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ROTFL: Can has Cheeseburger?
I was actually thinking of the Tz one that must know anything and everything... having no idea how the hell that happened would gnaw its mind apart.  The sheer volume of schemes of its that would kill at once is utterly mind shattering.
I'm not sure she could steal the 'Greater Good' as its an idea and an excuse.  The Warp at least is a geographical location and something she has swiped before.
On the otherhand... I had an idea for a fic where Harry saw Hot Fuzz and then made Dumbledoor watch it.
Or for the more warped version, Vernon has a very, very good reason for oppressing Harry like that.  Harry comes back for summer vacation and gets picked up in a mentoring program... remember the cover story vernon tells people as to where Harry is most of the year... Nicholas Angel starts dragging him along and is a might confused by how not like his reputation Harry is.  The Harry gets dragged along through the movie.. Lets just say Harry sucker punches Dumbledoor the first time he mentions the 'Greater Good' *echo* 'The greater good.'  Thus manages to confuse  everyone by rambling on about how many bodies must be buried around the Castle and how his gardening skills are the only thing that protected him from 'The Greater Good' *echo* 'The greater good' all his life and then something about car chases and farm fowl and then something about sea mines and police stations.... it doesn't help most of the people in the great hall just don't know the military definition of mines.
Tzeench?  He's (mostly) a god of Change- he wouldn't care, either.  After all, it's all part of his plan.  Besides, think of all the delicious schemes he could manage if nobody could shoot his agents in mid-plot...
The Tau Greater Good wouldn't be impossible to steal.  All Carmen would have to do is kidnap the entire Ethereal caste.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Carmen doesn't do kidnapping last I checked.
My point was it wouldn't be part of his plan... regardless of his claims.  Which is what would drive him nuts... a outside force manages to screw thing up without tipping him off.. doing something that wasn't even in the discarded as too silly to ever work pile.  This would be like one of those old Miller Lite commercials were your golfing and suddenly your tackled by an entire  football team mid swing... sure he could adapt, but its the fact he counted on airhockey, cards, pool, and drinking games and someone decided it was time for Calvin Ball and routed a monster truck rally through the bar that gets to him.
That Carmen would leave the entire  Warhammerverse with the goods and she is out of his reach would only make things more annoying..  How would you even explain the job ad to get someone to catch her?  Wanted: Someone to catch whoever it was that swiped all the Dakka from a universe so that it can go back to being a grim dark, hell future... will pay in mind games and no win scenarios.
Quote:While Ranma and Tre were at the park, the other girls were out doing things of their own, however some of them were either looking for trouble or just something to keep from being bored.

"Hey, Dieci, wanna do something silly and fun?" Cinque asked her taller sister.

"Sure, why not?" Dieci nodded at her as the two left the Tendo house.

Later on...

Most people wouldn't think twice about two girls walking down the street, even if one of them had an eye-patch and a trench coat on and the other one was wearing brown pants and a white shirt that clung to her body, showing that she had a fairly curvy figure.

More than one man and boy on the street walked into a pole as they stopped to stare at the duo, or more specifically, Dieci, who was holding onto something in her hand. It wasn't a major eye-catcher, considering the way that people were openly ogling her rear or chest as she walked by. Not that she noticed, since she was more concerned with what was going to happen soon.

Looking at Cinque, Dieci wondered just what her shorter sister was planning. "So..." She had a bottle of coke in her hand as she and Cinque walked into a small construction area.

Cinque held up a pipe and smiled at her. "Come on, aren't you curious?"

"Well, yeah, but..." Dieci put the bottle down. "I thought it only worked on metal?"

Shrugging, the short, one-eyed girl could only silently open the bottle and tape the pipe to the top. "Well, we never know until we try, right?"

"Will this even work?" Dieci asked as she pulled out a roll of mentos from her pocket.

"I saw it on TV, so I'm curious." Cinque admitted as she was handed one of the mentos and handed it back to Dieci, who lifted it up and dropped it down the pipe.

As the mentos hit the soda and reacted violently, Cinque snapped her fingers, before her eye widened as not only did the coke shoot straight up but the bottle exploded violently, causing the two of them to get soaked in soda.

Calmly shaking her arms as the soda dripped off of her body, Dieci sighed softly. "Well, that was a fun experiment."

Wiping the soda off of her face, Cinque nodded. "Not doing that again." Oh well, that was kind of fun none-the-less.

She amended her thought a moment later as she and Dieci were suddenly soaked by the soda that had gone up and decided to finally obey the law of gravity and come crashing down on top of them.

