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ROTFL: Can has Cheeseburger?
Quote: Timote wrote:

A short but hilarious video
HEh. And the secret from clicking one of the E's in the title is hilarious too
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
From Big Human on Campus, a Ranma 1/2 | Rosario + Vampire crossover that was recently mentioned on the New Recs thread.

Quote: "Well, let's just forget about it for now," Tsukune said, heading for his classroom. "You should probably find your own class,

Ranma frowned, and then pulled out a folded sheet of paper from his pocket. "Uh... this is my class."

Tsukune blinked. "What? But this is my homeroom. That would mean..."

The pigtailed boy stared down at Tsukune, recalling what the driver had said about the boy's age.

Then his eyebrow twitched as he came to a realization. "God DAMN it! They made me a freshman again!"
Which comes only moments before Ranma discovers that his homeroom teacher is named Nekonome Shizuka. Who
points out that Youkai High School is a school for monsters, which aims to teach them to fit into human society. Ranma manages to react to this in a typically
Ranma fashion.

Quote: Shizuka smiled brightly. "Ah, I see! Everyone, notice that Mister Saotome's disguise was near perfect! He even defended himself without changing
forms or using an obvious monstrous ability! Even I was fooled into thinking he might have actually been human!"

"But... no. I really am," Ranma insisted awkwardly, noticing that most of the class was smiling at him. "I'm really human.

"Of course you are!" the teacher said, winking. "And so are the rest of us, right?"
So far I think the best moment out of the Introduction and start of Chapter 1 has to be the end of the introduction and just what convinces Ranma
to attend Youkai.

Okay. One more quote from Chapter 1. But I have to stop there since I'm finding so many ROFL moments. From when they finally get a look at their dorms...

Quote: "This place is great! I've never seen a building with so much personality!" Moka said happily, causing Tsukune to grimace.

The only normal person in the trio turned toward Ranma, who had lowered himself into a crouch as he observed one of the larger tarantulas. "Wh-What
do you think, Ranma?"

"I think these spiders are big enough to eat any cats that wander around here," he said firmly, turning a serious expression toward Tsukune and
giving the younger boy a thumbs-up. "As far as I'm concerned, this place looks fine."

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
I know not anything of the author 'Sopchoppy' other than a search stumbled me upon his four part Ranma 1/2 | Tenchi Muyo crossover "Spring of Drowned Miyah." Sadly unlikely to see any more parts as his most recent update on was in June 2005.
Quote:Spring of Drowned....MIYAH!
“Oh no, you fall into spring of crashed spaceship, tragic story of
spaceship that crashed here 700 years ago and create spring. Not sure why
young Mr. Customer resemble furry girl, no one ever fall into that spring
Ranma surfaced from the pool and immediately knew that something,
everything was horribly wrong. Looking down caused him..her to scream.
“MIYAH!” This sound of course was not conducive to Ranma’s state of mind.
The last thing that the Jusenkyo guide and the damp panda saw was the brown
furred girl running as if all the hounds of hell were after her.
[Unknown Location in the wilds of China, 4 hours later]
Ranma had finally come to the realization that it was herself that was
making that terrible sound and so had come to rest against a fallen tree,
exhausted. She took another look at herself and grimaced. It was like the
Kami were purposefully punishing him, a combination of the two worst things
he could have transformed into. ‘Just my luck. Stupid old man, getting me
turned into some weird girl,’ Ranma thought disconsolately.
She took some of her now much longer hair in furred cover hands and pulled
the blue white locks in front of her face and stared dumbly at it for a
while before breaking down in tears. ‘How am I going to live like this?’
Ranma asked desperately in his mind. No response was forthcoming.
Yeah, occasional lapses into things like mixing up definitely and defiantly, but I like the concept.
And never fear, it does include the all time cutest scientific genius of the universe.

