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Slayers Revoultion
Slayers Revoultion
Has anyone seen this show in Japan yet?

I know it is supposed to be a continuation on Slayers Try, but beyond that I have no idea.

I don't know if the Sword of Light is making a comeback or if the far more powerful Blast Blade will finally appear.

I guess it was just a matter of time before a new Slayers show was made, considering the Slayers novels have been coming out periodically since they first
appeared(Is it 50 books now?)
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor

Quite fun actually, and is definitely Slayers in feel, art and writing.
Sadly, it looks like Funimation made with the Cease and Desist letters. Hopefully this means we'll be getting a localized version soon.
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 

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