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Why Has No One Told Me About This?
Why Has No One Told Me About This?
JetBlue Flight Attendant Incident
Seriously, the fact that I missed this is a sign that I've been working too hard.  (And considering the subject matter here, ain't that ironic?)
I guess it never occurred to anyone that someone missed it. It was the sensation of the week when it occurred.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
This is the first I've heard of it. That's pretty strange.
It reminds me of an xkcd comic that I'll edit into this post once I'm at a computer.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

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