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New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
#76 ... _Two_Hands

Naruto time travel fic, but with an interesting twist.
VladimirTherin wrote:

Naruto time travel fic, but with an interesting twist.

And even more interesting typographical and spelling errors. I usually ignore such things, but there were
just so many...

EDIT: You're right, though. Very interesting

-- Acyl
Quote: Acyl wrote:

VladimirTherin wrote:

Naruto time travel fic, but with an interesting twist.

And even more interesting typographical and spelling errors. I usually ignore such things, but there were
just so many...

-- Acyl

I observed them as well...but they are mostly the product of being a non native English speaker, I'd say he does need a prereader badly to fix his
typo's and spell check mangling.

Still I'd say that the story has potential and is an interesting twist on the time travel idea.

My mom's brief take on upcoming Guatemalan Elections "In last throes of preelection activities. Much loudspeaker vote pleading."
Quote: Here's a fun Potter fic, set the year before Harry starts. ... _the_Geeks
Now that's an interesting angle. Very obviously an AU, given that it seems to be happening just about now or a couple years ago, as
opposed to the canonical 1990s setting, and I just don't see Emily's "ripples" damping down by the next school year to give Harry anything
like the usual first year he gets. In fact, I'm foreseeing Harry getting "adopted" by the Science Fiction Club (or perhaps Ron drawing him in
after being drawn in himself via Fred and George). And I'm curious as to how the presence of a few Slytherins who Fred and George think are cool/fun/okay
will change some of the usual knee-jerk reactions Ron and others develop over the books...

(ETA: Hmm. On the other hand, there are some tantalizing hints that Emily is responsible for some of the canonical things we've seen -- the most obvious is
that her account of Star Wars results in Mr. Weasley enchanting the Ford Anglia to fly, in an attempt to reproduce a landspeeder...)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
My only problem with Blessed Are the Geeks seems to me to be that we can't TELL that the main character is supposed to be 10 years old.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Agreed. She sounds at least 14 and maybe 18. Then again, most of the students at Hogwarts sound the same. (And why do F&G call her
"mate" when she's female? Isn't that male-only?)

And don't get me going on Ethan -- a little of that personality would have been great. A lot... starrts getting grating.

Didn't stop me from enjoying the story, though.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I don't really think it's very common when used in terms of females, but I think I've seen it before occasionally. Though those may also be
mistakes. And I haven't seen anything that's out and out said one way or the other.

As for her apparent age, I'm not sure the story would be as good if you could tell it was a ten year old. I mean, I remember when I was a ten year old, I
was annoying, loud, and my idea of wit was still only slightly progresssed from f "I'm rubber and you're glue".
I think it'd be interesting, especially if Harry has a better opinion of Slytherin going in. Canonically he demands the Hat not put him there based solely
off of his dislike for Malfoy... if he has a better example, he might not, and while that's a schtick that's been done before, having something big
like the SFClub to defuse the inter-house rivalry that results would be a nice twist.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
It all depends, I guess, on whether he'll meet Emily on the Express... I can't help but wonder if he'll get sucked into the club, or just orbit it
like Fred and George.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Naruto: Haku alive
The Rift:

A multicrossover using primarily star trek and star wars. It's very good.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
ummm... wow.

Naruto semi-possessed, (You can figure out who fairly easily if you pay attention)

Same author as the 'art of the deal'.

Check out all of his stories. They're good. Really good.
*raises hand*

I might be over thinking it, but I have no clue who Naruto is being semi posessed by Tongue
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
It's Dan. (Probably, going by the first flashbacks)

Dan also wanted to be Hokage.

White Haired Reprobate is probably Jiraya.

Buying out a debt alludes a bit to Tsunade. (And her lack of ability in gambling)

And finally, Dan dies in Tsunade's arms as she's trying to heal him.

