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RL Superhero actually *does* something
RL Superhero actually *does* something
Admittedly, it wasn't much, but it's a start.  Most of the supposed RL superheroes you hear about ... don't actually do anything, near as I can tell.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
In reality, most vigilante heros wouldn't have much to do. Crime rates (especially violent street crime) has been on a downward trend for the last fifty or sixty years.
Even if they "patrolled" for crime the chances they would encounter a mugging in progress are slim. This is why the police rely on 911 and radio dispatch.
Not that I'm advocating this, but it's pretty easy to pick up a police band scanner.  But that'd be ignoring the whole vigilante bit, which... well, that mask ain't gonna protect him when he zaps someone with that stun-stick he was so proud of.  Sure, he might be acquitted of criminal charges, but he's going to get sued into oblivion. 
So, it's inherently stupid to be any sort of vigilante, really. Smile
That aside, the thing that irritates me about the whole RL Superhero schtick is that most of them seem to be nothing more than attention hounds.  If they want to be "heroes", then actually DO something, dammit.  Dressing up and pretending to go on patrol is not doing anything.  Building your website talking about your (undoubtedly fictional) heroic deeds is real-life fanfiction.  And it cheapens the word 'hero', in my opinion.
If you want to feed your ego and legitimately call yourself a hero, wear the costume and go drive for Meals on Wheels.  Visit sick kids in the hospital and distribute free comics to them.  (Our local comic book store donates a TON of comics for us to do exactly this, in fact, and the kids love it.)  Help your neighborhood watch program.  If you want to go on patrol, fine, go ahead, but don't get physically involved.  A cell phone and video camera would go a lot farther to help halt crime than waving your possibly illegal tazer around.
If this guy had simply whipped out his cell phone and called the cops (instead of chasing the burglar away), he'd *still* have done more than most of the rest of them, is what I'm getting at.  So, superhero, no, but a sort-of hero?  Yeah, he's doing better than most. Smile
(Though I fully expect to see him in the news again, now.  Probably under arrest.  This will only encourage him, sadly.)

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
(Though I fully expect to see him in the news again, now.  Probably under arrest.  This will only encourage him, sadly.)
Actually probably not. I looked up a bit more info about him and apparently, he's got all of this more or less cleared with the police. He lets the police know where he's 'patrolling' and fills out police reports. Mind you, the police aren't super happy about this, but they note that he's not doing anything illegal.
He also apparently does things for kids in hospital going by what made the news down here.

s3yang Wrote:
(Though I fully expect to see him in the news again, now.  Probably under arrest.  This will only encourage him, sadly.)
Actually probably not. I looked up a bit more info about him and apparently, he's got all of this more or less cleared with the police. He lets the police know where he's 'patrolling' and fills out police reports. Mind you, the police aren't super happy about this, but they note that he's not doing anything illegal.

Okay so he's somewhere on the level of being between a Security Guard and a Auxiliary police officer and probably dreams of reaching the Constable, Marshal & Sheriff security levels.


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