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Plotbunny: Has Anyone Ever Thought of This Before?
Plotbunny: Has Anyone Ever Thought of This Before?
I had an insane thought occur to me.
Some like to say that the reason transfictionality works is because people in different universes are 'tuning in' to other universies with their 'imaginations.'
What if someone did more than just tune in?
What if a bunch of characters were all stuck in some poor mundane's head... and they could take control, making it look like the person had Dissociative Identidy Disorder... and all they really want is to get back to their homes?
Here's a sample grouping of characters.
Belldandy (Talks to the other Goddesses about how to fix this, and keeps the Mundane from going crazy)
Washu-chan (The power of SCIENCE!)
Ranma (The power of Whoop-Ass)
Sailor Moon (The power of Love and Justice)
Haruko Haruhara (The power of Awesome)
So....  Thoughts?
carrot glace did a variation of this. several of them in fact.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
I've seen it done in the other direction - the ultimate "self-insert". Paging forum members Ayiekie and Epsilon, writers of]Hybrid Theory...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Lets see Insertion: (CarrotGlace, who changed his handle)
Which runs off the idea that when you write a fanfic you leave a little piece of yourself with the person you linked with, thought it forever sleeps in the back of your subcontious.  However, a group of them targeted the same one and exactly the same time and, with the sound of astral coconuts being bashed together, were to busy mentally cluching their heads in pain to passout so are in Ranma (during the Jusenkyo plung) awake and screwing with him.  (94 badly proofread chapters) (Promises of being finished at some point)
Insertion Reflux!: (still CarrotGlace)
In which Amelia Wil De Seyruun (Slayers), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Faye (cowboy bebop),  Yamada Yojiro err... Gai Daigoji (Nadesco) are dumped into a different Ranma's head... on purpose... by the same method.  All know each other and Ranma.  Sesshomaru largely because Kagomi has lost a large amount of manga around and he has been collecting it.  All get bored and decide to do a Ranma fic (6 chapters) (in Limbo sense 2003)
Hybrid theory.
Which Is two inserts in a convolted plot in which pretty my everthing they've seen tries to take place at once... Want confusion?  Try having several globe spanning, at least centuries old world controlling conspiracies try to figure out how they all completely missed each other this long.  Ranma is involved, but not bound.  (Dark) (3 section 10 or 12 chapters each, done)
Largo's Ranma One of Six:
In which Ranma gets a rotating set of curses from some guy accidently dropping in his action figures collection... Uses the same principle as the cannon spring in which makes an Ashura (worshipped idol statue).  Though only one personality is active at once the remember what the others did.  (One file, likely dead due to Author self critism freak out)
The main problem with a normal or relatively normal character is that they don't have the durability required for most of those characters.  Also, I've seen it work best if the character's counter each other or the original occupant can override them eventually.  Then again my first though was the guy from Shuffle!... if for no other reason then one of his harem would take it as a sign they have something else in common.
Hrm... Well, what I have in mind would not be something that is insanity incarnate. Nor do I aim for an epic story.

Mostly what I was thinking of was something that focused heavily on character development with a nice and steady pace, a bit of hijinks to help keep it amusing (of the, "Oh yeah, you guys definitely need to be supervised" variety), and make it about average length.
See there in lies the problem with your character selection.  You picked a an Epic level mad scientist with 20,000 years of experience, a crazy high level to Epic monk with issues, a see the good in people who have very little, eats tons magical girl with an Epic destiny, a so nice she can get away with practically anything divine entity with reality altering powers, and a character that IS insanity incarnate... because she'll get bored and mentally decide she is on vacation.
Irronically, Insanity Incarnate herself, Haruko is probably the best suited character to adapt to this.she'll deside its time to amuse herself and generally be on vacation.  Even without her powers she'll function just fine.
Ranma and Washu have a mutual issue.  They'll fight over time sharing the body to overtrain back to their skill levels.  Ranma will complain about how slow and weak the body is is and Washu will want more and more SCIENCE!!! stuff around.
If the body is male Usagi will complain endlessly and Ranma the opposite.  Usagi and Ranma will both want to eat a lot... but Ranma with want to burn off those calories and Usagi will want to bum around.  They'll be like a pair of shoulder angels that are at cross purpose with the same basic objectives.
Which makes is odd that Washu and Belldandy end up on the other end at shoulder devil.  While neither is evil they will be the more negative influences.  Washu is Washu and that should be enough there for a explination.  She has spent the past 20,000 years living by the question of "What happens when I do this!".  Keeping in line with my vagueness and page one spoiler shield ethics I'm not going into detail, lets just say Belldandy is Sasuke Uchiha without the revenge fetish.

