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Fic Request/Bunny Farm
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
I like it.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
(10-10-2019, 06:15 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: Struck by a runaway ox-cart, ordinary Mage Academy student Insert Name finds (him|her)self before a strangely easy-going god, who wants (him|her) to act on his behalf in another world to save it from impending disaster. To help in this task, Name is given the ability to understand all languages and a cheat-like enchantment that will link (his|her) student spell tome with any book named from either world. What strange adventures will Name discover in a world where magic is only now awakening after thousands of years without it?

Stuck In Another World With My Spell Tome

it's your standard issekai scenario... but in reverse, with a high fantasy character placed in the modern day, the only human mage in a world where hostile mythical creatures and beings all but invulnerable without magic have already begun to appear. Can (he|she) uplift a whole new magical Adventurer's Guild from scratch in time to turn the tide?

A lich, escaping from his enemies, winds up in an American inner-city and ends up in the middle of a gang war.
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
That does sound interesting, though I tend to insist on a physical copy if I'm going to pay for a book. There's more free screen-only stuff produced every day just for the stories on my tracking lists than I could read if I spent every minute on it as is.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
I have Kindle Unlimited so I read it as part of the subscription
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Issekai-nd of Magic - Freddy Mercury died (relatively) young of an incurable disease. Boy, we sure haven't heard that kind of setup before, right? What happened next, though...
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
While grazing through AO3 I happened to find an interesting story prompt:

Quote:Prompt: There is a brief window in the 1800s where you could have an adventuring party made up of a samurai, an elderly pirate captain, a Zulu warrior, a cowboy, and a Victorian gentlemen detective and have it be 100% historically correct.

Sadly the resulting shortfic was nothing noteworthy, and judging by the author's other work they have a few hundred thousand words of writing practice to get through before they'd be likely to turn out anything I would recommend. Even so, the story idea is fun.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
1865 and you could have a former Malay pirate
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
And a ninja for the pirate-ninja and samurai-ninja dynamics...
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Hmmmmm... In the first season of Sailor Moon (and the filler arc that started the second season), the opposing forces were harvesting life energy. The Japanese word "ki" and the Chinese word "chi" both translate as "life energy". So, yeah, they're looking for ki. Better hope that the Dark Kingdom never finds a cinematic martial artist... Oh, wait. Fuku fics. And in his own canon, Ranma is said to have a lot of ki.

It certainly seems to me that "drain Ranma and bring Metaria back in one shot" is a viable strategy if the Dark Kingdom is at all intelligent.

Has anybody ever written a fic about that?
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
... In nearly thirty years of reading fics, I can't say that I recall seeing one with that plot.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
I can recall it being brought up a few times, either in story or in author's notes, but it never was part of a plot.
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Not quite a fic request or bunny, not quite a "looking for," there were some odd little villain critters I was dreaming of just now that I'm pretty sure either come from an anime I don't remember or are a pastiche of several in a similar style. To start off they are heavily stylized toons in the shape of musical notes and symbols despite the rest of the world being highly realistic or live action, are called Noise, and for the ones that shoot little bits of themselves at you it sounds like someone whispering "noise" Dopplering by on a near miss. They seem to be more ideas that wrap themselves in a loose blob of matter, so the shapes may just be what people perceive them as or be influenced by their picking up on what people associate them with.

They each make a sound like a music box playing but never the same tune or in unison, and listening to it is a cognito-hazard of unspecified type, but probably a slower form of what happens with physical contact - an immediate red rash that quickly darkens to purple veins and bruising with more than an momentary brush, at which point it is both self-sustaining and will spread, with the rate of spread depending on how big the purpled spots already are. This is fatal, and may result in creating more Noise after death.

They move freely through the ground and float up to about waist height, but can't or won't go higher than that from the ground (and possibly in enclosed spaces like basements or buildings in contact with the ground) or climb along vertical surfaces, so being up a tree or in a building on stilts is safe, as is the roof of a place with the walls demolished so only support beams are intact.

No individuals appeared larger than a medium sized dog, most more forearm sized in the largest dimension - I want to say a cubit there specifically, but I'm not sure is that's relevant. It followed the thoughts of one that got grabbed and mashed (more on that below) and found that it had a very weak sense of identity and getting absorbed by something larger and stronger (implying that larger and possibly smarter ones do exist) isn't unexpected or very frightening and it lacked the ability to tell that having a human do that was significantly different. Given how the corrupting touch works, maybe it isn't. All they do when they appear (infrequent and usually in groups of two to five, though the implication is that this is because the initial apocalyptic swarm has ended) is glomp on and infect people.