From]Time Loop Chapter 4
sm/spiderman/...  SI.
Gaijin  by ContraBardus ... opic=17401
Quote:Kei smiled at her. “Huh? Of course not. I'm just sick of playing with
plastic if you catch my drift. He's healed enough that it won't kill
him.” She looked up. “I've got Luna helping me look for him. I'm
supposed to tell her if I see her boyfriend too. Right Luna?” The
kunoichi looked up.
Spike and Gia looked up. There was a small
hole in the ceiling and a little black cat's head poked out. Luna
narrowed her eyes and gave a sharp toothed grin. “Ceiling cat will find
them. No one can hide from ceiling cat.”
Wash crouched again, peering intently at his dinosaurs, and then shot a hand out, grabbing a pterodactyl.“You will feel the wrath of the traitors!” he hissed. “Suffer my power! Falcon kick!”
“But you’re not even a bird!”
“Semantics! Semantics in your face! Graaaaah!”
Florin Wrote:
Quote:After she had finished taking pictures, the old woman pulled out a stool, and planted herself upon it. “Now, Ranma. I want you to pick up your katana,” she paused for a moment as the young woman complied with her instructions. “Alright, draw the sword and hold it, pointing towards the sky, above your head. Very good. Now, repeat after me, ‘Bai sha pawaa ofu gureisukuru!’

Ranma blinked momentarily, then complied. She wasn’t surprised when nothing happened.

The short old woman hopped down from her stool, to stare into Ranma’s eyes. Nodding to herself, she said, “That didn’t seem to work. Try this one... ‘Shundaa, shundaa, shundaa... shundaa katsu hou!’
From the same fic, in an earlier chapter, while trying to figure out Ranma's new Henshin phrase.
...I'm sorry, I can't help it. I have to at least try to fix those.
‘Bai za pawaa abu gureisukaru!’
[i]‘Sandaa, sandaa, sandaa... sandaa katsu hou!’[/i]

Pronounced "shy guy."
Shay Guy Wrote:
Florin Wrote:
Quote:After she had finished taking pictures, the old woman pulled out a stool, and planted herself upon it. “Now, Ranma. I want you to pick up your katana,” she paused for a moment as the young woman complied with her instructions. “Alright, draw the sword and hold it, pointing towards the sky, above your head. Very good. Now, repeat after me, ‘Bai sha pawaa ofu gureisukuru!’

Ranma blinked momentarily, then complied. She wasn’t surprised when nothing happened.

The short old woman hopped down from her stool, to stare into Ranma’s eyes. Nodding to herself, she said, “That didn’t seem to work. Try this one... ‘Shundaa, shundaa, shundaa... shundaa katsu hou!’
From the same fic, in an earlier chapter, while trying to figure out Ranma's new Henshin phrase.
...I'm sorry, I can't help it. I have to at least try to fix those.

‘Bai za pawaa abu gureisukaru!’

[i]‘Sandaa, sandaa, sandaa... sandaa katsu hou!’[/i]
Link please.
Look on the previous page- there's one there.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote:“Hinata-sama,” sighed Neji as he strove to block out the hopeful gaze of his cousin. “I admire that you wish to get stronger, but you are family. There is nothing you can do that will make me allow Gai-sensei to inflict his ideas of training on you.”
“…Three new plushies and the new, uncensored, ‘Kittens of Konoha’ calendar.”
“Gai-sensei, I would like you to meet my cousin, Hyuuga Hinata.”

Oops by Smylingsnake
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Quote:Akane laid spent, utterly stunned by how good she felt. "Wow," she mumbled.

Usagi waved the Moon Wand around. "I never thought to use this for that before...hey! I thought I lost this!"

When she thought about it, she realized it had gradually formed in the middle of their love-making and then she'd used it for a finishing move on Akane. "Wow, I think we made it out of our love," she said.

Akane said, "We can do that?"

"I guess you're just special," Usagi said, then kissed her. "Sleeping now." CLONK.

Akane smiled and ruffled her hair. I'm so lucky you're the one who summoned me, she thought. I will do everything I can to keep you safe. Good night, Usagi.

Source is Biles mai-hime/sailor moon/fate stay/night multi cross on space battles.

Akane and Usagi are not fighting. ... 285&page=2
Quote: Harry didn’t like his love life being dissected like a frog, but there was a lot of truth to what Luna was saying. “So do you think there’s a girl out there for me?”



“Yes. Or no, depending on whether that was a question. Harry, no girl in her right mind is going to date you. Not after what Lavender and Parvati are saying about you now.”

“Wonderful. I guess I need to get used to be alone.”

“Nonsense silly, the girl for you isn’t out there. She’s right here,” Luna said, opening the cloak and hopping onto his lap. The unexpected move caused Harry to “woof” loudly as all the air was forced out of him. Luna wasn’t wearing much, and most of the buttons on her blouse were undone. “I said ‘no girl in her right mind.’ It’s well established that I’m batshit insane. I’ve got no problems dating you.”
From ... for_Padma/]Chapter 5 of The Inner Eye of Harry Potter by JBern.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Darths & Droids counts as fanfic, right? And we've definitely posted author's notes before, so... from]today's installment:
Quote:Writing this we have a new-found appreciation for just how time-consuming and horribly difficult it is to write truly awkward romantic dialogue.

