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Fun Idea for Crossover-Harem
I did say that Raging Heart rolls off the tongue better as well, didn't I? (^_^Wink

I think I'll stick with that one, just so I can be contrary and get away with it. (~_^)
For that matter, especially given the characterization of Nanoha herself, "Raging Heart" just makes more /sense/ as a name than any of the offered
alternatives. 'Raising' or 'Rising' just sound, well, pardon my french, /silly/.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Thanks, Norway. I thought so as well.

On the subject of Raging Heart, Zeke's going to be insatiably curious about the Inteligent Devices. He certainly won't be able to create one himself -
not for some years at the very least and not without a bit of help from someone else. However, it will probably give his technomage research the boost that
I'd like it to have.

For one thing, when Teletha's older brother shows up with his micro-armslaves, Zeke is going to have just the thing for that bit of nastiness.

Ye gads - what if Zeke saves those twins and they wind up in Sosuke's harem? How? Easy - when they ask Zeke how they can expect to try and live normal
lives, he tells them to get to know Sosuke, because he's doing a pretty good job of adapting (even if it requires a bit of 'percusive maintenance'
from Kanami and Minako).
This is really catching my interest. ;P

I often spend some time at TV Tropes, and it's likely skewing my thinking, but here it goes:

1) With the background Our Hero has, one archetypal character missing is the Childhood Friend. Now, you can justify one appearing later as someone he met
during his father's multiple stations, for a few months (Tessa seems to fit the best, at first glance).

2) One of the defining traits of Our Hero is his willingingness to help others. Then I rembered that MITHRILwas listed under We Help The Helpless...

3) You mentioned your intending a happy ending. Does the First Girl win? (Not that you need to answer here, but you may wanna give this a minutes thought.

4) It's going to get rather obvious if it seems the every girl that gets more then 2 paragraphs falls for him. Mixing in some 'friend, but NOT
interested' characters can help flesh out the setting (Kanami is a good start). Along with perhaps someone in denial...

More later, after more turning in my head.
1) Teletha as a childhood friend? Holy shit, that works!
2) Yep, Our Heroes to a T.
3) Maaaayyyyybeeeee.... Wink
4) Well, there is going to be more than just Kanami. There's going to be the rest of what will become poor Sosuke's harem and they won't have much interest in Zeke other than he's a cool friend who can build some wickedly awesome crap. (I intend on his senior-year finals project to be making a replica of Kaneda's motorcycle from Akira. Complete with gas-electric drive train.)
I still like the idea of the Nerima Wrecking Crew getting involved now and then as well. However it wouldn't be the usual Ranma-variety adventure. It will be Zeke's variety that is something like a cross between a space opera, EEK! The Cat, and a little bit of everything else for seasoning.
If you don't know what EEK! The Cat is like... imagine being an average guy with a good, positive outlook on life no matter what happens - up to and including the apocolypse. Now imagine you are also a trouble magnet for everything, including killer mutant zombies, pirates, ninja, the apocolypse, the attack dog next door, and your Great-Aunt Myrtle. That is EEK! The Cat.
In short, I intend for the adventure to be high and full holy-crap moments that tend to be pretty damn funny as well. Trouble is keeping this from going too far, so I'm going to counter balance that with plenty of seriousness (not brooding).
Ranma in the wake of such an adventure: "When... does the hurting... stop?" Smile


"Well, let's go beat up that hedge then."
EEK! the Cat's catchphrase was "It never hurts to help." Of course, whenever he helped someone it always seemed to lead to great pain in his
immediate future.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
I know, I was just borrowing from "Terrible Thunderlizards." Smile


You may run into an issue with pacing. Are you making the 'group' come together fast, and having a whole bunch of adventures together? Or is it
going to be slower, with each girl getting her own segment of time? From what you've said so far, I'm thinking the latter.

I kinda wonder about the details involved for the Contenders--how fast will Rei get attached to Our Hero, how will Lum treat a non-lecherous 'husband',
how does Teletha leave her ship? and so on.

