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Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(04-16-2018, 10:11 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote:
(01-28-2018, 10:01 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: It would be a bit difficult to dovetail the two.  Jupiter Ascending is a film that came out a couple years back, starring Mila Kunis as Jupiter Jones, a poorish girl from Chicago who gets caught up in extraterrestrial politics when it turns out she's genetically identical to the recently-deceased matriarch of the galaxy's most powerful business dynasty -- and thus, by the rules of their society, her reincarnation.  However, the business that they're in is seeding habitable worlds with humanity, letting them fill up the planet, and then basically rendering the entire population of each world down to extract an eternal-youth drug used by the galactic elites.  Earth, as it turns out, is one of these "farm" worlds.  Wikipedia has an article, but it's not as good as watching the film.

I seem to recall that I suggested Sailor Jupiter Ascending in a "Crossovers That Must Not Be" thread, so it's not the first time it's been mentioned on the forums.

I know this is months old, but... I just came across the perfect description of Jupiter Ascending on Tumblr:

Quote:Here is my feeling about this movie: it is your garbage. It is garbage for you. Is this how straight dudes feel at the movies all the time????” I hissed SEVERAL times during this movie. “Like someone carefully noted down your early pubescent fantasies and then threw 100 MILLION DOLLARS at them?” 

Top marks go to evil space royal Eddie Redmayne, whose breathy ennui is offset by bouts of mummy’s boy shrieking, all delivered with a “petite-mort” look on his face that suggests he is being fellated by eternity itself.

Someone on tumblr described it as the novel all girls wrote when they were 14 and frothing with a mix of swelling hormones and fading Disney fantasies, which I have to say is accurate to the point of pain. I mean, gorgeous Russian toilet scrubber finds out she is actually a space princess when a werewolf space marine rescues her from death at the hands of Greys? Pardon me, werewolf ANGEL space marine with a Sad because his wings are gone. And then everything is Alexander McQueen dresses and melodrama and bees, for some reason, and Eddie Redmayne doing his best heroin-addicted Voldemort impression.

The plot is this: the Wachowskis were given an extraordinary amount of money to make whatever the hell they wanted, and what they wanted to make is exactly what we all, secretly, deep down, want to make: the big-screen adaptation of that Stargate fanfic you wrote when you were fourteen that really went off the rails and began to inhabit its own universe, complete with original characters, wolf-men, and bees. That’s Jupiter Ascending.
watching this movie, even at home, was exactly like hallucinating one of my own early-teenage fantasies
I’m actually currently imagining a Jupiter Ascending AU fic for Voltron because they’re basically gathering quintessence. Jupiter Ascending is the perfect visual fanfic - just plug in your favorite series and go.

(Edited to add quotes for context since this wound up being the first post on the next page.)
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(04-17-2018, 06:45 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: That was hilarious, Bob. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome.  Now let's ignore my digression and get back to the important business of recommending fanfics to the idle reader who finds us via Google.  <grin>
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Recently found a Worm fic with an Alt power Taylor that may appeal to some of you, it seems this version of Taylor has the power of Tropes! Smile 
(which is also the title)
It's on hiatus as the author deals with rampaging plotbunnies distracting him (mixed with RL), but there's currently 32 chapters.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
It's a Beautiful Day...

An MCU/Mr Rogers Neighborhood Crossover
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Divine Intervention is a Rule-63-Harry-Potter ("Hariel" in this case) inserted into a manga I'd never heard of called Red River, in which a typical modern girl is summoned to the ancient middle east and gets into various adventures and political shenanigans. Hariel... is not a typical modern girl. She's actually delighted with the chance to just have some her-time after the pressures of a rather more protracted and bloody version of Voldemerde's second war than canon, given that as a witch she can easily set up a shelter at a convenient distance from the local tiny hamlet and provide the key modern conveniences like temperature control, lights, and plumbing.

