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"Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the cartoon is made! Senshi-the T-shirt, Senshi-the Coloring Book, Senshi-the Lunch box,
Senshi-the Breakfast Cereal, Senshi-the Flame Thrower!"
"The kids love this one!"
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
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"What did that short green man just do to Rei?"
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Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:
I understand that it is 'Crossovers That Should Not Be,' but at the same time... What is the fascination with the gender benders? As far as I'm
concerned, unless it is already canonical (such as Ranma 1/2) then what's the point, other than adding some angst to the fire? Sorry, kinda getting tired
of the old Male-20-30-something-geek-inexplicably-turns-into-female-teen schtick.
Sexy =
Not Sexy =
Self = :|
Girl = Sexy
Guy = Not Sexy
Girl + Girl =  x 2!
Guy + Guy =  x 2!
Girl + Guy = :|
IF Self = Guy
Self -> Girl = Self + Girl - Guy
Self -> Girl = (Girl + Guy) + Girl - Guy = Girl + Guy + Girl - Guy = Girl + Girl =  x 2!
Mathematical conservation of transgenderism.
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You lost me when you substituted Girl + Guy for Self.
Pronounced "shy guy."
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It's simple. If you are a guy then transforming you into a girl adds a girl and subtracts a guy.
:| is "okay, this is normal"
 is "this is better"
 is "this is worse"
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Quote: You lost me when you substituted Girl + Guy for Self.
Go read Hybrid Theory. I'll wait. (remembers how long HT is) On second thought, no I won't wait.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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I've got the second part on hold until I watch Utena, which will be in I-don't-have-a-clue-how-many [time unit]s.
The "Self -> Girl = Self + Girl - Guy" part I followed just fine. What I don't get is how after that you substituted the second "Self" for (Girl + Guy), because it was previously established as an axiom that "Self = Guy," NOT that "Self = Girl + Guy."
Pronounced "shy guy."
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Speak for yourself, mon ami.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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A demon prince was challenged to a game. He wagered his position as Demon Prince of the Game against the upstart mortal's position. The outcome of the game
rocked the three planes of existence. Now both Heaven and Hell await to see the new power. Hail the Demon King of Games, Yugi Moto.
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Who ya gonna call?
05-29-2009, 04:01 AM
Well, there's divine inspiration, and then there's... this.
It began with a piece of gag Xover fanart, whose punchline was: "Rei, when someone asks you if you are a god, you say YES!"
But what the Xover worked a bit differently? What if Ritsuko Akagi, seeing what she was up against, called upon her old mentor Egon Spengler, one of the
world's foremost experts on wringing supernatural effects out of purely human technology....?
"Ugly big spud, isn't it?"
"Actually, it looks more like a giant floating 8-ball. And I think it can *hear* you, Misato."
Followed later by:
"...he *slimed* me...."
"VAS!?!?! Hey! Nobody choosed anything! *I* didn't choose anything. Shinji, did you-- nevermind, consider the source. Misato? No? Gend-- no,
not even going to ask. Well, that only leaves... Vas in der hell did you CHOOSE, Rei?"
"...i tried to think of something comfortingly familiar from my childhood. Something harmless, trapped against the wall of Terminal Dogma with the Lance
of Longinus. Something that, even if we lost to it, would simply make us one with it in mind and body and we would continue existence in some minimal form
"Setting ASIDE the issue of 'just how screwed-up WAS your childhood, anyway?', just WHAT DID YOU CHOOSE?"
"Um, Asuka, you'd better look at this.."
"...the Stay-Pufft Marshmallow Lilith."
"HAH! Bet this this the last time you try to brain-rape a girl with a positron glider, eh?"
"...that's a big spear."
"--a combination of hallucinogenic chemicals. People think they're seeing Angels. Then these NERV jokers show up, put on a psychedelic lightshow,
and "kill" the creature. Mr. Prime Minister, I *demand* that you send the JSSDF to invade Tokyo-3 and destroy NERV in order to prevent them from
causing Third Impact! The fact that their commander called me 'dickless' has nothing to do with it."
"That's... a very... *interesting* argument, Mr. Kheel. Mr Ikari, is this true?"
"It's true, Mr. Prime Minister. This man has no-- actually, give the extent of his cybernetic replacements, I'm not sure *what* he has
"Shinji, have you ever read the Dead Sea Scrolls?"
"Uh, no."
"...well, damn. This gag's going nowhere fast."
