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X-Over That MUST Be, Or Should Not Be?
X-Over That MUST Be, Or Should Not Be?
Sans comment:
[Image: bc31681b910061f8266658b9bf16b489746ac309.jpg]
blackaeronaut Wrote:Sans comment:
Sans image.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Rrrrrrrrggghhhh.... *Stomps off, muttering curses like Yosemite Sam*

Okay, dunno why it wasn't showing up for others, but it was showing up for me. So, rather than argue the point I just uploaded a copy to my Yuku account and used that instead.
Everybody hates Kyubey
Nice.  Mmmm, Homura.
Me, personally, I like these two:
[Image: c3626c260cabebdd846ae972ef6f8735000941d1_r.jpg]    [Image: 14716c6ea3bf8fa17ac55a824920bc6fb13f9eb3_r.png]
*Investigates further*
Ah.  Okay, I got her mixed up with this:
[Image: i09.jpg]
Hitagi Senjogaha's dress, hairstyle, and even her facial expression are strikingly similar... however, the question of the crossover remains.
First thought: Weirdest use of Hammerspace. EVAR.
Second thought: Damn, that's gotta be painful!!!
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Well, obviously one of those pictures was the motivation (if not the direct source) of the other.
Sorry, that's the pervert in me coming out.
They -are- very similar pictures...

I don't catch the xover, tho. What's the source for the last one?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
The second image that I posted is one of the promo images for the anime Bakemonogatari featuring the female lead, Hitagi Senjogaha. Dunno for sure what's with all the kipple in her skirt, though. Anyhow, the second image that I posted was the original - the one with Homura and a bullet-hole-ridden Kyubei is the derivative.
ETA: In regards to weird uses of hammerspace and skirts... I'm pretty sure I saw an anime somewhere that had a character that kept a sword up her skirt.
Where to begin... where to begin... Certainly not on Sankaku Complex, but that's where I went anyway. Somebody pass the brain-bleach, please...

Anyway, I copied over to my own website the images that are suitable for this thread, and changed their names to something more meaningful. You're welcome.

(EDIT: Images shrunk and turned into links to the larger images.)

Did you know there's a Sankaku Complex tag "let's_kill_qb"? I like these three of Homura and the show's sociopath (at least, I assume the first one is Homura).][Image: kill01-luncht.jpg] ... +knife.jpg][Image: kill-2-homura+knifet.jpg] ... +rifle.jpg][Image: kill03-homura+riflet.jpg]

Now... The first post isn't a Crossover That Should Not Be - these are Crossovers That Should Not Be.

Some people have absolutely no mental defense against Kuubey's tactics... ... efense.png][Image: xover-no-defenset.jpg]

...while others have a pretty good idea how to stand up to it...][Image: xover-godsmackt.jpg]

...and some already know, but don't care. (It doesn't matter that your friends stand up for you if you've already made a really cheap wish, though.) ... p-wish.jpg][Image: xover-cheap-wisht.jpg]

Mixing Crossover and Let's Kill: "Kuubey+"][Image: xover-sayat.jpg]

Do you think this post can't get worse? It's getting worse.][Image: badxover-bssm1t.jpg]

No, I take that back. Now it's getting worse.][Image: badxover-bssm2t.jpg]

I'm not sure which of these is the better representation of Kuubey - the ultimate consumer or the powerful monster... ... ntendo.png][Image: badxover-nintendot.jpg]][Image: badxover-dbzt.jpg]

Story Time! Once upon a time, there was a girl who made a wish to be able to be "friends" with another particular girl...][Image: xover-lyrical1t.jpg]

However, that other girl already had that sort of friend...][Image: xover-lyrical2t.jpg]

We all know the ending to this story, right?

One more crossover - the bad variant, and the much worse variant:][Image: xover-ngqb2t.jpg]][Image: xover-ngqb1t.jpg]

Now, if that doesn't keep folks going for a while, I don't know what will...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
A lot of those were very chuckle-worthy, Rob. Just wish it wasn't exploding the thread. (^_^Wink

Anyhow... Can we get the sources for the less obvious material?
The Bakemonogatari skirt kibble thing has to do with her threatening the male lead with a stapler... at which point he demonstrates his healing factor makes it a moot threat.
The one between K:ON!! and Lucky star I recognize as Nagi... who being who and what she is wouldn't be a client so much as the one explaining exactly how stupid they are for making said wishes.  I can't remember the series name for the life of me... but in short she is an incarnate fragment of a goddess with her shrine in the process of  being torn down in the opening episode.  She only incarnates because the male lead was forced to make a carving out of the heart wood of her sacred tree.
There is also a DBZ reference and Eva in there.
Okay, just got done watching the first two episodes of Bakemonogatari... And I gotta say, that stuff is trippy in the mind-expanding sense.

As for the skirt-kibble... apparently she has the ability to hide stationary in her body. Not her clothes. Her body. They don't say how she got that ability, but I suspect it has something to do with the Emotion/Crab God that took a shine to her.
blackaeronaut Wrote:A lot of those were very chuckle-worthy, Rob. Just wish it wasn't exploding the thread. (^_^Wink
Oh, as if you didn't want at least a few of these for "Taking Care of Business, or, Fixing Kyubei - a (possible) DSKS Side Story"...

blackaeronaut Wrote:Anyhow... Can we get the sources for the less obvious material?
Necratoid Wrote:The one between K:ON!! and Lucky star I recognize as Nagi... who being who and what she is wouldn't be a client so much as the one explaining exactly how stupid they are for making said wishes.  I can't remember the series name for the life of me... but in short she is an incarnate fragment of a goddess with her shrine in the process of  being torn down in the opening episode.  She only incarnates because the male lead was forced to make a carving out of the heart wood of her sacred tree.
The show is called Kannagi (and it's set in the area that the tsunami devastated - apparently the shrine is one of the few real-world places in the town to survive).

"Kuubey+" is Blood+. Kirby should be obvious. I think you got the rest.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:Just wish it wasn't exploding the thread. (^_^Wink
I would shrink them like I did the monster image in one of the Madoka threads, but that's not available to me for pics that are included using the IMG tag instead of being embedded with the message editor's magic button.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'm on my iPod right now, so I can't see where the images are hosted, but if they are on a site like imageshack, you could swap the image out for a thumbnail link.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
They're on my own website. (Yes, how very Web1.0 of me. I know they aren't going away until I make them go away - I can't be sure of that with Friendster... er, Facebook.)

Post edited.

(Okay, that's odd - there's no "this is a link" border around any of the images.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
robkelk Wrote:
blackaeronaut Wrote:A lot of those were very chuckle-worthy, Rob. Just wish it wasn't exploding the thread. (^_^Wink
Oh, as if you didn't want at least a few of these for "Taking Care of Business, or, Fixing Kyubei - a (possible) DSKS Side Story"...
*Grins back* Did I not include the tidbit where the girls started spawn-camping Kyubei?
Shiro summons Ramza... highlights include:  Ramza looting other peoples NP weapons and equipment.  Ramza finding a small gem after they defeat Berserker and showing up at the next fight with 'God Hand' as a reaction ability.  Ramza countering the Blood Fortress by chanting things like Height 5 Raise2, Height 5 Wall... endlessly without running out of prana... or spendinf any apparent prana for that matter.  Shiro gains training in a disturbing volume of skills... at the cost of endlessly changing outfits.

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