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Life, Order 66 and A Ball of Yarn.
Life, Order 66 and A Ball of Yarn.
Man, Yuku doesn't like me today!
My sister and I were discussing why the EU is bad for Star Wars (amongst other things), and she mentioned one of the Encyclopedias that says Boba Fett is alive.  In her words, when reading the section to her husband, she reached the bit where he was eaten by the Sarlaac (where Lucas states he dies), “then the magic happens.”

This set me off on another “if you don’t like the story as is, you don’t have to believe it, but don’t tell me something that’s contradicted by the originator” rants.  (I’m not a fan of the EU by any stretch of the imagination.)

I commented something to the effect that, if they wanted Boba Fett around, why have a wizard do anything to save him (or violate canon), and not do something simple, instead?  Say, Boba, knowing he was in a dangerous line of work having seen his father die before his eyes, had the Kaminoans make a series of clones of him, and he would update their programming after every mission.  If he misses an update (or his death is announced), the next clone comes on line, figures out what happened and goes after the mark.

My sister was gob smacked.  Seriously, I didn’t think it was that hard of a logical leap to make.  It doesn’t violate canon, and, honestly, it would go a long way to indicate how Boba Fett was such a “spectacular” Bounty Hunter without the need for him to be a mix between Batman and Lou Costello.

She started asking me for more ideas, indicating that her husband’s character (from their Star Wars RPG game), Simon, was supposed to be a Republic Clone Trooper who didn’t succumb to Order 66, and wondered how he could have beaten the programming. 

At the same time, MonkeyFist was talking about Demolition Man in my other ear and the two ideas merged:

“Well, when they were getting programmed with Order 66, instead of ‘Kill all Jedi’ Simon got ‘crochet and needlepoint.’  So, when the Emperor gave the order, Simon was hit with the overwhelming urge to find yarn.”  Much laughter ensued.  

After several more minutes of bizarre conversation, my sister, somehow brought up catgirls as being a source for yarn.  I suggested that Simon have a catgirl companion (because, hey, catgirls are hawt), and my sister remembered that the first game they played together (a different Star Wars game), her husband was playing Simon (pre-Episode One’s release) and she was playing a catgirl scout.

So, I am strongly encouraging my sister to write said fan-fic about a clone trooper with faulty order 66 programming, an overwhelming urge to knit when faced with a Jedi, and a cute catgirl companion.

Any objections?
*Chuckles* Nope, none here. Smile
Thisa sounds like something from the wackier parts of Fenspace... so I, of course, must say "Go for it!"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Thumbs up from over here. It's just weird enough to work.
Sounds good to me.

I will point out, however, that as bad as some parts of the EU can be, Boba escaping the Sarlacc was written well before the prequels were. Back then, all that was known was that there was some major conflict that involved clones and the Jedi, and that at least one Jedi fought alongside Alderaan royalty.

I kinda wonder how much the prequel movies were effected by the EU, actually. I know they included some small bits like the name of the capitol planet, but how much else might have been influenced by the preexisting ideas?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
I'd read it!

But then again I'm largely ignorant about large swaths of SW EU, so I won't know how much more sense it makes than some of the 'official' stuff that's out there Smile
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Quote:Jorlem wrote:

I kinda wonder how much the prequel movies were effected by the EU, actually. I know they included some small bits like the name of the capitol planet, but how much else might have been influenced by the preexisting ideas?
None.  Lucas has, on several occasions, mentioned that he never looks at the EU.  In fact, great swaths of the EU were utterly invalidated by the release of the Prequels.
Courscant was part of Timothy Zhan's stories when they were going to be canon and he and Lucas had agreed upon the name (it has a latin base in something, and Lucas likes twisting real-world languages; I just wish I could find my interview with him where he talked about all this).  The original name was going to be something based off of Apollyon or Abaddon (something demonic, but I don't remember).  Zhan released the books before Lucas had a chance to review them (found the second one, on sale, at an airport book store before he knew the first one had been written), thus getting them relegated to EU and not canon.  At one point (I don't know if he's ever relented on this), Lucas stated that only the movies, themselves, are canon, and things that happen in the books that are not depicted on screen are EU.
And Lucas has said, several times, that Boba died in the Sarlaac.  All the fanbois just can't let it go.  Just like Darth Maul.  Lucas said he died, but they're bringing him back in Clone Wars, which, I'm fine with, because CW is not the same universe (the CW Anakin would not fall for fear, he'll fall for pride).
When I go to run a Star Wars game, I usually look through some of the EU stuff, to see if anything catches my fancy.  I know I'm not going to be playing in a canon universe (mine tend to be a bit more grey, and usually have more sex in them), but too much of the EU is just fanbois going "squee" or "i wanta be the most 1334 jedi evar!"  So, tack another chalk mark in the "why Mark wasn't a fan of fanfics before this" column.
I believe there's a tally somewhere for the number of times Darth Maul has been brought back in the EU.
I assume you're aware of this, but, well. The Star Wars EU has of course established that catgirls do exist...
-- Acyl

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