Doesn't the south of England have a foot or so of water heading down river to London atm? 'Cause you know the Top Gear crew's prepared, all they have to do is un-mothball their amphicars and borrow some more gear from Gibbs. Not to mention the stuff they've picked up raiding the UK MoD auctions. (Knowing Hammond if he could front the cash, all the ex-mil Land Rover's would be his. So in this situation an amphib land rover would be on his shopping list.)
Great Northeastern Snow Storm
It's already hit them, Rod. News here in the States is already covering unhappy people in very expensive London neighborhoods who are now very wet.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
All we got down here was that the Thames had burst it's banks in the county of Surrey and the ground saturation was 100%. No suggestion that suburbs of London were flooding. I did find ... rt/5250986 which says parts of Windsor and Croydon is underwater, but to Australians calling Windsor a suburb of London's like calling the Gold Coast one of Brisbane's. Croydon on the other hand, that's more of a suburb to me, roughtly the same distance from central London as I am from Melbourne's.
I might be misremembering what I heard, but then again, we are talking American newsmedia here -- they might be exaggerating the case.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Well, snow finally came down..coming down had and someone is building a Alabama!
__________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell
We're about halfway to whiteout conditions here in New Jersey. I'm not sure how much has already fallen -- looks like maybe 3 inches at most, best as I can guess -- but it shows no sign of stopping. Not that I was expecting it to for another 8 or 9 hours.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
I received advanced warning of snow last night, by way of a nausea-inducing, light-sensitive, curl-up-and-wait-to-die migraine. Never had one that bad. Frankly, I hope I never again. In contrast, the snow here in Morgantown isn't bad, compared to some of the earlier storms. It's just going to be another six inches on top of what we've had previously.
Getting really tired of this stuff. Ebony the Black Dragon "Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you." Bob Schroeck Wrote:We're about halfway to whiteout conditions here in New Jersey. I'm not sure how much has already fallen -- looks like maybe 3 inches at most, best as I can guess -- but it shows no sign of stopping. Not that I was expecting it to for another 8 or 9 hours.At which point we'll get it... I'll be bringing things home with me this evening to work on tomorrow, just in case. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I may have underestimated that snowfall; it looks like there's substantially more than three inches out there, and has for hours. Our front walk is covered with a drift that looks to be almost two feet deep in places (which makes the tarp I put down to prevent it from gathering ice a bit redundant). We actually seem to be in a bit of a break now, after an hour or more of rain.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Had to use the snow chains to go down the hill.
![]() Somewhere in Raleigh, N.C __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell
Word to the wise: Stay home.
EDIT: Alas, I can't take my own advice - there's a meeting tomorrow morning that we are required by law to hold, and it's my turn to chair it. Fingers crossed that the roads will be in decent (read: passable) shape. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Less than 20 minutes after my last post, a shoveler came to the door and dug us out for $50. And given my hatred of snow, this was the best thing to happen to me all day
The car is still under a tarp because it's raining now and the temperature is dropping, but I had to add bungee cords to hold it on, as the wind's picked up considerably. Meanwhile, 50 miles to the south and a bit to the east, my Mom's got a couple inches of slush in her driveway. Go figure. Forecasts call for another 3-5 inches of snow tonight, plus freezing rain. I'm anticipating working from home for the second day in a row. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
And it's sunny and above freezing this morning already -- maybe we'll lose enough snow to actually see. The 3-5 inches we were supposed to get didn't materialize; it looks like the last of the rain (which was a bare drizzle) did the freezing thing, and then we got a dusting over it. But they're still having us work from home today.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Downright nice here in San Antonio today. Upper sixties, and so much sun I had to turn on the AC in my truck to keep from getting fried (better the AC than opening a window to keep the pizza I deliver from cooling down).
We've gotten slammed up here in Michigan by ice, snow, and then more snow, and then another snow storm.
The drifts piled up by the plows are starting to cause visibility issues at corners. Bonus stretch in there going 5 days without power after the ice storm.
And that tops the three hours of no power due to too much heat, we had a fortnight or so ago. All though I think it might've been aggravated by a car into a power pole and a relay station fire. Oh and the local university's "park a small house in it" wind tunnel and the synchrotron...probably more the 'tron, the uni's on break back then.
