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Really Stupid Plotbunny
Really Stupid Plotbunny
"They're not full psychers. That's the main thing."

The God Emperor of Mankind looked at the report. "I can see that. How are they performing these feats?"

"Whatever this gene is, it causes them to exhibit one, and usually only one, psychic talent. But, and this is important, these talents are usually not subject to the Warp."

The Emperor looked up at that. "That's impossible."

"That's true, which is why I said 'usually'. Whatever it is that causes these talents, it seems to lock into one form; any other talents are usually either slight variations on a central theme, or are secondary powers of the same nature. The talent is so focused, that any attempt to use it for any other purpose fails. Warp Entities, even as focused on one thing as they are, rely on a certain degree of variability to sustain themselves, which these 'Xavier's Children' don't have. In other words, normally, they're only slightly more vulnerable to the Warp than ordinary humans."

The Emperor paused. "And how was this gene sneaked into the human population so widely?"

"Whoever this Xavier was, he was obviously quite cunning, and very desperate. Over a thirty-year period, he sends children with the gene to as many planets as we can find..."

"Except one." Said the Emperor.

"Yes, except Earth. Anyway, he seems to have focused on places that would accept an unexplained orphan, which actually doesn't narrow things down a lot. Given the children were all below the age of four, and usually much younger then that--"

"It was a matter of mass, not of age." The Emperor volunteered.

"Well, that explains that. Unless you'd care to offer more of what you know about this Xavier?"

"I have the 'why' of what he did, not the full 'what' of what he did." The Emperor said. "That's why you're here."

"Ah. Well, given the children were all so young, and they generally resembled the local population, they tended to be absorbed into whatever society they were found in. Whatever Xavier did to his 'children', it caused them, and their immediate children, to possess but not exhibit the gene. That, mixed with the vagaries of genetics, the facts that not every person possessing the gene exhibits it, most of the powers are low-key, and that the gene only expresses itself in adolescence, and the result was that it took at least two and a half generations, and usually more, before most planets noticed anything was amiss, and even then, they were frequently classified as merely low-level psychers."

The Emperor concluded, "Thus leading to our current problem: What to do about them."


Luc "Obvious Crossover Method" French
Another, I take from a Spacebattles thread from November, that'd I'd still like to see:

Quote:A Naruto/Mass Effect fusion.

ZeroTWolfram from SpaceBattles Wrote:That could actually end in the much beloved "crazy awesome" when you realize that the fusion would probably replace biotics with nijutsu, making the Asari a race of blue skinned space elf ninjas, Krogan Warlords into the equivalent of Jonin (or however that's spelled), but with a style befitting of Krogan, Salarians and Quarians into races capable of fighting Naruto type ninja's using trans-species technology, the Geth into a nigh infinite zerg swarm of robots so they were capable of defeating said Quarians, and Turians into the badass normals who fight freaking ninja's with really good guns, tactics, and good reflexes. Instead of using eezo based tech, the Reapers use chakra based tech, which is why they need to reap the galaxy, to farm more chakra. Yes, the milky way is their farmland. They need the power they get from it to fight something. Lets say whatever race created the 10-tailed beast, or maybe a race of 10-tails.

Luc "Secondary Terrible Plot Bunny" French
I have read several Naruto/Mass Effect crossovers recently. They were all quite unremittingly putrid, I'm afraid, the best of them starring Tobi, tossed across spacetime an unknown distance in an unknown direction till even his mangycow gamesharkingan can't find the way back, and doing whatever strikes his psychotic fancy because he gives not a single crap, and not een he could cast a genjutsu over an entire galaxy. He therefore joins Shappard's party (M-Shep! Boo!) when they arrive on Omega and proceeds to roflstomp the first wave of mercenaries and heavy mech on the 'Recruit Archangel' mission of ME2, and then it's incomplete. I'm not planning on checking back on it.

The first suggestion, X-Men/WH39K or whenever (since the Emperor is still around in a sentient way) actually sounds rather intriguing, though given both settings have a tendency to grimderp it up I'd probably be less interested than I expect.

On another note, I was thinking about how to get one of the Teen Titans as Louise's familiar - start from teh Trouble in Tokyo special, and have the random guy Starfire grabs to learn Japanese from via saliva exchange be Saito, who therefore is too distracted to notice the summoning portal even as he stagers around it and wanders off. Whichever Titan the author wants to use then gets grabbed instead. Or Fake-Godzilla. Louise would really like that, though there might be a bit of difficulty when it came to finding weapons suited to a Gandalfr like that.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
(I misnamed this thread: It should be "Really Stupid Plotbunnies")

Quote:The first suggestion, X-Men/WH39K or whenever (since the Emperor is still around in a sentient way) actually sounds rather intriguing, though given both settings have a tendency to grimderp it up I'd probably be less interested than I expect.

Technically, the snippet is supposed to take place during the Great Crusade in the WH40k timeline, with the PoD happening during the Age of Strife. Which, if you know about the WH40k timeline, should tell you how bad things were for Xavier to do what he did.

Can't speak to the idea of a TT/ZnT crossover. Too much depends on the person who crossed over. Robin would probably be both the most interesting of the options, in my opinion.

And one further Stupid Plotbunny: ... unds-legit features the "Sense of Right" team, featuring, from right to left, the lead from Cars, the Blue Ranger, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and Shrek.

I'd actually like to see a sensible fic that had five of those six team-up.

Luc "Weird Crossovers" French
One Naruto/ME cross that might be interesting would be if the planet the Normandy crashes on post ME3 was ninja world - put the ME characters into Naruto, in other words, rather than the other way around as usually happens. Why? Because a handful of high-tech users in a low-tech world has a number of interesting plot lines open, while low-tech characters in a space opera setting are basically in a race to get acclimated and scavenge space armor and pewpew lasers before they get killed from beyond the threat radius they understand. This does of course mean you get no Sheppard, but surely there's enough interesting characters in the party to tell some interesting stories even without her. Or him.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote:
One Naruto/ME cross that might be interesting would be if the planet the Normandy crashes on post ME3 was ninja world - put the ME characters into Naruto, in other words, rather than the other way around as usually happens. Why? Because a handful of high-tech users in a low-tech world has a number of interesting plot lines open, while low-tech characters in a space opera setting are basically in a race to get acclimated and scavenge space armor and pewpew lasers before they get killed from beyond the threat radius they understand. This does of course mean you get no Sheppard, but surely there's enough interesting characters in the party to tell some interesting stories even without her. Or him.
There's an easy solution to the lack of Sheppard.
End of first Big Arc, one of the ME team has (probably Solus) is playing around with seals and summoning, and manages to Summon Sheppard just in time for her to turn the tide of the Final Battle.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
The idea of one of the characters running around with a Sheppard Summoning Contract is pretty funny, actually - especially with the temporary duration thing, and the idea that it might be able to summon different Sheppards, and the fact that no matter what happens to Sheppard while s/he is there, all wounds and such are healed when s/he gets booted back to home reality. 
"What the hell was *in* that stuff?"
I have to admit, Wuffles vs. Sasori is a fight I'd love to see, or just Sasori's reaction to the Geth for that matter. (What's that you say? It's supposed to be "Legion," Wuffles is just in that one fanfic? Lalalala can't hear you...)
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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