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New chapter of FATE is up.
Is Gilgamesh fighting Heartless? Please tell me that Gilgamesh is fighting Heartless.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Kinda. Those are the Invaders from Gatekeepers 21, and they work on pretty much the same principle...
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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If I may ask a question regarding the newest chapter, how does one smile widely and whistle at the same time?
For Yuuno's superhero name, have you considered 'The Infinite Librarian'? Or something with the word Infinite in the title. It just makes it sound better.
Also, has the Justice Lords story happened in the DCAU continuity yet? Because I have this image of Yuuno taking Rin to the Infinite Library to reverse engineer the kalodostick, so they can get to the Justice Lords' alternate Earth, once they realize that these aren't their friends.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Quote:If I may ask a question regarding the newest chapter, how does one smile widely and whistle at the same time?
(smiles widely and whistles; analyzes the process)
One whistles through one's teeth, using one's tongue as a sounding board.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
SCM Writer of 2814
Jorlem Wrote:Also, has the Justice Lords story happened in the DCAU continuity yet? Because I have this image of Yuuno taking Rin to the Infinite Library to reverse engineer the kalodostick, so they can get to the Justice Lords' alternate Earth, once they realize that these aren't their friends. This is pre-Justice League, which starts right after A's. No Justice Lords yet.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
SCM Writer of 2814
Updated FATE. Here's the linky:
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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You can actually whistle like that? I'm jealous.
I notice the 'yet' with regrds to the Justice Lords. I'm looking forward to that. I always thought the episodes where they saw the could've beens were some of the most interesting episodes.
As for speculation for the latest FATE chapter, I'm hoping that Gilgamesh's link follows Kotomine's linker core, and he ends up bound into the Book of Darkness along with the Wolkenritter. Their reactions to another guy being attached to them would be quite interesting. I'm sure you have your own plan though, so I'm just WMGing here.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Yeah, the Justice Lords episodes were fun, though when I read in TvTropes that they resembled the Authority...
Well, images were had.
I've actually done a Justice Lords scene already, though not sure if it'll make it into the final chap:
Quote:Justice Lord Superman held Green Lantern by the neck, his eyes glowing.
can't do it," Nanoha said, struggling to speak through the pain of her
broken hand. "I'm your conscience. I remind you of what you were, what
you still can be: a hero."
The Justice Lord
bowed his head. "I've done a lot of things my conscience wouldn't agree
with," he said, his head coming up, eyes crimson infernoes without
pity. "This will just be another one of them." His heat vision lanced
into her skull, and she tried to stop herself from crying out as the
heat began to burn her skin, knowing it would soon reach her brain.
There was a thunderous CRACK! and
Nanoha fell to the floor, stunned, as Lord Superman screamed, arm at an
unnatural angle. Between them, Lord Flash held the end of a shattered
piece of metal, it's end red and molten from heat. His teeth were set
in a snarl and in his black and green uniform, he looked like an aspect
of Death herself. "Not HER, damn you!" he screamed. "NOT! HER!"
what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Lord Superman growled,
clutching his broken arm. Being hit at the speed of light by a piece of
metal had apparently not been good for it. Even he had limits, it
Lord Flash bowed his head, flinging
the bar away in disgust. "What I should have a long time ago," he said,
his toned changed, like something inside him had been switched on. It
was... determined, in a way different from the other Lords. "Superman,
for crimes against the people of of Earth, I am placing you and the
rest of the Justice Lords under arrest."
"Are you INSANE?!" Lord Superman said.
"No," Flash said, and Nanoha got the feeling he wanted to look at her. "Just doing what she would have." He began to adjust something under his glove. "Ring-chan, go online. For Nanoha. In brightest day, in Blackest Night-"
"YOU had the ring?" Lord Superman exclaimed.
"-No evil shall escape my sight," Lord Flash pronounced. "Let those who worship evil's might, beware HER power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!"
"Willpower recognized," the ring's voice said. It sounded grim and determined. "Let's shoot him. Maximum power."
Flash raised the Power Ring and pointed it at Lord Superman. "You
coming quietly Clark," he said, "Or will I have to Starlight Breaker
your ass?"
Not sure if this'll make it, since it posits a Justice Lords-verse with their own TSAB. But I'll try. In my Lords'-verse, it's Nanoha who died...
Also updated this:
Don't know if this has been recommended yet, but...
Quote:Kinomoto Sakura of 2814
Category: Card Captor Sakura
Summary: When Sakura Sealed the 53rd Card, she got more than she thought. Now,
she becomes entangled in the decades-long struggle of the secretive
organization A.E.G.I.S. What does her blue stone have to do with Invaders? And
what does Tomoyo have in mind? X-over.
Part of the 2814-verse.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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A WMG based on what SCM said about how he's handling the different magic systems, and 'multiclassing' between them:
Sakura is the exception to the rule and can multiclass due to her natural affinity for imaginary numbers. What this means for Rin, who has all the real numbers, I'm not sure.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Actually, it has to do with her encounter with ZERO Caster ten years ago...
