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Star Wars: Returning Together (scene)
Star Wars: Returning Together (scene)
Returning Together

a Star Wars bunny by ClassicDrogn AKA dialNforNinja

Free to a good home!

Dateline: second to last scene of RotJ

Lieutenant Ragan Tollard wasn't sure just what was going on. The Rebels' fleet had been mousetrapped by their own star destroyer force according to scuttlebutt, but there were still calls for damage control parties from all over the station, and other rumors said some of the enemy pilots had been crazy enough to fly their fighters inside the unfinished quadrant... At the moment, he and his crew of enlisted technicians were headed for one of the point defense turbolaser mounts that protected the Emperor's command tower, and the pair of men moving slowly down the side of the corridor were just obstacles to be avoided, barely even seen at the conscious level - at least until one of them snapped out an order.

"You and you, help me with Lord Vader! You two, get a medic-droid and meet us at the shuttle bay. Get moving!"

Attention focused solidly on the here and now instead of the situation he'd find at the gun mount, Ragan abruptly recognised the form of the imposing Dark Lord, slumped on the shorter man's shoulder. The constant wheeze of his respirator was labored and rattling, and whoever the man in the unmarked unitard was, he was also staggering along unsteadily. Spurred into action, Ragan hurriedly confirmed the commands and gave directions to the closest medbay in case Karn and Folgo hadn't been as diligent in familiarizing themselves with this sector as they should have been, before shoving Nuren toward the unknown.

Swallowing reflexively - Lord Vader was a very real bogeyman to nearly anyone who'd ever so much as seen him - Ragan took one armored arm across his own shoulders, wincing a second time as the exposed circuitry where one wrist ended abruptly sparked and wafted sharp smoke past his nose, and put his back into getting the staggering duo to the shuttlebay double-time.

He still didn't know what in seven supernovas was going on, but if something had been able to chew Lord Vader up this badly, he very much wanted to get as far away from whatever had done the deed as possible.


I've posted Luke giving the order before, but it ran through my head just now as a fleshed out scene so I figured I might as well record it. Opinions?

- CD

Edit to stamp out gremlins
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
I'd read more of a story based on this.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I can only imagine what sort of things this would lead to.

For example, I can easily imagine that there would be some that would call for Darth Vader to pay for his crimes. This might be resolved by saying the Vader is dead - IIRC the technology to repair his body exists, it was simply outlawed for some reason.

There is also the potential that he may start slipping back into his Sithly ways... but this could be a good thing in that maybe the Jedi and the Sith can finally coexist (I've always been a fan of EPU's interpretation of things).

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