Quote:Mostly what I was thinking of was something that focused heavily on character development with a nice and steady pace, a bit of hi jinks to help keep it amusing (of the, "Oh yeah, you guys definitely need to be supervised" variety), and make it about average length.
Hense Shuffle! with more wacky hi jinks?  Without going into details on thread page one, the best series I can think of to do this with (with or without cranial extras having power bleed over), with the character choices or different ones is Shuffle!.
Agree on all points, this is gonna get pretty wild, and without a clutch, too. Wink
Except one little thing. Belldandy is too damn nice to be a bad influence. It's one of the major checks and balances of her persona. She is never one of the ones that intentionally causes trouble, unless she's under some kind of influence from a Chess Master/Magnificent Bastard (or sometimes just one of Urd's concoctions).
However, I definitely do see the Uchiha Sasuke bent of her persona - she's not one to back down from a goal once it's set in her sights. She might change her course to avoid hurting someone else along the way, but she won't ever give up.
ETA: *Imagines Belldandy as a sniper, then shudders.*  Scary!
Now there a plotbunny for your New Jounin Sensei riff...

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Its even been subverted.

2 fanfic authors try to pull of an "insertion" type thing, but they forget the left turn at Albuquerque...
Yeah so... that isn't exactly why I called Belldandy a Sasuke parallel.  As I said its page two spoiler screen to get to that reasoning. I'l give you two quick hints.  First, Belldandy is flanderized... pay attention to her past.  Second, gocarts.  just gocarts.  Third, our vampires are different... though I could be misremembering things and this one applies to Urd instead.

