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ROFL Beethoven, and tell Tchaikovsky the news
From Like a Flower Growing in Darkness, ... rs/9187240]Chapter 24. The context: DC/Marvel Crossover, and the Age of Ultron has come to Gotham City:
Quote:In Gotham, robots were attempting to enforce a curfew and Gotham’s residents, never the most lawful bunch, were enforcing the curfew right back.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:ordnance11 wrote: ... ord-s-Hero

Quote:Though it held over a hundred souls within it's walls,
the waiting room was silent. Not a word was spoken as every Devil in
the room stared speechlessly at the now blank monitor, which earlier had
been broadcasting the examination of their fellow participant, Emiya
Shirou. And although it had been a good two minutes since his
examination had ended and the screen turned blank, not one a single one
of them had been able to look away.

Another silent minute had passed before someone decided to speak up. It was a young man, a Knight of someone's Peerage.
"Did..." his voice broke, and he needed to pause to swallow before carrying on. "Did that really just happen?"
"...Yup." Saji confirmed when it appeared no one else would answer, his eyes never leaving the screen.
"Oh." The knight mouthed, before drifting off and silence returned to the room.
was..." another Devil started to speak up, a brunette Bishop, but
almost immediately she trialled off, unable to think of the words to
properly describe what she had seen. But she didn't need to finish, they
all understood what she meant.
"Yeah." A Devil next to her agreed, nodding his head dumbly.
Silence once again filled the room.

Finally someone snapped.
the hell is something like that even here?" A blond haired King threw
his hands up in exasperation and asked the question they were all
thinking. He pointed towards the blank screen. "Wasn't the Gathering
supposed to be for beginners? Then why the hell are we going to have to
fight a monster like that?"
"...Elders." Another solemn faced Devil answered.
The King nodded slowly in understanding and crossed his arms over his
chest. Then the young King spoke up, once again voicing what everyone
was thinking, "Fucking Elders."
This time every head in the room nodded, speaking as one. "Fucking Elders."

I'm going to have to check this one out
Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived (Potter spy school AU) ... +Lived.htm
Quote:At dinner that night, three of the Dragon sixth- and seventh-years walked over to where Hermione was sitting and drinking another quite unpleasant ‘nutrition shake’ for dinner. They loomed over her and demanded she make things stop.
She held up one finger in a ‘wait a moment’ gesture, and she fished a folder of papers out of her backpack. Then she set the folder in her lap and held up sheets of paper one at a time.‘I am not responsible for all of this.’‘Malenfant did something very stupid which could have been murder in the first degree.’‘At a minimum it would have been negligent homicide or attempted murder.’‘If you condone this we have nothing to discuss.’
Webber groaned, “No we don’t. Everyone knows he stepped over the line.”
Hermione held up more papers.‘Make him confess.’‘Make him publicly apologise.’‘The entire school is doing this and they will not stop until they see some fairness.’
“How do you know it’s the whole school?”
She held up more papers.‘I know what could not have been the Griffins in any way.’‘Computer attacks? Biological agents? Who do you think?’
“Fucking Ravens and Badgers…”
Webber complained, “How do you know what we’re going to ask next? You’re creeping me out!”
She held up another page.‘Deductive and inductive inferences.’
“Gah!” They stormed off back to the Dragon table.
Ron and Harry burst out laughing. So did most of the Griffs around her. Dean snorted, “That was freaking amazing! You looked like you had precognition or something!”
She held up another paper. ‘Thank you. I planned it carefully.’ Dean goggled at that.
Ron asked, “Do you really think Malenfant will confess?”
She held up another paper. ‘He will apologise and not confess. It will be a very Dragon performance.’
Harry smirked, “What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
She hadn’t really performed acts of precognition. She had just assumed that sooner or later the Dragons would confront her and try to make her stop the madness. And she had some alternative pages she had not shown anyone. She had just marked the pages along their right-hand edge in various places with a paper crimper so she could tell by touch which page to pull out. And she knew Monty Python was always a possibility with Ron and Harry. She pulled out the correct sheet. ‘Is that an African swallow or a European swallow?’
Her face hurt too much to grin at his dumbfounded expression. She also had sheets prepared for Doctor Who and Blackadder references, because she knew Ron and Harry.
Seamus asked, “Who’s going to win the next World Cup?”
She slid her finger down the papers and found the correct stamped position and shape. Then she pulled out the paper she had prepared for a wide variety of questions like that. ‘If I told you, you would do something rash.’
Ron laughed so hard at Seamus’ face that he nearly choked.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Quote:“You’re turning into a regular Captain Bligh,” said Ron behind Harry.

