(captured chat for Valles)
[The Legendary] valles: So, I downloaded the fansubs of Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito.
[The Legendary] Horned Dragon: Hi, Valles.
[The Legendary] valles: Heya!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Hi there
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: hi everybody
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Which one is that?
[The Legendary] valles: So far, I rather like it. It's wierd as hell, but not in a 'freak you out and make you cry on purpose' way like, say, Lain or Boogiepop Phantom.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The horror murder mystery thing?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No, that was Higurashi...
[The Legendary] valles: That's BP, iirc. I didn't watch more than a couple of episodes of that...
[The Legendary] valles: Yami is the one with the dimensionally traveling lesbians and the Obscenely Funky Hat.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *puts it on the list*
[The Legendary] valles: Little wiseass chicken-sidekick thing.
[The Legendary] valles: Episode opens with our apparent heroine, one Asama Hatsuki...
[The Legendary] valles: ...angsting about the fact that her MPP, HatsuMI, has apparently got herself a boyfriend.
[The Legendary] valles: Confronting her about it leads to an accidental cut with a letter opener, so Hatsuki freaks out like 'OMFG I HURT HER WAAAAAHH!'
[The Legendary] valles: ...and bolts. Plucks up her courage, comes back a few hours later...
[The Legendary] valles: ...and Hatsumi vanishes in a flash of light at exactly midnight.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...Eep?
[The Legendary] valles: After muttering Hatsuki's name, when she'd apparently been mute all her life.
[The Legendary] valles: A little talking marshmallow peep thing shows up a few seconds later, muttering about how he 'missed catching up to Eve'
[The Legendary] valles: Hatsuki grabs him and says, 'Take me with you.'
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Good for him
![Smile Smile](http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/images/smilies/smile.png)
[The Legendary] valles: Ken-the-Peep says, 'No way!'
[The Legendary] valles: And then, since he's the -size- of a marshmallow peep as well as looking like one, she starts to squeeze him to death.
[The Legendary] valles: Doesn't say a word.
[The Legendary] valles: 'o...kay...' he gasps.
[The Legendary] valles: She lets go all at once and he flutters away.
[The Legendary] valles: -Still- doesn't say a word.
[The Legendary] valles: I [The Legendary] valles: Cue commercial break.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Do NOT mess with the panicked schoolgirl
[The Legendary] valles: Her expression was more, 'Deadpan psycho schoolgirl', but it's still sound advice. ^_^
[The Legendary] valles: We flash back in to... something -completely- different.
[The Legendary] valles: Like, James Bond meets Murder on the Orient Express during the Russo-Japanese War.
[The Legendary] valles: Except Hatsuki's on the train, too.
[The Legendary] valles: No explanation why.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I'd like to see that, now that you mention it
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: hmm... Jame Bond had a big train scene in Dr No, didn't he?
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: *James
[The Legendary] valles: Dunno. I only saw that one the once, lo, these many moons ago.
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: he had a big fight scene with Robert Shaw as a russian assassin
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: on the train
[The Legendary] valles: So, as everybody's boarding the train to leave, we get these Legend-of-the-Galactic-Hero style identicard popups.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Psycho-Swagger-Stick counterespionage type.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Young and Sincere Mad Bomber Spy type.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Old and Sm00th Spy type.
[The Legendary] valles: Miss Young Hot White-Trenchcoat Badass type.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Apparently Useless Drunk Guy type.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yeah, I have to watch this... just as soon as I get through the first season of Nanoha
![Smile Smile](http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/images/smilies/smile.png)
[The Legendary] valles: And Hatsuki, Ken, and a girl in a frilly shirt and a six-foot jester hat, who's apparently with them.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Then in through the door came the Girl in the Hat!
[The Legendary] valles: Psycho-man storms through the train, bothering people, looking for the bomb. Eventually bursts into Miss Badass's room.
[The Legendary] RevDark: Must have been a tall door - or she ducked.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...How tall is the girl, and how much headroom is there in the train?
[The Legendary] valles: Gets the drop on her, since she's being polite, pulls a knife, cuts her coat open - thereby confirming what I'd only until then suspected...
[The Legendary] valles: ...cue rape scene setup.
[The Legendary] valles: Cue end credits.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ack
[The Legendary] valles: And that's episode one.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Definitely next on my list
[The Legendary] valles: The hat is kinda a two-tailed witch's hat thing.
[The Legendary] valles: It's only about maybe two-feet tall, but the brim is l1k3 t3h w04h and the tails end up curling around about floor level.
[The Legendary] valles: We saw her sitting on a crate ina cargo car, though, so.
[The Legendary] valles: Overall, she was pushing the Renaissance Fop Witch Chick thing.
ETA: By "good for him" above, I of course meant "good for her."