Quote:[Washu’s Lab Sometime Later]
Ranma shuddered as Washu finally released him from where she had strapped
him down to the table. It had been a horrifying four hour experience that
rivaled the Neko-ken for trauma and puncture marks.
“Well now Ran-Ohki, I think I can explain what happened and,” she snapped
her fingers causing a bucket of water to appear above Ranma’s head
splashing him and returning him to female form. “How it operates.” Ranma
was somewhat puzzled at the name and somewhat irritated at the water, but
she wanted to find out and she also knew it wasn’t wise to complain to
Washu-chan. Washu once again appeared in her academy of science robes and
went into lecture mode. “It would appear that the chaotic energy matrix of
the spring water not only imbued you with Ryo-Ohki’s essence, but also
stored your original form in a subspace field as a energy construct
triggered by the application of sufficiently excited molecules in a liquid
state. I am a Genius!”
Somewhere a cricket chirped.
Washu sighed. “You turn back to normal in hot water.” She demonstrated by
another bucket over Ranma’s head.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Quote: Sitting on a couch next to Geoff, who had one arm around her shoulders and a glass full of something called "Glögg" in his free hand, Cally cuddled
up to him and nibbled on the toffee as her mother-in-law tried to steer the general conversation away from the recently announced tax hike that Parliament
had enacted to help fund the military build-up. It was certainly indicative of the basic weirdness of this society to her outsiders mind that as far as she
could tell the consensus was the tax rise wasn't nearly enough and that a few of them were considering going to the capital and protesting about it.
Hunted Tribes
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Shame on you, Drakensis. You missed the best part of that scene.

Quote:There was in fact something very disturbing about a culture where people sang “Give war a chance” at demonstrations, Cally decided.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I didn't find that line particuarly amusing, although I suspect I'm in a minority there. Now if it had been:

Peace, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


Peace, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again, y'all
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Except that peace -is- good for something. Resting and rearming between wars. It's the only reason some cultures (whose religion starts with an I) bother
to make peace at all.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote:“Therefore, as the oldest of the Four Sisters,” Kasumi began, drawing herself up proudly, “I hereby decree that we all forgive one another and concentrate on our true goal!”

“That’s right,” Nabiki said enthusiastically. “We have to stick it to that Panda!”

“Amen!” chorused Akane and Ranma. The two girls looked at each other again.

“But we do have one other important goal, right Tendo?” Ranma said.

“That’s right, Saotome! We have to unite the schools. The Tofu and Tendo schools must be joined!” exclaimed Akane.

“It’s Ranma’s …”

“And Akane’s …”

“Operation shake Tofu until he treats Kasumi like a normal human being!” they cried together.

“May the Force be with us,” groaned Kasumi, head in her hands.
From Fist of the Moon,]Chapter 14.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Trial Six:



Tenten sighed, watching yet another training dummy experience violent bisection, the sound of her friend's cackling laughter filling her ears. This
looked like being another rejection, for one very simple reason:



Naruto was having way too much fun with it.

Carefully timing her movements to stay in the whiskered one's blind spot, she paused, waiting for the right moment, before darting forward and quickly
snatching the grip from his loosened fingers.

"Hey, gimme!"

Calmly coiling the length of braided wire (and thanking her lucky stars for her growing resistance to the Eyes), she strode to a nearby rack of shelves,
atop which she deposited the weapon.

"Ten-chaaaaaan"¦" whimpered Naruto, gazing at the shelf with watery eyes and quivering lip.

"No, Naruto-kun." the bun-headed girl replied in a firm tone, gesturing at the fresh gouges in the walls and fragmented dummies. "You may
play with the Viper's Tongue when you are prepared to be responsible."

"Awwww."/ "Awwww."

Grudgingly following his friend, the blond cast one final yearning look at the Shelf before sullenly heading into the pole-arms section, quiet grumbling
echoing in his head.

"Hmph. Bet Shukaku or Nibi get to play with cool weapons of doom whenever they want. Stupid lack of corporeal form"¦"

Braided Ninja-Wire Bullwhip: Rejected (pending good behaviour)
--Oops! chapter 6


Neji's Birthday Present

Hyuuga Neji did not generally enjoy his birthday very much. Oh, he liked the concept well enough, make no mistake, and he made sure to remember
the birthdays of his friends and team-mates, but birthdays in the Hyuuga Compound tended to be solemn, quiet affairs. Serious, thoughtful gifts were given,
serious, thoughtful conversations were had with serious, thoughtful people and, on the whole, not much fun was had.

In his heart of hearts, Neji longed for the kind of birthday his friends had, with a party and laughter and silly (but well-chosen) gifts.

And cake. Can't forget the cake.

Sadly, the likelihood of something like that happening to him was, he knew, up there with the Hokage's pet founding an aerial attack force.

