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Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Sure, drop a few more in here.

An Essence of Silver and Steel, by James D Fawkes (author of 'Miracle of Zero', FSN/FOZ crossover). (Worm/FSN): Taylor Hebert has not inherited the power of one Heroic Spirit. She's inherited all of them. And is able to manifest them by 'include' or 'install', much like in Prisma Illya. Rejoice, Brockton Bay! Your wish has been fulfilled!
(FFNet Link)

Respun by Aetheron (Worm PeggySue): In the aftermath of the Echidna fight, right in the middle of getting her eyes fixed, Taylor is spun back in time to her first meeting with Sophia Hess. Cue ALL THE BUTTERFLIES.

A Little Help by wizerd00 (Worm AU): Distraught after her initial rejection by Sophia and Emma, Taylor can be found weeping over her mother's grave. There, she gets bitten by a cute little white fox. Hi-frickin'-larity En-farkin'-sues.

The Moon's Flash Princess (Book 1: Surviving Aincrad) by Neph Champion (SAO/SM): For years, the Senshi or Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus have fought a guerilla war against the equally secretive forces of the Dark Kingdom. Kayaba Akihiko has instituted a desperate plan to aid them: Sword Art Online, an immersive VR MMORPG that he hopes will enable him to train up a corps of soldiers to fight at their sides. If only Zoicite hadn't infiltrated the programming team....
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
In early 2015, not long after the release of Jupiter Ascending, one ryfkah, at AO3, began writing a post-canon fic, The Convergence of Genetics and Quantitative Analysis, in whose first chapter Aleksa Ruslanovna Bolotnikova Jones sees Jupiter and Caine tripping the light fantastic over Chicago at the movie's end:

Subsequent chapters unfold how the Bolotnikov family works with Jupiter's space entourage toward kneecapping the Regenex industry. The "latest" chapter (which came out in October, eight months after the previous one) depicts the preparations for, and start of, the grand ball with which Jupiter makes her debut in Entitled society as the recurrence of Seraphi Abrasax, in a modest (by Entitled standards) little palace the original Seraphi had on the Moon:
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
... I don't recognize the fandom, but somehow if it's not a Sailor Moon crossover I want it to be.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
It would be a bit difficult to dovetail the two. Jupiter Ascending is a film that came out a couple years back, starring Mila Kunis as Jupiter Jones, a poorish girl from Chicago who gets caught up in extraterrestrial politics when it turns out she's genetically identical to the recently-deceased matriarch of the galaxy's most powerful business dynasty -- and thus, by the rules of their society, her reincarnation. However, the business that they're in is seeding habitable worlds with humanity, letting them fill up the planet, and then basically rendering the entire population of each world down to extract an eternal-youth drug used by the galactic elites. Earth, as it turns out, is one of these "farm" worlds. Wikipedia has an article, but it's not as good as watching the film.

I seem to recall that I suggested Sailor Jupiter Ascending in a "Crossovers That Must Not Be" thread, so it's not the first time it's been mentioned on the forums.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
It's a Wachowski Sisters film and is gorgeous, but the storytelling has issues. I liked it well enough though.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello

Corrupted Data Files, a series of ficlets which claims to be a Star Trek SI where the SI's personality is running Data, but instead to me reads like "what it Data had Brent Spinner's personality?"
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
The Great Escape by Vathara Updated!
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello

A rather odd AU with the divergence mostly unexplained so far, but nonetheless an amusing read if you can smile and nod and take it as it is. Rule 63 Obi Wan Kenobi is tired of battles and politics, so when newly-crowned Galactic Empress Padme and Imperial Consort General Skywalker want her to return to Coruscant to be their lead advisor and diplomat, she bunks off for a vacation instead. Shenanigans ensue.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
What Wicked Warthings by Halt

Just got started. HP/RWBY fusion fic. Apparently Grindlewald went a little bit too far back during Big Mistake #2, and things got rather badly out of hand.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Why pick some random slave woman on the ass-end of nowhere to be the mother of the Chosen One anyway? Anakin's strength in the Force didn't come from nothing...

Prequels-era AU, obviously. Siddy has backup plan upon backup plan to keep things moving in the general direction he wants, but the details are refreshingly different in many ways.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Mauling Snarks by CmptrWz

Worm slice-of-life-with-trolling. Shortly after The Locker, Taylor is visited by her Uncle Jacob, one of the PRT's best therapists. Thanks to having interacted with /his/ power, QA ends up rather different. And a rather thorough troll.

If you liked Taylor Varga, you'll love Mauling Snarks.

Quote of the day:
CmptrWz Wrote:“That,” Colin said, shaking his head. “That is complete and utter BULLSHIT!” Everyone turned to look at him oddly. “What? It had to be said, and Assault and Clockblocker aren’t here.”
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
The Lion Awakens

Mass Effect / Legend of Galactic Heroes

Humanity discovers the Mass Relay. The Citadel species discover Humanity.

Humanity is far from what they expect.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello

Out of the Blue Into the Fire is an only mildly self-indulgent historical SI, following the exploits of a modern chap and a few freinds dropped back in time to the Battle of Britain and provided with a variety of material resources by post-Clarketech AI Alien Space Bats for Alien Space Bat reasons. Despite the tags, it doesn't have (apparent) supernatural elements, nor so much as a single page of dated bullet point timelines, just the occasional (infrequent) spot of documentary narration. Not my usual fare, but I found it entertaining. Give it a try, it's gotten sadly little notice on SV as an Original fic.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
A Madman's Tiger

A one-shot Calvin and Hobbes story (post series), from the perspective of Susie Derkins
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
I love Travolore like a brother, but his writing on Star Wars: Bare Squadron could often benefit from an editor. Or a proofreader. Or just somebody to tell him where commas don't go and where they definitely do.