Of course, it'll be more fun reading it!
Quote:For that matter, especially given the characterization of Nanoha herself, "Raging Heart" just makes more /sense/ as a name than any of the offered alternatives. 'Raising' or 'Rising' just sound, well, pardon my french, /silly/.
But... but... but Nanoha doesn't rage...

("Nanoha Takamachi, Malakim of Flowers", I've occasionally called her. Malakim of Protection during StrikerS, sure, but that still isn't somebody who flies off the handle...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: For that matter, especially given the characterization of Nanoha herself, "Raging Heart" just makes more /sense/ as a name than any of the
offered alternatives. 'Raising' or 'Rising' just sound, well, pardon my french, /silly/.
But... but... but Nanoha doesn't rage...
Are you sure you and I are watching the same show here at all?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Hmm...on the Teletha angle...probably the best scene for when Teletha confesses to our Hero would be the scene from "A Dancing Merry Christmas",
Instead of Sosuke being confessed to, it's our Hero.

If you want comedy gold, use the episode in "Fomuffu" where Tessa ends up going on vacation..and lands in our Hero's class. Whether or not Cdr
Marduk's (or Sosuke's) intimidation tactics will work on him is up to you.

Here is a question..if our Hero is a whispered..will Mithril send someone to body guard him? Will they just pay his harem a retainer to keep him safe? Or just
clap their hands and pray to the poor benighted fools crazy enough to try and take him?
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Quote: Here is a question..if our Hero is a whispered..will Mithril send someone to body guard him? Will they just pay his harem a retainer to keep him safe? Or
just clap their hands and pray to the poor benighted fools crazy enough to try and take him?
With the capabilities of that harem -- and its *coughSenshicough* *coughTSABcough* "associates" -- MITHRIL may
actually go a step beyond your last suggestion and spread the word that he's Whispered in the hope of
luring idiots into attacking him and getting their collective derrieres handed to them. And I've probably missed a cough or three
in there.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
ECSNorway Wrote:
robkelk Wrote:
Quote: For that matter, especially given the characterization of Nanoha herself, "Raging Heart" just makes more /sense/ as a name than any of the offered
alternatives. 'Raising' or 'Rising' just sound, well, pardon my french, /silly/.
But... but... but Nanoha doesn't rage...
Are you sure you and I are watching the same show here at all?
I don't know... In the one I watched, Nanoha never loses control of herself. Sure, she occasionally exhibits steely determination, but she never really gets angry, let alone becomes consumed by rage.

Heck, she's got a theme ("Unkai wo nukete", track 24 on the first soundtrack album) for when she armours up and then doesn't go into combat.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: DHBirr wrote:

Quote: Here is a question..if our Hero is a whispered..will Mithril send someone to body guard him? Will they just pay his harem a retainer to keep him safe? Or
just clap their hands and pray to the poor benighted fools crazy enough to try and take him?
With the capabilities of that harem -- and its *coughSenshicough* *coughTSABcough* "associates" -- MITHRIL may
actually go a step beyond your last suggestion and spread the word that he's Whispered in the hope of
luring idiots into attacking him and getting their collective derrieres handed to them. And I've probably missed a cough or
three in there.
Well, Mithril's evil counterpart is Amalgram..of which Leonard Testerossa (Tessa's older borther) is a senior partner..and he's a
Whispered as well..luring him and possibly Gauron as well to go after our hero?...that would be interesting.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Quote:Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