~28k words and last updated August 2017, but what there is there is very well done and stands decently well as a story arc on its own covering her arrival, settling in, and showing a large change to the local situation caused by her actions, though the last scene is obviously setting up for the next stage of the story.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Fans of "Dreaming of Sunshine" may enjoy this one.

A young Jasmine Potter (Fem!Harry) accidentalmagic teleports herself to Konoha, and is adopted by the Nara clan and raised as one of their own. Many butterflies ensue.

Volume 1 complete (up through the timeskip to Shippuden), Volume 2 in progress, Volume 3 is to feature Jasmine's return to England.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Recently found:
in dreams you follow (but I dream in the dark)

In which Kiba goes undercover into Akatsuki, with all that entails with the hope of bringing them down.
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
And continuing the Naruto SI theme, VixenTails - authoress of "Deja vu no jutsu" - brings us "108 Earthly Temptations". 

This one started off as a study of why the previous generation - Shimura Danzo and his ilk - turned out to be such raging "hard men making hard calls" assholes. Ended up with a pretty cool story of the Warring Clans era and Early Konoha. 

Enjoy, then, the tale of Erin Woods, anime fan, reborn as Sekanji Terazawa - kunoichi, poison mistress, clan head, and beloved aunt of, yes, that Orochimaru.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
An interesting Danmachi SI finds a bored tech worker dropped into the body of a fox-girl in Orario:

I Am A Girl In The Dungeon?

Fun little story.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Going to recommend a Battletech SI/CYOA fic over on Spacebattles, False Prophets. On 1 January 3015 a phone call wakes up a woman who remembers two lives, one as a person born in the 20th century and one as the illegitimate daughter of a minor Free Worlds League noble. A daughter whose teenage rebellion was to run off and join ComStar, eventually being recruited into the ComGuards. Only to be woken early one morning, after graduation from ComGuard training but before receiving an assignment, by a Terran lawyer's office calling on behalf of a FWL lawyer's office to let her know her father has died and left her a shell of a mercenary company in his will...

Quote:"My father's dead," I told Gabriela, "and he left me a mercenary unit."

Gabriela cracked open one of her eyes. The other remained tightly shut. "What."

"My father's dead, and he left me a mercenary unit."

"You're saying words," Gabriela said, "but these words do not make sense."

"Well," I replied, sitting down at the edge of the bed, "I just got a comm. My father passed away. There's a will and things. I've inherited the unit, apparently."

"Okay," Gabriela began, drawing out the syllables. "Okay. You're using different words. But they're still not making sense."

"My father, my gene-donor, my sire, the person who spawned me, has passed beyond this mortal coil into the arms of… "

Gabriela held a hand up. "Stop. No. Stop. More words ain't helping. Your father, he left you a merc unit?"

I nodded. "Basically, yeah. I mean, there's fine print, but yeah."

"We're… I need to be clear here," Gabriela asked, "we're talking an actual unit, right? 'Mechs and machines that aren't 'Mechs, not just a green infantry squad with one rifle between them?"

"BattleMechs, fighters, vehicles, artillery, droppers, a jumper," I said, listing the highlights. "Though, uh, not many people. It's more hardware and an empty org chart. Technically speaking the unit hasn't really been a thing for a couple centuries."

So now Erin gets to rebuild a mercenary unit and try to use her knowledge of upcoming events to both survive and maybe, just maybe nudge things into a better direction.

And a bonus for the readers, Acyl has been pretty consistent posting new parts (at OMG in the morning Arizona time, which is not a surprise given Acyl isn't operating out of Arizona :p).
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(05-23-2018, 11:21 AM)ECSNorway Wrote: An interesting Danmachi SI finds a bored tech worker dropped into the body of a fox-girl in Orario:

I Am A Girl In The Dungeon?

Fun little story.

