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Mis-communication makes for amazing cross-over plot bunny! ^_^
Mis-communication makes for amazing cross-over plot bunny! ^_^
So I'm over at my buddy Glenn's house because he's recorded the first 4 episodes of Top Gear's season 13 from BBC America.
And in commercial preview of the next segment of Episode 2, they show that it's going to be Steven Fry as the Star In a Reasonably Priced Car. So I said, "Oh good, a celebrity I've actually HEARD of on Top Gear."
"Who is he?" Asks Glenn.
"You don't know?"
Negatory shake of the head.
"Oh - well remember 'V for Vendetta'? He was the television host 'in the closet' that Edie takes refuge with."
"Ah - " Says Glenn, "I remember now. You know they're going to be doing a new series based on the original?"
"Yeah. ABC is doing it."
"Wait... WHAT?"
(I still haven't figured out that he's on about something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what I was - you hear that sound of gears crunching and grinding? That's the sound of a paradigm trying to shift without a clutch. Smoke is coming out of my ears.)
"Wait, wait, WAIT. THAT story had a definite beginning, middle and END. No room to add to it. HOW...
(I finally catch up)
"Wait. Back up. Start over. Now I was talking about the MOVIE we saw a couple of years ago. 'Remember, remember the 5th of November...? That one?"
Glenn says, "Oh.. OH YEAH. Okay no. Right, Sorry. I didn't understand what you said."
Me: "Right - the MOVIE, with V as the revolutionary? In the mask? Well Steven Fry..."
Glenn: "Oh RIGHT, now I remember him. No you're right. I was talking about the remake of of V..."
Me: "With the Alien Invasion..."
Glenn: "Right. Okay, so let me un-pause and we'll continue..."
Me: "NO. WAIT. STOP. Oh my god... It would WORK! I can SEE it! V as the inspiration of the resistance against the aliens! It's almost the same story, you even have the same SIGNS spray painted everywhere!"
Now Glenn's in on it: "Holy shit, you're right! And the bit with Stephen Fry's talk show making fun of the Prime Minister, it's not the Prime Minister, it's the leader of the Aliens!"
Me: "I've GOT to write this down and POST it before the idea gets lost!"
And, well - here I am. ^_^
*Jaw Drops*


And instead of a brute squad sent to Fry's home, he's... invited to dinner.

I like. Mucho.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I just realized it might be more appropriate to put this in the fanfic section? What do you think?
Well, yeah. The thought had occurred to me, too. But then I didn't do anything about it.

Doing something now.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Okay, Logan, you got the basic premise down... Given that I haven't really seen much of either, think you can elaborate a bit more?
C'mon man, it's Anonymous vs. The Lizard People. It doesn't need elaboration.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Except they aren't 'lizard people'... they are snake people.  Sure they have limbs and all... but they swallow prey hole.  Mostly rodents... they were also not after humans... they were stealing Earth's water... So unless V is actually a rodent it doesn't work that way.  Not really familiar with the specifics in 'V' for Vendeta here... but unless it was the result of one of the Resue Rangers escaping being eaten and 'V' is actually some crazy clockwork, pulley gear combination, man-sized, war machine made by Gadget... I don't see how that really works right otherwise.
Granted this could be some 'Edgier' version of V that splices in 'To Serve Man' or something is ABC's goal.
Well I can't really elaborate more, really. Cause - I haven't seen ANYTHING of the new "V" series. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
I mean - I knew it was sort of being given the "Galactica" treatment. (Which would actually be good, because, let's face it, apart from the original mini-series, the original "V" was pretty cheesy. Ok. Maybe even the mini-series was cheesy... )
But specifics? Nothing.
So - for me, it was mostly all about the visual. This IMAGE in my brain of V (Alan Moore) doing the face off in the underground with the AltBritGov types replaced by V aliens. The IMAGE of the Alien Lizard people being TOTALLY GOBSMACKED and unable to even comprehend what the FUCK was going on with a whole crowd of people in "V" masks. The "V" graffiti...
The varied visceral vistas of the vox populi getting vengeance on the visitors...
Was that over-the-top? I can never tell. Big Grin
NeoBSG was sexriods in space for me.  I found it unwatchable.. everytime I even tried to watch it it was people in bed... There was a complete lack of intresting, random populated planets and was all about angst and people in bed... and bumming around the same, mostly empty solar system ineffectually... then they founded the 13th colony as an inexplicable crossbreeding program.. and at one point they have cool robots... but they are a largely inconsiquential nod to the orignial.  Basically, Godzilla 2000.  Meaning they didn't watch and/or enjoy the sorce material and wrote for it anyway.
Then we got that travesty they declared a new Stargate show involving some of the same directors... 3 people on the cast were actual Stargate-like characters.  Most of the core cast of NeoBSG was cloned to make the cast not-Stargate-like characters.  The first episode starts of with 2 people boinking in a well lit closet (considering that Stargate is generally family friendly this was not taken well by the fanbase)... people lend they're bodies out so the main cast can go make congigal visits in someone elses body...  Jack O'Neil was a main villian and the person they sent most often to the ship was borderline psychotic.  So the SGC must have been invaded by headsnakes at some point offscrean... and the sane, nonmanwhore male lead's mom had HIV and the 'best medical care' SGC could provide involved no alien tech and basically off the shelf drugs apparently.  Basically, Godzilla 2000 with a worse case of did not do research... though the general plot was functional the exicution was horrid.
So using the same basic formula... The aliens will eat human babies onscreen... spend half their plot attempting to use non scientific crossbreeding methods and that gathering of 'V' are resolved by getting vaporized from a mothership fricken lazer beam.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
He's speculating on what the new reboot of V will be like based on past experiences with other material such as nBSG and the new Stargate series... which I hadn't really heard anything of until now.
What show was he watching?
Um actually I think the 'what?' is to Necratoid's description of the Plot for nBSG because whatever he's describing isn't what happened in nBSG at all.  Well except for the angst and the sex but I think that angst and sex basically describes any show on Syfy (and realy what's with the new spelling for that station?)
Some of us don't like angst, or gratuitous sex.

(Sex that's actually part of the plot is okay.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
No, the "what?" was because that nerdragey word salad made no sense whatsoever.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
I... didn't really know what to make of that either.

"I like the cut of that man's gibberish!"
You can make a hat, or a paper airplane, or a...

(What? Well, you'd have to print it out first.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Who let Racter in here?
(Racter and Johnny from Airplane! -- not a team-up I'd like to imagine...)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Racter nothing. Noam Chomsky all the way!
All gremlins eat red lemons.
"I don't speak your crazy moon language!"

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