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Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
(05-24-2019, 03:30 AM)classicdrogn Wrote: Harvest is a short one-shot set in the Mass Effect universe. Read it sometime when you feel like you need your faith in sapient personhood restored.

Why am I crying? What have you done to this bleak soul?
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
All According To Plan

Bellatrix Black, thirteen years old, devotee of Eris, has decided to travel back in time to the 1930's to start a war.

Instead, she finds herself in the 1990's of a world where said war has already happened. (We would know it as the canon(ish) HP universe.) 

She is brilliant, manic, and more than a little insane.... and she has a Plan. (Or, well, Eris does, with Lyra as her implement. Same thing, really.)
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
All According to Plan contains the Best Dumbledore, though his perspective only shows up in Ch24.

Also, spoiler, but there are some words missing from the title. Those words are
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Thanks for recommending this one, it's a blast.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Galactic Response

May 4th, 2012
   Get your ASS over here there is an INVASION. Aliens are coming out of the SKY HELP US

May 10th, 2012
"Invasion, Fury, the word you used was invasion! I made it across three quarters of the galaxy in six days! Where are the aliens?"

AKA: Filling in some blanks in the MCU.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
I'm afraid I'm still too damn pissed off about everything regarding MCU Danvers (quite apart from all the things to be pissed off at comics Danvers for) and Fake Fury to appreciate that one, but the next part in the series, about putting the Infinity Stones where they need to be for the timeline to stay intact, is damn good.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
KonoSuba isn't for everyone - it's a humour series, and if the style of it doesn't tickle your funny bone the characters just come across as obnoxious, stupid, and/or gullible - but if you do like it, the Naruto-insert A Shinobi's Take on this Wonderful World by SpiritSage124 captures the feel of the original pretty much perfectly. I will say that despite being supposedly from the end of his canon Naruto feels a lot more like he was taken from sometime between the Chuunin Exam and Tsunade search arcs, but meh, his character didn't really advance much from there anyway besides being able to cause more collateral damage. Not using the Rasengan felt a bit like it only happened to force the plot in one particular event, but if that onyl happens once it's a good record for a humour fic, so... yeah. If I haven't put you off it instead of building interest, here's a link:
203k words in fifty seven chapters as of yesterday's update.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Have you ever wondered what Undocumented Features would have been like if it had been created a quarter-century later?

Well, you'll just have to keep wondering, and so will I, because that's not what Songs of the Spheres is. It's a mega-crossover that starts small and grows until it encompasses years and light-years and drags in dozens of series and several kitchen sinks, and it does it with series that skew more recent in vintage (the inciting incident happens in a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe), but GMBlackjack is not Gryph, or Zoner, or any of the Eyrie crew. For one thing, he's not dialing back on the meta as the story gets more serious; indeed, the meta is part of the reason why the story gets more serious.

Today, Chapter 104 of 157 was released to the public, but I recommend taking the King of Hearts' advice: begin at the beginning...

...and go on 'til you come to the end; then stop.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
The moment you mentioned MLP, my interest disappeared. I am militantly uninterested in having anything to do with that series.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Okay, sometimes I'm a bit oblivious. I just realized yesterday that Relic of the Future and Forged Destiny are both written by the same person -- Coeur Al'Aran. So I decided to look at what else he's done.

22 massive RWBY fics.

So I picked the most recently-updated one off the top of the page and started reading. I'm less than halfway through what there is of it so far, but I've got to recommend it here:

Service With a Smile. Jaune's application to Beacon is turned down. But he's already made the trip all the way to Vale. So rather than return home with his tail between his legs, he uses the money he's got left to open a diner...
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
(07-12-2019, 08:51 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: Okay, sometimes I'm a bit oblivious.  I just realized yesterday that Relic of the Future and Forged Destiny are both written by the same person -- Coeur Al'Aran.  So I decided to look at what else he's done.

22 massive RWBY fics.

I particularly liked Not This Time, Fate (, where Jaune has been time looping for about 1,000 years trying to save all of his friends from Cinder's attack on Vale and failing every single time.
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
I'm almost done with SWaS; I'll try that next.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
(07-12-2019, 08:51 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: Okay, sometimes I'm a bit oblivious.  I just realized yesterday that Relic of the Future and Forged Destiny are both written by the same person -- Coeur Al'Aran.  So I decided to look at what else he's done.

22 massive RWBY fics.

So I picked the most recently-updated one off the top of the page and started reading.  I'm less than halfway through what there is of it so far, but I've got to recommend it here:

Service With a Smile.  Jaune's application to Beacon is turned down.  But he's already made the trip all the way to Vale.  So rather than return home with his tail between his legs, he uses the money he's got left to open a diner...

