A Interesting Fic Idea
07-03-2011, 05:01 AM
After looking at a lot of the Stuff for Fate/Stay Night, I liked the idea of some of the Classes and such, so my Muse started coming up with a potential idea for the Epic Heroes.
then I though, why have all the fun to my self? Who would you have in your Grail Tourney, what class would they be and their noble phantasm? and remember, cuz it's Type Moon, we can swap a gender or two (In one game Saber and Rider are Emperor Nero and Francis Drake, both women.  )
Here's what I came up with, will try and get around to writing for them, it's an interesting cast.
Saber: Jone de Arc
Archer: Ned Kelly
Rider: Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel
Caster: Rasputin
Berserker: William Wallace
Assassin: Jackelyn the Ripper (needed at least one gender bent toon and some theory's said it was a woman  )
Lancer: Vlad the Impaler
Noble Phantasims will be posted when I do a bit more reserch on them, but till then, throw your ideas in, be interesting to see what you can come up with.
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I don't know much about the series (Like Miyuki Takara, I play two games: Solitare and Minesweeper), but I suspect my Archer would have to be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyudmila_Pavlichenko]Lyudmila Pavlichenko... No ideas for the rest of the phantasms.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
From what I've seen, the Phantasim has to be something they were known for using, something that helped them become epic, then given a fancy name in their native language.
Example, Rommel's would be a Tank, Ned Kelly his armor, Jackelyn a straigh razor, so on and so on.
But if your looking for a good place for insteration, head to http://www.badassoftheweek.com/list.html , it's where I got a few of mine.
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Ah, so Comrade Archer's, er, Pavlichenko's phantasm would be her bolt-action rifle.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Yup, with a really fancy name.
Archer: Simo Häyhä
Assassin: Gavrilo Princip*
Berserker: Baba Deep Singh
Caster: Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu [pending]
Lancer: Hangaku Gozen
Rider: Erich Hartmann
Saber: Jack Churchill
*Pecurliarly, Gavrilo's assassination of Duke Franz Ferdinand was a fluke. Previous flubbing by his co-conspirators during the duke's tour of Sarajevo caused the procession to alter it's movements, and at one point the duke's carriage took a wrong turn and just happened to end up where Gavrilo was. As an Assassin class Heroic Spirit he would be dismal at stealth, but have the uncanny ability to simply be at the right place at the right time.
Archer: Rally Vincent
Assassin: V (as in V for Vendetta)
Berserker: Colonel Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
Caster: Anthy Himemiya
Lancer: Shizuru Fujino
Rider: Priss Asagiri
Saber: Signum
Edit: Don Quixote is a fictional character, not based in fact in any way.
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Quote:Caster: Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu
Umm... Doubtful. I have never heard of Richelieu being any kind of magician or mystic. Amakusa or John Dee would be better here.
Quote:Saber: Jack Churchill
On the other hand this one is perfect. Even more since he would also perform as an Archer and an a Rider.
Quote:Lancer: Don Quixote de la Mancha
This one is in the wrong section, he is neither real nor mythological (being the protagonist of a 17th century novel, instead of some folkloric tale). And even if some poor unfortunate mage managed to summon him, he would be the most USELESS Servant ever (that is his DEFINING trait - he can do nothing right)
Quote:I have never heard of Richelieu being any kind of magician or mystic.
I was having trouble coming up with real/mythological magicians/mystics (I did briefly consider Buddha), so I'm sort of running with Caster's also potentially being those with unusually magnetic charisma and/or political power (admittedly, political prowess and connections aren't particularly applicable).
Quote:This one is in the wrong section
I always thought Don Quixote was an actual person mythologized in story. I have to pass out and then go to work, but I'll check the story tomorrow.
I have thought for a while that L. Ron Hubbard would make a surprisingly good Caster. He actually dabbled in occultism with a disciple of Aleister Crowley, his official biographies present him as being meeting a bunch of old magical types like Blackfeet medicine men and Buddhist lamas, and it is easy to spin Scientology as a deliberate effort to be immortalized as a Heroic Spirit that is masqueraded as shameless money-grubbing to deflect magical attention.
