that first mission for Tazuna, since the kyuubi had
intentionally flooded Naruto with demon chakra to heal him when the boy was sinking into the lake after forcing Zabusa to release Kakashi... but then, that
only happened in the anime, and he'd used a copy of the manga as the destination key.

Cupping her hands around her mouth, she took a deep breath and shouted, "OOOOOI, NARUTO! YOU HERE, KID!?" She could here faint echoes from the
corridor outside the bars, but nothing more except the faint dripping of water. "Well, crap," she sighed. She wasn't in the mood to play around
more, and moving for a few minutes seemed to have sorted out getting used to the altered balance. What next?


Alone in his new apartment, not-quite-seven-year-old Uzumaki Naruto woke up, wondering who had called his name. And what was with that wierd dream, about some
strange girl hugging herself and gasping in shadows and water? He rolled onto his side and reveled in the soft new bed and blanket, way better than what
they'd let him have at the orphanage, before falling back to sleep.


She'd decided to explore her cage, since the interior of the seal had never really been shown, and found that there wasn't much to see... it was
perhaps three times as deep as it was wide and very dark at the back, though with eyes fully adjusted she could still see easily there. At least the floor was
raised at the back third so she'd have a dry place to sleep. Did she even need to sleep anymore? She was a demon, and technically dead as well... an image
came to her, of young Naruto waking up to roll over in bed before going back to sleep.

"I wonder..." she mused. The original kyuubi hadn't been all that chatty, could she talk to the boy directly without waiting for Jiraya to toss
him off a cliff in the break before the Chuunin Exam finals? She jogged back to the front of the cage and shouted again. "NARUTO! NARUTO!! COME ON AND


Waking up again, Naruto rubbed his gritty eyes and mumbled, "Stop yelling at me, neechan no baka... stupid dream... man, it's like I can still hear
her." He flopped onto his back and squeezed his eyes closed, muttering, "Gotta clear my mind and get some sleep... gotta rest for tomorrow, so I can
be the best ninja ever... come on, just think of nothing and go to sleep, like when Gojo-sensei was having us meditate to get in touch with our



Hmm, he could go for some tea... no! Calm! Still, calm water, find his center and sleeeeep...



he could almost hear it dripping, it was working!

Naruto bounced excitedly and crowed to himself, "Hah! Stupid sensei, I can too meditate! Hah!" Then he realised he'd sat up and started jumping
around in bed and had to start over. He growled, slammed his eyes shut, and lay back down.

"Calm, calm... no yelling girls and droning senseis, just still water and a blank wall..."



still water rippling gently...


Blank wall...


Find his center...



A deep, slow breath...


He was sitting in water?

The young boy jumped up with an embarrassed yelp - he hadn't peed his bed in years! But he wasn't in his bed. He was standing in a hallway, ankle deep
in warm water, facing a blank wall... and he could hear echoing shouts coming from off to one side, that could almost be a girl calling his name.

Wierd. At least if he was dreaming again, that meant he was asleep, and Gramps Hokage had said it was important to make sure he got lots of sleep so he could
do good learning to be a ninja.

Not having anything better to do, and not feeling like standing around staring at a blank wall like Gojo-sensei seemed to think was so fascinating (The guy
kept the class trying to imagine it for a whole HOUR! Talk about lame!) the boy decided to follow the shouts, and tell that girl to let him sleep already.

He grumbled to himself as he sloshed along, heading the same way even though the voice stopped after a few minutes. Not long afterward he found a huge room, a
bit more brightly lit, with big columns marking the boundary of a darker part and a square pillar in the middle with some little sign on it. He couldn't
see anyone and it was still quiet, so he wandered over and peered around one, seeing nothing but a dimly lit space beyond that seemed to end in a wall with no
more corridors. He walked in further, calling out, "Hello, neechan? Is anyone here?"


Getting tired of yelling, she'd gone back to the dry end of the seal and laid down against one wall, wishing for a matress and trying to make herself
comfortable by using her now dry and fluffed out tails as pillows and to wrap over the more sensitive parts of her anatomy, to see if she could take a nap.
Young Naruto appeared a few minutes later instead, and she was surprised to see him halfway into her cell as she blinked her eyes open and sat up.

"Naruto?" she gasped, surprised to see him inside the cage. Did this mean she didn't have the terrifying presence of the original kyuubi? Maybe
that wasn't such a surprise, she wasn't exactly boiling over with hate and the desire to kill, even if the thought of blood brought up more of those
strange, remnant memories and made her mouth water. Seeing the boy freeze and peer at her cautiously, she walked slowly toward him, hands held out
reassuringly. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you... I was just surprised to see you here, even if I did hope you'd come."

Naruto staggered with shock. Someone... wanted him to be there? "You wanted me to come?" he repeated. "Hokage-jiisan is the only person who ever
wanted to see me around..."

"Well, I wanted to see you too," she assured him, taking one hand in hers. "Come on, let's go to the dry end so we can sit down."
Leading the dumbfounded little boy further into her cell, she tried to think of what to have him call her - the kyuubi's actual name had never been
revealed, and she couldn't use a western male name... she wanted something that would fit in, but she'd only ever known bits and pieces of japanese -
she didn't want to go into the whole kyuubi thing and scare him away, that would take time to build trust but judging by his size she had some of that.

Hopefully. Probably. A few years, at least.

Settling on something that hopefully wouldn't sound too wierd and which would help him remember to not tell other people about her, she introduced herself.
"Call me Himitsu, Naruto-kun. I'll be your secret big sister, okay?" The huge smile at that practically lit up the room... no, it was actually
brighter. Strange. He grabbed her waist in a tight hug and buried his face in her belly, and she couldn't help but smile down at him and ruffle his hair,
several tails wrapping around the small boy without conscious command.