They moosh around so they don't take much damage from blunt impacts, seal back up from getting cut or pierced quickly, etc. A person with a strong will and probably a bit of protagonist magic can make whatever they pick up as a weapon more effective or create things (as in at a forge or by casting bullets/fletching arrows etc.) that anyone can use to not quite as much effect or increase their own damage output. Protagonist power also reduces how quickly being in contact causes physical and spiritual corruption, with the vague notion floating around that "the protagonist" smacked one until it gave up and let them use it like a Venom symbiote suit without negative effects.

The dream was following a group of superheroes (exactly who varied constantly as dreams often do, but the cartoon Teen Titans featured repeatedly, along with at least one other Robin, Zatanna, a few Harry Potter characters, and some guy who had an egg-sized superball that he'd bounce and catch as the physical mnemonic of casting something rather than incanting or waving a wand, mostly invisible effects or teleports - that guy was cool, I'm going to keep him in mind for other storytelling possibilities) who had little trouble beating on them until they burst into a little puff of smoke and dispersed, except for the team knucklehead.

He(?) grabbed one and mashed it around like silly putty saying "Huh? No I'm fine, see?" when told that kills people, before eating it to see if it gave them any useful new powers. They decided that it maybe increased already super-healing by a tiny bit, and that the Noise's mind was really simple but lasted long enough after his power devoured its physical form to tell that all it wanted was to be part of something stronger, like himself, so it was happy and he wouldn't need to worry about picking up any weird habits or cravings from it.

Now, there's several different settings who call their weird aliens "noise" - one of the Kamen Riders, I think Symphogear, another anime I think was called Listeners, Noiseman Sound Insect, at least two or three more, and there's obvious shades of RWBY's Grimm and Kingdom Hearts' Heartless as well, but do they sound like anything familiar from a single source? I rarely remember so much detail about generic dream-critters, that's why I think it may be drawing on something I've otherwise forgotten. Highly unlikely to be any western media from the last twenty-something years, as I haven't even owned a TV since 1999 and pretty much only go for anime digitally.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Doesn't ring a bell, sorry...
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
It MIGHT be "Show By Rock".
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
i had a weird dream that may make a decent story, so here goes:

The Dursleys, in their further attempts to "de-freak" Harry, manage to get him enrolled in a school with a reputation for violence and fights. It really is a school with violence and fights between students, and Harry ends up using accidental magic to escape and evade, and generally tries to fade into the background, making no friends. One of the kids notices, and tells his parents about this weird kid in school and the weird stuff that happens around him. Enter the PLOT TWIST! This is a feeder school for a sooper-seekrit spy organization and all the parents are in on it! The parents realize that this may finally be their in to the magical society! The parents instruct their kid to make friends with Harry and concoct a Plan to recruit him as an asset to get more info on Magicals, but the kids actually get on like a house on fire and all sorts of hilarity ensues, both in this mundane school and eventually at Hogwarts. Hermoine gets sucked into both sides and Ron gets confused but learns a lot....
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Reminds me a bit of Old Soldiers, by way of a bit of the premise (generally the only good part) from whichever one of Skysaber's fics had a insert-as-Hermione go to St. Trinian's. In other words, I require more details on these "hijinks," "shenanigans," and ensuing "hilarity" Wink
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
(09-20-2023, 05:01 AM)classicdrogn Wrote: Not quite a fic request or bunny, not quite a "looking  for," there were some odd little villain critters  I was dreaming of just now that I'm pretty sure either come from an anime I don't remember or are a pastiche of several in a similar style. To start off they are heavily stylized toons in the shape of musical notes and symbols despite the rest of the world being highly realistic or live action, are called Noise, and for the ones that shoot little bits of themselves at you it sounds like someone whispering "noise" Dopplering by on a near miss. They seem to be more ideas that wrap themselves in a loose blob of matter, so the shapes may just be what people perceive them as or be influenced by their picking up on what people associate them with.

They each make a sound like a music box playing but never the same tune or in unison, and listening to it is a cognito-hazard of unspecified type, but probably a slower form of what happens with physical contact - an immediate red rash that quickly darkens to purple veins and bruising with more than an momentary brush, at which point it is both self-sustaining and will spread, with the rate of spread depending on how big the purpled spots already are. This is fatal, and may result in creating more Noise after death.

