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Crossovers That Should Not Be: The Academy.
Check back in a century and see if you can still say that. Probably Manticore as a whole won't make too much trouble, but as I understand it, Miles ended up betraying his armsman's oath in the process of his little razziah, which, um, is likely actionable under Grayson law?

And that's leaving entirely aside the fact that Honor will, barring an inconvenient laser head or the like, still be alive and in her prime.

Miles borrowed a lot of trouble at fifty percent annual compound interest and hasn't caught on to the fact that Prolong'll keep him around to see the bill come due.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
W.I.T.C.H. Blade
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Valles wrote:

Check back in a century and see if you can still say that. Probably Manticore as a whole won't make too much trouble, but as I understand it,
Miles ended up betraying his armsman's oath in the process of his little razziah, which, um, is likely actionable under Grayson law?

And that's leaving entirely aside the fact that Honor will, barring an inconvenient laser head or the like, still be alive and in her prime.

Miles borrowed a lot of trouble at fifty percent annual compound interest and hasn't caught on to the fact that Prolong'll keep him around to see the
bill come due.

Depends on the exact wording of the reservations they placed on the oath, but at first glance it's High Treason, punishable by - in Ivan's terms -
"dieting for the Emperor".

And, well, with some Steadholders, he might be able to lawyer out from under it - he's DAMN good at that. With Honor? Even if she's inclined to let him
get away with it, Grayson won't.

And that's all assuming that she doesn't find a way to go after him before the century moratorium is up.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote: Valles wrote:

Check back in a century and see if you can still say that. Probably Manticore as a whole won't make too much trouble, but as I understand it,
Miles ended up betraying his armsman's oath in the process of his little razziah, which, um, is likely actionable under Grayson law?

And that's leaving entirely aside the fact that Honor will, barring an inconvenient laser head or the like, still be alive and in her prime.

Miles borrowed a lot of trouble at fifty percent annual compound interest and hasn't caught on to the fact that Prolong'll keep him around to see the
bill come due.
He's doomed. That's all there is to say.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Yeah, after thinking about it, his entire line of thinking is a little bit too convenient for him. He seems to 'forget' that Barrayar has done its fair
share of waging war, including those little expeditions to Komarr and Escobar. In Komarr's case, a fair amount of the reasoning has to deal with securing
the wormhole. Manticore itself has several termini where it's not in control and several termini where it shares security arrangements with as in the case
with Gregor ... B, I think.

Miles just kicked off the war - at least with Honor and Grayson - early. If Honor's -really- mean, she'll "accidentally" lose several million
tons of shipping in Komarr and leak the linkage between Naismith and Vorkosigan to Jackson's Whole and Cetaganda.

When she shows up at Barrayar with fleet, Marines, and divorce papers, she'll probably also convey the new Komarran government's declaration of
independence. On her way out, she could even mine the wormhole to kingdom come.
As a long time Honorverse fan? Yeah, that was lousy to read. I stopped paying serious attention the moment Samantha bonded, virtually right after Harrys death.
What followed was rather disappointing, and at any time that someone starts preaching about how everyone else is a bunch of evil murdering warmongers in ANY
story, I wander off. I skimmed it, out of curiosity, then amused myself by imagining just what Honor would do to someone who stole her ship (And one with a
very important tie to her) , quite a few Manticorian citizens, oh, and how could I forget HER SON?

Declaring Peace? Doing that pretty much defines you as an ass. Then there was the 'oh, your mother's silly little cultural taboos make her
incompetent' BS, and of course, the whole 'You're all primitives and in a hundred years, we'll all be more awesome then you'. *Shrugs, goes
back to the HH audiobooks he's been listening to*
Batman: The Bold and the Beautiful

The Discworld Engineers (Technically, Pratchett wrote that one himself and called it Strata.)


"Well that guy's nekkid."
Unless I'm misremembering, Miles specifically did not swear the armsmen's oath. The betrayal isn't legal, it's personal (which makes it worse
of course).

I'd certainly agree that in general the writer is better at the writing the Vorverse than the Honorverse. Check out his non-crossover work.

Is Miles screwing up? Undoubtedly. Just on her own Honor would undoubtedly feel used and that Miles seduced her only as a source of information and as breeding
stock that happened to match his kink for tall women.

However, he's a proffessional paranoid, obsessively loyal to Barrayar and had the initial impression that Manticore (or any power holding the Manticore
wormhole... possibly any wormhole) could roll his entire known universe with relative ease (Barrayar superdreadnoughts are maybe equivalent to
Manticore cruisers in size, although the tech balance is significantly different) and then, devious little bastard that he is, automatically started trying to
work out how to win anyway. Which he reckons could be done, with massive use of biological weapons. And once he sees the possible damage of such a conflict to
both sides, he'd complusively act to prevent it.