George Lucas is a genius.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
From the newest chapter of Naruto:Arcane Heart:

Quote:His chakra was nearly gone, and he was at his most frustrated with
all these damn tadpoles and the occasional summon of Gamakichi, and it
had just reached the breaking point when Jiraiya left to do his
Damn everything. Damn this situation, damn this
exam, damn this stupid contract, damn stupid me for signing said stupid
contract, damn all these things that seem to happen and I can’t do a
single damn thing about it!

Imitating another one of his
childhood favorites, Uzumaki Naruto sliced his hand across and did the
hand signs for the Kuchiyose no Jutsu in sheer and utter frustration:
There was a massive puff of smoke in the training area just outside Konoha…

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Chrono throws a rant in MGLN: Infinity:

Quote:"Captain Chrono Harlaown. Child genius. Completed the TSAB Fleet academy's three-year curriculum in one year. Completed the one-year officer training course in three months. Became on official Enforcer at the age of twelve, the youngest ranked officer of his generation. Made Captain of the flagship Asura at the age of fifteen, also the youngest of his generation." Chrono said in a mechanical tone. "All of that is from my personnel file, you know. It looked very impressive. And now it's going to be joined by 'And on his first official mission as a captain, his mommy had to come save him'."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
From The most Heinous of Crimes
Quote:Yes, apparently digging underground was totally a ninja skill
he'd learned off screen. Thanks Kishimoto, that was very helpful.
Granted, I was probably going to get a lot of hell from the townspeople
for essentially creating a plague of giant, orange-garbed praire dogs,
but screw them, it was useful.
It's not so much a fanfic quote, but it's still a quote. From an RPGNet Tangency thread on the whole "why is division by zero undefined" thing:

Quote:Zero is a goddamned attention whore. He's the Brian Blessed of numbers. You stick a 0 in your factorization, and everyone else gets upstaged.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Hey Azunth, welcome to the board.
ECSNorway Wrote:Zero is a goddamned attention whore.
Is it bad that I thought of Code Geass when I read that?

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote:Bluemage wrote:

Quote:ECSNorway wrote:

Zero is a goddamned attention whore.
Is it bad that I thought of Code Geass when I read that?
Gawdammit, Blue!  Now I gotta clean all this government equipment! Wink
From chapter 15 of Tick, Tock, One Little Clock:
Quote:Buffy drew herself up, determined not to be intimidated by the other woman. She was a Timelord, had once been a Vampire Slayer and a cheerleader. The latter, one of the most feared species in the galaxies. She could do this, and she’d damn well do it with style.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
And an older one, but I was reminded of it when Clell65619 started posting Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts over at
Quote:We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teachers, leave those kids alone.
Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone!
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

"Well, that was different." Harry looked across the table to Hannah. "I wonder who let the Hat listen to Pink Floyd?"

"Yes," Hannah said suspiciously, while leaning against Neville and hoping that none of the teachers noticed that she wasn’t sitting at the right table. "I wonder who could have done that Harry…"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:McGonagall slowly turned to look at Harry, her expression chilly. "I
leave you alone for five minutes. Five minutes, Mr. Potter, by the very
"I was only joking around," Harry protested, as the sounds of hysterical laughter went on nearby.
"Draco Malfoy said in front of his father that he wanted to be sorted into Gryffindor! Joking around isn't enough to do that!" McGonagall paused, breathing heavily. "What part of 'get fitted for clothes' sounded to you like please cast a Confundus Charm on the entire universe!?"
From Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote:The Fire listened. The Fire absorbed. And then--just as Rei had asked it--the Fire attempted to show an image that conveyed "the true goal" of the assembled Neriman group.

It really did try its best.

Geeze how could Rei possibly misinterpret such an image? From the dark lords of nerima: ... _of_Nerima
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Quote:The man chuckled, a deep rumbling laugh that made Chrono's teeth vibrate. "Ease up, kid. Just needed to make sure nobody was listening in, and setting up a jamming field that I could really be confident in took some time. Sorry about the charades, but it's very important that nobody knows why you're actually here. Though I guess we could still pronounce sentence on your mom if you want us to. Chief, you want to announce Lin's punishment?"

"Very well. Admiral Harlaown, you have been very naughty. That is a bad, bad girl. You are hereby ordered to go to bed this evening without any dessert at all." Admiral Mizetto said solemnly.

"You monster!" Lindy said with mock outrage.
Infinity. Chapter 19
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.

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