ATT's page "Comically Missing the Point" has a new entry, from chapter 35:
Quote:"Use protection!" Nora yelled.
"Nora!" Ren rebuked.
"Sorry. Don't use it if you don't want. Just make an informed decision!"
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
On Coeur Al ‘Aran, I’m particularly fond of Beacon Civil War and the Professor Arc stories. Both of which are built around a running gag in which Jaune flails his way forward in situations that are totally out of his weight class, and almost everyone thinks he’s some kind of tactical genius.
I don't believe the world has gone mad, because I don't believe it was ever sane.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
(07-12-2019, 01:11 PM)Shepherd Wrote: I particularly liked Not This Time, Fate (, where Jaune has been time looping for about 1,000 years trying to save all of his friends from Cinder's attack on Vale and failing every single time.

I have to disagree on this one. The concept was intriguing, but the fic suffers from severe mood whiplash, and the ending is one of the biggest copouts I've ever seen.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Oh, hey, looks like Kaantur-Set has started (as of July 30) posting the fourth and planned-to-be-final entry in the chronicles of Pepper, previously USS Salt Lake City, in the world of Kantai Collection.

It Seems I've Kept You Waiting

Previous stories:
A Past, But No Future
A Very Kancolle Christmas
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Can't recall if this has been recommended before, but I've been enjoying it.

Three More Things (Jackie Chan Adventures/MLP:FiM, with occasional cameos)

Summary: Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

basically the CMC fall thru a portal and end up in the JCA universe. chapters aren't real long but there's currently 201 of them, rather fun in my opinion.
The readers have been keeping running tallys of how many times 'Bad Day!', 'Aiyah!', and 'One More Thing' has been said. 8P
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Subject: A Comprehensive Report [My Hero Academia]

Author's Summary: Izuku decides early on that heroics is not the only path to heroism.

MHA AU, featuring a quirkless Izuku... working as an analyst and criminal profiler under Sir Nighteye's hero agency. And a management-track student at UA, with a customised investigation-focused curriculum.

Stylistically, the author intersperses conventional prose with a lot of... e-mails, extracts from books, the comments sections of videos, interview transcripts, and so on. I think it's well done, but, fair warning, it is that sort of thing.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
I'd like to recommend 'War of Exaltation', an X-Com/War of the Worlds crossover being written over on Spacebattles. It's pretty good, at least in my opinion, and has done a fine job weaving both settings into one cloth.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
I believe tooting your own horn a little is considered acceptable here, and since I've finally started an ongoing story that isn't porn, I decided I'd post about it here.

But really, I should let the star speak for herself!

Monika Wrote:Ah... is this thing on?

Hello, Minako's friends!

Just Me is a new Doki Doki Literature Club fanfic, starring everyone's favorite club member, Natsuki Sayori Natsuki Yuri Monika!

Ehhh... it sounds weird referring to myself in the third person, doesn't it? But if I just say "me", then it sounds really pretentious...

Well, it doesn't matter, I'm just happy that I get to spend more time talking with you, Minako!

But, are you really writing fanfic about me? Isn't that a little...
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Are you perchance saying that if one were to go Questing about the internet looking for your other work they might find something Questionable? How shocking!

In any case, I'll add Just Me to my fic queue. Note, my fic queue is long
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
(08-29-2019, 12:50 AM)classicdrogn Wrote: Are you perchance saying that if one were to go Questing about the internet looking for your other work they might find something Questionable? How shocking!

You may say *sound of a driving bass guitar line, played underwater* *then the drums come in, they're also underwater* strange.

(I swear not everything I've written about is representative of my real-world tastes. >< )

Quote:In any case, I'll add Just Me to my fic queue. Note, my fic queue is long

I'd make some crack about not wanting to leave Monika alone, but that would probably be in poor taste.

Or I could say that's fine, because Just Me is short! Or rather, it's many short conversations, because it's emulating it's source material.

-Morgan. For now.
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
I've only read the first chapter so far, but Amazing Fantasy, a BnHA crossover in which Izuku gets Spidey-powers, is looking fun, and The Infamous Man has done a couple of other fics I liked. There's three spinoffs for it listed on his profile as well.

e: If you prefer commentary with your fiction, there's a SpaceBattles thread as well
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Edges of the World by glompcat is a Mouse Wars fanfic in which Leia gets swapped with an alternate version of herself during the time between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, following both of them as she discovers a resurgent Galactic Republic where Anakin killed Palapatine at the opera house rather than become his Sith apprentice, and Padme is by now the Chancellor herself, while Jedi Padawan Leia Skywalker (who had been on the verge of her trials for knighthood) struggles to fill her place in the Rebellion to keep morale up, help Luke with his own training in the force, and generally throw a good dozen hydrospanners into the works of canon in just a few days by the point I dropped it.

Note that I did so not because the story or technical quality were poor,. but because the author's note at the beginning of ch37 was gushing about how they loved The Last Straw, had watched it eight times already, and were definitely going to be adjusting the future of the fic to aim for that black hole of failure and awfulness. Assuming that isn't a hard pass for you as it is for me, I can heartily reccomend the fic on the basis of the first half.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian
Uh, The Last Jedi wasn't that bad. It wasn't Solo or the prequels level of awful at least.

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