I think he's assuming Manticore would take advantage because in his world (black ops in the Vorverse) it's axiomic that everyone will if they
get a shot. It might not be what he says, but let's be honest: Miles lies to everyone, himself included.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Quote:“Bel Thorne,” she said. “Are you prepared, in the presence of witnesses, to swear fealty to myself under the eyes of God and His Holy Church?”

Naismith’s eyes were bright. His private thoughts were clearly amusing him, but the Admiral kept a poker face. In that soft, androgynous voice, Thorne stumbled through the appropriate reply, outlining the reservations Naismith had stipulated, and swore to bear true service to her, and to obey her lawful orders. She took the rest of their oaths, then, letting the rest refer to Thorne’s oath instead of going through the reservations one by one. Taura was the last to take oath, but Naismith, as agreed, did not swear.

He did sign a contract "with his personal word on it and hers as well" though and probably whatever oaths he swore when he became the Steadholder Consort. Very vague. I'd imagine that abducting a Steadholder's kid - even if it's partly "yours" - probably constitutes some sort of oath breaking. Not to mention, Miles is going to be vilified as deadbeat, sexist dad galore after abandoning his own two daughters. The rest of the group is firmly in the oathbreaker's and treasonous category though and most likely, persona non-grata on Grayson and Manticore.

I find it funny that Miles probably just started the feud if not war he was trying to prevent.
Worst character assassination has to be Samantha's though. First, finding a new bond mate mere days - at most, a week - after Harry dies. Second, agreeing to leave Nimitz, her own life mate...
Quote: Worst character assassination has to be Samantha's though. First, finding a new bond mate mere days - at most, a week - after Harry dies. Second,
agreeing to leave Nimitz, her own life mate...
Yeah, the moment I saw that, I pretty much concluded that there wasn't much in the way of quality, and the way Honor herself was written
backed it up. Hell, it took Samantha YEARS to recover from losing Harry, and even longer before she adopted White Haven.
The whole barrayar tech > manticore part was cringeworthy.

Bujold intentionally left most of the science beyond the biotech as exceptionally vague.
Not to mention trying to portray Barrayar as having some kind of morale high ground?

It is to laugh.

What they have in their universe isn't "peace" its "cold war".

Do you think Illyan or Gregor would not glass as much of Cetaganda as needed, given a bent penny and a good shot at getting away with it?

The war is only cold because the limitations of the Miles-verse ftl mechanics. Taking a fortified wormhole exit is a grim prospect.

The Manticores dont have the benefit of being secure in their home system if they just conquer one hapless neighbor (Komarr)
To expand on that last one: Its pretty much stated in the Barrayar series that they are pretty much turtling in their home system until they tech far enough up
to go put paid to the Cetagandans.

That's where their whizbang weapons are coming from.
Hey guys? I've been letting this Honor-Miles convo run for a while, but unless it's starting to wrap up, maybe you ought to spawn a new thread for it.
It's starting to crowd out the main topic.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Back to the main topic,]Friday's PvP points out that some types of vampires shouldn't be crossed.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Atomic Robo/Nanoha
Fate (and Nanoha) / Stay Night
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Giant Atomic Robo
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Fate (and Nanoha) / Stay Night

** Move to Crossovers That Must Be.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
ECSNorway Wrote:
robkelk Wrote:Fate (and Nanoha) / Stay Night
** Move to Crossovers That Must Be.
I don't know - the thought of Nanoha "befriending" Saber scares me...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: ECSNorway wrote:

Quote: robkelk wrote:

Fate (and Nanoha) / Stay Night

** Move to Crossovers That Must Be.

I don't know - the thought of Nanoha "befriending" Saber scares me...

I had an image of them comparing their beam blasts and this quote sprang to mind.

"Thats not a magic beam blast, this is a magic beam blast." Big Grin
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
A Song of Ice and Fire and Berserk. Because neither is enough of a cr*psack world individually.
Nanoha/High School Girls(Joshi Kosei): Kouda Akari finds the Book of Darkness
The Negaverse, Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask crash a Wayne-funded jewellery exhibition in Japan to see if the highly touted Wayne Jewels contains the Imperium
Silver Crystal. Batman's not going to take this lying down.
In a change of tactics that catches everyone off guard, Dresden's foes on the Black Council manage to teleport his entire building 'away'.
Harry's home, but fortunately, the normals living upstairs are not.

Less fortunate is his destination, as his building ends up transplanted into the bustling heart of Mechanicsburg....
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
There are too many real-world towns called Mechanicsburg, and I can't quite recall what fiction you might be referencing...


"Surf's up, space ponies -- I'M MAKIN' GRAVY WITHOUT THE LUMPS!!!!!"

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