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
SCM Writer of 2814
A short I wrote some time back. Posted it here since there didn't seem anywhere else appropriate.
Consider this a future Omake:
Quote:Fate sighed a she landed discreetly on the balcony of the Harlaown apartment. The TSAB had long since taken to renting a small office space in town for some its Earth operations, such as they were, making the place completely residential, though Amy, Chrono ,and Lindy still had their computer terminals. Undoing her barrier jacket and uniform in a burst of dissolved yellow light, she headed for the nearest chair and slumped down, rubbing her feet. She'd been so busy...
Getting all those dead bodies back to where they'd come from before Blackest Night had been an almighty pain. In the case of those from mass graves, it had been an opportunity to finally reunite them with their loved ones, gruesome as the circumstances was. They'd only just finished the last of it that day.
Still, not everything that had happened during the Blackest Night had been nightmare. Fate thought of Alicia's spirit's promise that they would meet her again. And because of Precia's assistance in those events, she'd been put in probation, working the TSAB's scientific research division. Ironically, this meant she'd be under such close scrutiny that the circumstances that had killed Alicia would never be able to manifest. It was a thought. On top of the apparent de-aging Precia had apparently experienced because of her exposure to the White Light and the new, hesitant relationship she was building with Fate upon the three's meeting with Alicia, it was like her mother really did have a new life.
Fate blinked at the strange sounds coming from her adoptive mother's room. She frowned, reaching for Bardiche. Could it be a burglar? The sensors and alarms around the apartment were more tuned to magical phenomena than basic burglary. She'd have to fix that soon if her mother would be living here with them...
She opened the door, ring and Device at the ready, took one look inside and screamed. "AH! MY EYES! THEY BURN!"
She ran back to the living room, still screaming and clutching her face. Chrono and Amy rushed out of his room, their clothes rumpled. "Fate-chan, what?" Amy said.
"MY EYES! MY EYES!" Fate kept on screaming. "MY BRAIN! BLEACH MY BRAIN!"
Chrono saw the open door and came to the logical conclusion, rushing towards it as he drew out Durandall
"Chrono, no!" Amy cried.
A moment later, he was rushing out again, clutching his face the way Fate was. "AH! MY EYES! THEY BURN!"
Lindy appeared at the door, naked but for a towel as the 20-something looking Precia tried to hide own nudity behind a pillow. "Really children, we close the door for a reason!
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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I feel I contributed to this somehow.... :lol:
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
SCM Writer of 2814
YO! Anyway, more scene snippets while I trying wrestling this beast into shape, just to reaffirm my continued existence...
Quote:Kaleido Ruby sighed. “Tick tock? This is the situation…The Invaders plan to use WayneEnterprisesTower
as a transmitter to activate all the Invaders in the city during rush
hour. They’re then going to try and kill as many people as possible to
increase the spiritual energy of the area while at the same time trying
to gain control of certain key points. One is an address in the
residential area, another is an empty field, and a third is a church.
They will also try to take over the Temple in MountRyuudo. Our counterattack is simple. We protect WayneTower
to lessen the number of invaders they can activate, keep them from
gaining control of those four other locations, and prevent them from
killing people!”
In the Harlaown apartment, the children all stared at the monitor grimly.
“Th-that’s… that’s monstrous!” Sailor Mars said.
“Are you serious?-!” Calculator cried.
“Ah. A code 77348,” Nanoha said levelly, though her
voice was no less appalled. “’Activation of sleeper agents leading to
seizure of control of key tactical locations in order to facilitate
wide-spread mass-slaughter’. It’s practically a textbook case.”
Everyone in the room blinked, staring at her.
“It actually says that in the codebook?” Yuuno asked, frowning as he fired up his ring to check.
“Eh? Of course it does! Haven’t you been reading the code book?”
“I had to stop somewhere around code 16887,” Yuuno said, shuddering.
Nanoha frowned. “‘Illegal disposal of a disposable
pre-packaged beverage vessel by attempted forced ingestion into an
endangered species of carnivorous luminescent crystal fungus’? That
means you’ve barely started!”
They stared at her again, Amy and Chrono edging slightly away. “You scare me, Green Lantern,” he said.
On a random Tangent... It just occurred to me, but Archer has the same hairstyle as Gilgamesh, that upward, straight look. Could this be a case of a ‘look’ enforced by the Grail and the Servant System? Or… could it be that at some point, Counter Guardian Emiya knowingly adopted the look of one of the sickest, slimiest, most murderous beings he’d ever met? Thoughts?
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Anyway, with regards to the hair thing, I'm reminded of this scene from Kingdom Hearts 2: . The bit in question starts around 6:00. (Ignore the player.)
All (male) heroes have spiky hair. Imagine what Lancer's hair would look like if it wasn't cut as short as it is.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Quote:Or… could it be that at some point, Counter Guardian Emiya knowingly adopted the look of one of the sickest, slimiest, most murderous beings he’d ever met? Thoughts?