Happily, he's been gracious enough to let somebody who understands these things write his own take on the adventures of our favorite honorary Wookiees. The first chapter of the remake went up the other day at dA, and I'm listing it here, rather than as an update, because it's starting from the beginning or some place like it:
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Teeth and Claws (Touhou)

After a battle leaves Reimu Hakurei critically wounded, the only way to save her is to become youkai herself.
Adjusting is ... not an easy process.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(03-04-2018, 12:42 AM)Norgarth Wrote: A Madman's Tiger

A one-shot Calvin and Hobbes story (post series), from the perspective of Susie Derkins

Heeee.  That one's been floating around for a while.  Hasn't it been recced here before?  Oh well, it's so good that it deserves another turn.

Here's one that one of my brothers stumbled across and shared with the rest of the family.

Basic idea: Children with terminal/long term illness or severe trauma usually get to be part of some kind of 'make a wish' organization, right?  And a lot of times these kids wanna meet a hero or celebrity, right?  But what if one of them wants to meet a villain instead?  Who the heck has the unenviable job of finding these villains and arranging their meetups?

Read and find out!
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Vantablack Harry

The Durseleys are normal. Harry is seriously overdramatic. Hagrid is amused.

One of many - but one of the best of many - one-shorts by DogbertCarroll.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
I bring news from the less frequented parts of AO3.There's just one more thing I was hoping you could clear up...

It Never Snows but it Rains (Columbo/Adam Adamant Lives!)

Just One Little Thing (Columbo/Dragnet)

Landing Elsewhere (Columbo/Life on Mars)

OK. Maybe more than one.
-Now available with copious trivia!
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(03-06-2018, 07:06 PM)ECSNorway Wrote: Teeth and Claws (Touhou)

After a battle leaves Reimu Hakurei critically wounded, the only way to save her is to become youkai herself.
Adjusting is ... not an easy process.

Oh, and I finished reading this.

VERY good, and even though the loose ends have been tidied up fairly well, it feels like there could be a sequel.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Update thread post deleted and reinstated in the update thread. The brain cells responsible have been sacked.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Madgirls and Englishmen (Girl Genius/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike meets Agatha at the beginning of the GG series).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
I just discovered that Kenchi418, the author of X-Men OC story Extraordinary Times and DC OC story Less Than Zero, has a Naruto/BLEACH mixup he hasn't worked on in years, but which I binged anyway,

After a very different resolution to Naruto's story, the now-immortal ninja brat wanders the Earth... until stumbling into the flood of yin chakra reiatsu unleashed by Ichigo and Uryu's Hollow-hunting competition. This leads to him joining the ryoka invasion, and not affecting its course much... but it turns out the butterflies were saving their strength for the Arrancar Arc. The daft bugger even found room for the Bount.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(01-28-2018, 10:01 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: It would be a bit difficult to dovetail the two.  Jupiter Ascending is a film that came out a couple years back, starring Mila Kunis as Jupiter Jones, a poorish girl from Chicago who gets caught up in extraterrestrial politics when it turns out she's genetically identical to the recently-deceased matriarch of the galaxy's most powerful business dynasty -- and thus, by the rules of their society, her reincarnation.  However, the business that they're in is seeding habitable worlds with humanity, letting them fill up the planet, and then basically rendering the entire population of each world down to extract an eternal-youth drug used by the galactic elites.  Earth, as it turns out, is one of these "farm" worlds.  Wikipedia has an article, but it's not as good as watching the film.

I seem to recall that I suggested Sailor Jupiter Ascending in a "Crossovers That Must Not Be" thread, so it's not the first time it's been mentioned on the forums.

I know this is months old, but... I just came across the perfect description of Jupiter Ascending on Tumblr:

Quote:Here is my feeling about this movie: it is your garbage. It is garbage for you. Is this how straight dudes feel at the movies all the time????” I hissed SEVERAL times during this movie. “Like someone carefully noted down your early pubescent fantasies and then threw 100 MILLION DOLLARS at them?” 

Top marks go to evil space royal Eddie Redmayne, whose breathy ennui is offset by bouts of mummy’s boy shrieking, all delivered with a “petite-mort” look on his face that suggests he is being fellated by eternity itself.

Someone on tumblr described it as the novel all girls wrote when they were 14 and frothing with a mix of swelling hormones and fading Disney fantasies, which I have to say is accurate to the point of pain. I mean, gorgeous Russian toilet scrubber finds out she is actually a space princess when a werewolf space marine rescues her from death at the hands of Greys? Pardon me, werewolf ANGEL space marine with a Sad because his wings are gone. And then everything is Alexander McQueen dresses and melodrama and bees, for some reason, and Eddie Redmayne doing his best heroin-addicted Voldemort impression.

The plot is this: the Wachowskis were given an extraordinary amount of money to make whatever the hell they wanted, and what they wanted to make is exactly what we all, secretly, deep down, want to make: the big-screen adaptation of that Stargate fanfic you wrote when you were fourteen that really went off the rails and began to inhabit its own universe, complete with original characters, wolf-men, and bees. That’s Jupiter Ascending.
watching this movie, even at home, was exactly like hallucinating one of my own early-teenage fantasies
I’m actually currently imagining a Jupiter Ascending AU fic for Voltron because they’re basically gathering quintessence. Jupiter Ascending is the perfect visual fanfic - just plug in your favorite series and go.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
That was hilarious, Bob. Thanks for sharing.

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