Okay, this is a little complicated, but I've been watching it for a while, so let me see if I can sum it up. The US, in its zeal to crack down on offshore internet gambling, has been putting pressure on countries where it's legal, like Antigua. This is in direct violation of a WTO treaty the US signed a few years ago that (as one of its many many terms) requires it to respect overseas gambling outfits if domestic ones are allowed. Countries were allowed to exclude terms like this one before signing -- they were allowed to agree to a subset of the treaty, as long as they specified what the exclusions were beforehand.
The United States did not exclude the bit about Internet gambling. It's now claiming both a) it didn't have to, because it's the US, and b) it didn't know it could.
Antigua has been banking on net betting to partially replace tourism (which can be volatile) as a prop of their economy, but the DOJ's crusade against it has been damaging the country. It filed a proper complaint with the WTO. A couple of them apparently. The WTO ruled in Antigua's favor, and told the US either knock it off or go after its internal gambling outfits.
The US's response has been, "go screw yourself, we're the big boys and we don't need to listen to anyone telling us what to do."
So Antigua has petitioned for, and is apparently going to get, the ultimate sanction against the US -- the right to ignore US intellectual property rights. Which means, Antigua is going to be able to legally duplicate and distribute anything with a US copyright on it, without having to pay the copyright holders anything.
Register story here.
When this happens, I'm betting (with an outfit in Antigua, of course) that the RIAA and the MPAA's collective heads are going to explode. Can you just imagine the resulting collision in Washington, between the big money lobbyists who are seeing their dying profit model get shot in the head, and the Imperialist administration who won't be told what to do by anyone? It'll be violent, it'll be bloody, it'll be glorious. Mutually annihiliating hypocrisy.
-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
The United States did not exclude the bit about Internet gambling. It's now claiming both a) it didn't have to, because it's the US, and b) it didn't know it could.
Antigua has been banking on net betting to partially replace tourism (which can be volatile) as a prop of their economy, but the DOJ's crusade against it has been damaging the country. It filed a proper complaint with the WTO. A couple of them apparently. The WTO ruled in Antigua's favor, and told the US either knock it off or go after its internal gambling outfits.
The US's response has been, "go screw yourself, we're the big boys and we don't need to listen to anyone telling us what to do."
So Antigua has petitioned for, and is apparently going to get, the ultimate sanction against the US -- the right to ignore US intellectual property rights. Which means, Antigua is going to be able to legally duplicate and distribute anything with a US copyright on it, without having to pay the copyright holders anything.
Register story here.
When this happens, I'm betting (with an outfit in Antigua, of course) that the RIAA and the MPAA's collective heads are going to explode. Can you just imagine the resulting collision in Washington, between the big money lobbyists who are seeing their dying profit model get shot in the head, and the Imperialist administration who won't be told what to do by anyone? It'll be violent, it'll be bloody, it'll be glorious. Mutually annihiliating hypocrisy.
-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.