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Characters, Free To A Good Home
05-27-2019, 12:27 PM
I can't feed all the little buggers! Take them! I'LL GIVE YOU MONEY TO TAKE THEM FROM ME!
This thread is for character concepts that you just can't (or won't) find time to play, but need to get out *somewhere*.
Street Justice/whatever (probably SR, if I was rolling him). He's the lead vocalist for a rock band by day and fights crime by night. Rainbow tights and a leather jacket, a 70's porn 'stache, and a monocle. He's a speedster.
Teddy Mercury
Kinetics/something, probably recolored ice or water. She's hyperactive, smol, cute, and bubbly. Pink, pink everywhere -- we're talking full-on bubblegum princess here.
Sugar Rush
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RE: Characters, Free To A Good Home
05-28-2019, 03:46 AM
Sugar Rush sounds scarily similar to my vision for Kim Estetic, my Kin/Grav troller. or was she Grav/Kin? Only *REAL* difference is I much prefer a green to Pink
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to rock the sky?
Thats' every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry!
No Quarter by Echo's Children
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RE: Characters, Free To A Good Home
05-28-2019, 05:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2019, 05:07 AM by classicdrogn.)
Heh, I was thinking Sugar Rush sounded like a fun alternate personality to use for the Unleashed/superspeed combo I prefer in Champions Online if I ever got back into that. I even have the candy cane swords to use for it, though I wouldn't want to delete Velocirapture just to switch names.
(for those not familiar with CO, the Unleashed archetype is twin swords AOE melee with a little regen and a few TK like effects, in the form of a defense that means you can always be "blocking" as long as you keep tapping that key in between attacks, and a choice between a toss/knockdown or .... I forget the other option since I never took it. Basically modeled on a Dark Jedi ala Starkiller from The Force Unleashed. Superspeed isn't a theme for anything as such, just an option for travel powers, but saying "She's a speedster" is more interesting than "she waves swords around, and does a handful of other loosely related things." And archtypes are the Free to Play ghetto, to entice players into either subscribing or buying a US$50 character slot that can use the freeform powers selecton.)
noli esse culus
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RE: Characters, Free To A Good Home
05-29-2019, 11:34 AM
Free to good home:
Glass Cannon - Blaster.
Just ping me first so I can let the name go.
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RE: Characters, Free To A Good Home
05-30-2019, 02:46 AM
I had another thought RE Sugar Rush after riding an odd train of thought out to the end of the line - if you want to give her a magic origin, she might have gained powers from studying the Glykonomicon (the Book of the Names of Sweets) or playing up cutesied-up dark magic themes that could be something to do with her nemesis.
Also, while I'm not sure quite how small you can make CoX characters or how accessible bug-wings flight is, one of my favorite unused character concepts is Pixie Cacao, a tiny superstrength/martial arts type with maybe a fire based "special technique" or two trained as a Kung Fu Chef of the Lip Smak Yum temple. Ageless and older than the temple itself she gradually was drawn away from her whimsy (group of pixies) by curiosity about the strange dances the new human settlers did, becoming more similar to human social and mental norms over the next few centuries as she spied on and imitated and eventually openly joined them. Eventually the Grand Master Abbot declared that she could advance no further without going out to gain experience in the wider world, and so she began a journey to test her kung fu in trials of strength and her cooking in trials of buffet. Basically, she's a hybrid martial arts/cooking manga character, because a tiny flying brick is funny and magical food fits the fairy theme, even if that kind of thing is is difficult to fit into a combat-based video game's systems as more than role-play elements.
noli esse culus
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RE: Characters, Free To A Good Home
07-10-2019, 07:32 AM
This is another one that's probably more suited to tabletop play than a video game, though maybe CoX has Stretching powers that could handle it, with fire/heat themed defence and an all-flat-black character design?