Harry looked around at Ron, a puzzled look on his face. “Where did you hear about Captain Bligh?” Ron was usually the last person to come up with any Muggle references.

“What?” asked Ron. “Everyone knows about Todd Bligh! He was captain of the Chudley Cannons from 1926 to 32. It was the last time they even came close to winning the league!” ... +Dagon.htm
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
The Games We Play [RWBY/The Gamer]
Quote:“Fascinating as the fucked-up shit Jaune gets up to when he doesn’t have adult supervision is,” Adam cut in. “Am I the only one who thinks that a pair of military scientists and a super robot probably only have so many places they might be going at this hour? And that it might fuck with our shit?”
“Don’t be silly, Adam,” I replied, not at all miffed by his words. “You really think you’d be the first person in our group to notice something? You’re literally the only person here who doesn’t have superhuman senses.”
“Rub it in, you smug piece of shit,” Adam scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, I am,” I said, holding out a finger. “This is me playing the world’s smallest violin. You just can’t see it because your eyes suck.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Adam muttered, rolling his eyes again. He stopped, however, when I made an illusion in front of my finger, showing the same space but quickly zooming in to show a tiny, tiny, tiny violin, with a bow drawing slowly across it. “…Did you actually make a tiny violin?”
I shot him a flat look and stored it back in my Inventory.
“What do you think?” I asked him seriously.
Adam shook his head, trying and failing to hide his smile.
“How long have you been waiting to make that joke?” He asked.
“Three weeks,” I admitted. “I’ve been saving it.”

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Quote:"Sleep is for the weak!" Agatha popped a can of Red Bull, chugging it in one long gulp. "I AM A GLORIOUS BUTTERFLY OF CAFFEINE AND SCIENCE!"
Sheer Genius 2.0 (Girl Genius/Dresden Files)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Thursday's Grrl Power just about killed me.[Image: 2015-09-24-GP0356.jpg]
The Case of the Unwelcome Owl (Harry Potter / Sherlock)

Quote:"That's – very nice," said John, cautiously. "But – but you know that Sherlock isn't a big fan of weddings? Generally speaking."

Luna inclined her head. "And I know he doesn't like being reminded of what he can't do. And people can be very stupid about Uncle Linwood being a reformed Death Eater, even though he never went back and joined Voldemort the second time, and was actually killed by Bellatrix Lestrange for having betrayed the cause. And Rolf says he might be embarrassed about how the family fortunes took a nosedive, since these days he can't afford to keep even one House Elf on what's left of his inheritance."

John was really only following one word in ten, but he couldn't help latching onto that last part.

"Would I be right in thinking that House Elves magically tidy up all your mess, clean and iron your clothes, scrub the toilet, make the tea, and buy the bread and milk?" he asked, suspiciously.

"That's right," said Luna, smiling brightly at him. "They enjoy domestic labour. It's what they live for."

"That explains so much," said John, with feeling.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Well, Sherlock, is Sherlock, whatever reality he is in.  Watson on the other hand, makes me wonder which Version is going to be used. He is typically a retired soldier and field medic, whose main depression isn't that he was in a war, its that he hasn't quite figured out what to do now that he is out of the war.  But which war?.
Quote:Manytales00 wrote:
Well, Sherlock, is Sherlock, whatever reality he is in.  Watson on the other hand, makes me wonder which Version is going to be used. He is typically a retired soldier and field medic, whose main depression isn't that he was in a war, its that he hasn't quite figured out what to do now that he is out of the war.  But which war?.
As tradition dictates; the Afghan War.
The fact that Harry Potter ends in 1997 makes it fairly plausible too, you just have to assume that whatever you are talking about happens 5 to 10 years after the books end.
One thing I thought was cool about the BBC Sherlock series was that it was all of a sudden -right- to have a modern Watson be a veteran of a war in Afghanistan, yes.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Seen on a T-shirt:
The NSA has 
read this shirt
    [No we haven't - NSA]
(with my apropos sig)
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
From the light novel Amagi Brilliant Park, Volume 3, Chapter 1, Part 2:
Quote:The girl, named Bandou Biino, had short hair that gave an energetic appearance, and she went around greeting people with a “Nice to meet you!” and shaking hands with them. Of course, I could only respond with an “Erm…” but this time I had a legitimate reason for doing so—she was wearing pajamas and had fresh blood all over her hands.

“I escaped from the hospital because today’s the all-important training! Looks like my wound reopened, hahaha…”

Don’t “hahaha” at me! The side of your pajamas is turning dark red. And look! Your face is turning pale!