Which was why the note from Hinata, asking him to come to her team's training ground following the 'celebration' at home, intrigued him.
He'd heard of the "surprise party" phenomenon from Tenten and thought it a thoroughly captivating idea, but surely Fate wouldn't-


Staring at the shower of confetti, the streamers festooning the trees and the smiling faces of his friends (and the giant cake. Can't forget that),
the last of Neji's convictions on the immutability of Fate faded away. Ushered to a comfortable spot near the Cake, Neji woke from his happy daze to
behold the wrapped box being presented to him by a grinning Naruto.

Presents! He had Presents! Not history scrolls, not dry political texts, Presents! With colourful wrapping! And ribbons! Neji was almost too gobsmacked to
actually open them, but the gentle suggestion from Kurenai-sensei that once he opened them he could have Cake jerked him into action.

A bonsai oak from Naruto (who knew he had such a cultured hobby?). Titanium kunai from Tenten. A lucky cat statue and a "Get out of challenges for a
month" card from Gai-sensei and Lee. Two month's worth of free meal vouchers, from Team Ten's favourite restaurant, from Ino and Chouji
(apparently he was "too scrawny"). A book of 'magic eye' puzzles from Shikamaru (ha ha, very funny, Nara). Healing creams from Sakura and a
very rare jutsu scroll from the Uchiha clan library.

Coming down from present-induced euphoria, the young Hyuuga looked up to see all four members of Team Eight smiling at him.

"Kiba, Shino and I worked together on our gift, Neji-ni", said Hinata, stutter-free and with a hint of mischief. "If you like it, I'm
happy to cast it for you once per week", continued Kurenai, flicking through handseals. "Enjoy!"

There was a flash of light and Neji alone in a broad, grassy field. The warm sun shone down from a deep blue sky and a gentle breeze caressed his face,
fluttering his hair as it passed. It was certainly pleasant here, he thought, but how was it a-?


Looking down toward his feet, Neji's eyes widened. His hands began to tremble. A blush rose on his face.

It was a kitten.

Not just a kitten, though. It was the smallest, fluffiest, cutest, most adorable black-kitten-with-one-white-paw that ever was, with the
big blue eyes, long whiskers and the most captivatingly clumsy movements that could possibly be imagined.

Gently picking up the fuzzy ball of feline cuteness, Neji snuggled it into his face, eyes closed in bliss. Surely there was no way this could
possibly get any-


"Mew." "Mew."

"Mew". "Mew!" "Mew". "Mew?"

Hinata smiled at the blissful look on her cousin's face as the genin and their teachers quietly departed, leaving Neji to bask in his gifts and

Kiba nudged her with a grin.

"Told you he'd like it".

Ultimately, Neji reflected later, the "Kittenworld Paradise" genjutsu, specially commissioned by Team Eight, was the Greatest. Gift.
--Tales of Oops! Chapter 1
(Omakes to Oops!)
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
--Dr. Seuss
Shadowjack's Illustrated Summary of IWIWSM, part 2: The Nephrite Arc

Quote: Luna spends a lot of late nights concealing evidence. She considers it fortunate that the team has caused only two
international incidents thus far.


Apart from Kunzite, Zoisite's only hobby seems to be irritating Nephrite and Orson Scott Card.

"This is graveness."
From 'Aeon Natum Engel', after a comparison is made between Dagon and several Star-Spawn, and Jesus and the Angelic Host:

Quote:Shinji shivered. From what he knew of the Christian legends, angels were meant to be incredibly destructive beings, often horribly alien looking (although some could pass for human), used to bring plagues and kill populations. He really didn't want to fight anything that could be compared to an angel.

A sudden wave of deja vu struck him; something buzzing on the tip of his tongue. He shrugged it off, tuning back into the briefing.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Pity the author of Oops! & Tales of Oops! doesn't allow anon reviews, I looked up some Japanese for the kitten techniques in ToO 1 & 4

ch4 notes: Kuchiyosei: Tonboku Koneko Gunshuu no jutsu

ch1 story: Genjutsu: Konekosei (or Konekokai) Joudo

perhaps someone with an ffn account could mention them? The sign-up page hates my PSP.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Quote: "I kind of figured as much. Speaking of needing assistance, you're still a lot more familiar
with an M-5's coding than I am. What do you make of this?

{The unintended consequences of bad coding by her original contractors, combined with the slap-dash job I had to do to get her working, along with three
centuries of neglect?}

Sybil chuckled. "No, I meant this particular section of code."

{So did I.}

M-6 Sybil and a hardware ghost of her creator discussing her little sister.