It is, but fair warning: It gets pretty dark in the last couple of updates, with literal torture of the MC, if off-screen. Just the description of the effects may be enough to upset the more sensitive, however, because holy shit that's bad. To the point I left a review wondering if the author hadn't taken it too far, because I can't see her being capable of acting as a coherent viewpoint character again without years of therapy, even with magical healing of the physical damage.

There's no explicit gore splashing around or anything, but still. It's bad.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(05-26-2018, 03:29 AM)LilFluff Wrote: Going to recommend a Battletech SI/CYOA fic over on Spacebattles, False Prophets. On 1 January 3015 a phone call wakes up a woman who remembers two lives, one as a person born in the 20th century and one as the illegitimate daughter of a minor Free Worlds League noble. A daughter whose teenage rebellion was to run off and join ComStar, eventually being recruited into the ComGuards. Only to be woken early one morning, after graduation from ComGuard training but before receiving an assignment, by a Terran lawyer's office calling on behalf of a FWL lawyer's office to let her know her father has died and left her a shell of a mercenary company in his will...

Hehehe, Acyl's an old regular on these forums. In fact, he was inspired by another fanfic with a similar concept, written by Valles...

Tell The World That We Tried.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(05-26-2018, 03:29 AM)LilFluff Wrote: Going to recommend a Battletech SI/CYOA fic over on Spacebattles, False Prophets.
(05-26-2018, 04:53 AM)Matrix Dragon Wrote: Hehehe, Acyl's an old regular on these forums. In fact, he was inspired by another fanfic with a similar concept, written by Valles... Tell The World That We Tried.

...heh, yeah, that's mine. I'm glad you like it enough to recommend it. It's funny seeing my own stuff here, after ages of reading this forum for fanfic recs. Definitely check out Valles' story, though. And Valles is, of course, also a regular here.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
I got caught up on your story yesterday, Acyl, nice story.

Valles' is next.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Acyl, the first time you start seeing people talking about one of your fics on another board than where you posted it is such a weird feeling...

Me on Spacebattles a few years ago...That sounds right up my alley, maybe I should check it out. Holy crap! That one's mine!
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Just found this one:
Support Staff (Iron Man AU), where Obadiah Stane is actually on Tony's side
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello

Support Staff (MCU)
An AU in which Obadiah Stane is Not a Jerkwad.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
erm, ECS? Take a gander at the recommendation just before yours... 8P
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
(06-21-2018, 11:59 PM)Norgarth Wrote: erm, ECS?  Take a gander at the recommendation just before yours... 8P

Heh. Didn't even see yours. Smile
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Curse of the Two-Faced God

There is no freedom without responsibility. No action without consequences. In a land where princes and knights seek kingdoms by right of princesses' hands in marriage, a new generation must own their choices while their elders watch the results of their own.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
A  Prison of  Glass (a Worm CYOA on Spacebattles)

As expected from a Worm CYOA, the SI is ridiculously powerful. The interesting thing about the story, is that none of the chapters are from the SI's POV.   They are all through the eyes of various regular Parahumans/PRT troopers/etc as they try to wrap their minds around WTF the SI is doing/pulling off/saying.

very AU. Big Grin
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
I would like to recommend Inkopolis In The Morning, a Splatoon fanfic that I've found quite likable even if it is only three chapters long at this point.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
Heretical Edge Interlude
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello

Two steps forward, One step back - Worm AU

In a Worm AU, Taylor has a very different first night out. She faces Oni Lee, doesn't meet the Undersiders, and does encounter the heroes. In the short term, this makes things worse, but she soon finds herself with a chance to pull out of the downward spiral her life is in. It will take work. It will not be smooth going, or easy. But she will have a chance to get better. Depression and related issues. Suicidal thoughts early on. This is a story about dealing with depression, and won't shrink from the dark side of it, but it doesn't revel in misery. Happier moments will take some time to get to, but are present.

Very well written take on Taylor dealing with the depression and social anxiety that the bullying caused.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations meet Abbott and Costello
At it's core, this is what Worm should have been about, as in-setting all capes are by definition broken people.

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