Hill of Swords
07-21-2010, 08:51 PM
This story, a Fate/stay night and Familiar of Zero crossover, has had an awesome start. I've always felt that Familiar of Zero wasted a wonderful world and story for cheap fan service. It seems the author of this piece, gabriel blessing, agrees. The premise is simple--instead of Saito, Louise summons Emiya Shirou after his Grail War experiences, but while he's still alive.
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I am the bone of my incredible ownage.
Really all I have to say about the fic so far.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Pwnage is my body, and Awesomesauce is my blood.
Hill of Swords is one of those fics where I really wish I'd caught the story about 10 chapters later, I wouldn't have to wait on tenterhooks for the next chapter the way I am now.
On a tangent I'd just like to say Familiar of Zero is a remarkably awkward translation of the anime title, I totally didn't get which series it was until I read Louise's name. :S
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
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Well then. I'd better not start reading it just yet. God knows that I don't need anything else occupying my mind with all the other stuff I need to think about.
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Epic!...reads well with "Unmei no Yoru" playing in the background
Into terror!, Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
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I've only watched the first episode of the series, and to be honest, I'm tempted not to watch any more. I'll just follow along with the fic, and be surprised by what happens. Besides, going by what I've seen people say about it, and what I saw in the first episode, I'd be annoyed by a decent bit of the actual show.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Familiar of Zero makes perfect sense for a translation... the Japanese are pun happy.
I never liked Zero no Tsukaima, but I'm having a lot of fun with this. I can't wait to see where it goes.
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Necratoid Wrote:Familiar of Zero makes perfect sense for a translation... the Japanese are pun happy. They're also very fond of onomatopoeia.
One of the things you have to remember about Japan is that the anime is the commercial and not the product. You have to pay the network to air your show and once you have aired that commercial, your money comes from selling the 70 dollar 2 episode DVDs and the typical tidal wave of related merchandise. Fansubs don't bug Japan like they do the West as to them fansubbing is actually someone doing there advertising for free and paying for the translations themselves. To the West, fansubbers are letting people see the product without sitting through all the addvetisements people are paying them to run.
As the shows are the ads to Japan, shows have to follow the attention getting rules of advertising rather than ones the shows in the West have to follow. In the West, the point of the show is to get people to sit down long enough and be involved enough that they sit through your commericals, as they wait for the shows. The more viewers your show can consistantly gather, the more likely that a large number of people are going to stay through the commericals... which means the advertising time during the episode is worth more. In Japan the more people your program (ad) can get to buy your episodes (and merchentise) the more you make off it... the ad slots during your ad are the channel's revenune generators. Granted the models are bleeding into each other a bit. For instance, feel free to correct me if you have more info, in America we only get the opertunity to buy seasons of shows from America after the anime sales from the late 90s. Before that it was basically only movies.
This matters because as anime is a commerical and not a sneaky trick to get people to sit through your sponsers ads, the tend towards following the rules of advertising: 1) Sex sells: pile on the fanservice Your audience of people willing to shell out 35 bucks an episode determine what fanservice counts as. 2) Do something attetion getting: Awesome fight scenes, Utter Crack, Gorn, etc.. 3) Know your audience: If all that is selling right now is loli, Moe blob, and EPIC! awesomeness with a budget... remember fanboys willing to shell out 35 dollars and episode are paying for this and EPIC! is the expensive option. 4) That which is forgot goes away.
Point four brings us to the point of this essay (ignoring killing the dreaded first page of a thread)... the opener to your average anime is designed to get fanboys to buy the first two episode disk and finance your anime. Unless your dealing with say, Gantz, useful first episodes tend to be too slow to really garner the interest they need to survive. So you take a trick from Berserk and do an episode from the future... the series is then a vehicle to get to that point. You toss in something interesting enough at the end of the first episode that sets the tone for the series and basically forces people to remember it long enough to tune in for the second episode (Ranma 1/2). Or you can pander to a bit of type casting and set off a fanboy blitz... Like Familar of Zero.
It does get much better as a series (particularly towards the end of season 1)... but you have to remember that Louis is the social Omega at the school. If she was a chicken (poultry type) she'd have been near dead from beatings and stress by now. So she gets to the point in her life there is finally going to be someone lower on the food chain then her... and gets a mouthy random that doesn't follow orders and fights her more than most of the campus combined. This brings us into the territory of one of the most common cause of fanfiction: its almost good, but some things need major tweeking. Nothing results in fanfiction quite like good world building and plot points and execution that just bugs people.
Did I mention did thread page one, die?
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Quote:Necratoid wrote:
Did I mention did thread page one, die?
Sorry, nobody here but us, Fate/Stay Night, and Familiar of Zero, fan/zombies.
Your, "Drain Soul" spell has failed.
Other than that, Western Television Program writers, could learn a lot from the East.
As for part 4, apparently the Root of the World is not a fanclub member of the Jack Rakan School of Combat.
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The Nasuverse in general tends to punish people for thinking like Jack Rakan...
This doesn't stop people from trying, of course.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
The Fifth Night.
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
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People are going to freak when they realize there are other lines after 'I am the bone of my sword.'
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Necratoid Wrote:As for part 4, apparently the Root of the World is not a fanclub member of the Jack Rakan School of Combat. Actually Nasuverse is good place for people like Jack Rakan - awesome-hardworking-fighters-that-forgot-more-about-combat-and-magic-than-you-ever-knew-and-with-fuckton-of-power-on-top-of-that. People like that can do anything they want. It just if you are n00b idiot and try to imitate them...
Berk Wrote:The Nasuverse in general tends to punish people for thinking like Jack Rakan...
This doesn't stop people from trying, of course. No, Nasuverse tends to punish idiots that think they can play levels above they league. Someone like Lancelot can surf on jet fighter in combat and look cool.
When someone three leagues beneath him in status, fame and power tries
something like that though... Guts, courage and resolve are actually good multipliers in Nasuverse combat if maybe not as effective as sneaking, planning and quick reaction - but there should be something to multiply.
PS. Not to mention that serious Rakan is sneaky and planning bastard which will try to remove you from the game at first move. It just we did see serious Rakan exactly two times and both times most of the fight was omitted. In other cases he can simply afford to be flashy and eccentric as he is levels above his opposition.
Chapter 8 appears and it looks like 9 might be around just as quick!
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
and Shirou has a steadily expanding set of girls after him. He is well on his way to becoming Archer, soon everyone will be Gar for him.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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I notice that although they're following the Anime fairly accurately, they left out the pure comedy episodes - and the episode that would have resulted in someone having to clean blood off the ceiling.
Well the author has said that he is following the book timeline instead so maybe those episodes will crop up later instead? Then again Shirou isn't as innocent as Saito so maybe the situations will be defused too easily.
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Chapter 8 has disappeared
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The Fourteenth Night has arrived, and the second arc has ended. And what an end it is.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Emiya is, indeed, a perfect song for this one.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Wow what a note to end the second arc on, hopefully the next one begins real soon.
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.