He sniffled a couple of times and wiggled out from under her hand, looking up and saying guilelessly, "You smell funny, neesan, like spices and berries
and fur and-" (sniff sniff) "-a little bit like fish." Suddenly, he backed away and slapped his hands over his eyes, shouting, "AHHH!

Embarrassed, 'Himitsu' crossed her arms over her boobs and wrapped a few tails around her waist. "Sorry, Naruto-kun... I don't have any
clothes. I guess you didn't notice when it was dark, huh? I, uh, the smell, that is..."

Peeking with one eye, then slapping his hands back in place over beet-red cheeks Naruto told her, "I didn't mean you were stinky! You smell like that
restaurant where they have the fancy fish, that's all! But... you really don't have any clothes, neesan?"

She took a quick look around the cell to make sure a closet hadn't suddenly appeared - after the light changed, she suspected Naruto's will had a lot
to do with what this place was like, as well as the strength of the seal itself - but it was as bare as before, though there was a raised, sort of mat-like
area near where she'd been lying down that she didn't think had been there before.

"It's okay, I won't get mad just because you saw me. You wouldn't want to have other girls catch you seeing them naked, though... that could
be painful. Come on, let's sit down." Pulling gently at an elbow just made the embarrassed child press his hands more firmly into his cheeks, so she
swept him up into her arms and carried him over to the wide, low pad - it was definately new, the surface was soft like a firm mattress, and she'd have
noticed for sure even if she didn't trip over the edge while walking around the walls of the room.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
She crossed her legs and sat down, letting the boy down next to her. It was too uncomfortable to keep her tails curled around tightly any more, but she trusted
in her short-trimmed but full bush to keep herself mostly hidden since she wasn't actively aroused. Besides, even if it would be years before he'd
appreciate the view, there was only one guy that was ever going to be able to get in here to see it on a regular basis. She stroked Naruto's bare back
soothingly as he tentatively cuddled into her side, and eventually he dared to drop his hands and open his eyes, even if his cheeks stayed rosy.

Himitsu grinned and chuckled at how comically wide his eyes got, staring at her boobs, and he jerked them up to look at her face. She tousled his hair one more
time and smiled. "It's really okay, you can look. It's just a body, everyone has one."

"But... but you're a GIRL!" he protested.

"Yup, sure seems that way. And like I said, any other girl probably will get really angry if you look at her naked, but I don't mind. So go ahead and
look, if you want to."

Reassured, and very curious since he'd never really seen a girl before, Naruto peered at her boobs and her belly, and stroked one of her fluffy tails
before suddenly pointing and shouting, "Hey! You don't have an asoko!"

Blushing again, Himitsu gently moved his hand away before he could poke the indicated area. "No, girls are different there... and you shouldn't touch
that part, until you're older at least... and not on anyone else, either."

"But... but how can you pee without an asoko!?"

"I'll tell you about that stuff when you're older... as long as you know how to take care of it for yourself, that's all that matters for now.
You know that, right?" she asked seriously.

"Of course, neesan! I'm not a baby!" he moaned.

"Of course you aren't," she agreed. "So tell me about yourself, Naruto-kun, about Konoha. It seems like I've been stuck in here for a
very long time."

Bouncing and happy again, he babbled, "Okay, okay! I just started at the Ninja Academy 'cause my birthday is next month and Gramps finally said I was
old enough, even if I'm still the youngest in my class - that's 'cause I'm really big and strong for my age! Gojo-sensei is really boring
though and he kicks me out of class if I even yawn, but I'll show him! I'll get that meditation thing and pull out my cha-tora right away tomorrow
since I found the water tonight. He was all like 'Find your center, find the water, then bring it out' so all I have to do is calm down like I did to
fall alseep and come here while I've got a bucket and I can bring back a whole lot of water! And Konoha is all full of merchants with the crops and all the
trees have fruit which is awesome 'cause it means I can have apples and stuff any time I grab one and they're really tasty, almost as good as ramen!
Ichraku ramen is the best! Ichiraku-jisan and Ayame-neechan always give me extra naruto because of my name and tell jokes with Hokage-ojisan when he takes me
there sometimes but he doesn't get to do that much because people are always bugging him with stupid paperwork. He's the one who got the Academy to let
me in early! Gramps is nice. He even showed me how to stand and throw a punch for the tadger-, taij-, taijutsu test! Wanna see? It's really cool!"

After a moment to play mental catch-up with the happy rant - most of it anyway - Himitsu nodded as the energetic boy jumped up and stood in front of her, and
held her hands out flat with the palms facing him. "Okay, Naruto-kun. Hit my hands the way Sandaime showed you."

Tongue peeking out one corner of his mouth in concentration, Naruto crouched a bit and threw a couple of punches at her hands, with a strength and skill she
recognised as being truly impressive in such a young child... and which was entirely familiar from the manga and anime.

She wondered if Sandaime's introductory taijutsu lesson was the only one he'd ever paid attention to... or if it was the only one he'd ever had.
She'd always assumed the Academy had taijutsu instruction, but the closest that was ever shown about it was shuriken and kunai target practise, it could
easily be that students were assumed to work on their hand-to-hand style on their own time, with their family or friends. Unfortunately, she'd never been
much of a fighter in his previous life, and the memories left over from the original kyuubi were only of fighting with tooth, claw, and tails, and demonic
chakra manipulation. She couldn't even teach him how demons used chakra-fueled strength, it was just something that happened, and while she could feel the
incredible chakra she'd inherited like an endless ocean of red that foamed and flowed beneath her skin, she knew that using it the way the original kyuubi
would have given it to him damaged the boy's body and shortened his life span.

