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You may now loath me...
You may now loath me...
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around, but "A" School can be a real bitch. If you fall behind on the "Self-paced" courses they give you Mandatory Night Study (MNS) in which you are REQUIRED to spend the only free two hours you have every night taking notes on whatever your Computer Based Training entails. Needless to say, I've been on Mando for quite a while.
Good news:
I have received my orders and I am to...
Detach from Great Lakes Naval Station in Aug '07 and report, no later than 29 Aug '07, to Naval Station San Diego for 33 days of temporary assigned duty, followed by "C" School for the Mk 45 (Mod 1&2) 5" Gun Mount. Estimated day of detachment: 22 Jan '08.
Now here's the totally bitchin' part!
Afterwards, I am to report, no later than 01 Feb '08, to DDG 63 USS Stethem, homeport: YOKOSUKA, JAPAN.
To think that I'll only be a forty minute non-stop bullet train ride from Tokyo...
You may all hate me now. ^_^
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"But first, let's test it on the penguin."
"Meep?" O.o

Re: You may now loath me...
.... Well crap. You're actually gonna have acess to all kinds of original incredible manga, video games, food, drink... Bullet Trains! The horror of used Pantie dispensers! POCKY!!!!!..... Agh! I think I DO loathe you. (grumbles away to sulk in his room)
Re: You may now loath me...
Hate you? Why?
We'll just send you our shopping lists...

Edit: Just kidding, of course. I know second-hand how tough it can be for someone actually working in Asia to find time to do his own shopping, let alone anyone else's. But on the off-chance somebody took my comment seriously, well...
-Rob Kelk
"Read Or Die: not so much a title as a way of life." - Justin Palmer, 6 June 2007
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: You may now loath me...
Umm. Loathe you? I mean, yeah, visiting Japan would be neat, but living there for any extended period? Not so envy-worthy.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"
Re: You may now loath me...
Remember that I won't necessarily be living on the economy while there. When not living on board my ship I'll be in base housing. Granted, Yokosuka is a joint USN/JSDF Naval Station, but I seriously doubt that -living- there is going to be any more difficult than it would be at any other Naval Station.
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"But first, let's test it on the penguin."
"Meep?" O.o

Re: You may now loath me...
Keep an eye out for a ship named the Mirai.... Wink[Image: faveosig.jpg]
Re: You may now loath me...
A gunners mate? WTF were the thinking???
At least you dont have to worry about job security... the 5" is the standard weapon throughout the force, the only other gun used are the 16" ones on the big battleships whenever they pull them out o mothballs.
I was a sonar tech, and they assigned me to a ship that didnt get the gear I was trained in till the refit after my enlistment was up."I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: You may now loath me...
I was thinking "Jack-of-all-trades = mucho grande education." Besides, most GM's I've spoken to love their rate and wouldn't give it up, though I might cross-rate into something that deals with airframes and aviation powerplants. Aeronautical engineering is something else I've always wanted to get into.
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"But first, let's test it on the penguin."
"Meep?" O.o

Re: You may now loath me...
I have a friend who was at Yokasuka about 10 years ago. Crypto tech formerly on the Theodore Roosevelt. He spoke fondly of the time there. Have a good time, get to know the train schedules, and remember that climbing Fuji takes the whole day and is not an easy process.Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: You may now loath me...
and remember that climbing Fuji takes the whole day and is not an easy process.
Oi... So I've heard. one of my RDC's back in bootcamp, a Chief Store Keeper named Simmons, told us all about it. It ain't easy marching up to a mountain top when it's covered with volcanic ash that's finer than most beach sands.
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"But first, let's test it on the penguin."
"Meep?" O.o


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