/rant on.
Basically, we got from a quarter to a half an inch of ice on all exposed surface.There were many, many downed trees as a result. Some of them were as big around as my torso.Unfortunately, the run of mild winters had lead the local power company to skimp on trimming branches/trees encroaching over the power lines. The results were massive outages, in the numbers of hundreds of thousands. In my case, my neighbors shitty silver maple lost a main limb that proceeded to rip the mast, mater and line off his house AND mine in one go.So the power company had to come out... and cut the line as it was still live. What followed was desperately trying to get someone out to replace the mast and meter before we could even get hooked back up.The power company provided the replacement meter, but the electricians were booked solid for 4 days within hours of the storm, and wanted 800$ to put us at the end of the list. Ended up paying a guy we knew knew what he was doing ( was used to working 440+ lines as part of wiring production lines) but didnt have a current license, and do the work under a home owners permit. We were actually one of the fortunate ones. Some of the people in the city proper were like 9-10 days without. That was a different power company. *Those* idiots managed to screw up to the point where they blew through their supply of ready spare transformers by bringing up a section of town that still had a massive short. So they basically had to wait another *week* to truck more in from out of state. Then they managed to screw up getting things back together by doing such asinine things as parceling out all the volunteers from out of state to only pad their existing crews , and thus got no benefit. Then they got nailed for letting employees and friends slip up the priority list instead of optimizing it for getting EVERYONE up the quickest. Yeah. Those guys are STILL facing touch questions from the media and local politicians. /rant off. Quote:VladimirTherin wrote:"Starting?" A week or so ago I walked down to the Secretary of State branch office to renew my driver's license. Along the way I noticed snow piled up higher than my head in quite a few places. Granted, I'm of medium height tending toward short, but we're still talking nearly six feet and often more of tightly packed snow. ----- Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING. Quote:DHBirr wrote:My brother is in Ann Arbor, and he's told me that that area of Michigan hasn't had any days above freezing in over a month, and it has been consistently cold enough that salting the roads doesn't help. He didn't think to move his car regularly, and it is now frozen to the ground in the parking lot of his apartment by what he described as nearly a foot of ice.Quote:VladimirTherin wrote:"Starting?" A week or so ago I walked down to the Secretary of State branch office to renew my driver's license. Along the way I noticed snow piled up higher than my head in quite a few places. Granted, I'm of medium height tending toward short, but we're still talking nearly six feet and often more of tightly packed snow. The Boston area has gotten more actual snowfall, as far as I know, but at least some of it melts between the weekly snowstorms... ----- Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea. "Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia. Quote:Jorlem wrote:My brother is in Ann Arbor, and he's told me that that area of Michigan hasn't had any days above freezing in over a month, and it has been consistently cold enough that salting the roads doesn't help. He didn't think to move his car regularly, and it is now frozen to the ground in the parking lot of his apartment by what he described as nearly a foot of ice.Hmmm. Now I'm in Ypsilanti, which means I could literally walk to downtown Ann Arbor within two hours (allowing some extra time to cross streets and the highway without getting run over), and it doesn't seem to me it's been quite that bad. Looking out my front window, the main drag appears clear and dry ... what I can see of it, beyond the plowed snow heaped up three and four feet high.... But we've had at least a couple of days in the last week that I believe the temperatures got above freezing for several hours at a time. ----- Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Latest forecast: Another 2-3 inches overnight tonight in the NY/NJ/Conn metro area. Lovely. And my windshield wipers appear to have broken.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
If you can remember to do it, most cars have wipers that will flip up away from the glass. If you do that overnight they at least will not be frozen to the glass in the morning.
We have crystal clear blue skies and temperatures right around 70 in North-Central Texas right now. No ice anywhere to be seen.
*Waits to dodge the incoming brickbats*
I have never been more grateful in my life that I now have a house with a garage.
Even then, my remote starter has stopped working. ![]() -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
It could be worse, apparantly, central Japan had 128cm dumped on them Sunday.
___________________________ "I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin |
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