"Shinji, has it ocurred to you that maybe the reason we've been so busy lately, is because we really *are* on the brink of Armageddon?"
"...I'm going to go listen to my S-DAT player."
"Want some company? I've got a headphone splitter."
"Shinji has gone by-by, Wondergirl. What have YOU got left?"
"...i'm sorry, Sorhyu, but I've become terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought."
"Okay, I've got an idea. We cross the streams."
"WHAT? But Spengler-sensei said crossing the streams would be BAD. More than bad, actually--"
"Oh shut up, Spineless. It'll work. It has to, this is the climax of the final episode and that's the only Forbidden Technique left that we
*haven't* used this season. Right, Wondergirl?"
"...there is definitely a very slim chance that we will survive."
"Um, Asuka? Even if *we* live, you'll be endangering my father. You know, the manipulative bastard who's responsible for all of us being in this
me-- I love this plan. I'm proud to be a part of it. Let's do it!"
And, just for one last crazy crossover element:
"What do you MEAN, 'Carmen Miranda's Ghost is Haunting Tokyo-3'!?!?" (with apologies to Leslie Fish)
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Pulp meets Internet
05-29-2009, 04:06 AM
"Doc Savage's Sing-along Blog."
The mind boggles.
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Oh, I'm sure we can think of all sorts of doctors who should not have Sing-Along Blogs. Doctor Octopus, Dr.
Strange, Doctor Doom...
Why are all of these Marvel characters?
Finally! Got one who isn't: Doctor House.
...and this train of thought, with a slight change in passengers, created the idea of Doctor Jack Sparrow, which works as either a modern medical comedy, or
the strangest PotC AU ever.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
I think the point of a guy self insert ending up a teenage girl is it Nerfs them... I mean self inserts that were suddenly a male of the same age as the
majority of the cast most of them would spend much of their time going after said females... by making them female it forces them to actually have to interact
with the cast as people... for the most part. Its like making an Epic level paladin take a level in druid and suddenly discovering that they just took an oath
that means the can't use metal... so that super, special, awesome platemail and holy sword are both useless scrap. Or making a Super Saiyan always have to
fight in deep space in very fragile(to them anyway) ships. Or Aura of Smooth +30 diplomat guy and sticking him on a world with nothing but giant man-eating
berserk giant bugs. I dropping the into the Alpha complex with a big mouth, a habitual ten letter word vocabulary... and no clones.
By making romance icky or largely uninteresting to them it forces them to actually do something productive. Granted to some this involves curling up into a
little ball and gibbering... but this tends to cut down on harems though future knowledge manipulations.
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Speaking just for myself?
Um, no.
Not only no, but "Dear sweet god, man, what the fuck are you smoking, Hunter S Thompson's Special Reserve?!"
It seriously is a case of thinking it'd be nicer/more interesting to be a hot chick than 'me, over there', or - at least for me - even than some idealized guy. Especially with the sex, thanks kindly. Nothing to do with any kind of pretentious crypto-depowerment subtext of any sort.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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other canidates for Dr _____'s Sing -along-blog: Dr Fate, Dr Light (I), Dr Who (any), Dr 'hawkeye' Pierce, Dr Manhatten
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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"Dr Who (any)"? You're missing so much potential that way!
Try Dr Who (all). Better, right?
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
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The appeal of gender bending? Everything goes better with breasts.
I wasn't thinking 'pretentious' reasons... I was thinking back on a decade of reading fanfiction/webcomics. Sure, sure "Hoorah for
boobies!" factors in at some level... but suddenly ending up a girl gets only 3 responses from the character: 1) Meh, wasn't involved in romance
anyway, 2) pokes self in chest until someone else smacks them for it (often the normally female friend of either the character or the inserted), 3) complete
freak out.
Now if we are talking why the Japanese seem to run into this issue in fiction so often the main reason is easy. The Japanese males tend to be scummy in
relation to females. I mean to the level that the woman in Japan have force segregated train cars so they can ride without getting groped. This is fact. One
main plot of Ranma 1/2 was all about an ubermanly guy type learning how the women got treated in Japan. Ever notice how the guy with the flock of girls after
him is the guy who isn't scum? That would be the reason... he isn't scum.
Gender bending is about sex roles. Its about learning how the other side ticks.... its about watching people be really, really uncomfortable and trying to
adapt. Its usually about teaching someone to look at things a different way. People tend not to react like the guy that woke up a giant beetle in that Kafka
story... a change of that level gets to people or they just seem... inhuman.
