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ROTFL: Can has Cheeseburger?
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Christ is in, but God is out? Does she not know they're both played by the same guy?
But Charlton Heston's dead. Unless he's just pining for the fjords, and nobody told me....
Stargate: 1939


Albert Einstein, Indiana Jones and Chesty Puller aren't very good at staying inside the lines some days.

Which way, Bra'tac?" Major Puller took a moment to light a cigarette. The near-identical nature of the golden corridors was confusing to him. Before
Bra'tac could speak, a heavy bulkhead slammed down with a clang, sealing one of the corridors.

"I'm gonna guess that one." Indy smirked as he reloaded his pistol.

"Indeed." Bra'tac sighed. "Beyond that door is access to the engine room as well as the only path to the command level. We do not have the
tools or the time to overcome this door. We must abandon your chariot and move quickly, down to the second under-level and across the ship."

"Forgive me." Albert's head poked out of the door of the Tiger, and he gingerly stepped to the deck. "But I have found that when presented
with a problem…" He gestured to the 61 mm mortar they had recovered from the remains of their camp in the temple, 'it is best to look at it from a
different angle."

"Doc," Puller took a puff on his cigarette. "I think you might be my favourite person on this planet."
SkyeFire Wrote:
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Christ is in, but God is out? Does she not know they're both played by the same guy?
  But Charlton Heston's dead.  Unless he's just pining for the fjords, and nobody told me....
What does Charlton Heston have to do with God? (Unless you're one of those fire-and-brimstone believers, that is.) Everybody knows that]Gordon Pinsent is God... and he's still alive.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
... even after reading the wiki entry I still dont get it.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
He must have played God in some Canadian-produced, never-exported touchy-feely "Touched By an Angel" wannabe.

Or he's just that good an actor.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote:He must have played God in some Canadian-produced, never-exported touchy-feely "Touched By an Angel" wannabe.
I wouldn't call Relic Hunter "never-exported", "touchy-feely", or a "'Touched By an Angel' wannabe"... although the exact nature of his role in that show is open to debate.

Quote:Or he's just that good an actor.
Well, yes. He's Gordon Pinsent.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Apologies, I just skimmed the Wiki article, saw he was Nova Scotian and ASSUMED.

And belatedly I realize what happens when we assume....

My bad. *brays like a donkey*
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
"Then there are your future teammates: Sakura, who abuses him, and Sasuke, who has all of the advantages you don't for reaching Naruto's goal. He
has the popularity you won't, and once his bloodline awakes he will be able to copy any skill instantly simply by watching it done. It can also predict an
enemy's movements before they happen, see through any illusion, cast unbeatable illusions of its own, distort space time, burn through anything, dispel bad
odors, make excellent coffee and clean windows to sparkling brightness at a glance."

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: SkyeFire wrote:

Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Christ is in, but God is out? Does she not know they're both played by the same guy?
But Charlton Heston's dead. Unless he's just pining for the fjords, and nobody told me....

What does Charlton Heston have to do with God? (Unless you're one of those fire-and-brimstone believers, that is.) Everybody knows that Gordon Pinsent is God... and he's still alive.
What can I say? I was exposed to Cecil B DeMill's "The Ten Commandments" at a very early age, and it made an impression. Smile
Yeah, but he's not playing the role of God in that one. You're thinking of Val Kilmer in Prince of Egypt, who did the voices for both Moses and God.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Which is amusing considering the scene at the end of Real Genius.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote: Foxboy wrote:

Which is amusing considering the scene at the end of Real Genius.

actually, by that time its a running gag, seeing as how they've been doing that to him since about a third to halfway through the film....
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Quote: Bluemage wrote:

"Then there are your future teammates: Sakura, who abuses him, and Sasuke, who has all of the advantages you don't for reaching Naruto's goal.
He has the popularity you won't, and once his bloodline awakes he will be able to copy any skill instantly simply by watching it done. It can also
predict an enemy's movements before they happen, see through any illusion, cast unbeatable illusions of its own, distort space time, burn through
anything, dispel bad odors, make excellent coffee and clean windows to sparkling brightness at a glance."

...and thus far, it's mostly managing to avoid trainwrecking. Mostly.
As soon as the whole Uchiha clan and ball sucking came up, I had to stop. That was just sort of weird, disgusting, and completely out of the blue.
It's kind of a ... well, I hesitate to say satire, but it may in fact be, due to PL's hate for "Mary-Sue-ingan."
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote: tjalorak wrote:

As soon as the whole Uchiha clan and ball sucking came up, I had to stop. That was just sort of weird, disgusting, and completely out of the blue.
This is the author of Chunin Exam Day, I remind you.

Pronounced "shy guy."
It seems to be this guy's schtick. Stories start out well. They're interesting, well-written, with real challenges for the main characters. Over
time, then, they accumulate suck in various forms. Eventually you hit a point where it's not worth reading, and that's where you should stop, because
it only gets worse from there. Suck tends to take the form of...

- Marty Stu, in romantic prowess, sheer power, nifty things that no one else can do, and so forth. Generally takes the form of the main character and friends
continuously improving (possibly with the occasional setback) while everyone the author doesn't like mostly stands still.

- Random bashing of various people/things the author doesn't like, occasionally involving toilet humor.

