I'm reminded of the old joke that God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world (I'm part Irish, I can get away with making that joke).
So, the answer is obvious: God gave the Irish whiskey, he gave Americans Reality TV. Or maybe just pop culture in general.
The Russians got vodka. And chess. And Tolstoy -- I mean, c'mon, after reading that for Russian Lit class, any Russian bright enough to later lead the rodina in conquering the world would slit their own wrists....
The Japanese got catgirls. And they're perfectly convinced they got the better end of the bargain, even if the cargirls are still video-only creatures as yet. Real Catgirls, like nuclear fusion, are only thirty years away....
The British... well, have you ever *tasted* British "quisine"?
The French got a national Napoleon complex.
The Spaniards got Mexico. Utterly ruined them in the empire-building business. If your economy is based on gold, importing massive amounts of it from elsewhere is just debasing your currency.
The Mongols got democracy before communication technology made it practical. No, seriously -- that was the entire reason the Mongol Empire fell apart: when Temujin (Genghis Kahn) died, the *entire* Golden Horde had to go all the way back home in order to vote for a new Kahn. By the time they did that and got back, it was all over but the shouting...
(Lessee, now -- are there any *more* nations I can insult?