Was there some other way she could feed him energy, to alter it into something safe that would strengthen him? Preferably permanently, maybe even extend his
life instead of shortening it? There was. It was easy, in fact, and the only reason she could think of for the original kyuubi not doing it herself was spite,
and the hatred of humans... or perhaps simply the fact that the power would be permanently lost, instead of returning to the kyuubi like the 'normal'
infusions once the energy was spent; that after a thousand years of gathering it the fox had been too jealous of its power to give any up. A simple mental
preparation and it was underway, a faint tingle in her breasts as whatever passed for mammary glands for a kitsune went to work.

Naruto was still jabbing punches at her hands, and Himitsu smiled widely as she caught his fists and held them. "That's really good, niichan,"
she told him, prompting another huge grin. "I'm sure you'll be an excellent ninja... I'll even help you as much as I can." She tickled
his nose with a tail-tip before letting the giggling boy pull his hands out of hers to escape again. "You may not have noticed, but I'm not quite
human... I can give you some special help, a power to add to your own chakra so you can be even stronger."

"Really, Himitsu-nee!? You'll really help me? Yeah, yeah, I'll be a super excellent ninja for Himitsu-neesan and show Gojo-sensei I'm not a
stupid demon-brat! Dattebayo!" Naruto was too busy dancing around happily to see the scowl on her face as he repeated what he'd heard the Academy
teacher muttering about him, but his excitement was too contagious to keep it up and she was grinning back again by the time he bounded over to where she was
still sitting on what was now clearly a tatami and bedroll in the brightly lit room. "What do I have to do to get this special energy, Himitsu-nee? Tell
me, tell me!"

She couldn't help but laugh as she pulled him off his feet, down onto her lap. Cupping a breast with one hand she squeezed it lightly and offered it to
him. "It's easy, you just have to drink," she said, catching the drop of pure power that had escaped the nipple on a finger. It was bright white,
and where it bulged into a droplet the shadow glowed fainlty with all the colors of the rainbow. She brushed it onto Naruto's lips as he balked and leaned
back, staring at her breasts again as he unconsciously licked it up, running his tongue back and forth over them to get every bit.

"Go on," she cajoled. "It's not bad, is it? You must have seen women feeding their babies so they'll grow big and strong... You
aren't a baby any more, but this isn't regular milk either."

She massaged out another drop, rubbing his back gently and making soft encouraging sounds in her throat.

Slowly, tentatively, Naruto leaned forward and took the nipple in his mouth. The taste was like nothing he'd ever had, sweet and rich and spicy with a
trace of the metallic smell of a lightning storm, and as he looked up into Himitsu's eyes he let it spread across his tongue like nectar, felt a faint stir
of energy from that single taste...

Warm. Her eyes were warm, she was looking at him, Naruto, not at a troublemaker or a demon-brat or a fox-shit. He suckled, and the heady elixer of power flowed
into him. He wrapped his arms around her back and snuggled close, and silently swore to never disappoint his secret neesan, who acknowledged him.

She let him drink for a few minutes before switching sides, awed at the way it made her feel - an amazing feeling, incredibly feminine, but completely
different from the erotic sensations she'd experimented with not long before. Perhaps this 'female form' stuff wouldn't be so bad after all...
Finally Himitsu pulled him away from her teat, kissing the last drop off his chin before snuggling for a few more minutes, just giving and recieving affection.

Finally pulling back, she ruffled Naruto's hair one last time and told him, "Go ahead and pull out your chakra for Gojo-sensei, but remember that
it's a secret I'm here inside you. All you have to do to talk to me is meditate again, and I'll give you more of my special power every night if
you come see me, but power is only the first step - you'll also need control. Ask your sensei or the Hokage about the leaf exercise to build chakra
control, because you have so much that control will always be hard if you don't start right away. For now you should wake up, though. You don't want to
be late for lessons, do you?"
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
ch1pt4 (end)
"Don't worry, Himitsu-nee, I won't tell anybody, dattebayo! And I'll ask about the leaf thing right away, but, but, what's chakra? Is that
the special power? Is it like cha-tora? Does it make the tea extra hot, or give the tiger magic armor!?"

Confused, Himitsu could only cock her head for a moment, before her rudimentary knowledge of japanese kicked in - 'cha-tora...' a tea tiger. Resisting
the urge to palm her face she explained, "Not 'cha-tora,' Naruto-kun, 'chakra.' It's the energy ninja use to power ninjutsu and
genjutsu, and enhance their bodies for taijutsu. The power I gave you is also chakra, but it's a special kind that will make your body stronger and faster
without extra attention, which indirectly makes your own chakra expand. Go on, wake up now, can't you hear your alarm clock ringing?"

Now that he was listening for it, he could, echoing faintly in the corridors and the big seal room, getting louder as he noticed the sound until he blinked and
found himself in his bed, the morning sunlight shining in through his open shutters.

Naruto shot out of bed like a spring-loaded kunai, energy humming through his muscles. "Hehehe, this is awesome!" he said happily. "Normally I
have to drag myself out of bed in the morning, but today I feel GREAT!"

He bounced through his morning routine and even had time for a second cup of instant ramen before he had to run for the Academy, though the big swig of milk he
drank out of the carton was less enthusiastic than usual.

It just couldn't compare to Himitsu-neesan's milk.


When the class did chakra meditation that day, Naruto was the second person to produce a faint, shimmering glow, right after Uchiha Maki.

At lunch, she didn't tease him about being a weak little baby trying to fit in with the big kids.

That night, she didn't complain about him at dinner as the weakest person in class, slowing down everybody else because he couldn't access his chakra.

The next day, her father Kenmaru didn't grumble about "that fox brat" being in the Academy to his partner Watanabe while they patrolled through
the market.

No one overheard those unvoiced complaints. No one was reminded again of missing parents, siblings, or children that day - not there anyway.

