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Lab-Grown Penis
Lab-Grown Penis
#1 ... -interview
Well, I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later. Another milestone in regenerative medicine.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
..."We're going to need a bigger test tube"
So they've got mice wangs down and are working on human. Do we need to worry once they start working on other mammal's?
Still, if they get it all working correctly the field of fetish porn's getting a huge boost and 4chan /d/ would go into meltdown.
What about the literal reverse? Can this technique be used to create an implantable uterus and vagina? 
What does this mean for transgenders both FtM and MtF who opt for full surgery?
It sounds like there's a limitation in using cells that are already part of the body. Would you need to genetically modify cells to produce the correct donor tissue for the opposite gender first?
At the bottom of the article, it mentions that they have already successfully grown and implanted a vagina. As far as SRS applications, I don't think we have the ability to alter a cell at that level quite yet; and the complexities and side-effects of a literal transplant make it a generally non-viable approach. While transplanting from a donor is possible, (A penis transplant was performed in China in 2006), but that was both on a same-sex patient, and you have do deal with all the issues of rejection that come along with organ transplants.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
From what I can understand they're still at the requiring cells of the correct type to all ready exist at the destination to enable harvesting and growth stage of things. Which means a better FtM result is theoretically possible (and of cause the other thing), a better MtF result using this method currently would require some form of intersex condition, until someone works out how to get stem cells to reliably do the job.
Or not as over at io9 they've found a report that someone's had a successful pregnancy using a transplanted womb, but this was a woman with all the oem equipment just minus the womb. And they still apparently had the fun of dealing with transplant rejection combined with the issues of pregnancy.
That's rather interesting. A woman, while pregnant, already has a lowered immune system response to make it less likely her immune system will attack her child while en utero.

Really, I do hope this works out for the transgender crowd.
While I would be thrilled if this technology ushers in a new reality for the transgender crowd, or replacing equipment lost to accident, injury or disease; I suspect the reality will be different.
Everyone with a bulging bank account and feelings of inadequacy (of something other than their bank account) will be lining up around the block so they can be custom fitted with dangling war clubs of such girth and magnitude that Ron Jeremy himself would wonder if they would faint upon every erection.
Then the inevitable escalation, as the genie, whose vessel has been rubbed, blasts outward.  First it will be the double dongs, so that every bedroom encounter will be met with a HAIL HYDRA salute.  Then the man whose underpants fit him like a glove.
Too bad Henry Ford isn't still around "You can get it in any colour, as long as it is black" would be a good tag line for the next generation of wang peddlers.

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