As for older figures, a Freischütz would make a fine Archer, and probably one of the few mythological or folkloric gun-wielders that doesn't come straight from the American frontier. Obvious Noble Phantasm is the Freikugeln, which would have an interesting dynamic with the seven-participant model of the Grail War, too, since it rations him to one Freikugel per enemy Servant, and if he goes over that his seventh bullet probably does something like kill his Master.
Doctor Faustus is another candidate for Caster.
Lee Harvey Oswald as Assassin comes with a clear Noble Phantasm: "Magic Bullet".
So after much research, here's some Noble phantasms. (note, translations were done via on-line translator.)
Saber: Jone de Arc
Phantasm: Lame du Vertueux, A blade that inspires even the most cowardly soul to battle for the greater good.
Archer: Ned Kelly
Phantasm: Iron Spirit, While Ned Kelly was a well known gunslinger, his Phantasm is the suit of armor he wore at the siege of Glenrowan able to withstand everything the Victorian police force threw at him (I have seen this thing, it;s covered in bullet dints, but there is only 2 holes in the damn thing)
Rider: Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel
Phantasm: Der Wüste-Fuchs, the ability to summon a Panza Tank to the field of battle.
Caster: Rasputin
Phantasm: ??????????? ??? (Undying spirit) Like Herc in Fate/Stay Night, Rasputin has multiple lives, 6 lives (after the 6 attempts upon his life)
Berserker: William Wallace
Phantasm: Fang of the Highlands, A massive Clamor with the power to cut through all armor
Assassin: Jackelyn the Ripper
Phantasm: Whitechapel Grin, a straight razor that gives the user limited teleportation.
Lancer: Vlad the Impaler
Phantasm: Szivattyúkar a leigáz (Spear of the Conquer) the ability to summon spears, similar to Gilgamesh's "Gates of Babylon"
probably not the best choice, but they do sound slightly epic and would be impressive to watch.
Okay, I swapped Don Quixote for Hangaku Gozen. Thanks for the tip, nemonowan; until today I never new that Don Quixote was actually completely fictional. As for Richelieu, he stays until I can think of someone more suitable: I'm not really up on my mystics and possibly-sorcerers through history.
I'm baffled by why everyone things Rider: Rommel only gets one tank.,, he is a commander for at least a Panzer Division. He wrote a book on division level tank combat with mixed units.
I'm also sure he has the opposite of Mad Enhancement, he was literally the only sane high ranking official in an Empire. Also Charisma on some level. The only thing really Nerfing Rommel is his mystery ranking is so low at this point.
Saber: Jone de Arc
Also gets a death throw effect, killing her is likely to get you smited by a thunder storm and an earthquake at best.
ooooh, good idea.... abnd would make a fight more interesting, Tank divison rolling through town while Saber smites them.
Pardon my inner Frenchman for a moment, but her name should either be Jeanne d'Arc or anglicized as Joan of Arc.
Moving on, I know that Rommel was an accomplished tank commander, but how good of a tank driver was he? Inasmuch as the idea of somebody summoning Rommel into a Grail War is a fascinating prospect (nevermind the collateral damage a tank division in an urban area could create) I'm not sure how well he actually fits the Rider profile.
Well, some of the other Riders have been a bit odd for the concept.
In Cannon we had Medusa, Alexander the Great and Francis Drake, the over all theme for the heroes is "Close enought is Good enough."
...would you believe that I'd completely forgotten that Rider in F/SN was Medusa? And I didn't know about the other two.
Huh. Point withdrawn; carry on.
Alexander was in the prequal Fate/Stay Zero and Drake is in Fate/Extra, the PSP RPG (which I'm tempted to buy... even if it's not translated  )
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Hold off on buying Fate/Extra for the moment. It's being localized by Aksys Games. (See here)
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