Ranma in the wake of such an adventure: "When... does the hurting... stop?" Smile
*Chuckles darkly* Not even Ranma can duck one of Lum's lightning bolts when he's being a prat.
Hrm, pacing...
Rei will take a bit of time. You know that scene that I wrote where the Grandfather was watching the two? Courtship can be like that, especially with a woman who has Rei's stubborn nature. It's going to be fun when she realizes she's actually fallen for Zeke, but she won't be 'out of character' for long - she's far too dignified to allow herself go on like Usagi does. Rather, after the initial freak-out she'll take control of the situation in fine Aries fashion.
Lum is a lot quicker and less complicated. She simply wants to get the show on the road - which irks Rei to no end, of course. As for how Lum sees Zeke: Just about perfect. She sees Zeke as being an honorable man, first and foremost, since he does not treat women as objects. Another bonus is that he is not 'clingy' like her last fiance and gets along relatively well with her family. Final nail in the coffin? When Lum's ex-fiance, Rei, shows up 1.) Zeke starts calling him 'Raymond' just to irk him and so there’s a little less confusion over who they’re talking about and 2.) when the Raymond pushes matters Zeke gives the alien a first-class beat down with a baseball bat.
Teletha’s a whole other ball of wax. At first she was just being flirty because A) they used to know each other and B) she loves the looks on Lum and Rei’s faces. But then she starts to really notice that her old adventure-buddy turned into a man and things really start to go downhill from there. Shades of the outrageous hijinks she pulled with Sosouke in the FMP series are seen here.
As for how she would get away from her ship… Easy! MITHRIL wants to build closer ties with the USN and the JMSDF, so they cut a deal to let the Tuatha de Dannen moor in Yokosuka in return for ASW exercises with the de Dannen as the OPFOR and a few technologies on the side.
Before anyone says anything, I’m fairly certain that the de Dannen could be moored in Yokosuka with minimal fuss. Recently, our piers were home to the great Japanese beast, the JS Hyuga. The locals are calling her a “Helicopter Destroyer.” She actually resembles a small aircraft carrier or an amphib. What really makes her stand out is that she lives up to the destroyer part – she’s equipped with phased array radar, VLS missiles, and surface vessel torpedo tubes.
So, the de Dannen would probably wind up parked across from the George Washington, where the Blue Ridge and one of our DDG’s would be moored. Blue Ridge can be shuffled back onto Pier 7, forcing 7th Fleet’s two cruisers to double up on the other side, and the Destroyers will make do with what’s left.
Anyhow, for pacing’s sake, I’ll spend the first story arc just getting everyone together. That alone should be entertaining enough.
RE: Nanoha + Rage
You don’t need to fly off the handle in order to go on a rage. Simply laying down a righteous and well-deserved smackdown with extreme prejudice qualifies. And Nanoha can do prejudice very effectively once certain criteria have been met. Wink
I don’t think MITHRIL’s gonna need any help in regards to ‘spreading the word.’ The fireworks alone should do the job. Anyhow, MITHRIL is going to trust that Zeke’s paramours can handle most of the mundane threats, but if things start to get out of hand Sosuke shouldn’t be far away.
The day Gauron goes after Zeke he’ll be sorry he did, and so will Leonard. Zeke is going to be so disgusted by Leonard that he will become his ‘Special Friend.’ Note that I use special friend in the Warner Bros (AND the Warner Sister) sense. Wink
First, giving Sosuke a harem of 5 fits perfectly into something I was thinking about... at some point Sosuke looks around and makes the random comment that
harems appear to be contagious. If this is shortly after Sosuke ends up with the psycho twins in his harem. Note he is not stupid enough to add in the word
'unwanted' or 'unplanned'. This makes people think that they are contagious in descending prime numbers... granted the now named
'Zeke' is going to need 7 members in various levels of capacity to pull that off right. Ranma (harem base of 3, the Kunos are stalker noncontenders)
has Ryouga (1 member Akari) as his derivative harem. This may be coincidence and/or it require you to not be seeking one in the first place... bt it won't
stop people from trying to buddy up to them for the run off. Like a certain blond mercenary of MITHRAL's.