And dealing with little sister's nightmare problem...

Quote: Turning to the 'general' on the podium, she smiled. "Allow me to introduce my assistant,
Commander Sybil Ludington, core AI of QFF-4197, the SLS Sybil Ludington, our prototype for Project M-6. Commander Ludington has also been
well-briefed on the situation, and can quote chapter and verse from the Uniform Code of Military Justice, along with at least a thousand other legal texts
dating back prior to the Magna Carta, with ease."

"Yes, ma'am. If it please the Court, here are the formal drafts of our orders to serve as Advocate of the Defense in this matter."

The 'general' in charge of the court martial turned a deep shade of purple as he belted out, "On whose authority?!"

Admiral Murakami merely smiled, her expression serene. "Mine, of course, as the highest-ranking SLDF officer currently alive. Which brings me to my next
question....what was your name and rank, again, General?"
And a bit later...

Quote: Sybil had no idea she could blush. "John and I?"

{Yes, you and John. You obviously have feelings for one another....}

"Yes, mother, but even ignoring the fact that I'm a 760 kiloton sentient WarShip, and he's a human, there's the slight issue of
fraternization between two officers in the same chain of command."
From the story Knock Knock, URL misplaced at the moment. (Will edit in later)

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
What? Me post another ROFL? Well... if you insist. :}

From page 64 of In Which I
Watch Sailor Moon

Quote: Usagi: "Hey, Luna, got a question for you."

Luna: "Oh, boy."

Usagi /points at Naru. "How come she hasn't Exalted yet? Apart from my recruitment, the key element seems to be standing up to the Dark
Kingdom face-to-face, and this is her second or third go-round… I mean, come on! Monsters flock to her anyway. She could be Sailor… uh, what's that

Makoto: "Ceres."

Usagi: "Sailor Ceres, maybe? Or Sailor Earth! Earth and Moon, fighting side by side! Hmmm?"

Luna: "You're not cleared for that information."

Usagi: "You mean you don't know."

Luna: "Maybe I do know and I just lost the wand. Did you think of that, clever girl, hmm?"

Makoto: "You really lost the wand?"

Luna: "…You're not cleared for that information."

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Quote:“Yes, yes...Somehow I doubt they will see it that way,” Cedric said dryly. “Are you two the last champions or will we be getting representatives from Ravenclaw and Slytherin, too?”

“No, I figured five people was more than enough for a three-person tournament,” Harry replied.

"THREE people are enough for a three-person tournament," Fleur insisted.

"You have no imagination," Harry said, looking at his future sister-in-law-ish sadly.
From]Oh No, Not Again!, chapter 39
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: "…You're not cleared for that information."
Although I know the phrase is used in a lot of other settings, the first thought to cross my mind when I read this was that the cat
is channeling the Computer from Alpha Complex.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote: DHBirr wrote:

Quote: "…You're not cleared for that information."
Although I know the phrase is used in a lot of other settings, the first thought to cross my mind when I read this was that the
cat is channeling the Computer from Alpha Complex.

"Friend Mooncat is your friend.

Obey Friend Mooncat.

Only Commie Traitor Youma oppose Friend Mooncat.

You are not a Commie Traitor Youma are you?"


"Okay Ami, tell us why you sent my contact at HQ a copy of that game again?" (I can't wait to see what Shadowjack does with the reveal about
Luna's contact)

Let me once again say how annoyed I am that Sailor Moon has been pulled off the market (And with myself for not grabbing the box sets when they ended up
discounted at the local mega-mart due to being discontinued and presumably no longer returnable).

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Quote:Let me once again say how annoyed I am that Sailor Moon has been pulled off the market
Actually, the show's coming back on to the market... in Japan. Season 1]Box 1 and]Box 2 are due out in December and January, respectively, and they'll only cost you about $300 total...

(Edit: If you think that price is high, take a look at what they want for]the first season of Card Captor Sakura. Ouch. Even if it is region-free Blu-Ray, ouch.)

However, this gives a bit of hope that Sailor Moon might be available for licence sometime in 2011, maybe.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

(Edit: If you think that price is high, take a look at what they want for the first season of Card Captor Sakura. Ouch. Even if it is region-free Blu-Ray, ouch.)

However, this gives a bit of hope that Sailor Moon might be available for licence sometime in 2011, maybe.