Others, who'd heard Yamarisu Gojo complaining about the "damn fox kid being in his class, throwing around chakra like it was easy" at the bar the
night before had an ache in their head to remind them of the aches in their hearts and why it might not be a good sign if the little gaki was taking to ninja
skills too quickly.


the philosopher's stone: Forget Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist, the actual historical "Philosopher's Stone" is a diagram drawn with
powdered copper, sulfur, salt, and liquid mercury, the physical representations of the classical elements fire, earth, air, and water. I don't remember the
exact pattern and locations for the components off the top of my head, but I believe it's a perfect pentagon with the points touching a perfect square with
the points touching a perfect circle with the edges touching a perfect equilateral triangle - a very difficult figure to construct accurately even with modern
tools, even laying aside the difficulty of getting mercury to conform to the shape you want. I'm writing this offline, but you can check on sorceryforge
dot com (possibly sourceryforge) - it's a wikipedia for the occult. As for the use of western magic instead of, say, onmyuudo, as little as I know about
western traditions I know even less about the eastern ones - most of my information on onmyuudo coems from ... damn, I can't remember the title, Mahou
Shoutengai something-or-other, one of the few anime to use eastern magical traditions instead of christian symbology or tolkienian high fantasy magic.

plastic famingo in a votive niche: I like flamingos. Deal with it. I have this set up in my yard just to make the door-to-door religious fanatics froth.

-o suffix: makes -nee, -nii, -ji, and similar sufixes more respectful, frex "-oji" "great old man." Still not as respectful as adding -san.

-nee suffix: female sibing

-nii suffix: male sibling

-ji(i) suffix: old man, disrespectful on its own or especially if repeated (-jiji) Alternate sources say that "ji" s for an older but not elderly man
(ojisan - uncle) and "jii" is for an elderly man (ojiisan - grandfather). If true, the same likely holds for -ba and -baa.

-ba(a) suffix: old woman, the counterpart of -ji

-san suffix: generic respectful address, usable for the man on the street or a respected family member

-kun suffix: mild diminutive, suitable for use between boys who are freinds, by girls for boyfriends or close platonic male freinds, or for an adult and a
younger male they have a freindly or familial relationship with. Hinata using this term for Naruto when he batrely even knows her by sight is actually being on
the forward side, which just goes to show how strongly he affects her.

-chan sufix: diminutive, suitable for small children, girls obsessed with being cutesy, or females with a familiar relationship such as a girlfriend or close
friend, or with the approrpirate precedding sufix for a younger or close sibling - indicating youth it can be considered flattering by older women as well,
depending on their attitude.

-sensei suffix: indicates a teacher or doctor, or similarly scholarly profession. Kishimoto has stated in at least one interview that this is the highest
honorific he feels comofrtable recieving from fans, as he hopes to inspire more people to become artists or storytellers but doesn't feel he deserves

yamarisu: "mountain squirrel" - a quickie name for a weedy, stuck up teacher like Ebisu without the innate honesty to admit it when Naruto shows his
good side(s).

Gojo: Random namelike word pulled out of my... ear. Hopefully it doesn't mean anything naughty.

asoko: Literally, a bamboo flute. Slang for a penis, as should be clear from context. The similarity to "Asuka" causes much needed amusement whenever
I encounter Evangelion-based material.

I hope that the "you can look" scene and the breast feeding didn't come across as sexual, one of the things I particularly wanted to achieve with
those sequences was to show that Naruto was still too innocent to percieve nakedness as lewd and to explore a different aspect of what it meant to get in touch
with the insert's new femininity.

The last few paragraphs were just to show that changes are already propogating - though Himitsu will make attempts to keep the future from being too different
at first, the butterfly effect is going to be more like the Mothra Effect in this one, and it'll quickly become obvious that it's pointless to try to
keep things the same with only a few changes at critical points. This variation of the Naruto universe has a timeline almost as fragile as Star Trek instead of
the robust "things work their way back on track without concerted and maintained effort" of the usual retelling story. The only thing that'll
happen about the same is the timing and nature of the chuunin exam, because the rotation of location and proctors follows a preset list. Of course, there's
bad with the good, but such is life.




"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Because I'm not overly confident in my ability to keep going with this, despite liking it, and beceause there are some reasonable length scenelts in here,
I'm also posting my notes for the fute of the fic, for commentary. Sex stuff is not included because I've been figuring on letting that come as it
will, though with an "everyone is easy" pornworld in the background there are probably more erojutsu than oiroke transformations... suggestions will
be apppreciated, though I expect a viewing of La Blue Girl could be a good start.


Academy - ("Naruto-kun... don't worry too much about the Academy, just make sure you get the basics. Pay attention to genjutsu lessons - a trick is as
good as a trap, after all - but it's better to hide your real abilites... maybe even wait to graduate until the kids your age who entered at the normal
time catch up." "EEHHH!? No way, Himi-chan! I'm gonna prove I'm the greatest, so you can be proud of me!" "I'm already proud of
you, Naruto-kun, proud and more. You don't have to prove anything like that, and once you graduate there won't be so much time to train like you do
now, because you'll have missions to do. Besides, if your Academy grades are at the bottom, you'll get put with the strongest team mates, supposedly to
even things out.")

N gets a crush on Maki? The clan tells her to cultivate a freindship with him to use his power, real or just acting? N super-pissed at Itachi for killing his
crush/only freind?

bishibi ningyo "beautiful tail doll" - Himitsu can transform the tip of a tail into a lifelike puppet, to assist in fantasy scenes. Flexible enough
to curl up and lick her own crotch like a fox - torso and arms are a bit longer than normal human proportions like Naruto, so crouching and moving on all fours
even as a human isn't so awkward.

nothing but solos and fantasy for Kyuubabe until the kids are older. With someone to support him N isn't so lonely but still plays pranks because
they're fun, and because everyone else still has those cold eyes. She starts him on chakra control stuff early "Two reasons, Naruto-kun - you've
got so much chakra that if you don't start now, you'll never be more than average at it, and think of how much better your pranks could be if you could
walk up walls or across water?" leaf floating, not so useful but it's a first step to those "awesome" abilities.