Scorch is a ghost. Previously the fire-using heroine Firebomb (F-Bomb to certain friends) she overloaded her powers to create an explosion big and hot enough to immolate a cloud of airborne bio-warfare nastiness when a certain villain's plot was not quite foiled in time, her only remnant a shadow etched into the sidewalk and up a wall. Some time later, however, that shadow peeled away... and awakened to find herself in a strange twilight existence, less than paper-thin and able to stretch long distances like, well, a shadow on the wall. Despite this mostly immaterial nature she can still interact normally with physical world and can't pass through walls... can even be hurt by normal means. The only vestige of her former powers left the ability is to make herself burning hot, and sometimes burst into flame at moments of stress. Not that she lacks for stress, looking for her place in a world that knows her former costumed identity as a martyred hero, and no longer able to just take off the costume and be another civilian.
I think this is probably the weirdest character concept I have ever had, or perhaps tied with Ten-tickles Therapist, an H-anime tentacle beast who's actually an alien sports medicine and massage specialist who crashed on earth after a hyperspace accident. F-Bomb was the character I made to try out Champions Online's fire blaster F2P character class, a tall black woman with a typical skimpy flame-themed uniform with an orange domino mask, a big also-flame-colors afro, and an F-logo belt that's one of the Foxbat costume parts you can get during the annual week-of-April-1st special event.
Campaign settings:
10d6 max on attacks, PD/ED should be 20-25, or 30 for someone it takes a whole team to fight
Ten-tickles Therapist (pseudonym)
real name requires chromatophores, telepathy, or images (sight)
Public identity
Heroic Alien (cephalopod, humanoid)
Physical description: The first thing anyone will notice about Ten-tickles is his sheer bright colors like a living tie-dye or kaleidoscope with constantly changing patterns flowing over his skin, which is almost entirely exposed except for a pair of sunglasses and a flowing red-orange sash around his waist. The sash conceals an inner belt with many pockets for personal items. Similar in overall size and build to a typical human, he has a tall conical head with a narrow fin on either side, large eyes and a snout-like siphon but no other apparent features. A wide flap of skin wraps around his shoulders down to the bicep like a mantle, connected to his arms and the four prehensile tentacles that are evenly spaced across the front and back of his upper body. His mouth is underneath this flap on the front, and the openings for his lungs/gills and water jet to assist in swimming in the back, with the siphon on his face only used as a respiratory intake or to spit blasts of water or ink. His arms, hands, and fingers are slightly longer than normal human proportions and unless he deliberately spreads his fingers the partial webbing between them tends to blend into a diamond shaped pad like a squid's arms. There are suction cups on Ten-tickles' fingers, the palms of his hands and soles of his feet, as well as all along the eight tentacles and the inside of his forearms. These allow him to cling to surfaces or targets and his body is exceptionally flexible and elastic, allowing him to move on any reasonably solid surface or through tight spaces and reach things a considerable distance away. His legs have a fin on the outside of each calf, but he has no hair, fingernails, or toenails, and no visible genitals below the sash. His skin is no more wet or slimy than a human's under normal circumstances, though it rapidly generates a thin, protective mucus layer when wetted which may take several minutes to reabsorb after returning to open air.
History: A personal trainer specializing in sports medicine and massage, Ten-tickles was flying a private saucer to an interview where he was scheduled to meet a prospective new client. Unfortunately, he managed to plot a course directly through a hyperspace vortex and ended up crashing on Earth, leaving him stranded. Unable to produce any sort of vocalization and having a name that can only be expressed as a flowing pattern of colors, he adopted the rough approximation of his professional title suggested by the first local he met who didn't attack on sight or run screaming, not realizing that it could be taken to have unfortunate implications if mispronounced or interpreted through certain pop-culture tropes. At least getting legally settled as a disaster refugee wasn't too difficult, and while the authorities do consider Ten-tickles a person of interest they aren't too intrusive about keeping an eye on him. Medical accreditation is a trickier matter, even if experience with the wide vareity of body types in galactic society means he'll only need a bit of brushing up on humans' specific physiology to be just as effective as a dietician and excercise coach. Perhaps this "super hero" thing will be an interesting new current to follow? If nothing else, his professional skills will be useful to such a group.