Adding the pscho sisters to Sosuke harem is easy. All it requires is giving Kanami a magetach grenade that flash fries the micro armslaves and having the
brother run away. This leaves Kanami with both Wraith and the sister to deal with. Wrath can be handed off to the intelligence services, but all you have to
do is have Kanami hand off the sister to Yami, those intelligence guys are to stupid and will lose her, and then play out second raid from there... mostly.
Just have the Loony Mercenary leader use a now dead minion/civilian that looks like her to play the corpse doll. From there the only change is she is not
killed but to hurt/drained to really move at that point... then dragged off to the sub. At which point she's depressed an near suicidial... held off only
by her rage. Only to hear about Kanami capturing the other 'sister'. Turns out they aren't really sisters.

What happened is Gaylord McFlamer-san was discovered by Amalgum a few years ago... only after a torture the Whispered session, which being done by an all male
group, he liked far, far too much. It was decide his 'Whispered abilities' of being gay to the point of traumatizing people, served there cause of
chaos and trauma for all far more than killing him... flash forward a few years and they send Gauron, who brings a few male mooks and his female prodegy with
him, to see what this 'Whispered' level project he was rumoured to be doing was... the mooks were a sacrifice (screw ups) to give Flamey van Yaoi to
cover up their reason for being there... When he gets there the Whispered in question gleefully excepts his new 'toys', and explains the Ackican
project. Gauron hears is as... Okay, Step 1) make a buttload of superpowered slave girls with magic abilities and randomly ship them around Japan like
drinkable landmines. Step 2) Let them end up in literally completely random people's hands and have them explain they are now the owner of a generally hot
magical girl, have fun.... Step 3) Profit!!! (at least in Gauron's field)... in exchange for the 'gifts', which haven't really figured out why
they are there at all yet, he lets Gauron, and his female prodigy by extention, go on a drinking binge in the warehouse. The only condition is they stop when
they get one. Don't want to tip the odds and all. That whole Steel vs. Aluminium thing just means the Ackican are born with a racial hate thing... bonus!

So after a few hours of test drink a sip out of random cans they get one. The girl was drinking some banned outside Japan energy drink that had a label that
went on an on about wild, be a deviant, fit in anywhere without alcohol, endless energy, that kind of thing... a little indoctrination and you get one pair
of creepy, assassin 'sisters'. One's that are trained to follow those stronger than them as strength is might. The Ackican is a melee type with
shape shifting abilities. Not up to Yami's level... but good for a ninja. Body blades at will are keen.

So MITHRAL turns out to be in possession of a bonded sentient weapon... one bonded to someone Kanami beat up while having nothing, but disadvvanages... meaning
she is stronger than the human 'sister'.... both recognize that them and Gauron got beaten completely (Gauron twice) by Kanami and Sosuke... making
them dominant. Also, not a father figure like Gauron. Add in that Yami has explained to her captive, one she beat down when she tried to escape... so has
Yell (granted Yell is armed and fresh and she is a bit beat up by both Kanami and Yami... and Yell is armed... but Yell IS submissive to Yami... that means she
is at the same level as the human 'sister' in the social ranking anyway). Who the human 'sister' has figured out is an Ackican. They have a
day or three together and one conversation topic lead to another which leads to what Yami is reading... which brings up the Harem anime/manga thing she has
been reading up on.

This means the human 'sister' reads the situation like this. Kanami and Yami are in some kind of love boomerange thing... Both have claim on the male
and he a bit on them.... but they aren't apparently intrested in each other. Yell is Yami's Ackican... one who loses constantly in spars, so Yell is
submissive to Yami and Sosuke. so Yell is ranked on the bottom (Sosuke apparently out lasted her in fights with these Youma things) so another boomerange is
added on to the bottom... though Yell and Kanami aren't apparently involved. Human 'sister' is intrested in both Yami and Kanami (who have beaten
her) Yell is a grey area that dominance can be decided on later on. Later she hear from her Ackikan 'sister' that Sosuke hhas killed Gauron outright
and not got blown up... and he took down the Ackikan 'sister' and four equally good super armslaves at the same time. So that mean she is now
Sosuke's property... as he is the male in the harem that isn't an issue. However she is an Aluminum Ackican so again Yell is the issue in this
situation as far as they are concerned. I'd say poor Yell. but everyone but Yami is going to have issues with this... Yami because she has explained her
'no ecchi' policy, which the sisters in context as not unless I initiate things, and they see hurt as the stable assassin mom (she can even help the
one with her shapeshifting skills) they always wanted.... the whole 'he in my target' thing is a pet name from their perspective.

