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The Unitarian Jihad is a satire, but a satire with good purpose- peacefully opposing religious extremism. UU is a real religion/humanist movement.
I am not religious, but I can fully agree with the ideals of the Jihad. Plus, it meshes nicely with my part-time Discordianism.
Enough about this here, though: unless someone wants to write a Discordianism/Unitarian Jihad crossover, this is off topic.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
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Getting back on topic... Remember the "change one letter" thread? Ths would work there, too.
They'll know better than to blindly sign contracts next time... if they can survive their current contracts working in Neo Venezia.
Aria 88
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
They're vicious, bloodsucking vampires in an end-of the world race of predator and prey, hunter and hunted, living out the Final Days before the
Antedeluvians wake... but they're surprisingly tolerant about religious issues, and try to see what good they can find (and even adopt) in all faiths and
Unitarian Jyhad.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Sengir Dagger of Peaceful Reconciliation.
Get yours.
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Quote:They're vicious, bloodsucking vampires in an end-of the world race of predator and prey, hunter and hunted, living out the Final Days
I read that as vicious, bookkeeping vampires....
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Yomiko Readman loves books - really *loves* books... and they love her right back... but does she love the sweet taste of the blood of the innocent more?
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A suspected hitter for the Mob is the best man. The bride's father hires the very best in protection in Chicago. John Jones. His target? Harry Dresden.
He's an alien from another time. He's the only professional wizard in the Yellow Pages. They fight crime.
Quote: kentmagus wrote:
A suspected hitter for the Mob is the best man. The bride's father hires the very best in protection in Chicago. John Jones. His target? Harry Dresden.
He's an alien from another time. He's the only professional wizard in the Yellow Pages. They fight crime.
I object! I'd read that 
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
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Bishop and the Saints sing the Blues
Catholic Bishop 'Blackie' Ryan is asked to investigate Saint-type murders carried out in Chicago. The McManus brothers are in town for the same reason,
while Elwood Blues just wants to get his band back together again.
They're all on a mission for God, but the good lord doesn't speak so clearly sometimes...
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
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Come to think of it, a Bishop Blackie-Harry Dresden crossover would be too freakin' cool for words...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Yomiko Readman loves books - really *loves* books... and they love her right back... but does she love the sweet taste of the blood of the innocent more?
No, she's obviously following the Paper Paradigm... and her obsession with books is a Paradox Flaw. (She uses so much vulgar magic, somebody finally had to call it "superpowers" to fool the unAwakened.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
What if it was all some bizarre, constructed delusion?
What if Black, Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew only *thought* they were going to a school of witchcraft and wizardry?
What if the Marauders really were Marauders?
Quote: Sirrocco wrote:
What if it was all some bizarre, constructed delusion?
What if Black, Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew only *thought* they were going to a school of witchcraft and wizardry?
What if the Marauders really were Marauders?
That reminds me of this odd thought that popped into my head one fine day after reading too much Harry Potter fanfiction.
"We've secretly replaced Remus Lupin with Arsene Lupin. Lets see if the Marauders notice any difference."
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
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I had a thought last night that's less story-oriented than an art challenge... Sailor Vorlon.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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*Snrk* Wellllll... I can say this much for sure. Bye-bye encounter suit!
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Actually, I was trying to envision a weird blend of encounter suit and seifuku...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Let's face it, Boss. Senshi are all about the pretty and flashy when it comes to thier Fukus. And you saw how everyone reacted when they saw Kosh outside
of his encounter suit, rescuing Sheridan from his death-defying jump from the core shuttle (of course, not many people knew that it was Kosh).
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The mention of Sailor Moon on the same page as Mage style Maruaders lead me back to an old idea of mine in which the Sailor Senshi are actually Marauders.
The Book of Madness has the Sanity Sink flaw for Marauders, which causes them to very rapidly convert other mages into Marauders that share
their paradigm.
Imagine this, Luna is a manifestation of Usagi's avatar. When her avatar contacts her for the first time, the impossible act of meeting a talking cat
immediately sends the sheltered Usagi into a Marauder delusion involving her being a magical girl (she obviously watched way too many magical girl cartoons as
a kid). Since Mages naturally attract weird stuff, Usagi soon runs into a Nephandi cult that her delusion causes her to perceive as the enemies of her ancient
magical kingdom (interestingly enough, The Book of Madness also indicates that Marauders seem to be subtly drawn into thwarting Nephandi plots).