STR 33 23cp 14- Lift 2400kg (1600kg w/o filling in the table); 6 1/2 d6 HTH dmg
DEX 18 16cp 13-
CON 23 13cp 14-
INT 13 3cp 12- PER roll 12-
EGO 13 3cp 12-
PRE 13 3cp 12- PRE attack 3d6
OCV 6 15cp
DCV 6 15cp
OMCV 3 -
DMCV 3 -
SPD 5 30cp
PD 19 17cp 14r, +6r from Combat Luck
ED 19 17cp 14r, +6r from Combat Luck
REC 10 6cp
END 50 6cp
BODY 20 10cp
STUN 50 15cp
Total characteristics cost: 192
5 Extra limbs: relatively standard arms and legs plus eight prehensile tentacles
10 Clinging (normal strength)
30 Stretching 10m, x8 body dimension
5 Amphibious: Life Support (Expanded Breathing: Underwater, Safe Environment: High pressure & Extreme Cold)
10 Swimming +20m
14 Resistant (+1⁄2) for 14 PD & 14 ED
92 Cuttlefish Powers: Multipower, 60pt reserve
* 1f The Best At Cuddles: +30 STR; Only To Disarm, Escape, Grab, And Throw (-3⁄4)
* 2f Crushing Tentacles: HA +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1⁄2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1⁄4)
* 4f Piercing Tentacle: HKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+1⁄4)
* 4f Wall of Tentacles: Barrier 8 PD/8 ED (24cp), 14 BODY (14cp), 4m x 3m x .5m (12cp), Dismissable (+5), Opaque (Sight Group) (5cp), Limited Range (Stretching range) (-1/2)
* 4f Grabby Tentacles: Entangle 5 PD/5 ED 5d6 BODY (50cp), Additonal PD/ED (+1ea) (5cp), Dismissable (+5), Limited Range (Stretching range) (-1/2)
* 4f Water Shot: Blast 8d6, Double Knockback (+1⁄2), Limited Range (1/2 std) (-1/2)
* 4f Ink Shot: Sight Group Flash 12d6, Limited Range (1/2 std) (-1/2)
* 3f Electro-Encephalopod-O-Gram: Telepathy 6d6
* 3f Electromagnetic Aura Sense: Mind Scan 6d6
* 3f Hypnotic patterns: Mind Control 6d6
Skills, Perks, And Talents
12 Combat Luck x2: +6 Resistant PD/ED unless surprised/unable to percieve the attack and fail non-Target PER
15 Martial Arts: Way of the Squirming Tentacle
* 3 Toppling the Heron (Legsweep: 1⁄2 Phase; +2 OCV; -1 DCV; STR +1d6 Strike, Target Falls)
* 3 Uprooting the Clam (Martial Throw: 1⁄2 Phase; +0 OCV; +1 DCV; STR +v/10, Target Falls)
* 4 Swimming Scallop (Martial Dodge: 1⁄2 Phase; no OCV; +5 DCV; Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort)
* 5 Turtle Fin Slap (Passing Strike: 1⁄2 Phase; +1 OCV; +0 DCV; STR + v/10 Strike, Full Move)
1 Familiarity: Navigation (Space) (8-)
3 Mechanics (INT) (Galactic-standard level technology)
3 KS: Sports Medicine (INT)
3 KS: Way of the Squirming Tentacle (INT)
5 CSL: Way of the Squirming Tentacle (assign +1 to OCV or DCV as a zero-phase action)
Specific Everyman skills:
KS: Area Knowledge (Tower district, Iedo City, Sunrise Archipelago, planet Thalass) (INT)
Language: chromatophore color display/tentaculiform ideograms/GalBank Esperan phonetic glyphs
PS: Sports Medicine (INT)
Transport familiarity: Small Galactic standard spacecraft (8-)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 208
Total Cost: 400
Matching Complications
25cp Physical Complication (has no voice): All the time 20, affects slightly 5
15cp Distinctive Features: 15 Not Concealable, 5 Always Noticed/major reaction, -5 not unusual for species
10cp Social Complication (unfamiliar with Earth culture): Frequently 10, minor
15cp Psychological Complication (Code Versus Killing): 10 Common, 5 Strong
10cp Hunted (the authorities): Infrequently, More Powerful, Non-Combat Influence, Watching
Total Complications Points: 75
Experience Points: 0
The Doggy Bag (items saved for later):
FIRST THREE XP: Learn the local language, because while not being able to talk except via telepathy is a little annoying, not understanding what anyone is trying to say when using powers other than telepathy sucks a lot. Unless it still counts as an everyman skill and can be had for free, because there's always more to spend points on.
