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This fills me with a strange and unexplainable joy.
This fills me with a strange and unexplainable joy.
#1 ... america-2/
What can I say - I am a huge fan of Batroc the leaper.
Quote:"Chris Evans will once again star as the Star-Spangled Avenger, with Anthony Mackie set to play Cap’s sidekick, The Falcon,..."
Ah, they're bringing in the Amazing Token. Sad. They could have picked a real sidekick, but instead they picked the man with the weakest power of all.
Red Skull: "So... You can speak to birds? That's not bad... No what? You can speak just to one bird? O-okay... That's more limited, but still manageable... Wait, what's this? You can only speak telepathically to this one, very specific bird? And you have absolutely no other powers?"
Red Skull:
Red Skull: "Now what have you got?"
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Quote:DRAG0NFLIGHT wrote:
Quote:"Chris Evans will once again star as the Star-Spangled Avenger, with Anthony Mackie set to play Cap’s sidekick, The Falcon,..."
Ah, they're bringing in the Amazing Token. Sad. They could have picked a real sidekick, but instead they picked the man with the weakest power of all.
Red Skull: "So... You can speak to birds? That's not bad... No what? You can speak just to one bird? O-okay... That's more limited, but still manageable... Wait, what's this? You can only speak telepathically to this one, very specific bird? And you have absolutely no other powers?"
Red Skull:
Red Skull: "Now what have you got?"
Looking at wikipedia, it appears that he actually can control all birds, not just the one.  So, he's basically the bird equivalent to Aquaman, I guess.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
"Excuse me, Mr Skull? There's this little Hitchcock film that you should, perhaps, be aware of?"

"And no, it's not Psycho. Though it's tempting to say yes, in your case."
Not to mention that, if they draw stuff from the Earth's Mightiest Hero's incarnation, he also gets flight, the ability to fire razor edged feathers from the same flight wing pack, as well as all the tech that the Black Panther put in the suit after it got trashed the last time.

Plus, there's also the fact that, well... remember Blacklash? Y'know, the guy that had poofy green hair and an electro whip and danced around in a disco outfit in blue and lavender? He ended up being rolled into Whiplash in Iron Man 2. Nothing keeping anyone from basically making the character more badass than the source material. Falcon basically has "bird of prey motif" as a blank slate to give him any number of things. It's pretty flexible if the writers want to take the time to beef him up.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Sam Wilson, agent of SHIELD. Codename 'Falcon'.

With that one sentence, I just placed him in the same level of skilled badass mostly normal human as Hawkeye and Black Widow.
It's also worth noting, that the 'talks to birds' power? Has led to him having a spy network bigger then, and often more successful then even Nick Furys.
Heh. My capacity for irrelevant ideas just kicked another odd thought out.
Sam Wilson. Slade Wilson.... (Okay, one's black and the other isn't, but adoption can cover that one.)
So it basically came up with this:
Falcon leaned back, enjoying the warm summer afternoon heat. Hulk had wandered off to do whatever Hulk did when there wasn't anyone to beat up on. Cap was off at the gym working out. Sam had never met anyone who obsessed about staying in fighting trim more than Cap did. He put any five other Supers to shame.
Stark was off inventing, or schmoozing with his girlfriend. Damn, she's hot, he thought to himself with a grin as he remembered how those cutoff jeans had hugged her like a second skin. The casually tied halter top had completed the picture. Stark hadn't been smirking too much, but it was obvious she had the whole room in the palm of her hand the moment she showed up to haul her boyfriend off to deal with business.
Hawkeye... He was a mess, as usual. Making time with Wasp, especially after her apocalyptic breakup with Hank. But that was another can of worms he'd have to handle some time.
As for Sam? He was just relaxing, and enjoying the thrill of being in the most sought-after superteam in the world. The Avengers.
He tapped the communicator card Stark had given him on his chest as he looked down at the picture, a silly smile on his face. A smile which froze unevenly when he felt the sharp prick of something decidedly lethal pressed against the back of his neck.
"Enjoying the moment, brother?"
Sam fought the impulse to run, and turned slightly, glaring at the black and gold bilateral mask, barely visible in the dark of the bushes behind him. "Actually, yeah. I am. What do you care?"
Slade laughed softly and shook his head. "Brother... I'm just happy for you, is all. After all," he continued, his voice dark with amused insinuation. "You have no idea how hard I had to work those buffoons to convince them you should be on their team."
Sam half-turned in his chair, ignoring the potential risk. But Slade was already gone, a ghost in the trees behind him. "You did what?"
"I look out for family, brother." The voice faded fast as the darker side of their family slide away. "I'm pleased you've made a name for yourself now. Don't waste the opportunity. I might not be able to help you a second time."
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke is DC.

However, Marvel does have Wade Wilson (better known as Deadpool). Now there's a brother you'd want to forget about. 8P
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Which is admittedly because Wade Wilson was a deliberate clone and later parody of Slade Wilson.

...yes, that's right. Deadpool was originally intended to be a serious character. How's that for weirdness?
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Quote:OpMegs wrote:

Which is admittedly because Wade Wilson was a deliberate clone and later parody of Slade Wilson.
...yes, that's right. Deadpool was originally intended to be a serious character. How's that for weirdness?
Rob Liefield character. That's all I have to say. The fact that Gail Simone managed to make him interesting is a testament to her writing ability.  
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
I recall a Marvel/DC crossover game I ran for a long time using the Marvel Supers rules. At one point, Deathstroke used the soft-space gate the PC's had set up a facility around, and snuck through while the players were elsewhere. He then raided the X-Mansion's computer system for information on who his counterpart in their reality was.
After chugging away for a few minutes, Cerebro eventually spat out a genetic match: Craig Hollis, also known as Mr. Immortal. He's got the same power Deathstroke has: He can't die. But unlike Deathstroke, who turned it into an advantage in his line of work, Mr. Immortal is always trying to find new and more creative ways to kill himself. He's only a hero by accident, as a rule, and couldn't be bothered to try harder.
In the game, after discovering what his alternate was like, Deathstroke very deliberately erased all evidence of his own tampering, returned to his reality, and refused to even discuss the other reality ever again.
Of course, that's also the game where the PC's discovered Cadmus had raided across the boundary and obtained a sample of Mystique's DNA. They combined it to create another DNAlien. This one was based on a combination of Mystique, Superman, and the Venom symbiote. "Mystaque", as the players called her, was another uncontrollable monstrosity Cadmus was responsible for unleashing on the game universe...
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.

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