Quote:She is never one of the ones that intentionally causes trouble
Ever see Genma Saotome's reaction to being possessed by an oni?  Granted I'm going into character motivation theory here... but the first rule of not being seen is...
@ Necratoid....if you're pushing for Rin to be unfortunate guy to develop MPD, why not Kyon himself? The internal monologue (or would that conversation?) would be funny as heck!
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
While, yes, having Kyon as the guy would make for some intresting inner multilogue... your problem ther is simple: Game Mechanics.
Specifically, if they aren't powerless voices of annoyance in Kyon's head... Belldandy will contact a higher spiritual power ASAP... now think carefully about what that means in that series.  Think of the series' cosmology.  First, all it does is given Kyon and the leader of the S.O.S. Brigade a mindlink... with 5 extra people involved... which is likely to unmake that reality rather soon.  Next, she contacts the the overbeing... which is OverHaruhi or OverKyon depending on how your dealing with things... which means that 1) spamfic reset (which isn't the goal) or 2) Epicfic dealing with the nature of that reality which is just not the point of blackaeronaut's fic idea.  In fact its the inverse of that idea.  So instead Belldandy manages to contact the ITE... which means the voices get there own bodies or suppressed... with again isn't the point of the stated fic.
Anyway I look at it that series, it has too much baggage/mythology to work in this context.
Had similar thoughts myself, Necratoid, and I haven't even seen TMoHS. And to hear about some of the stuff that goes on in there, I don't have a terrible desire to, either, no matter how cute Haruhi may be.
Moving on, I'm not sure if you have seen Shuffle!... the only reason I can think to avoid it is occasional random boobs.  Its not even gratuitous really.
Well on to those Belldandy points.  First topic, gocarts.  There is a early cannon arc that goes through all the timelines I can remember.  Its this motor meet that Keichi's club is partisipating in.  Belldandy participates in a gocarts race with no training or preptime at all.  An wins against professional level drivers.  How?  She uses her magic and direct hardlined, goddess first class, unlimited priority powers to copy all their moves, then snags extra runtime from the Yggdrasil to pwn them all.  AKA she uses the Sharigan and gets only praise and no problems what-so-ever for using this method to win.  In otherwords... Belldandy is the living incarnation of a certain trope and everyone loves her for it (not that most of them even could guess this without being drunk and vindictive).  Its so bad in canon, that the biggest reason she like cooking so much is its the first thing she has apparently done in this incarnation that she didn't use that method for.  Which means the only two skills she apparently has that aren't social, that would be active if she was running on someother system or lost he uber level security clearance, are cooking and some skills at ground vehicle repair and maintainence.  Basically, she has all her skill points in Skill 1: X ranks, Skill 2: X ranks... Skill 37: X ranks.  Where the Skill is whatever skill she currently has downloaded.
Compair to Urd and Skuld... who have there own skills and screw up because they simple can't do that.  As far as I can tell, no one else in the series does that.  Most of them don't have her access level.  The developed characters that do act more like Urd.  As I said, Belldandy is flanderized in her favor a lot.
Lets look at how she ended up with her boyfriend... first day on the job, first call and she ends up with a wish that makes her on semi-perment vacation.. with her new, awesome, nice guy boyfriend.  Freak coinqidence... only she met him when he and her current incarnation were 5 or 6 and claimed him then.  Which the Ultimate Force decided ment it was time to move them into their own private, holy love nest.  Which she prormptly glitches reality into turning it from trashed to mint condition.  Not that she actually fixes up the place for real like she promised the monk they are free renting it from.  In short, ZOMG HAX comes off as Preseries Belldandy's standard MO.
(Note this is the bit I may be displacing from Urd, but I'm pretty sure I am.not)  Then we get to their angels.  Urd has one... Skuld gets one.  They are familars that take a bit of your repressed self and give it form.  Then there is Holy Bell who is a bit different.  Holy Bell is not and angel standard, but instead a converted devil that is trying real hard to follow orders and not screw up.  So when Belldandy is giving advise on angel control it just seems off.  Like she is reading from a textbook.  'Reading directly from the book smart' is the kind of smart that annoys me most.  Its so empty and impresses people... its the trait that makes many of the worst 'teachers' I've ever had.
I suppose that Belldandy could have been chosen as a vessel because she has enough power as a Goddess, First class, Unlimited... however I'm never sure its actually covered how much of that is granted power and how much is personal.  Its like she has Sharigan... only far less inexplicable in it actions.  I've already explained the 'gocarts' aspect of her being Sharigan.  She fixates on her then claimed boyfriend for between 2/3  and 3/4 of her current incarnation's life span... and her known berserk button is getting between her and what (more who though) she has claimed as hers.  Like Sasuke jumping Itachi in the first half of Naruto... without the glaring incompitence.
Come to think of it I could see Belldandy as Itachi by switching her skill set between goddess and ninja... to the point she was basically Itachi in her immediate previous incarnation.  That would be a different tale though.
Anyway, Belldandy always struck me as daddy's little girl.  She got a largely free ride.  She pulls stuff in canon that if Urd tried... they'd need a new Urd.  I mean she does relatively minor stuff... and get kicked out of heaven and loses her powers (forcing her room with Belldandy... then Skuld gets involved and Belldandy's life is move completely to Earth for her convinence.)  Maybe Urd was the result of a political thing and Belldandy a chosen pairing.  Unlike Urd I can't recall Skuld or Belldandy having a specific mom.  I can't recall why Belldandy is even her rank... she obviously pulls as much crap as Urd... and often for Belldandy's personal benifit... while Urd is trying to help other people.
Urd has a job as the Sysop for the computer that runs the Universe.  Skuld is a debugger at a young age.  Belldandy gets a job and basically retires the first hour... with a boyfriend and benifits.  As I said I think she largely gets a free ride in life.  Now try to imagine her roll when dealing with Rin's life (granted I'm thinking post Shuffle! season one here.)  The rest is for another post.