“D-Don’t worry about me! This kind of wound should heal with more exercise…*cough*!”

Before I could recover from the shock, Biino-san collapsed. Cast members rushed in and brought her away in a stretcher.

Some people are just too serious about getting a job.  Oh, and her wound is from her brother stabbing her because he didn't want her to get a job....
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:Hazard wrote:
Quote:Manytales00 wrote:
Well, Sherlock, is Sherlock, whatever reality he is in.  Watson on the other hand, makes me wonder which Version is going to be used. He is typically a retired soldier and field medic, whose main depression isn't that he was in a war, its that he hasn't quite figured out what to do now that he is out of the war.  But which war?.
As tradition dictates; the Afghan War.
The fact that Harry Potter ends in 1997 makes it fairly plausible too, you just have to assume that whatever you are talking about happens 5 to 10 years after the books end.
We could have so much fun with Watson being a veteran of the Afghan war.
Seen in episode two of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans:

Engineer: "Using this system can cause cerebral nerve damage."

Protagonist: "That's okay, I don't use my brain for much anyway."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Manytales00 Wrote:
Quote:Hazard wrote:
Quote:Manytales00 wrote:Well, Sherlock, is Sherlock, whatever reality he is in.  Watson on the other hand, makes me wonder which Version is going to be used. He is typically a retired soldier and field medic, whose main depression isn't that he was in a war, its that he hasn't quite figured out what to do now that he is out of the war.  But which war?.
As tradition dictates; the Afghan War.

The fact that Harry Potter ends in 1997 makes it fairly plausible too, you just have to assume that whatever you are talking about happens 5 to 10 years after the books end.
We could have so much fun with Watson being a veteran of the Afghan war.
I hadn't heard about that particular one. Is there some sort of cover-up here?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
A High School DxD/The Gamer fic with an interesting take on raising Wisdom: ... er.361587/
Quote:Okay, maybe just maybe. Everything was real. Taking a deep breath I called up the Status menu. And with a ‘blip’ in the fabric of reality, a new red pane came to life. And on it, was me… or rather me reduced to numerical statistics. And I had five stat points to spend, just like it said. Joy.
Right, now, I have to test it, and to test it means to spend the points on something, but what? I looked at my most abysmally low stat, Wisdom, and brought it up to the slightly above average of seven. Other than the fact that it being so abysmally low was just shameful, maybe being wiser would help me right now.
…I didn’t feel any different. Not really, but for some reason, I’m now starting to wonder why I ever bought that alarm clock, or why in the past I decided to spend an entire lunch period loudly discussing the finer points of eroge enjoyment in front of an audience of teenaged girls…. Oh damn, it’s working isn’t it?
Oh shit it’s not stopping, and now I have a backlog of years of self-recrimination and cringing to get through… Why? Why does it all make so much sense now!? Of course girls feel uncomfortable when you discuss your favourite sexual fetish and latest pornographic purchase in great detail!
Why did I do that!? WHY!?
Wisdom isn’t helping at all! It’s just making me feel bad about stuff I’ve done in the past! It- it’s just a massive, giant guilt trip!
Quote:For deciding upon a wise course of action your WIS has increased by 1!
Right, I forgot about… oh, oh shit. It’s starting again…. Ugh why did I- and back then I- I- I- Okay, damn it Issei hold it together! Hold it together man, no matter how much you want to cringe yourself into a ball of self-recrimination and shame, hold it together! You’re in class damn it, hold it together!
Deep breaths, deep breaths. Calm Issei, calm-
For deciding upon a wise course of action your WIS has increased by 1!
AAAGGHH damn it! Another one! It’s not stopping, no…. no…
Quote:For deciding upon a wise course of action your WIS has increased by 1!
Ah shit, here we go again.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Quote:"It is an emergency and I have come for my sons a few days early. Would you be so kind as to give them their graduation certificates and expiration of term-served papers."
"Go to hell. No exceptions. Get out of here," he suggested.
I smiled at the unswerving gun and decided that explanation would be more fruitful than violence.
"This is a bit of an emergency. My wife, the boys' mother, was arrested this morning and taken away."
"It was due to happen. You lead undisciplined lives. Now get out."
"Listen, you dough-faced, moron-brained, military dinosaur, I came here for neither your sympathy nor malice. If this was an ordinary arrest the arrestees would have been unconscious soon after opening the door. Detectives, cops, military police, customs agents, none of those could stand before the wrath of my sweet Angelina."
"Well?" he said, puzzled, but gun barrel still ready.
"She went along quietly in order to give me time. Time that I will need. Because I checked the license plate numbers and these thugs were agents for..." I took a deep breath, agents for Interstellar Internal and External Revenue."
"The income tax men," be breathed and his eyes glowed redly. The gun vanished. "James diGriz, Bolivar diGriz, step forward. Accept these graduation certificates as token of your reluctant completion of all courses and of time served here. You are now alumni of Dorsky Military Boarding School and Penitentiary and I hope you will, like the other graduates, remember us with a little curse before retiring each night. I would shake your hands except my bones are getting brittle and I am laying off the hand-to-hand combat. Go forth with your father and join him in the battle against evil and strike a blow for me as well."