"Hmm, well, I can't teach you much in the way of ninjutsu... I never used them. For those like me, it's all pure chakra control, either shape or
elemental nature or both. Most jutsu are only useful in a specific situation anyway, since each one only has a single effect. With your amount of chakra and
proper control, you can do things that make ninjutsu look like child's play."

leaf floating

closer senses - Naruto and Himitsu can hear each other without meditation without needing to shout, H. can meditate herself and access his sensorium almost as
well as he can by sharing thoughts - can't exert any control, however. "Himitsu-neesan! Are you okay!? I'll meditate right away and help
you!" "Oh! Ahhh, no, Naruto! I'm just ... exercising ... just ignore me and concentrate on your own training, okay?" "Okay Himitsu-nee!
Let's both get wild, dattebayo!"

tree walking

water walking - each of these as soon as he gets the previous down

sand-sorting ("I know, it's not very impressive, just trust me, like the leaf floating.")

water heating "I was going to save this for later... much later, but I think you'll apreciate it now, if you can pull it off..."
"Appreciate? What is it, Himitsu-nee? A spuer fire ball? A giant lightning bolt? I'll learn it right away, just watch, dattebayo!" "Pour a
glass of water... you're going to learn how to heat it up with just chakra." "EEEH!? But that's totally lame! Come on, Himitsu-nee, teach me
something cool!" "Oh, you cdon't want to be able to make ramen any time, then? Okay... and it would have been good practise for learning hoe to
do fire teachniques someday, too." "GLASS, GLASS< WHERE'D I PUT A GLASS!? Teach me how to make ramen any time, Himitsu-nee! You're the
most awesome big sister ever and I'll work really hard to learn it!" "Hmmm... okay then, Naruto-kun. what you have to do is spin your chakra in
tiny circles so it heats up, like the spiral dance of a flame."

water-ball grabbing/juggling/throwing - one of the ultimate pranking abilities, like water balloons without having to get any balloons or take time to fill
them, and it works on any liquid

neko no kankoashi - the real thing, not Lee's variation from Legend of Explosive Youth! that's thinly disguised Fate: Stay Night tracing sorcery

the Gumby Slide - after picking this up, he'll never walk again as long as there's attention and chakra to spare - moving in a strange way is an
advantage to a ninja, especially when it's faster and frees up a third limb for attacking. Plus its fun! "DAMMIT YOU BRAT, HOW ARE YOU DOING
THAT!?" "Nihihihi! It's eeeeeasy, if you're awesome like me! It's just like that floating leaf thing except backwards! But none of you
loserrs could do it, nyah nyah!"

?Uchiha Maki is the only other who sticks with it enough to figure it out, even if she can't keep it up for very long; discovers it's fun when chasing
the little dweeb turns into a game of tag - beginning of real freindship instead of power play intrigue?

leaf suit ("You're still using too much chakra when you stop concentrating, Naruto-kun... the leaves are touching you." "Come on,
Himitsu-nee! It's good enough!" "Hmm... One more time, but do it over in that clearing instead. Then if you still think it's good enough,
I'll tell you the next step tomorrow..." later "AAAAH! THE CLEARING WAS FULL OF POISON IVY!? HIMITSU-NEE, WHY THE HELL!?" "Because now
you know there's no such thing as 'good enough,' Naruto-kun... I'm sorry, but you'll never be as amazing as I know you can be if you stop
at 'good enough.' Concentrate on your special chakra and it will make the poison ivy go away - that's worth practising for its own sake."
earlier, trying to get him to hold a full coat of it, she makes him strip naked ostensibly so the clothes won't interfere with the thin layer of chakra
needed... as incentive, she threatens to have him walk through town with nothing but the leaves until he stops leaving gaps, and he replies, "SO? It's
just a body, everyone has one!" - of course, when she orders him to do it immediately in that case he can't quite live up to that as gracefully as she
did, but refuses to take back his words.)

sand use incl. hovering platorms ("This was why I had you train with leaves, if you were moving sand quickly and let it touch your body, it would shred
your skin... and there'll be even stronger things, later.") Also, compacting sand into breastplate, boots and bracers for protection, training weight,
and to have it available for use. Not nearly as good as Gaara's tricks but combat-worthy, and it gives kagebunshin a way to block without being popped.

chlorophyl pulling (Oh man, leaves again!? Look, I can float it perfectly!" "This is something different, Naruto-kun... Imagine you're on a
mission, and one of your enemies is using a poisoned kunai... if you can master this, you can take the poison out of a wound.")

strong full-body emission (walk on the bottom of a pond and stay dry?) - is it just me, or does that sound lewd?

Uchiha massacre ("Naruto... you should try to make freinds with Sasuke... he's all alone now, even more than you... at least you have me. Offer to
train with him, if you like." "But Himitsu-nee, I thought our training was supposed to be a secret!" "Just have him promise to keep the
secret, so you can keep hiding your strength in class. He can help you learn taijutsu at least, and wouldn't it be better to have a freind than just a
bunch of people amazed by your power?") - less than successful, even if they do spar sometimes and N picks up Goukakyu from seeing it done so many times.
Not very good at it, but has the chakra to supercharge the technique and make up for that. Won't work with Mothra Effect ripple:

if N is to get cheesed off at Itachi, develop crush on Maki before now, and have her catch him in one of their chase games and give him a kiss, then blush and
flee. Convo with H., about how girls and boys who like each other share kisses sometimes, but boys usually take longer to decide they like a girl that way so
not to worry about it for a few more years... She tries to come up with any way to spare Maki as well as Sasuke since the massacre is due any day now, but the
only person who'd listen to a word Naruto sid would be Sarutobi and if he couldn't stop it in the first place he probably wouldn't be able to do
anything, and there's no way to know how he'd react to the idea that N. is in contact with "the nine tails" and that it somehow knows
what's going on in secret Council sessions... except that it could not possibly be good. Doing this prevents the "make freinds with Sasuke" plot
thoguh, unless its through shared grieving... Sasuke not very likely to accept it, though.