They move freely through the ground and float up to about waist height, but can't or won't go higher than that from the ground (and possibly in enclosed spaces like basements or buildings in contact with the ground) or climb along vertical surfaces, so being up a tree or in a building on stilts is safe, as is the roof of a place with the walls demolished so only support beams are intact.

No individuals appeared larger than a medium sized dog, most more forearm sized in the largest dimension - I want to say a cubit there specifically, but I'm not sure is that's relevant. It followed the thoughts of one that got grabbed and mashed (more on that below) and found that it had a very weak sense of identity and getting absorbed by something larger and stronger (implying that larger and possibly smarter ones do exist) isn't unexpected or very frightening and it lacked the ability to tell that having a human do that was significantly different. Given how the corrupting touch works, maybe it isn't. All they do when they appear (infrequent and usually in groups of two to five, though the implication is that this is because the initial apocalyptic swarm has ended) is glomp on and infect people.

They moosh around so they don't take much damage from blunt impacts, seal back up from getting cut or pierced quickly, etc. A person with a strong will and probably a bit of protagonist magic can make whatever they pick up as a weapon more effective or create things (as in at a forge or by casting bullets/fletching arrows etc.) that anyone can use to not quite as much effect or increase their own damage output. Protagonist power also reduces how quickly being in contact causes physical and spiritual corruption, with the vague notion floating around that "the protagonist" smacked one until it gave up and let them use it like a Venom symbiote suit without negative effects.

The dream was following a group of superheroes (exactly who varied constantly as dreams often do, but the cartoon Teen Titans featured repeatedly, along with at least one other Robin, Zatanna, a few Harry Potter characters, and some guy who had an egg-sized superball that he'd bounce and catch as the physical mnemonic of casting something rather than incanting or waving a wand, mostly invisible effects or teleports - that guy was cool, I'm going to keep him in mind for other storytelling possibilities) who had little trouble beating on them until they burst into a little puff of smoke and dispersed, except for the team knucklehead.

He(?) grabbed one and mashed it around like silly putty saying "Huh? No I'm fine, see?" when told that kills people, before eating it to see if it gave them any useful new powers. They decided that it maybe increased already super-healing by a tiny bit, and that the Noise's mind was really simple but lasted long enough after his power devoured its physical form to tell that all it wanted was to be part of something stronger, like himself, so it was happy and he wouldn't need to worry about picking up any weird habits or cravings from it.

Now, there's several different settings who call their weird aliens "noise" - one of the Kamen Riders, I think Symphogear, another anime I think was called Listeners, Noiseman Sound Insect, at least two or three more, and there's obvious shades of RWBY's Grimm and Kingdom Hearts' Heartless as well, but do they sound like anything familiar from a single source? I rarely remember so much detail about generic dream-critters, that's why I think it may be drawing on something I've otherwise forgotten. Highly unlikely to be any western media from the last twenty-something years, as I haven't even owned a TV since 1999 and pretty much only go for anime digitally.

IIRC, didn't the DS game 'The World Ends With You' or some such have enemies called Noise?
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Quite possible, but I'm certain I never played it, or even saw anything of it besides a picture of a sword used as a background image for a couple of songs from the soundtrack posted by uSpuds.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
(08-22-2024, 09:37 AM)zojojojo Wrote: i had a weird dream that may make a decent story, so here goes:

The Dursleys, in their further attempts to "de-freak" Harry, manage to get him enrolled in a school with a reputation for violence and fights. It really is a school with violence and fights between students, and Harry ends up using accidental magic to escape and evade, and generally tries to fade into the background, making no friends. One of the kids notices, and tells his parents about this weird kid in school and the weird stuff that happens around him. Enter the PLOT TWIST! This is a feeder school for a sooper-seekrit spy organization and all the parents are in on it! The parents realize that this may finally be their in to the magical society! The parents instruct their kid to make friends with Harry and concoct a Plan to recruit him as an asset to get more info on Magicals, but the kids actually get on like a house on fire and all sorts of hilarity ensues, both in this mundane school and eventually at Hogwarts. Hermoine gets sucked into both sides and Ron gets confused but learns a lot....