The Stainless Steel Wants You
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
From an essay, not a fanfic:
Quote:According to one story, Martin Luther put up the first Christmas tree. Walking home one winter, he was so struck by the beauty of stars shining though the evergreens that he brought a tree home and put lighted candles in its branches so his family could see. And right after that, Philip Melanchthon invented fire insurance.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:Did all alicorns use Wisdom as their dump stat or something? Because I'm starting to think that's what's going on in general.
Normal Life (MLP:FiM SI)

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Tyrion frowned. "I'm all for education and broadening one's mind" he responded, "but if it starts to interfere with your drinking then you need to reevaluate your priorities" he stated seriously.
Joffrey replaced by Octavian
Later, same fic:

"Do you think after I inherit the realm someone might want to buy the Iron Throne as a souvenir or will I have to sell it as scrap metal in order to put bread on the table for Lord Stark’s daughter?" Octavian asked sardonically before dropping his head into his hands on the table. "Kingdom for sale, needs some restoration, one careless owner" he could be heard muttering into his hands.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Quote:Sarah watched the Dendari officer as she went to assist Ivan in
gathering in the Countess’ staff and then spoke quietly to Miles.
”My lord, I don’t want to appear ungrateful but I would be infinitely obliged if you would never, ever discharge a plasma bolt that close to me again. You took years off my life.”
raised an eyebrow and coolly replied: “I’m sorry I alarmed you, Miss
Stone. But the fact is that at that moment you were driving a sword into
the belly of my grandfather. And I felt that I had the better right to
dispatch him than you did.”
”Oh. Well, that’s different. I suppose.”
From The Vor Slayer chapter nine.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
From Dust Based Thaumaturgy, a fun little (so far) FSN/RWBY crossover:
Quote:“Rin, this is wrong! So wrong! And dangerous!” Ruby Rose said, her small hands waving in the air.
“Relax, I know what I’m doing.” Rin said with a smile, her arms crossed over her chest.
“The last time you said that, a Dust crystal exploded in your face.” Weiss pointed out, sitting on a chair on the opposite end of the room.
Five girls were currently gathered in one of Beacon’s many chemistry laboratories. Two of the girls, the oldest and the youngest respectively, were dressed in white lab coats. The others were dressed in their school uniforms. Said others were also a significant distant away from the former two.

   Okay, first off, why do I find the image of Ruby in a lab coat both utterly terrifying and unspeakably adorable?

  Second... whenever Rin Tosahka says that...  on the one hand, it's Rin.  She really does know what she's doing... right up until she doesn't and Zelretch is giggling while duct-taping the planet back together....

   Because, on the other hand, there's this bit:

Quote:“I did it.” she announced.
“What exactly did you do?” Ruby asked cautiously.
“I have successfully made a magecraft-fueled Dust grenade.” Rin beamed. “At least I think I did. It’s set to explode in ten minutes, maybe more, maybe less. But the point is, it didn’t explode right away. Speaking of which, how do we get to the firing range?”
Everyone else in the room immediately raised their Aura.

Damm 5 months and no lolz
Quote:Then Gebbit looked him straight in the eye and said: “Everyone gets one
mistake. This is yours. From this point onwards, you will not lie to us
or hide anything. If there is a problem, you will ask for help.
As for your…gift…Ozman is your teacher. He will teach you how to use
your powers and you will follow his instructions to the letter. You will
not experiment unless Ozman lets you and you will not use your
abilities without supervision unless it’s a matter of life and death. Do
you understand?”

“Y-Y-Yes, sir.” The commissar nodded. Just as he was about to walk away,
Thomas said: “I saw someone in that…dream. You wanted to know
everything, right? I…talked to a…something. It looked like a wall made
out of horrible, screaming faces and it said it was the Emperor and that
I was his son and…” Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Gebbit looked angry, but Thomas got the impression that that anger was
directed at the dream-thing, rather than at him. “It’s the nature of
daemons, to try and trick us. It is not that surprising that one of
those horrors would dare impersonate the Emperor.”