*ignores thread thenceforth*

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
" a converted devil that is trying real hard to follow orders and not screw up"

Wait, what?

Thats not how I remember that arc at all.

"Holy Bell" is Belldandy's angel, and is as much of a cipher as most of Belldandy's past.

"Tsukai" was the "second", and the fact that Belldandy couldn't support the both of them was a pretty large plot element.

The rest of your stuff is almost as bad. I had like 4 more paragraphs typed up but I just deleted them. Instead, I am just going to go with Valles and just go "meh"
... Okay, here's what I'm going to do to keep things on an even keel (or at least as even as things like this go).
Acceptable: That Bell cheats to get what she wants.
Reason: While her past is a mystery, First Class Unlimited isn't handed out to just anybody. She's obviously done something to earn her chops, and with it comes perks. Very nice perks. Bell may be on an 'Extended Vacation' but she's still on call for when things go to shit, as we've seen before.
BTW: It probably runs in the family anyhow - we've seen how the Almighty can be oh-so-inscrutible. Between Him and Bell, I'll take Bell anyday of the week. At least she won't make me feel bad about it.
This will prove to be interesting because her SysAdmin priveledges are now revoked because she's having to access the system on someone else's account. Wink
Now, let's add another dimension to this sucker.
Who reads Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire? Mookie's idea of messing around in other peoples' heads is pretty interesting.
Each mindscape is unique to that person, complete with a characterization of that person's persona. In the mindscape, a person can alter things a bit, like unlokcing bits of knowledge and mess around with memories. And the mindscape!character knows what all the switches, levers, and buttons do. The kicker? This mindscape!character and the 'real world' character don't talk much. Think of him/her/it as a representative of your friendly local subconscious mind.
Now, the characters would still find a way to take over for brief periods, thus granting the external appearance of having DID. (I can just see Haruko spreading the subtle sort of chaos that she specializes in so effectively.) Additionally, they can muck around and grant him some capabilities, but nothing outside human abilities.
And I can see things eventually getting to the point where the characters in our lead's head and the lead finally starting to talk to each other... my, what things would they discuss? (We can have a lot of fun with this person calling Bell on her 'cheating.' Don't worry, it'll be more like a good natured razzing.)
So, how does that sound?
BTW: who says this has to be a male character? What if we made the lead a female instead?
Hinata's ego looked in utter shock at the sandy-haired intruder. "What have you done?"

Belldandy blinked cutely. "I thought you liked Naruto-kun?"

"B-but I wasn't READY to..." she paled. "If you're here, then who's driving?"

"Hey! He kisses at least as good as Atomsk!" Haruko shouted in glee. A sly look crossed her face. "Let's see what happens if you do... this!"


Naruto felt dizzy. Hinata-chan might be a little strange, but she was DEFINITELY one of his special people now, believe it!
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
I just read Necratoid's long post... Who wants to pitch in to buy him a copy of ... 1595822550]Oh My Goddess: Colors so that he won't make another mistake about OMG in the future?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:Foxboy wrote:

Hinata's ego looked in utter shock at the sandy-haired intruder. "What have you done?"
Belldandy blinked cutely. "I thought you liked Naruto-kun?"
"B-but I wasn't READY to..." she paled. "If you're here, then who's driving?"
"Hey! He kisses at least as good as Atomsk!" Haruko shouted in glee. A sly look crossed her face. "Let's see what happens if you do... this!"
Naruto felt dizzy. Hinata-chan might be a little strange, but she was DEFINITELY one of his special people now, believe it!
*Dies laughing*
ETA: Actually, that sounds like fine idea if you're a Hina/Naruto-shipper.  AFter all, we see plenty of Naruto-centric power-up fics.  How about a Hinata-centric one?
I do truly love when people get all snippy and do not read my posts with any kind of objectivity.  First I'm going to ignore all the garbage commentary from posts entirely consisting of the equivalent of "Necratoid is a stupid head'  While not actually addressing anything useful.  That and reenforcing the point I made about fanon positive Belldandy Flanderization.  Which was, for those of us paying attention and not suffering from post blindness, the extire point of doing a negative Belldandy post in the first place.  As blackaeronaut seems to have determined the gist of what I was going for, I'm going to say I more or less covered my important points.
On a side note, the one thing the 'Necratoid is a stupid head' crowd did answer is the point I said in two sepreate posts I was almost certain I was misrembering.  Which, with the version rebuttal stated, is more of a example of the Overgod meddling in their relationship.  This is mostly because Belldandy IS daddy's little girl.  I'm actually heavily leaning towards the Overgod letting things go on with her mortal boyfriend specifically because it will temper her bad points (which is one of the background themes of the series... note the gocart thing is at the start of the series) without hurting her or tipping her off.
Now before I was asked why I though Belldandy woould be on of the shoulder devil equivalents and not the angel or the mediator... the reason is largely composed of things that blackaeronaut has agreed with or brought up.  Lets go back to blackaeronaut's stated objectives for the fic... from way back in post #4:

Quote:Hrm... Well, what I have in mind would not be something that is insanity incarnate. Nor do I aim for an epic story.
Mostly what I was thinking of was something that focused heavily on character development with a nice and steady pace, a bit of hijinks to help keep it amusing (of the, "Oh yeah, you guys definitely need to be supervised" variety), and make it about average length.
There are reasons I said the endof Shuffle!... and now there is a reason why Belldandy wouldn't be the sweetness and light shoulder angel she'd be defaulted to by most.  What does Belldandy really have to offer to the situation at that point?  Think about it.  Normally it would be her contacts firsts... which is kind of totally negated by Rin's life.  She would be, as was pointed out, running on the RinOS and not Yggdrasil.  So any powers would be from him and concidering that the cosmology is so alien to her it would take her a while to even attempt to teach him magic of any kind.  Then we have her knowledge fighting demons... So yeah.
With her mystical knowledge and contacts negated we have a choice... is this a Belldandy with or without mortal boyfriend?  Without we have the daddy's little cheating, princess, who is probably involved in this so she'll be less spoiled.  The same thing her mortal boyfriend does for her in the canon (socializes that incarnation of Belldandy).  Learning to do something without just bookreading /downloading the info... which is why she is so excited to cook and clean in canon.  These are skills she learns for herself.  Personally trained skills like mortals have, its a novelty to her a favorite hobby that makes her boyfriend happy.  Later canon Belldandy would be all worried about home and the three main people she left behind... and there is nothing for her to actually do in Rin's life.
In other words she'll run into the situation of being redundant and/or counter productive.  Usagi is the heart of the team.  Concidering that the literal king of the gods and the king of the deomns are literally living next door to Rin and concidering the two... Haruko Haruhara  is the single best choice for diplomat... her biggest problem here is that those two would be quite happy to keep her.  Washu is Washu.  Ranma is (reguardless of where or when in his series)  at least capable of teaching him some combat skills.  Belldandy can't even try to sort out Rin's relationships for him... his harem has the single sanest responses to him picking a girl I've ever seen.
So what we have is Belldandy with nothing to do.  Who is generally going to be left with Washu... who no one actually wants to let her do anything.  Which means Belldandy with get stuck keeping Washu busy.  Which brings up the question of what Belldandy could actually do to accomplish this without sealing her in a closet.  The simplest answer is work on a project with Washu.  The only skill Belldandy has left really would be programming a computer that controls an entire universe.  Scale that down for the RinOS and the two can build Rin a magical Core... which is going to do weird things... which, like the MPD thing, with actually give him something in common with one of his harem... when Washu over does it the number will end up at two.  This meshes well with the mindscape thing I was thinking of myself.  Come to think of it... if they take the old standrad of randomly turning Rin into a girl with magic at random it will work with two of the other cranial residents and they've been there, done that.
So its not 'EVIL!Belldandy I'm talking about here... I'm talking about shoulder devil more as the chaos and cunning plan! types and Ranma and Usagi as the stabalizing forces.  Meanwhile, Haruko mainly is entertained.
Quote:Which was, for those of us paying attention and not suffering from post blindness, the extire point of doing a negative Belldandy post in the first place.
Negative posts about a character only work when you don't make multiple mistakes about the character and the setting. It doesn't mater whether the character is Fate Testarossa or Fate Averrnicus - if you get the character and setting so obviously wrong, your critique won't be taken seriously by people who do know the story in question.

