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Crossovers That Should Not Be 19: Making no sense, right from the gecko
RWBY/Starlight Express -- Ruby on Rails
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
"When Homura Akemi woke up upon once again resetting the flow of time, she found herself transformed into a monstrous insect."
(Madoka Magica/The Metamorphosis, in which something goes hilariously wrong with one of Homura's time-resetting attempts.)
"Well... good news and bad news."
"Oh, great. What's the bad news?"
"Well, when the call went out for an emergency transfictonal strike team 'loaded for Berserker,' there was a communication failure regarding context -- namely, Saberhagen or NasuVerse."
"...frakk. There's good news?"
"Well, it turns out that there's a surprising amount of overlap in that particular Venn diagram...."
You can add Gunnm to that one easily, as well.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
.... I don't get it.
Gally/Alita's ... not sure which, actually ... body, the one that was self-repairing, was a Berserker frame Dr. Goodguy salvaged and installed her into. Later, when she transfers to the lightweight roller-derby body, Dr. Freakyfreak gets it, sticks some sucker in it, and removes the limiters that kept it from using its real power. Highly destructive hijinks ensue. (This is in the manga, an arc or two after the stuff adapted in the anime movie.)
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Speaking of Saberhagen's Berserkers, there's a a local gym chain called "Goodlife Fitness" - I've never been able to see the name without snickering.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Ah, I'm plenty familiar with Battle Angel Alita.

Dr. Goodguy is Dr. Daisuke Ido, cyber-physician and former citizen of Tiphares. He decided Alita should have the Berserker body after he saw that she was gonna do whatever she wanted despite what he wanted (a pretty and studious little girl to be his daughter - he wisely relented). Later, after the death of her first love interest, she ran away and wound up joining the motorball circuit and placed her Berserker body into storage... except that her coach hawked the thing to pay for upgrade or something.

The Berserker body then eventually fell into the hands of Professor Desty Nova (Dr. Freakyfreak), arguably the Big Bad, even more so than Aga Mbadi. Nova's thing is all about free will and destiny - how they play against each other in something he calls Karmatron Dynamics (or something like that). The easiest way of messing up the balance is with power, and the Berserker body has plenty of that. He mistakenly disables all the safety interlocks on the Berserker body, basically turning it into a rampant nanomachine colony. It then carries out it's basic objectives of first, finding a power source (which it does readily in Nova's lab) and then, finding a mind to control it - and it finds the remains of one of Alita's prior nemesi. And then everything goes straight to hell in a hand basket.

Anyhow, what I didn't get was the whole Saberhagen thing, and how that relates to The Berserker in Nasu-verse.
One of Saberhagen's novel series is about these giant space spherical spacecraft called Berserkers. They are significantly difficult to destroy and are the big bads for most of the Berserker series
Well, usually spacecraft sized, but there havebeen Saberhagen Berserkers all the way dowm to roughly human size.

As an aside, I must report that a Kindle 3 is only a whisker or two better than a psp as am internet device goes.I can see why they scaled the later models back to just being eReaders again.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
To be pedantic, Saberhagen's Berserkers are leftover Von Neumann war machines left over from a conflict which ended millenia, if not epochs, ago, when their creators and their creators' enemies were both rendered extinct.  After which, the Berserkers decided that their mandate to annihilate their creators' enemies extended to the elimination of all organic life, everywhere.(It's hinted that the Berserkers might have turned on their creators as well -- it's been suggested that Keith Laumer began writing the Bolos as a thematic counter to the Berserkers).
The Berserkers are antagonists who would make good minibosses in a Doc Smith novel -- these things throw planets around, and use Dinosaur Killers casually (when they're not nova-ing entire star systems).
The Berserker series has a certain "Humanity, Fuck Yeah!" element, in that the various organic races of the Milky Way galaxy were getting seriously beaten until Homo Sapiens joined the conflict, and began giving the Berserkers their first defeats in a very long time.  
The Berserker's aren't as smart as Bolos, but they're not dumb -- they've created new versions of themselves in various shapes and sizes, including Terminator-esque infiltration models, and they've learned how to enslave "goodlife," their term for any organic being that serves the Berserkers (brainwashing, conditioning, even some cases of people born into servitude to prisoners/goodlife).
Ah. Sounds like it'd make for interesting fodder for a Star Wars crossover. I could almost hear Vader's calm, but pointed rant about technological terrors meaning nothing to the dark side of the force.
Plus, then we could have (an AI reconstruction of) the Red Baron in an X-Wing!
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
ClassicDrogn Wrote:Plus, then we could have (an AI reconstruction of) the Red Baron in an X-Wing!