Technically, you could have Michuru as the Achikan of Haruka's and just have her adopted by a rich couple that lost their kid... if you wanted the
Lum's friend is princess of Neptune. Or get Ranma involved as someone, 'Akari', is abducting Ackicans from around the area and The main casts
group gets involved. Do the whole 'my owner is a bandanaed pig who abandoned me 'thing instead of the cat.... only that pig, who was outrunning a
crazed martial arts chef at the time, happens to turn into a guy. All you'd have to do is have one of Ranma's or Akane's normal friend lose there
Ackican to Akari. I mean besides the minor subplot were people at Furinkan are attempting to ID which sodas still have a kami available, you can leave most of
the dynamics alone... unless you want Kodach, or more likely female ninja retainer, as Tatewak's largely ignored Ackican (too flat for Kuno's taste
though minions are worth of his status).
I think you mean "protege" where you say "prodigy" there. Just so you can keep it straight in the actual story...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: [b]blackaeronaut wrote:[/b]

Quote: [b]Morganni wrote:[/b]

If you want to do something really out of the ordinary, you could have everyone get along...

Hrm... True. The next closest thing to that I have ever seen would be Nagasarete Airaunto. And it would certainly take on that flavor once they
stop actively fighting each other and simply work on winning his affections.

Now, the question is how would you make that more interesting. Having pirates/ninja/zombies/Galacticus bust down your door is interesting and all, but I
gotta have something really solid behind it. I'll have to spend some time thinking on this one, but further ideas are welcome.

Well, you can wring out a lot of drama from friendly rivalries. You know: enemies -> rivials -> nakama.

It's the journey that will be fun.
Interesting idea about the younger 'sister' being an akikan. I don't know for sure if it would be too much or not, given all the other fun stuff I'm pulling, but I'll seriously think about it.
paladindythe: That we're going to ahve a-plenty and will probably take up all the second story arc and linger through the third (the first arc is going to be where I'm steadily getting everyone together). In the third story arc and onward, I think I'd like to have Big Bads showing up. It lines up nicely with the source material of the other animes. Fun thought: Nanoha is going to LOVE Chibi-Usa and Hotaru. Equally Fun Thought: Hotaru and Nanoha - equals in magical firepower? You tell me.
Another character that I would love to bring in just for fun... Comes from something else entirely. Remember a sitcom-for-teens called Parker Louis - Can't Lose? My favorite character was the loveable ex-bully, Kubiak.  He was a hell of a character.  I can do no better than to qoute from the Wikipedia article:
Francis Lawrence 'Larry' Kubiac III (played by Abraham Benrubi) - a.k.a. "Kube". 6 ft 7 ins and 270 lbs, he is built like a dinosaur with a brain to match, yet with a surprisingly sweet disposition. While walking, Kubiac causes earth tremors. His favourite line is, "Eat now?" In the series' beginning, he was initially introduced as a pure bully, aggressive and hostile towards other characters, but within a few episodes, his character was quickly changed into a more benign and friendly one, and he quickly became a helpful character who would often help Parker and his friends in their schemes. Later it becomes revealed in a moment of confidence with Parker that Larry is more intelligent than he appears and his dim-witted persona is merely an act.
For Zeke, finding The Kube in Japan is going to be a happy surprise.  The two were classmates at one point in time and had a few adventures together.  Kubiak would serve to be that incredible meat-miracle that can pull off the over-the-top feats of human strength in return for a mid-whenever snack.  Aditional bonus - while I can see Kubiac and Makoto pairing off very well with each other, he will, instead of a harem, have fan girls.  Kubiak-sama is so strong and all.
Fun idea: Ryoga accidently uses Breaking Point on Kubiak...  Who merely pauses to pick up Ryoga, umbrella and all, by his field pack and says, "Why for you poke me so hard?"  And Ryoga and everyone else, except for Zeke since he already knew how tough the ex-bully is, wiggs out to one extent or another.
Quote:Equally Fun Thought: Hotaru and Nanoha - equals in magical firepower? You tell me.
Well, Hotaru can destroy a world (although, as the punchline goes, she can only do it once). Hotaru is normally much less powerful than that.