Low turn-out for the Uchiha funeral, since people disliked them - Naruto sticks out a lot when he collapses wailing in front of Maki's picture until Saru.
picks him up.

"Sh-she was my f-first freind, Gramps... why did she have to die? W-w-whyyy?"

"Naruto..." Guilt at being unable to stop the Elders' counterstrike froze his throat, and all he could do was hold the boy close and stroke his
back. He'd said his hypocrite's eulogy, there wasn't anyhting else he needed to do here... He began to carry Nauruto away, but feeling the motion
the boy squirmed and demanded to be set down.

Scrubbing at his teary eyes, Naruto looked up into the old man's lined face and said, "We'll go in a minute, Gramps, I have to give something back
to Maki-chan first." Sniffling and still chling out a sob on every other breath, concentrated a moment before sliding with that eearie, smooth motion back
to Maki's picture, fixing the draped black ribbon he'd dislodged before leaning in and kissing right over her lips. "I like you too,
Maki-chan," he gasped out, before dropping the (gumby slide) and running back to the Third's arms.

The fox-jinchuuriki's obvious closeness with one of THOSE Uchiha was ample confirmation in the minds of the villagers that the clan had been responsible
for bringing the kyuubi down on them in the first place... rumors spread that they'd been plotting a coup and got found out, that Itachi was the leader,
that Itachi was the only innocent one, that Itachi had been killed and being isted as a missing-nin was some kind of cover-up for something even more
heinous... That blood breeds true, and Sasuke is just biding his time, look at the boy standing quiet and calm when even the monster is grief-stricken, he
can't be right...

kaiten - "tenmaki" ("I suppose the "goukyaku" is a... good enough... attack. I've been giving you steps towards something more
impressive, but you don't have to keep going with them if you don't want to..." "NO WAY! What's the next step, Himitsu-nee? What kind of
attack is it? Does it shoot flaming kunai out your eyes? An earthquake? A huge tornado!?" "Funny you should mention tornados... one more step, then
you can start the first direct stage of it." "A spinning cloud of chakra to block attacks and throw enemies away from you.")

rasen-dan (spiral ball, just a different reading of "gan") ("the first direct stage" - "Like a tiny tenmaki in the palm of the hand,
only it has to spin in lots of directions.") - takes most of the two years between the massacre and graduation, without a kagebunshin to add the last step
seperately. Kakshi sees him working on it again much later (trying to get the speed it forms up) and he blows it off as just another training excercise, even
if it took two yearss to get it right and it can work as an attack on its own it's just a step toward a real technique, a miniature version that fits in
one hand like making a model before you build a fortress.

graduation - as usual/summarized in aftermath as Iruka and Sarutobi discuss team placements. Ino put on Team 7 instead of Sakura - S. asks why he'd
reccomend splitting up a new Ino-Shika-Cho, but I. convinces him that having the girlss as canon leaves both teams weaker - Ino doesn't really get along
with the boys, and if anything Sakura dislikes Naruto even more while Ino is at worst indifferent to him. Also, Sakura has shown brief instances of amazing
strength, and as a taijutsu specialist Asuma is best equipped to bring that out as well as correct her own poor taijutsu performance. Ino's combat
performance is better than Sakura's so she'll be able to keep up better with Sasuke and Naruto, and she also gives Team 7 an information specialist
that they'd otherwise be lacking, while Sasuke's genjutsu scores are only slightly below Sakura, her best ability - if not for the fact that Hinata
already has a mentor relationship with Kurenai he'd have her on Asuma's team and put Sakura under the genjutsu mistress.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
notes p2
!! Discussion of kyuubi vs. Himitsu with Naruto - happens when it comes up in Ninja History - "That's not the real truth, Naruto-kun... What really
happened is a secret, but I know it..." "Tell me! Tell me, Himitsu-neesan! Why's it a secret anyway, 'tebayo!?" With a pained smile, she
pulled him into a hug. Kami, how the kid had grown on her! But he deserved to know, and didn't deserve to hear it from the lips of a traitor who'd use
it to hurt him. Now if only it didn't poison their relationship... "It's a secret to protect you, Naruto-kun... Because it's impossible for a
human to kill a demon, Yondaime Hokage had to seal the kyuubi into a baby... before I was your secret big sis, I was the nine-tails... I'm sorry
sweetheart, the reason everyone is so cold to you, is they're afraid of me. Please don't hate me." "Of... of you...? Hate you? THAT'S
STUPID!! YOU'RE MY HIMITSU-NEESAN, AND ANYONE WHO'S AFRAID OF YOU IS JUST A BIG STUPID IDIOT!!" - requires changing the graduation incident after

H. can sahre thoughts with a kagebunshin instead of the real naruto if she if meditating when it's summoned - the bunshin becomes more durable, but she
still can't control it.

training - Ino hits Naruto with the Shintenshin and gets stuck inside the seal because she doesn't have enough chakra to escape. Himitsu feeds her energy
as well, since she's more connected to Naruto's senses by this time and has decided she likes this strong-willed girl. Kakashi notices how she blushes
around Naruto afterwards and teases them about mental ninjutsu not being meant to allow secret romantic meetings in the imaginary terrain. ("Ino-chan!?
What are you doing here? Oh, of course, the shintenshin..." "EEH!? Naruto has a naked girl in his mind!? I knew he was a pervert!"
"That's not it, Yamanaka-san... he had no choice about having me in his mind. And with the suffering he's endured because of it, he doesn't
need you spreading false rumors, either." - N knows what's up because he can hear Himitsu and Ino talking, groans that Ino's jutsu messed up, and
then sits down to meditate so he can help her get out before she makes a mess in his head. Kakashi flips when he realises what having the Shintenshin
"mess up" on Naruto might mean, since he still doesn't know the truth about N's "secret big sister" even though he did mess up and
mention her - the choice of "Himitsu" for a name serving as hoped.