The spy school reminds me of Diane Castle's Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived
The difference to the above is that there is no magic at all in that universe.
This is the Alex Mack / Terawatt universe.
Web Home
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
(08-23-2024, 01:49 AM)aku Wrote: The spy school reminds me of Diane Castle's Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived
The difference to the above is that there is no magic at all in that universe.
This is the Alex Mack / Terawatt universe.

There was definitely a bit of that, but not quite as much "replacement of magical society" but more like a corpo school from cyberpunk 2077, but spies (and therefore not known to the general public)
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
There is one running on Spacebattles too: Magical Espionage Action (Harry Potter/Metal Gear Solid):
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
RE: Fic Request/Bunny Farm
Just playing with myself a little


A simple mission to move a museum ship to safe harbour had just turned deadly.

The Ensign in Command of the Enterprise punched a few parameters into the console of the Captain's chair. The words didn't come to his lips naturally.

The computer, it's databanks having access to the combined histories of a hundred Federation worlds, thought a moment, before delivering a speech with the required parameters. Something inspiring, something which reflected the gravity of their situation, and which could call on the legacy of the ship's name itself to do what needed to be done.

All he had to do was key open the 1MC, and broadcast it to the ship with the sort of confidence a true captain could muster.

And not an ensign from Jadotville who thought he'd lucked into a cushy cruise in a famous museum ship.

"All decks. This is the Bridge. We've just received word from Starfleet. Three Dominion raiders have been sighted, heading in our direction. They're expected within the hour. We cannot outrun them. They will catch us before Starfleet can arrive. I don't need to tell you what that means."

He took a breath.

"I've discussed it with the other Captains. The museum fleet will continue to Starbase 8 as planned at their best possible speed, along with the New Jersey. We will not be joining them. We will turn around. We will engage the Dominion and we will buy time for the fleet to escape and rescue to come."

The entire ship turned silent as a tomb, only the faint whirr of air moving through the ventilation ducts and the chirp of the computer giving any hint of life.

"This will be a fight against overwhelming odds and survival is not likely. But every minute we stay in the fight is another two billion kilometres the fleet is closer to help."

The computer recommended he firm up his tone. Be more certain.

"The Enterprise is an old ship with a long and storied legacy. So there is no misunderstanding, we are writing the last chapter in that legacy today. Let us make this an ending worthy of her name. Bridge out. "

For the first time, he found himself able to sit in the Captain's chair.

The last arse to sit in the chair a century before had belonged Captain James T. Kirk, Starfleet legend. The last log entry remained in the console, waiting for the next crew to carry on its legacy. Ensign Felix Tchombe felt the megaton weight of it all settle on his shoulders. He would be the one who brought it all to an end.

A single message from Starfleet had turned a simple mission to move a museum ship to a safer harbour, into certain death for all involved. What would Kirk have done? Something smarter then he could manage, maybe. Something that could save the ship, the crew, the entire fleet? He only knew the Enterprise was the one ship with active phaser banks.

It felt right.

It meant their doom.

Kobayashi Maru, he thought.

"I was thinking of my son," said Sergei, snapping him out of it. "What he would say if he were here."

Felix looked at the old Chief manning the tactical console, still in his civilian clothes.

"Today would be a good day to die." Sergei said, a wry smile crawling across his lips. His expression saddened. "Of course, it will be hard on his mother. She was why I left Starfleet in the first place. Now, that's a story for another time and...." he took a breath. "I guess it will have to wait."

Sergei would not ask to leave the ship. Sergei would stay. All the way.

"Thank you, Sergei," Felix said, after a moment. He could think of nothing else to say.

"It's no great thing," the man shrugged. "I've known men who were ordered to their deaths," he said. "It's part of the life in Starfleet. When it comes down to it, the order is just a formality, to confirm what that man already knew in his heart and what he already knew he would have to do, and would've done anyway. The order is just permission to go, and an absolution from wondering if there ever was a better option."

"I've no such absolution."

"That is the burden of command."

Felix took a breath. A little more certain this was the right course of action. A little more convinced of its necessity. He thought, maybe, he'd have time to write a short message to explain himself.

The comm panel on the Captain's chair chirped.

"Engineering. Standing by for orders, Captain." The absolute certainty in the engineer's voice set Felix on course. This was the right thing to do. An old engineer still new how to babysit the occupier of the big chair. "And if you care to listen to an old retired engineer who has a passing familiarity with Constitution class starships, I might have a way to make this battle a wee bit less hopeless."

Of course Montgomery Scott might have an idea.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.

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