More BODY/END INT/PRE/EGO DMCV/DCV/OCV/OMCV/PD/ED, by rough order of preference. Psychic stuff is more of an afterthought on this build aside from TP to communicate.
Running/Leaping - might as well make full use of that super strength
Martial Arts: WotST
* 5 Nautilus Whip (Defensive Strike: 1⁄2 Phase; +1 OCV; +3 DCV; STR Strike)
More CSLs
3 Defense Maneuver I (No attacker is considered to be attacking “from behind.”)
2 Defense Maneuver II (Eliminates Multiple Attackers Bonuses for attackers the character perceives.)
3 Defense Maneuver III (Eliminates Multiple Attackers Bonuses for all attackers)
2 Defense Maneuver IV (Takes no time to use, and makes any Combat Skill Levels that improve the character’s DCV Persistent for this purpose.)
Multipower slots
(+2cp upgrade) * 6f Group Grabby Tentacles: Entangle 5 PD/5 ED 5d6 BODY (50cp), Additonal PD/ED (+1ea) (5cp), Dismissable (+5cp), Limited Range (Stretching range) (-1/2), Area of Effect (Any, up to 2x 2m hexes) (+1/2)
* 6f Grabby Tentacle Trap: Entangle 5 PD/5 ED 5d6 BODY (50cp), Additonal PD/ED (+1ea) (5cp), Dismissable (+5), Limited Range (Stretching range) (-1/2), Area of Effect (Surface, up to 4x 2m hexes, activates on contact) (+1/2)
* 6f Water Spray: Blast 8d6, Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +1⁄2)
* 6f Ink Cloud: Darkness to Sight Group 12m radius
* 6f Cuttle Command: Summon up to 3 cephalopods built on up to 200 Character Points, Expanded Effect (+1⁄4), Friendly (+1⁄4)
Upgrade slots to Variable
Wearable END Reserve item with Heal STUN/BODY and possibly Aid END, salvaged from the flying saucer's medical kit.
Fix and/or reverse engineer the saucer itself for use as a vehicle.
Flying Saucer, small private:
Size 5 (5.7m radius x 2.5m, 64m^3), OCV +3, Mass 3.2t, KB -5, STR 35, DEF 4, BODY 15, OCV 3 (25cp)
DEX 15 (30cp), PD 6 (9cp), ED 6 (9cp), SPD 3 (30cp), DCV 3 (15cp), MOV 20m Megascale x1km (40cp)
FTL 120lyph (50cp)
* 3 Mechanics (Galactic standard) (9-)
* 3 Survival (9-)
Cost 214 Active Points/5= 43 Real Points
Flight computer (Follower 37 Active points/5= 7 Real Points)
INT 18 8cp 13-
DEX 10 - 11-
27cp Skills:
* 3 KS: Survival (INT)
* 3 KS: Flying Saucer Repair Manual (INT)
* 3 KS: Area Knowledge (sector containing Planet Thalass) (INT)
* 3 Mechanics (Galactic standard) (INT)
* 3 Navigation: Space (INT)
* 6 Combat Piloting +3 (DEX+3 = 14-)
* 3 Language (Tentaculiform ideograms)
* e KS: Area Knowledge (the civilized galaxy) (INT)
* e Language (GalBank Espera)
* e Paramedics (INT)
2cp Programs:
* 1 Autopilot to navigate and fly
* 1 Guide to survive after a crash and make repairs
Magical Girl style follower/girlfriend?
noli esse culus