Holy pancakes! $868.69!? Are they trying to see if they can price it high enough to sell so few they actually lose money on it? Or assuming that there are so
few people left that they need to make back their costs on a dozen or so sales? I see no mention of a pack of glow in the dark Clow Cards embossed with pure
gold, silver, and plutonium so those are the options I see remaining...

That's the kind of pricing which if I was called for a jury in a copyright violation case would *almost* be enough to get me to invoke jury nullification
and say, "Not guilty, their pricing is enough to say that they wanted people to steal it and make mass pirate
print runs." (Not actually enough to do so, but boy I'd daydream about it)

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Your over reacting... badly. Its a specialty item to a liited audience. Price doubles. That have to sell to who the can now... because once a region free
(which I thought was standard in Bluray anyway, maybe that changed when its competition went belly up) everyone will buy it once it comes out for cheap over
seas.... if not get it bootleg. So limited market in a limited window of sales time... add in that 2 episode DVD can be 50 or more dollars a hit. So that is
2X rare item, limited market price multiplier (2*433.345)... +50% price mark up due to being in the new format (286.0077*1.5) and 46 episodes meaning $6.22 an
episode. Most of those who will buy this own it in a different format anyway... put another way its $18.48 an episode. It also comes with extras. Which is
not standard in Japan. Plus Japan is expensive.

It also sold out first run.
Quote: LilFluff wrote:

"Okay Ami, tell us why you sent my contact at HQ a copy of that game again?" (I can't wait to see what Shadowjack does with the reveal about
Luna's contact)

Well, one of them IS Infrared and the other IS Ultraviolet...


Somehow, an EVA tangent on Shadowjack's In Which I Watch Sailor Moon thread produced ... tcount=751]an unnamed spamfic, from which I take this:
Quote:While everyone else was busy, Shinji had been edging towards Rei. She didn't have anyone talking to her, and seemed a bit confused. He'd just make sure everything was going fine...

"Ayanami," he said, his voice an octave or two higher than it should be. Clearing his throat quickly, he continued at a more normal level. "Nice to… uh... see you here."

"Ikari-kun," she returned. "Major Katsuragi... suggested it would be good for me to be involved."

"Well, yeah," Shinji said. "I mean, it's Halloween and all. Everybody should get a chance to cut loose once and a while." Seeing Rei cock her head at him, he knew she was about to ask him why. Cutting her off, he continued, "So, have you ever done anything like this before?" Realizing the stupidity of his question, he mentally kicked himself. Must be that darn fuku she was wearing. For some reason it was distracting him a lot more that her plug suit ever did...

"I have been involved in acting before," she replied quietly. Surprised, Shinji looked at her in amazement.


"Yes. My class put on a production when I was in grade five. I was voted the actor who best became her role."

"I can't... What part did you play?" he asked, stunned.

"I was cast in the role of a tree."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
From Evolution:

Quote: "Flyer Linn, there is something I have been meaning to ask you," Ekuryua said.

Jinto looked nervous. "Yes?"

"It is something I have been wondering about. When Abh die, they sleep more each day until one day they do not wake up. When cats die it is without
warning, one day they are simply found somewhere cold and stiff. I have been wondering, do landers die more like Abh or like cats?"

Jinto's mouth dropped open. Nothing came out. Lafiel just burst out laughing. The hurt look on Jinto's face made it all the more funny. She almost
laughed herself to tears. "Et tu, Brutus?" he said.

Lafiel was still panting. "Cultural reference," she wheezed.

"You can look it up."

Ekuryua looked from one to the other. "Did I say something impolite?" She seemed to be just asking out of curiosity.

Jinto's look of wounded pride escalated. "You just see whether I bother getting any Passion-fruit for you at our next port of call."
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
To paraphrase Uchiha Madara in Naruto ch467...

To protect the world from devastation

To unite all people within my nation

To denounce the folly of Hope and Love

To extend my reach to the moon above!

Uchiha Madara blasts off at the speed of light

Surrender now or prepare to fight!

... and this is CANON, if rather loosely translated from his explanation of the 'moon eye' plan. All he needs is a chibi 10 tails mascot to pop up and
say "Grr... That's right!"
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Looks like the Uchiha symbol was a Pokeball after all, and my old ficlet about Sasuke getting dropped on his head and becoming a Pokemon Master instead of an
Avenger wasn't so farfetch'd ... Gotta Catch 'Em All does seem to be a family motto between the Konoha Military Police and Madara with the bijuu.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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