As for your particular critique, I now have time to dissect it...
Quote:First topic, gocarts. There is a early cannon arc that goes through all the timelines I can remember. Its this motor meet that Keichi's club is partisipating in. Belldandy participates in a gocarts race with no training or preptime at all. An wins against professional level drivers. How? She uses her magic and direct hardlined, goddess first class, unlimited priority powers to copy all their moves, then snags extra runtime from the Yggdrasil to pwn them all.
Er, no. She used her personal abilities only; Yggdrasil had nothing to do with it.

And "Goddess First Class, Unlimited" is an authorization level, not a power set. (I'll get to that later.) I have no idea where you got "priority" from; it's not a concept in the canon.
Quote:Its so bad in canon, that the biggest reason she like cooking so much is its the first thing she has apparently done in this incarnation that she didn't use that method for.
Again, no. She enjoys cooking, the way some people enjoy writing or sculpting. She even says so on more than one occasion, and part of the price of a First-Class Unlimited authorization is a prohibition on lying.
Quote:Compair to Urd and Skuld... who have there own skills and screw up because they simple can't do that. As far as I can tell, no one else in the series does that. Most of them don't have her access level. The developed characters that do act more like Urd. As I said, Belldandy is flanderized in her favor a lot.
Urd has a higher access level than Belldandy does. Belldandy has a higher authorization level than Urd does. This is stated at least twice in the manga.
Quote:Lets look at how she ended up with her boyfriend... first day on the job, first call and she ends up with a wish that makes her on semi-perment vacation.. with her new, awesome, nice guy boyfriend.
She got an "awesome" boyfriend? Funny, I thought she got Keiichi Morisato - who is depicted in every version of canon as substantially less than "awesome" at the time he met Belldandy. (Heck, even Ootaki - the tall sempai who ends up dating the daughter of one of NIT's professors - would have been a better boyfriend than Morisato for the first dozen volumes of the manga, and he's a goofball.)
Quote:Freak coinqidence... only she met him when he and her current incarnation were 5 or 6 and claimed him then.
First, that's OAV-only. (Yes, I know the OAV very well. That person on Usenet mentioned in the DVD commentary track is me... and I'm still using that quote in my signature on Usenet.) Second, she gave him up at the time; she didn't claim him.
Quote:Which the Ultimate Force decided ment it was time to move them into their own private, holy love nest. Which she prormptly glitches reality into turning it from trashed to mint condition. Not that she actually fixes up the place for real like she promised the monk they are free renting it from.
Version conflict here - the place was only "trashed" in the OAV, where there was no monk to let them use the complex.
Quote:Then we get to their angels. Urd has one... Skuld gets one. They are familars that take a bit of your repressed self and give it form.
Not "a bit", and not "repressed" - the angels are the Goddesses, except that they aren't. (It's ineffable.) Read the "Angel Egg" and "World of Elegance" storylines for particulars.
Quote:Then there is Holy Bell who is a bit different. Holy Bell is not and angel standard, but instead a converted devil that is trying real hard to follow orders and not screw up.
This one's already been addressed by VladimirTherin.
Quote:Anyway, Belldandy always struck me as daddy's little girl. She got a largely free ride.
If so, why is she treated exactly the same as all the other goddesses whenever she breaks the rules, either by commission or by omission?
Quote:She pulls stuff in canon that if Urd tried... they'd need a new Urd.
Whenever Urd acts the way Belldandy acts, she's offered a higher authorization level. She's turned it down both times that are shown in the manga - she likes having the freedom that a Second-Class Limited Goddess has.