And now I can't help but imagine a certain beagle piloting a TIE Interceptor...Big Grin
Well, I said X-wing because the biplane layout has a little (very little) more in common with WWI aircraft, but the ships they were equipped with in the actual short story (It was von Richthofen, Albert Ball, and... I think Ernst Udet? Maybe just the first two) were more along the lines of a TIE fighter, as the Berserkers who'd captured the programmer just wanted them for cannon fodder. Except they then blew all the Berserkers to wreckage, even if only the Baron AI survived the battle. HFY!
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Albert Ball, William Avery Bishop, Rene Paul Fonck, Georges Marie Guynemer, Frank Luke, Edward Mannock, Charles Nungesser, Manfred von Richthofen, and Werner Voss. 
What was best about that story was how the guy used Exact Words to make it sound like he was sending out a bunch of pacifists and invalids rather than some of the deadliest fliers of WWI.  Guynemer was dying of tuberculosis, Mannock was blind in one eye, and von Richthofen's attempt to be a cavalry officer failed because he kept falling off his horse....
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
"No, Dresden, Germany -- the city. That's where we are."
"...I swear, if you dragged me here just to make that joke -- wait. When are we?"
"Oh, a couple hours before Bomber Harris' flyboys demonstrate you don't need nuclear weapons to destroy a city."
"...Hell's bells. And we're here, now,WHY?"
"Pursuing a suspect, same as usual. You'd be surprised how popular cities about to undergo holocausts are for perps to try breaking their trails. Damned hard to track someone across an event like that."
"I hate you, Harkness."
"Oh, c'mon Harry! Think of it this way -- soon the whole city will be on fire, and it won't be your fault!"

From the adventures of Harry Dresden, Wizard, and Captain Jack Harkness, Time Agent. It was going to be Harry and The Doc, but Harry&Jack just make a cuter (odd) 'couple' (especially once Jack realizes that Harry is actually completely vanilla when it comes to, ah, "human relations.")
We've convinced Vanyel "Shadow Stalker" Ashkevron, and Sophia "Shadow Stalker" Hess, to trade places for a week.

Let's see what blows up first.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote:SkyeFire wrote:
"No, Dresden, Germany -- the city. That's where we are."
"...I swear, if you dragged me here just to make that joke -- wait. When are we?"
"Oh, a couple hours before Bomber Harris' flyboys demonstrate you don't need nuclear weapons to destroy a city."
"...Hell's bells. And we're here, now,WHY?"
"Pursuing a suspect, same as usual. You'd be surprised how popular cities about to undergo holocausts are for perps to try breaking their trails. Damned hard to track someone across an event like that."
"I hate you, Harkness."
"Oh, c'mon Harry! Think of it this way -- soon the whole city will be on fire, and it won't be your fault!"

From the adventures of Harry Dresden, Wizard, and Captain Jack Harkness, Time Agent. It was going to be Harry and The Doc, but Harry&Jack just make a cuter (odd) 'couple' (especially once Jack realizes that Harry is actually completely vanilla when it comes to, ah, "human relations.")
Dude, you got the wrong thread.  This is a crossover that MUST BE.
FUND IT!!!  Big Grin
A very different BtVS crossover... Willow discovers her birth father is, well, um... Let me just give the title:

Willow Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:SkyeFire wrote:
"... soon the whole city will be on fire, and it won't be your fault!"
The horror....  An entire city on fire, and I don't get the kill credit?  "This is an outrage!  I demand a recount!  I demand restitution!"
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:DHBirr wrote:
Quote:SkyeFire wrote:
"... soon the whole city will be on fire, and it won't be your fault!"
The horror....  An entire city on fire, and I don't get the kill credit?  "This is an outrage!  I demand a recount!  I demand restitution!"
You're making me want to have Dresden meet Burnscar.... then again, the Slaughterhouse 9 would be the kind of guys Dresden would love to hate. The man who's stared down Nicodemus would not find Jack Slash frightening at all, at all.....
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Oh, Harry would be scared, all right.  He just wouldn't let it show.  Harry's response to fear is to snark harder.  And hit harder.  And first.
The bigger question is, would Harry's post-Corpsetaker mental defenses be enough to keep Jack out of his head?
Depends at least partially on how Jack's powers actually work.  I seem to recall the Master/Stranger/Thinker aspect only applying to other capes, their shards feeding his inside information about their hosts, but that might be fannon.
McIntyre's First Law: "Under the right circumstances, anything I tell you may
be wrong."
O'Brien's First Corollary to McIntyre's First Law: "We don't know what the
right circumstances are, either."
Quote:ECSNorway wrote:
Quote:DHBirr wrote:
Quote:SkyeFire wrote:
"... soon the whole city will be on fire, and it won't be your fault!"
The horror....  An entire city on fire, and I don't get the kill credit?  "This is an outrage!  I demand a recount!  I demand restitution!"
You're making me want to have Dresden meet Burnscar.... then again, the Slaughterhouse 9 would be the kind of guys Dresden would love to hate. The man who's stared down Nicodemus would not find Jack Slash frightening at all, at all.....
You don't kill with magic. It's a rule - and not a suggestion like 'wait an hour after eating before you swim', but a little less strict than 'thou shall not go faster than light'.  You can do it, it's just a stupid ass idea that'll kill you too, eventually. It breaks you in ways that don't fix easily, if at all.
That's why I only had the Slaughterhouse Nine pinned magically while I took a fireaxe to each head in turn. I have magic swords, but using those when you intend to turn in bodies for the bounty leads to awkward questions. So much easier to use things you find the area.
Yup, a regular MacGuyver, that's me.
Stars and stones, but the things I do to make my rent.
The S9 are a fine candidate for self defense even if they didn't have a kill order. Self defense with sniper rifle and a mortar if you can't scare up anything larger.

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