- Backlash against negative reviews. "Oh yeah? Well, if you didn't like it when I did *that*, you'll *hate* it when I do *this*." He seems
to take some joy in it.

It's a little sad, because it's clear that he *could* write good stories, but such is life.
He is a Skysaber tribute band.
Quote: "He's calling you a Mudblood." He slowly said, their group managing to escape Flitwick's vigilance. "A Mudblood. Meaning your blood
is full of mud. You can live with that? Okay. But what about your parents?"

"My parents?" she squealed.
"Yes. 'Blood' also mean your direct lineage. Your parents. Your sisters and brothers. Your
grandparents, uncle and aunts. He's calling them a puddle of mud. And that your blood comes from that mud. - Harry to Hermione. RuneMaster.
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Quote: Necratoid wrote:

He is a Skysaber tribute band.

Just need to note, I love the term 'Skysaber tribute band' :lol
Quote:“Hogwarts, eh?” Ranma asked. “Kinda weird name, but… if I gotta do it, I gotta do it.” Then, he smirked. “Plus, I’ll get to see if I cause the end of the world.”

“Hmm?” Tofu asked, surprised.

“Well, I learn magic, I’m gunna be a sorcerer. Kuno’d be right about me, for once.” Ranma explained, prompting a soft chuckle from Tofu. “Um… doc, can ya help me tell the parents? I’m pretty sure they’d flip if I told ‘em I was goin off ta England, and they wouldn’t exactly let me explain.”

“Of course.” Tofu said, simply. ... oundations
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I go away for a coupl'a weeks....
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Yeah, but he's not playing the role of God in that one. You're thinking of Val Kilmer in Prince of Egypt, who did the voices for both Moses
and God.
(referring to Charlton Heston in "The Ten Commandments")

Well, I'd been *told* that Heston did the Metatron thing for the scenes atop Mount Sinai (incidentally, I understand that Heston's 3-month-old son
played the part of Baby Moses floating down the Nile), and several websites carrying Heston obits mention it as well. But checking the IMDB, it looks like
"God (The Pillar Of Fire)" is credited to a Donald Hayne. Hm... Is there any definitive source for this?
Okay, this just wouldn't get out of my head once I'd thought of it so I went ahead and typed it out:

Nothing had quite worked on the ultimate form of the most recent Lost Logia construct. While it wasn't the most destructive artifact that had ever
encountered, it was destructive enough, and with a defensive capability that was simply incredible. Durable enough, that it had been more or less still fully
functional, albeit with a few chunks missing, while the most powerful members of the temporarily reassembled Riot Force Six were if not heavily injured, then
exhausted from trying to beat it into submission.

Then it had made the mistake of turning back on the city that they had been trying to protect.

That action had removed any semblance of restraint on one Nanoha Takamachi, especially when considering that she numbered _family_ in that city.

The resulting Starlight Breaker had.... dwarfed anything she'd ever cast before, consisting of nothing less than the cumulative magical residue from more
than an hour of heavy magical combat, two entire _belts_ of cartridges, all augmented full bore by a refined blaster system.

There wasn't even any smoke to register where the Lost Logia had previously existed, not that anyone could tell for a few moments afterwards. Even years
later, Fate would occasionally comment teasingly that ever since then, everything seemed just a few shades... pinker.

All in all, a reasonable operation, after all no one had been more than scuffed up in the fight... except for one.

The newest Blaster system that Nanoha had used was much less damaging to her body, but the price was that it was several time _more_ damaging to Raising Heart.
It was implemented at the insistence of Raising Heart herself, after all, the Device had implacably reasoned, she could be reinforced, while Nanoha could not,
short of some very questionable procedures.

Unfortunately, the subsequent reinforcement wasn't designed to take this type of punishment. While the attack had obliterated the Lost Logia, Raising Heart
was in terrible condition, most of her haft had simply crumbled, while the housing around the central crystal core had been shattered into three distinct
pieces. And even the core itself was shot through with hairline fractures. Most ominous of all, where a gentle spark had always glowed in the center of the
orb... there was only darkness.

"Raising.... heart....", Nanoha, herself quite the worse for wear, and now in civilian dress after her barrier jacket had dissappeared, curled
herself around the shattered remains of what no... who had been her most constant companion for a little more than a decade. The rest of the former Riot force
six reacted in similarly in grief, and even their devices somehow managed to droop visibly.

Until in the silence, they heard Nanoha gasp slightly, uncurling herself. And... yes! where there had only been dull darkness, a spark of light gleamed again
in Raising heart's Core.

"Raising Heart?" Nanoha whispered, almost as if concerned her voice would somehow damage the Device and send it into a relapse.

For a moment, there was silence... and then Raising heart raised her voice.

"This was a Triumph."

Nanoha blinked as she looked down at her Device incredulously.

"I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS"

Nanoha vaguely noted a choking sound from behind her.

"It's hard to overstate my satisfaction!".

It was at around this point that Nanoha realized that the choking sound was badly suppressed laughter.

"T-S-A-B we do what we must, because, we can. For the good of all of us... except the ones who are dead".

"But there's no sense crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake.".

"and the science gets done, and you make a neat gun for the people who are... still alive!".
you are evil sir

can we have more?
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Oh my dear sweet lord... KILL IT QUICK, NANOHA-CHAN! IT'S PURE EVIL NOW!

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