Inside the seal, there's a problem - Ino and Hmiitsu can't touch each other, ghosting through, even though Naruto can touch both of them. Giving Ino an
infusi8on of demon chakra the canon way won't work - the seal is DESIGNED to keep that kind of chakra from leaving it... the only answer they can come up
with is to have Naruto suckle a mouthful then give it to Ino mouth to mouth, the process of which sexualises the feeding in a way it hadn't been before for
him and Himitsu. Naruto leaves again to report on what's going on once Ino's absorbed all she safely can for one dayand Ino repeats the accusation of
them being perverts since she got poked in the leg by N's stiffy while kissing him and she can see and smell Himitsu's arousal afterward - "It
was... different with you here... it's never been sexual, just a loving thing, but with Naruto stopping to kiss you exery few seconds it was just...
different! And as for that, don't even try to deny your nips aren't hard as diands, little miss prudish! You thoguht it was just as hot as I did!"
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
notes pt3

Himitsu flicked an immaterial finger at one of Ino's budding breasts, saying "Tinnnng!" as it had hit a piece of metal as it passed through the
visibly tented peak on her sleeveless top.

"...okay, so they were good kisses, too," Ino admitted sheepishly, "and the thought of doing it again tomorrow is making my mouth water
already... but you absolutely can't tell Naruto a word of it! Total girl talk rules apply, got it!?"

"I'd agree to it, except Naruto can hear every word we say in here... can't you, Naruto-kun?"

In the physical world, Kakashi is hiding the all but crippling terror of what Ino's father will do to him if his daughter is consumed by the Kyuubi by
teasing Naruto about having a love rendevous in his head, since he noticed a certain reaction after N started 'meditaating...'

"AAAH! Where are you looking anyway, ero-sensei!?"

"...Your face. It's bright red, you know."

Then Ino admits to teh hawtness and the Confused Adolescent Super-Blushing Power really kicks in. He chokes on his breath for a few seconds before replying to

Ino, of course, can hear the outside now as well now that it's been pointed out to her, and is absolutely mortified... but her options are either get over
it and keep it up for at least another day, probably at least two since she tries to concentrate and leave again immediately and only succeeds in exhausting
her energy dangerously without escaping the seal, or staying there with her face stuffed into her hands in a funk ignoring naked-Himitsu and nightly-Naruto
until she completely runs out of energy and dies or her body forgets how to keep breathing and pumping its heart without a mind inside it and she dies.

The fact that "Himitsu-neechan" who's been giving Naruto chackra control training and advice since the day he entered the Academy is actually the
Kyuubi comes out in the explanations to Kakashi and Sandaime, ?and Inochi? since they'd find out from Ino anyway once she gets free. Naruto demonstrates
the power H has been giving him, and S. pronounces it "Amazing... the only thing I've ever felt like this was Jiraya-kun's sennin mode power...
but it's still different, not like the natural energy of the world at all..." Nparto's whisker marks still get dark and wide, but they're
smooth tringles like an Inuzuka than ridged and scarlike as in canon.

Following day, Ino barely hangs on long enough to do the power transfer, and everyone decides she'd better wait at least two more before trying to escape
that way - N goes back to training in the meantime, and after H. hops a ride in a bunshin to get a sensei perpective (and meet Kakashi and Sandaime throught
the use of the bunshin doing a henge?) Ino decides to ty it too - she can possess the bunshin outright and it forms as an Ino Bunshin instead of Naruto without
need for henge, but she can't get out of it like when using Shintenshin normally, and trying to use Shintenshin (on her own body or otherwise) from it pops
the bunshin even though N. has often used them to do the ninjutsu he knows, sending her back into the seal. On the positive side it doesn't use any of her
energy to do - she just has to meditate, so if she's careful not to get popped she can still interact with the real world. "Oh Daddy, don't blame
Naruto! It was my idea to use Shintenshin on him in the first place, and he's totally nice! Even..."

"Even...? Is there... something else you... discovered, Ino-chan?"


"Everyone has secrets, Inochi-kun," the Hokage interrupted. "If Ino-chan says that there's nothing to fear in Naruto's imaginary
terrain, I believe her... and secrets are meant to be kept, ne?"

"Of course, Hokage-sama." Inochi's face was shuttered, but after a significant look from Sarutobi he looked at Naruto and continued,
"...Please forgive my prying, Uzumaki... -san. I worry for my daughter, because she is precious to me."

The boy gave him a sparkling grin and thumbs-up in return and replied energeticvally, "Don't worry Yamanaka-ossan, Ino-chan is my precious person too!
As a team mate, I won't let anything bad happen to her! It's a promise, dattebayo!"

