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utility (transmute space gear) The Alien by Dream Theater
utility (transmute space gear) The Alien by Dream Theater
It's a little short (for Dream Theater) at "only" nine and a half minutes, but despite what a first glance might suggest, I see this more as a utility song than another spaceflight power as such - the repeating theme here is "now with the means to expand" more than anything else, which to me says logistics and support effects. Since conjured material tends to vanish when the song providing it ends or is interrupted, I instead propose a transformative effect, letting Doug change existing materials within his AoE into any piece of gear he can understand at least the working principles of (the more detail he has and can visualize, the faster it works, the less input material quality matters, and more durable the result) and which he can persuade himself is justifiable as part of a space colony mission's equipment list, from pre-launch training to self sufficiency.

Obviously he's not going to be providing a meaningful population's worth of gear without a large investment in time and materials even with the whole length of the song every day, but to make a set of space suits before all the air is sucked out of the room, repair or place that one critical gadget in a pinch, or provide samples and study materials to use and duplicate them, it's just the thing. (Or for outfitting a place to live while he tries to find a portal song out of empty or post-apocalyptic Earths, for that matter.)

‎noli esse culus

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