Getting back to the authorization level as promised... A Goddess' licence has little to do with the power of the Goddess. (Yes, Skuld is Second Class, Limited because that's all the personal power she has. She appears to be the exception.) When Urd took the First Class Goddess exam, she temporarily gained the authorization to act as a First Class Goddess, with no increase in power - and she was immediately able to do things that equal Belldandy on a good day. "First Class", "Second Class", "Limited", and "Unlimited" are statements on what a goddess is allowed to do, not (usually) what a goddess is able to do. They're very much like driver's licences - and that's a conscious decision by the setting's creator.

You'd know all this if you actually read the canon, or at least read the supplementary reference. (Which is why I asked whether anyone wanted to chip in to buy you a copy of the supplementary reference.) Since you posted in a way that indicated you didn't know this, the objective conclusion is that you don't know what you're talking about.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Before this goes any further, let me just remind everyone to keep it civil, as Rob has done. If not, this thread gets locked and maybe deleted.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:

Before this goes any further, let me just remind everyone to keep it civil, as Rob has done. If not, this thread gets locked and maybe deleted.
And I would really, really hate to see this plotbunny killed in such an ignominious manner.
Anyhow...  Seing as how I have never seen Shuffle before, I would have to bow out there.  I would have much better results writing about Hinata as sugested earlier.
Let's see... as for Bell, she may have lost her SysAdmin priveledges, but that doesn't mean she does not have a way of calling for help.  Observe the mighty Goddess Help Line, reachable through any phone as long as you know the right number to call.  And I'm pretty sure that there's other 'back door' systems a God can use when they're in a real pickle to at least call for some help.
Also, if in Naruto-verse... Washu + Belldandy = very useful.  Even if the 'magic system' there is unfamiliar, I can't imagine it remaining a mystery for long once those two put their heads together on the matter.  Entertain, if you will, the imagery of Hinata seeming to carry on a conversation with herself as she studies various scrolls on basic Ninjutsu and Chakra for Dummies - really Washu and Belldandy figuring out this world, how it works, and how to get more bang for their buck.
Also, for added fun, the Bijuu could figure in as having a way to get them all back home.  Or Atomsk could be involved.
Oh, and I could just see Hiashi popping a vein when Hinata starts busting out moves from the Anything Goes school.
And then the complete meltdown when she produces her guitar from her own forehead.  And then uses it as her Weapon of Choice.  Oh yeah, two more words: Confidence Training.  Of course, where Haruko is involved, that's a given.
Really, the one that won't have a lot to offer may be Usagi... unless we get NeoQueen Serenity!Usagi.  Then she would be able to teach the young Hyuga Heiress everything she needs to know about beating the odds and leading your people to greatness.
Okay to get the ball rolling again...if you are going to have a character having voices in his head, how about those of the same VA?

If you go by Rin Tsuchimi go by these characters for example:

Subaru Sumeragi (X/1999)

Rotton the Wizzard (Black Lagoon:The 2nd Barrage)

Chrono Harloawn (Magical Lyrical Nanoha:StrikerS)
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

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