Despite himself, Inochi's lips quirked slightly in return. The kid was just so bright and ... genuine, no one who met him could possibly hate him for long.
Even if such an attitude was kind of contradictory for a ninja, he could see that despite everything, the fox kid had the kind of bond the old Ino-Shika-Cho
maintained to this day with his team mates, the kind of freindship Ino hadn't ever formed with Shikamaru and Choji despite his and their parents'
subtle (and less than subtle) nudging. From talking with Shikaku and Chouza, the Haruno girl had settled into that kind of comradery as well, and without the
history of years of childhod arguments the boys responded to her pushing them to acheive better than they would have to 'Ino nagging again.' Perhaps it
really had been better to split them up this way as genin - nothing said they couldn't work together as chuunin when the missions called for the legendary
Ino-Shika-Cho teamwork, after all, chuunin often mixed and matched to suit curcumstances.

Finally he relaxed, and smiled back at the younger blond, whose own grin took on whole new levels of shininess at the acknowledgemnt. Inochi silently thanked
the heavens that the kid hadn't gotten matched up with Maito Gai as sensei - that man's smiles could be used on the battlefield as dazzling attacks,
and the kid was almost at that level without the other jounin's influence.

Seeing how his little girl wrapped an arm around the boy in celebration sent his thoughts down another path... she was his princess after all, and even if
he'd acccepted the kid as a team mate for her anything else was a whole differnt question...

Without her one ninjutsu and unable to effectively train in taijutsu, bunshin-Ino starts working on the chakra control excercizes, hoping to escape sooner
through more efficient chakra use. her loss factor is around 12-15%, a bit worse than Sakura but still better than Sasuke, even if its not as good as Naruto
after five years of constant practise.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
notes end
yuuhiashi - giant leap/great accomplishment + step/to move - airwalking, like sand platforms without the sand, expelling chakra with the force of rasen-dan
from whichever part of the body needs bracing - Kakashi notices that Naruto doesn't move like a person should have to move when he's in the air, but
doesn't really think much of it once N explains he's using a lot of chakra to push himself around - not understanding that N is actually explaining why
he's not doing it right, not what he means to do - tells N that using so much chakra isn't a good idea even for him, because in a long battle he'll
run out, N indignantly replies that that's why he's still working on the technique, so it won't use so much chakra. Himitsu keeps it in mind,
however... she's sure Naruto would love being able to fly, and as his power grows to support the energy needed this holds some promise, combined with the
lesson from the DBZ episode where Gohan is teaching Videl bukujutsu. Yuuhiashi is not mastered before the Wave thing, or the replacement for the Wave thing.
Replacement more likely, just send Gai's team to the Wave. A local noble wants a boar to roast for his son's wedding feast, Team 7 has to hunt for one.
They run into a hidden bandit camp with a nukenin or two as leaders, a wind user and a taijutsu specialist.

Ino is really pissed off that kakashi seems to think her taking poart in D-ranks as a kagebunshin is acceptable, even if Ino Bunshin are tougher than a normal
one. When she finally has enough energy to escape the seal, she can also touch Himitsu finally - the day or two before they can feel something when she tries,
but it's not solid.

By this time she's declared that Naruto is her boyfreind because if he gets to make out with her every day then he's going to fill the rest of the job
too, and says he'd better be saving money from these stupid lame missions because she expects a first class date as soon as she's back in her real
body. Of course, they are still just kids, a "first class date" means a tense interview with her dad while waiting to pick her up, dinner at a
restaurant, a walk under the stars, and a kiss on the step - niether of them have to "work up to it," but Ino warns him that this will be her first
real kiss 'because imaginary ones don't count, obviously!' and he'd better make it good or she's so breaking up with him.

And then when he starts to walk back home, Inochi appears with a scowl, and demands to know what exactly "imaginary kisses obviously don't count"
means, when his princess has just spent the last two and a half weeks trapped in his imaginary terrain... Naruto sputters and stutters, but remembers to stick
with the story thatr he was giving her his energy instead of Himitsu, and that the only way it worked was from his mouth to hers. Inochi shakes him around, but
admits that as far as he knows there should be NO way to transfer chakra that way, so if Naruto found one he'd have to accept that it was the way to save
Ino's life... and there wasn't any other way, RIGHT!? shake shake "N-n-no way! It was the only thing we could do, Yamanaka-ossan! And, and, even
if she uses Shintenshin on me again she has enough chakra now to escape on her own, dattebayo!" - Naruto suddenly turned and walked into a dark alley
without wanting to, only to find Inochi waiting for him there (Shinranshin)

tenrasen - rasen-dan shell on tenmaki, use yuuhiashi to keep from boring into the earth, climax of Wave mission - Sasuke in sand cocoon inside effect. When
Naruto is in a tight situation, he pulls out rainbow chakra instead of demon chakra, because H. doesn't give him any raw demon chakra, just the purified

With a few years to integrate the basics of demon knowlege Himitsu knows how to do soul contracts, and she's noticed Sasuke grumbling about how he has to
become stronger, to do whatever it takes... He can't enter the seal and she doesn't like him enough to give power like she does to Naruto and Ino
regardless, but in the interests of having a strong team mate at Naruto's back she's willing to offer him a soul contract - a large infusion of power
grafted to his soul, with the warning that it will damage him if he uses a lot of it (like canon Naruto) and that when he dies it will draw his soul into her
as it returns. Since her own is anchored to Naruto, she'll end up wherever N does and hence so will he after a fashion... but only as a part of herself. Of
course he jumps at it, and with the Sharingan he's got far better control of the power than Naruto ever would have had without Tenzo's assistance, but
the best part is that when Snakepants tries to add a curse seal the already present demon chakra destroys it immediately - that soul is already sold.

Element manip training starts on return - Ino too since she's been getting moo-juice boostage for long enough to gain at least enough affinity for all five
elements to use them. Air is rubbing chakra together to grind a sharp edge, fire is swirling it in tiny circles to make it heat up, lightning is dividing it
into positive and negative so sparks fly between them. Water and earth are the same as the training excercises only more intensive.







S'all I've got for now.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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