Nanoha isn't as powerful as the Arthus' main cannon, and I don't believe that can destroy a world... but Nanoha is consistent in how powerful she is.

(pulls out coin, prepares to flip it)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:

Francis Lawrence 'Larry' Kubiac III

Perhaps a scientific consultation on the nature of hammerspace with Jerry Steiner? Smile


"I don't have the Excuse File, it's in the jacket."
Quote:Kubiak would serve to be that incredible meat-miracle that can pull off the over-the-top feats of human strength in return for a mid-whenever snack.
"Would you do it for a Kooby Snack?"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I think the easiest way for Kubiak to be added in is to have him transfer abroad. Say have him be exposed as being not what he was playing at... he transfers
he can do his stick again... only he is even bigger compared to the population of Japan. That and he can talk in a way that makes him sound more ponderous of
intellect and later write it off as being new to the language, if he wants.

Thing about Saturn is that she is in the wrong campaign. What I mean is her base attack 'Silence Glaive Surprise' removes something like a kilometer
and a half long cone of space (I totally forgot were I got that).... the Sailor Senshi on the otherhand are always fighting in urban combat. Which means she
would kill off hundreds or more AND do billions in property damage with every attack. That would be hell on their public image and her contious. Saturn is
made to take down armies and fleets.... that would be why she is concidered support (Silence Wall or melee weapon) or healing... she is basically a super
weapon doing White Mage duties.

Its also not that Saturn can only use her power once so much as every time she uses it she ends up having to retake a year of school. You know there is
probably a fanfic in that... stick her in Negi's class... everytime she almost graduates she has to use her power... so she misses graduation and stops
rapidly regrowing up at just the right age to restart middle school... having Eva as a precident the two of them have been retaking the middle school for a
decade and a half now. Stupid Japanese tendancy to sweep embarasssing things under the rug and all. They are both quite suprized to discover that ghost girl
is actually self aware... I mean they figured she'd have said something to them in the past 15 years. They'd desided she was a mindless reminant and
all, thus were ignoring her. Anyway, back on topic...

If your worried about having too many Ackican floating around to use the Achkican sister thing... just have the main cast use to the idea to the idea of
Ackicans being a fact of life... that they think that Sosuke keeps writing in his reports about the local phenominon known as the Sailor Senshi... and thinks
of them AS Ackicans... He doesn't actually think there are such things as human magical girls... he thought that was a cover like the one Yell was
basically using. To the point when he eventually learns that Rei is Sailor Mars he is baffled... he has to add the idea of magical girls as empowered humans
to his mental lexicon.

It doesn't help that because Yell... and later Melon keep saving people from youma... and this wave is regularly targeting famous people... in fact one of
the Witches was targeting hot guys from magazines... Some of those famous people have started wearing pull tabs as earings (to honor those that saved them and
all, but they aren't going to mention the youma target thing... bad for business and all)... which starts a trend. So now with pull tabs as earrings are
common... which confuses the hell out of the Ackicans universally and those in the know as well... the easy to tell sign of an Ackican is fashioned into

Introduce the younger 'sister' as wear two pull tab earrings (Abusable Cover no Jutsu engage)... and make them not actually trust her not to be lieing
about her species later...not that Ackicans are public knowledge in the first place... which means some of the guys involved are going to be taking this
'sister' things as BSing... this goes on for a while on the trip back to Japan. At least, until Sosuke is brought into watch the interrogation from the
sidelines. He causally walks up to her and deciding the talking and such on the subject is not getting anywhere, takes the easy route and gives her tabs a
test pull. Something that has gotten him into trouble for trying on girls in the past... which got him beat on, so he stopped doing that test. This info was
in his earlier reports, but those are not in public circulation.... this should make at least some crew members freak... terrorists aren't suppose to turn
into drinks.