As Usagi runs into other mages of her own age group, her contact with them rapidly sucks them into her delusion and converts them into magical girl Marauders
as well. Sailor Mercury was once almost certainly a Virtual Adept. Sailor Mars was possibly part of the Celestial Chorus, Akashic Brotherhood or Verbena (IIRC,
practitioners of Shinto could wind up in any of them). I think that Sailor Venus may have actually been a Marauder to begin with (the latest in a long line of
London based vigilantes named V, which puts an entirely differernt spin on the V comic series) who got converted to Usagi's paradigm along with her
familiar, Artemis. Given Sailor Pluto's mastery of time, it is interesting to assume that she used to be part of the Cult of Ecstasy.
As Usagi's delusion grows, she goes from believing that she is a magical girl to believing that she is a magical princess to believing that she is the
destined queen of the Earth. Since the rest of the WoD was getting sucked down a metaphorical toilet to begin with, it is quite disturbing to believe that the
sole survivors of the world may actually be the ones trapped in the eternal magical kingdom of a madwoman with godlike mystical powers.
Now that is a crossover that should not be!
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
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Iunno. It actually sounds bright and shiny for ANYTHING touched by White Wolf. >
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
Anything in old world of darkness, anyway. The new world of darkness is a lot more about various bizarre critters trying to live out their lives in a chaotic
and somewhat violent world and a lot less about "Everything even remotely good is constantly losing on all fronts, there are no heroes, and the world is
swift approaching its inevitable and horrible end. The only real question is which unstoppable apocalyptic destruction of everything that you have ever loved
gets here first. Oh, and there is no hope."
I don't know if it quite belongs, but...
Things are... quiet in Gotham. Too quiet. The Joker has been out on his own recognizance for months, and nothing has happened. Nothing so far as the Bat can
see, in any case. Really, the Joker has been exploring a new hobby - the theatre. At first, the theatre seemd boring, even trite. None of the plays really
*spoke* to him - but then he found one that did, and it all began to make sense again. He's been off by himself - reading it, commiting it to memory,
seeking to understand it in every detail for a while now, and now he thinks he understands its genius in full. He wants to share it with the world. The Joker
is putting on a play.
The Joker is putting on a play called "The King In Yellow".
Gotham will never be the same again.
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It'll either be so bad that its good, or absolutely awesome.
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A cult worships a demon prince who manifests as a roving pod of zombie killer whales. The Cult of Orcas.
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The Joker fled across the desert, and the Batman followed..
Batman/The Dark Tower, anyone?
And it even works.. the Joker would make a wonderful Big Bad, or a perfectly fine sorcerer. Dick Grayson would make a good Sacrificial Boy, or cast him as the
Young Hero and one of the other Robins as the Boy.. We've got a ready-made Susannah in Oracle, since old Bats never knew his father, he would have been
raised by Alfred, his wizened mentor.
it even adds another layer of delicious hypocrisy - he who forgets the face of his father, huh? Well, Bats, why are you thinking of dear old Alfred then?
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Or, alternately, played for pathos rather than hypocrisy. When the Bat says "he who forgets the face of his father" he's thinking about the
image of his father's face as he died, burned forever into his memory.
The only real problem is the dissonance between the Gunslinger, who follows essentially a religion of the gun, and the Batman, who refuses to use one. Their
attitudes towards death are similarly unalike.
Jean-Paul Valley was just a mild-mannered, somewhat socially inept computer programmer, until he woke up one morning and discovered that he had been
brainwashed by the Order of St Dumas, and had had an avenging warrior-psyche implanted behind his own, calling him out to do battle against the unrighteous.
Check. It was a little odd, but he's learned to deal with it. He adapted. Then, this morning, he woke up and something *else* was different.
Specifically, he was a teenager again. A female teenager. An aquatic, female teenager with a cave full of sporks.
Azrael, the little mermaid.
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I understand that it is 'Crossovers That Should Not Be,' but at the same time... What is the fascination with the gender benders? As far as I'm
concerned, unless it is already canonical (such as Ranma 1/2) then what's the point, other than adding some angst to the fire? Sorry, kinda getting tired
of the old Male-20-30-something-geek-inexplicably-turns-into-female-teen schtick.
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Quote: Foxboy wrote:
Iunno. It actually sounds bright and shiny for ANYTHING touched by White Wolf. ><
Senshi: The Merchandising
The nWoD version is called "Princess: The Fading"