(also, noted later, Tsunade has honey brown eyes).
If i remember the idea behind that story correctly, it's not really possessed so much as the reincarnation of.
(DISCLAIMER: The Internet is a medium for the exchange of ideas. Thoughts and concepts are shared there. It is possible that people who use it may begin thinking about things they never did before. If this idea disgusts, frightens, or revolts you, please refrain from using the Internet in any way, shape, or form.)
End of one world

Pretty good time travel fic where Sasuke returns from the aftermath of the Akatsuki succeeding in their plan and then getting eaten by their own creation.
Having killed Itachi really seems to have calmed him down.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
time travel, potter raised as a Neanderthal, immortal.

"ideas about religion" that may be insulting. ... Last_Spell
potter naruto crossover.

Haku = potter.
Quote: ... Last_Spell
Meh. It was kind of okay up until the "X-Men" segment. Then it took its pogostick and went over the shark.

Kind of illiterate about history, too. He set the Exodus about 2000 years too early, among other oddities.

Is English a second language for this author? I noticed a whole lot of oddball word usages that I don't think a native speaker would even think to try.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I actually wanted to take back the recc, around the Moses part. (the Moses, Christ parts didn't add anything worthwhile while being insulting.)

Agree about the wolverine part.

(also wanted to take back the sg1/naruto crossover, thought that had a nice premise but kinda got boring)
The major problem I felt that Voldemort's Last Spell had is how he's having Harry do everything that he apparently feels is supposed to be
important... but anyway here are several stories I liked.

World's Fading Light by Languid Scripture: ... ding_Light

[Series] Evangelion/Lovecraft.

(Summary): The Beginning, the ending. The All of Things. The terrifying new world. LovecraftEvangelion fusion. First one shot of a series.

The Call of Cutethulhu by Piccolo Sky:

[Series] H.P. Lovecraft.

(Summary): squid monster looked a lot like his toy store counterparts?

The Call of Piracy by incandescens: [url=http://]

[Series] Once Piece/Lovercraft fusion

(Summary) One Piece meets HP Lovecraft. Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! No, not serious. Just . . . Lovecraftian.

Way Too Old School by Mr. Wizard:

[Series] Kim Possible/Lovecraft.

(Summary): It's time to go off to college, but who will take Ron? Maybe rejection isn't always a bad thing. Time for the boy to start proving himself.

The next several stories are all part a single series, originally I was going to suggest just Bleeding
Through as it was what caught my attention but given the effort the author went through building the series up to that story I felt that would be
somewhat rude... as well as the fact that at least two of stories before it are important at least plot-wise.

The side stories and oneshots can be found on his page at:[url=]

1. Thunderheads on the Horizon by Mattk: ... he_Horizon

[Series] Kim Possible

(Summary): Part of the Blood Bond Continuum. Something's coming...

2. Bleeding Out by Mattk:

[Series] Kim Possible

(Summary): The story you were warned about in Thunderheads on the Horizon begins as things start to go terribly, terribly wrong in the Blood Bond continuum.

3. Bleeding Through by Mattk: [url=http://]

[Series] Kim Possible

(Summary): It all comes crashing down.

Anyhow Bleeding Through can be read on it's and even if you're not usually interested in
Kim Possible you should probably read the story, as it written well enough that you can read it alone and is one of the better "humanity struggling
against a nightmarish lovecraftian being" that I see in a good while.

Dream Within a Dream by Mercurial Phoenix: ... in_a_Dream

[Series] xxxHOLiC

(Summary): You are not wrong, who deem that my days have been a dream.

Dwarven Vow #16: You can do anything if you try! We're dead anyway if we fail.
-Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
The links are messed up.
Edited, sorry for that.
Dwarven Vow #16: You can do anything if you try! We're dead anyway if we fail.
-Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
I would recommend a Naruto/Pokemon crossover fanfic. Title: Naruto the Psychic Shinobi
I'm seconding End of One World because it's got that same
kinda feel that Once More With Feeling has, only in Naruto
format instead of Evangelion. ^_^

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