Yes, yes he did. And the reason he did this? Because he knew that it would piss Goldenrod off when he eventually got summoned back to the Grail War. CG Emiya is the Batman of annoying people.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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You know, it just occurred to me that you've set up a situation where it is possible for Gilgamesh to meet Sailor Galaxia, the Sailor Moon end boss. That is, if they haven't already met. They certainly shop at the same armorer, that's for sure. Take a look:
![[Image: Gilgamesh.jpg]](
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Yup. The only other color that's worse than orange for stealth: Bright, shiny, reflective, see-me-at-a-mile gold!
And now, a new Snippet:
Quote:It had been quite some time since the Senshi had used the
teleport. It showed. For example, they’d forgotten that they’d always had a bit
of trouble when it came to aiming for their destination. Actually getting there had never been a problem…
but vertical orientation had usually been. They’d also forgotten that fact that
sometimes their teleport didn’t act so much like an instantaneous transport
from point to point without traversing the space between physically as a kind
of flight where they all needed to hold hands and steer.
And that’s how they all ended upside-down in the branches of
a tree, holding hands.
“You know, it occurs to me we might be a little out of
practice with this…” Sailor Mercury said.
“YA THINK?-!” Sailor Mars, Jupiter and Venus cried.
“Hold still, Usa-ko,” Tuxedo Kamen said, managing to get
right side-up and drawing out his sword-cane. “Wait a moment…”
*snicker-snackt snikt!*
Branches fell away from Eternal Sailor Moon, who sighed in
relief… only to scream as she realized this was a bad idea according to the laws
of gravity. Smoothly, Tuxedo Kamen kicked off, catching her well before she hit
the ground and landing lightly with her in his arms.
“Ahh, Mamoru-kun!” Eternal Sailor Moon gushed as she was set
on her feet with a courtly bow.
The others twitched in annoyance.
“How come clumsy always gets saved in the nick of time?”
Sailor Mars grumped.
“Why only her? We should
get some hot guy to carry us around and save us in the nick of time too,”
Sailor Venus agreed.
“Yeah! We should get our own total hunks!” Sailor Jupiter
said, pulling her leg free. “Someone like…”
“Magus Erebus?” Sailor Saturn suggested as she helped Sailor
Pluto get her hair free.
They all sighed.
“Such erudition and intelligence,” Sailor Mercury said.
“He’s way hotter than my old sempai,”
Sailor Jupiter said.
“Truly a gift from the gods,” Sailor Mars agreed.
“He’s hot,” Sailor Venus said plainly.
“He’s my age!” Sailor Saturn said, not so much an objection
as her personal silver-lining.
“He has a stable, well-paying, respectable job,” Sailor
Pluto mused.
“Soft, feminine features…” Sailor Uranus sighed.
“A cute, pinchable butt,” Sailor Neptune agreed.
The Inners blinked, staring at them.
“Hey, I thought you two were…!” Sailor Venus cried, then
paused to consider her options.
“Lesbians!” Sailor Jupiter cried.
“In a relationship!” Sailor Mars put in.
“Perhaps we’ve been bi all this time?” Sailor Neptune suggested.
“We’re adults, we can set up our own affairs,” Sailor Uranus
“Crap!” Sailor Venus cried. “More competition!”
“Am I interrupting anything?” Tuxedo Kamen asked politely,
leaning against the trunk of the tree and tapping his foot. He held out his
cane-sword. “Should I come back some other time while you argue about a ten
year-old boy?”
“Get us down from here,” Sailor Mercury said. “Please?”
“I call dibs!” Sailor Saturn said. “I’m not letting you guys
get the only half-way decent guy my age for yourselves!”
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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SCM Writer of 2814 Wrote:Yup. The only other color that's worse than orange for stealth: Bright, shiny, reflective, see-me-at-a-mile gold! Though, given who they are and the amount of power they can throw around, I can see that as being entierly intentional.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Jorlem Wrote:SCM Writer of 2814 Wrote:Yup. The only other color that's worse than orange for stealth: Bright, shiny, reflective, see-me-at-a-mile gold! Though, given who they are and the amount of power they can throw around, I can see that as being entierly intentional. And yet *nobody* notices Gil just chillin' out on Shirou's roof until he speaks up and starts sword-spamming Caster into oblivion.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Well, people don't look up in general, much less in the middle of their own life and death fight although I'd have thought that Caster at least would have had some wards up warning her about other entities stopping by to poke their noses into the battle.
SCM Writer of 2814
I wonder how Gilly got past at all. The front door was the only entrance and Saber and Assassin didn't notice him. And him blasting a hole in the boundary field would have been felt, even if only in shock waves.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Gate of Babylon, perhaps? On top of everything else, it is also the most epic door in all of existence as well.
(Though, he probably does have some presence concealing noble phantasms in his vaults, so that could do it. I like my 'epic door' explanation more though.)
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Finally finished my Ringbearer!Fate pic! check it out!
![[Image: 34c4de7db6bca05b98d7eb3038ef6a8b-d36nqlg.jpg]](
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Fate's comment on the DevArt page kills me. It's just so adorably Fate
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On a semi-related note, have you seen this pic?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.