If you really want to mess with things have one of those guys that see Kanami beat the depression out of Sosuke in front of, talk to one of those guys that saw
her turn into a can... and have Sosuke's support duogive out bits and peices of things and people around Sosuke on a regular basis... resulting in several
comments of disbeleif from an increasingly listening sub bar... and of course someone makes what they think is a sniping comment of disbelief and accuse them
of declaring that the (insert maligant name and title here) 9 tails is dating him on the side... which gets a round of laughs... until Mao comments something
to the nature of 'Of course not Youko would kill him if Sosuke lets him out of his seal." Which brings up who the hell is this 'Youko'... and
Mao just smiles and says something about 'The 9 tails daughter and she is after that Zeke kid anyway'... this freaks them more and the sub's
captain is forced to explain that 'No, they are not actually in the Matrix' and 'While, yes, Youko is actually the daughter of the 9
tails'...also 'That no, she doesn't want to eat their souls'...

If you want to be mean to the crew, or just mess with them... the wierdness Sosuke keeps getting involved keeps getting leaked to the crew... who are rather
panicky once, after the Ranma Arc, that not only are some cute girls other people's drinks and some cute girls are shape shifting uber-assassins from space
and some girls are cute demons with violent Kaiju fathers... now some girls are cursed boys. you can get a large amount of mileage out of this kind of
thing... Hell, you can use this as the recap episode. You can also skip between intelligence groups and have them all trying to understand what the hell is
going on around, well, whoever they have involved in that mess in Japan.
I'm glad everyone loves the idea of The Kube coming to Tokyo. If anyone needs an excuse as to why he's the invulnerable meat-miracle, one needs only to look at Season 2 Finale: Dinner '75, where a train load of toxic waste wrecks at the sight of the diner, trapping everyone inside. Kubiak decided that in order to make sure there was enough air for everyone else, he leaves the dinner. Later in the episode, we see a kaiju-sized Kubiak wandering by the dinner, hunkering down to look at it curiously, then moving on.

Thus, I think we got our Kaiju angle covered. Anymore shit like this and I think I'll have a Super Robot Wars fic on my hands.

BTW, Necratoid: That's exactly what I was thinking of pulling with The Kube. Lynyrd Skynyrd's Simple Man will be his reoccuring theme. Makoto's goning to fall for Kubiac when she sees the gentle giant lending a hand - big strong guy who is sweet natured until he sees his friends threatened. The fact that he's going to love her cooking is icing on the cake.

As for Jerry Steiner and his Hammerspace Jacket... That can be one of Zeke's first big inventions.

"By the Goddess, I have it! I finally figured out how the hell Jerry made his jacket work!"

Handwaving things like that is fun and all, but I don't want to break things too much. Poor Teletha just wouldn't have it.

Yeah, Hotaru is the REMF of the Senshi, but one that can kick ass - the rule of artillery definitely applies to her: don't bring artillery unless you want to destroy everything. However, I wonder if it is actually an issue of control. If there was a way to properly meter that power of hers, she'd definitely be able to fight on Nanoha's level. Perhaps Zeke can upgrade her weapon later on once he's got a firm handle on being a Technomage.

Easy there, Necratoid! I don't wanna make this too complicated (as if it wasn't getting there already). However, I definitely love the idea of messing with everyones heads - Zeke dates the daughter of the Nine Tails - run and cower ye mortals... AWESOME. Mao is going to eat this shit up, especially if she can get some of them to help 'motivate the boys' for her training sessions.

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