Yes, fan service gets is there to make you pay attention longer... but its icing, not the cake. But declaring me a drugged out madman... your going to you
know... give me a group of examples that support your claim. Otherwise I'm just going to write you off as someone with an inability to see past the icing
to tell if the 'cake' is styrofoam or chocolate.
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Quote:Shay Guy wrote:
I've got the second part on hold until I watch Utena, which will be in I-don't-have-a-clue-how-many [time unit]s.
The "Self -> Girl = Self + Girl - Guy" part I followed just fine. What I don't get is how after that you substituted the second "Self" for (Girl + Guy), because it was previously established as an axiom that "Self = Guy," NOT that "Self = Girl + Guy."
Mother + Father = You
Mother = Girl
Father = Guy
You = Self
Putting way too much effort into a joke i thought up in six seconds...
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So, you're not saying, "You people want to write yourselves as girls because overcoming the horror of that inherent female weakness makes you stronger and more manly men in the end!" but "You people are all actually into elaborate deconstructions of comparative sociological gender roles!"
OK, you're still in la-la-land, but you've no longer got me wanting to reach through the screen to slit your throat.
Given that we're talking about popular entertainment and even more about fandom, I'd say that 'Durhur, boobs' outweighs every other factor combined, and that either of the above options still falls well behind the number of cases where,
1. ) Other factors by far outweigh any feelings the inserted or the character might have had about being gender-bent. (Like the Room of Gauf and NERV's security levels in IWATDP)
2. ) Being a girl is, itself, one of the wishes being fulfilled. (Like, oh, all of my nascent ideas.)
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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I'm not going to address the issue in general, but I will say that my VIIOR!Self is overjoyed to be in Misao's body, not because she's a girl, but
because she's young, athletic, and lacks the multitude of health issues that I am afflicted with in RL (dental issues, psoriasis, spinal issues, et
multiple cetera.)
And because, well, being a ninja is COOL.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote: ECSNorway wrote:
I'm not going to address the issue in general, but I will say that my VIIOR!Self is overjoyed to be in Misao's body, not because she's a girl,
but because she's young, athletic, and lacks the multitude of health issues that I am afflicted with in RL (dental issues, psoriasis, spinal issues, et
multiple cetera.)
And because, well, being a ninja is COOL.
Y'know I think this is what appeals to me about gender bent stories. Its not so much the overcoming of difficulties of being a girl or
anything like that, because in my opinion it really should not be that big a deal aside a total paradigm shift in perception, but more about being something
different than what you are normally. Something.... COOL.
Take any self insert into a female character from an anime of some power level. you'd usually luck out and be attractive or physically fit with little to
no disabilities or have COOL powers. Sometimes a mix of all three IS the basic package in anime. :O
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
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Quote:other canidates for Dr _____'s Sing -along-blog: Dr Fate, Dr Light (I), Dr Who (any), Dr 'hawkeye' Pierce, Dr Manhatten
Doctor Demento?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote: WengFook wrote:
Y'know I think this is what appeals to me about gender bent stories. Its not so much the overcoming of difficulties of being a girl or anything like
that, because in my opinion it really should not be that big a deal aside a total paradigm shift in perception, but more about being something different than
what you are normally. Something.... COOL. 
Take any self insert into a female character from an anime of some power level. you'd usually luck out and be attractive or physically fit with little to
no disabilities or have COOL powers. Sometimes a mix of all three IS the basic package in anime. :O
Eh. It sounds cool, until you think about it. Most actual transsexuals find the versions present in anime to be frankly insulting. This is because in the real
world being in a body that has the wrong sexual equipment is actually massively damaging to your psyche. Actual
transsexuals experience much higher incidences of clinical depression, anxiety disorders and all sorts of nastiness that can be overwhelmingly related to the
fact that their physical gender does not match up with their mental gender and this causes tension.
It makes for entertaining joking around for those of use without serious gender identity disorders, but all the people with those disorders I know wouldn't
wish being trapped in the wrong gender on their worst enemy. Even if it came with funky super powers.
However, that's far too serious a topic for this thread. Someone made a comment, I made a (poorly executed) joke. Let's move on.
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Quote: robkelk wrote:
Quote: other canidates for Dr _____'s Sing -along-blog: Dr Fate, Dr Light (I), Dr Who (any), Dr 'hawkeye' Pierce, Dr Manhatten
Doctor Demento?
Actually, *that* one strikes me as something that would *work,* very very well.