“There was another man…thing. He was big, and red, wore this massive
golden armor and had one eye. He tried to have a ‘friendly chat’ with me
and called me brother and…”

Suddenly, one of Commander Black’s robots burst through the door. “Was
his name Magnus the Red?!” He all but screamed, sounding strangely
desperate. “Please tell me that wasn’t Magnus the Red.”

Thomas bit his lip. “The wall called him Magnus…”

“…but it was probably a daemon, so that could just as easily be a lie. I
would not put too much stock in psyker dreams.” The commissar hastily
added. “Do you know something?”

Suddenly, the light around Black changed. It churned and boiled, while
rage and horror poured in from all directions. No sound was heard, but
Thomas would’ve sworn that he was screaming. “A lie…yes, of course it’s a
lie. Definitely a lie. Just a daemon, not a daemon primarch. Absolutely
not true, because if it were true, it’d mean that I’m at Ground Zero of
a mid-air collision between about fifteen Tzeentch, Cegorarch, and
Deceiver plots and I refuse to deal with that level of shark-jumping
When in doubt, blame the Eldar
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Quote:At this Jar Jar took a breath as Palpatine almost visibly preened.

"To get though these exceptional times we must stand strong together
with purpose alongside such exceptional men such as the Chancellor. To
do so we must not be weak, and bow to threats to the freedom of the
Republic, we must be strong, and because of the we need an exceptional
change. The shadow of war looms over the galaxy, but the Republic has
stood strong for a thousand years against the shadows of strife and wide
scale conflict. The Confederacy of Independent Systems stands at our
gates, rattling their sabers of rhetoric and vitriol. But we must stand
strong against this foe, that wants to take over and run things not for
the people, but for profit, to fatten already overflowing bank
accounts. The Gungans stood side by side with the peoples of Naboo a
decade ago against such tyranny, and all the people of Naboo stand
strong still today, against a tyranny aimed to cover the entire galaxy."

The Senate seemed to be eating up the Gungans words, only a few angry
murmurs from those connected to the CIS breaking the soft silence as the
Gungan took another breath. Palpatine was smug, listening to the
speech decrying the visible tyranny, but oblivious to the tyranny he was

"Together we can stand strong against such a foe, but to defy this
exceptional threat, we much make exceptional choices, ones that have not
been made in a thousand years, such choices will reshape the Republic,
from a whimpering target to proudly standing against all who would
oppose. The Gungans know that if one wants peace, they must be prepared
to defend it! To defend it one needs the power to defend it, and so I
put to the Senate an exceptional motion, one that will allow the power
needed to go into the hands of those defending it."

The speech reached a crescendo, the emotions seeming to grab the
attention of all listening, Palpatine adjusting his robes to look
perfect for the cameras orbiting, his acceptance speech "humbly"
accepting such power in this trying time already memorized and practiced
to make it sound natural, his contacts had already told him that the
charismatic Gungan had spoken to many senators already and gotten their
support for his "surprise" motion, combined with his orders to those
politicians under his sway, the vote should pass immediately with an
overwhelming landslide, he even told those under his thumb that he was
going to act shocked at the motion, that would make the public eat up
the reactions. Palpatine put those thoughts aside as the Gungan was
getting to the point now, he had to make sure he seemed surprised at the
motion to sell it now didn't he?

"Senators, Delegates, Citizens of the Galactic Republic! Hear my plea
in these extraordinary times, I propose to you, that the senate
moves..." A hush of anticipation fell over the Senate and even the
commentators on the live streams beaming across the holo-net as somehow
they could tell that history was being made. Palpatine hid his smirk
and took a deep breath in for his response speech once the Gungan
finished. "...To Renounce the Great Disarmament Act of a thousand years

The Senate was shocked into silence,the Chancellor stood still,
motionless, the shock on his face not fake in the slightest. After a
moment of no reaction from the Chancellor, one of the Senators in
Palpatine's pocket shakily stood and followed his orders

"I... I first the motion, to do so and vote immediately." The shock
continued as another Senator followed orders as well as the Chancellor
was still motionless. "I, second, and move to vote."

This caused the dams to burst, as more followed orders, to call for an
immediate vote, and with the Chancellor standing still in shock, the
Vice Chancellor oversaw the vote, the measure passing in the largest
margin of any vote under Chancellors Palpatine rule. The Senate cameras
took this all in, as the Chancellor stood stock still, eyes glazed as
the historic vote passed him by.
Groundhog Binks
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

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