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The Poor Don't Have a Prayer
The Poor Don't Have a Prayer
Praying that those who "continue to struggle" (i.e., those who aren't rich) will not be made “losers under new tax laws” counts as unacceptably political speech.  You heard it from Ayn-Rand-acolyte Paul Ryan first, ladies and gentlemen.
(Edited to correct a punctuation error that slipped past first reading)

A reader comment on the linked article, with the handle carlos_netanyu:
Quote:News flash,...Christian priest gets fired for being Christ-like .
IN the age of Trump, who needs the Onion.

"Oh, my people had many gods. There was Conformity, and Authority, and Expense Account, and Opinion. And there was Status, whose symbols were many, and who rode in the great chariot Cadillac, which was almost a god itself. And there was Atombomb, the dread destroyer, who would some day come to end the world." — Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, H. Beam Piper
RE: The Poor Don't Have a Prayer
The poor have naught but prayer DH.

The way it's looking right now it's all they'll be permitted to have by the party in charge.
RE: The Poor Don't Have a Prayer
I guess it was asking too much to receive both thoughts and prayers...
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
RE: The Poor Don't Have a Prayer
Why would you let the poor think?

Thinking is dangerous. Why, they might try and rise above their station, or conceive of talking back against their betters, or do more than nod and clap and smile when new policy is unveiled that the rich swear is for their betterment.

... I'm noticing I'm particularly unhappy with the US Republican party this week, and am probably ascribing them thoughts and views they don't actually hold.
RE: The Poor Don't Have a Prayer
(04-28-2018, 06:27 PM)hazard Wrote: ... I'm noticing I'm particularly unhappy with the US Republican party this week, and am probably ascribing them thoughts and views they don't actually hold.

Watching the ongoing train wreck that is the US government from the relative safety of the other side of the world, I think you're giving them too much credit Tongue

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